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🧵 I can’t fight

Anonymous No. 185175

I got concussed while boxing and am realising how easily I can fuck up my life over a hobby with a high-paying desk job, mum to take care of etc. On the flip side I feel like a bitch for backing down from fighting. I know that for my health’s sake I shouldn’t fight but as a man I feel incomplete without this skill. How do i deal with this?

Anonymous No. 185180

Yeah I know that feel. Did you get a concussion in training or a comp? I train judo and got a nasty concussion in competition was the worst injury of my life. I also realized I have people I need to support outside of this hobby. It wasn't easy but I chose to stop competing as opposed to outright quitting. The risks just aren't worth it to me desu.

>as a man I feel incomplete without this skill
Learn how to grapple. Less concussions (especially bjj) and better than striking.

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Anonymous No. 185198

>just learn this shit that is a terrible idea in any self-defense scenario with unknown factors
I hate you people so much. Distance > clinching. Not saying grappling doesn't have it's time & place but basic wrestling is all you need. Takedowns > submissions. The only lesson of universal value in BJJ is escapes & you can learn that from wrestling.
What you just described is basically how styles like Goju-Ryu came to exist. There are many ways to practice martial arts. More than one way to toughen up.

Anonymous No. 185237

Like the other guy said, you can train something in some way that scratches that itch. 6 months ago I smashed my ribs in a botched takedown, trying to ramp up my training for competition. Wife and kids had to wait on me hand and foot for a week or two, work suffered, and the pain was pretty intense. I still train at about the same frequency, but my intensity and aggression during rolls has been reduced. Minor injuries have been greatly reduced since and I've actually learned faster than before. It's still definitely possible to get injured, but I feel like I've lowered the risk to acceptable levels for now.

Get a gun if you're worried about a million hypothetical fight scenarios.

Anonymous No. 185262

It’s over. You won’t be able to fend off the hordes of bad guys that you regularly face as part of your job as an international superspy for MI6.

Anonymous No. 185263

>Get a gun if you're worried about a million hypothetical fight scenarios.
Yeah cause it's suuuuuch a stretch of the imagination. Yeah obviously a gun is legit the best choice. Too bad if you live anywhere in the western world, theres a 50/50 chance you get off or get thrown in jail/shot by cops depending on your skin color. You need more than just the 'nuclear' option in self defense & BJJ is a shit choicr. Stop coping. You don't train anything effective, you get useless workout rolling around in sweaty embrace with dudes. Fag shit.

Anonymous No. 185296

Striking is a joke. If you can't grapple, you can't fight. It is quite literally as simple as that.
>duhhh but what if he has a knife
Then one of the most worthless martial arts in the world (boxing) isn't going to help you either you retard.

Anonymous No. 185313

If you really need a cope line, from a health perspective a couple of short term boxing injuries beats dying of a heart attack on the couch at 40.
However, I get the impression that you're not doing it because you enjoy it and if that's the case you really should just quit and take up a sport you actually enjoy.

Anonymous No. 185322

>blah blah cope blah blah
Whatever fag roller. Didn't say grappling was pointless, said your particular brand is basically snake oil. Never give up distance & always make distance quick as you can. That ain't BJJ, bitch.
Lots of people train some form of self-defense without loving the act. Still an essential skill. But yeah, if this is supposed to be fun & it isn't, just get a gun.

Anonymous No. 185368

I don't know why you're so obsessed with BJJ. I'm >>185180 and I literally train judo. In a global context, when you say "grappling" the most popular options are judo and wrestling; BJJ is a niche, fringe grappling sport on the global scale. Grappling doesn't only mean BJJ.

Anonymous No. 185442

Do Judo instead of BJJ, stand up grappling is important, BJJ generally doesn't teach you shit. Sparring Judo is more safer than BJJ as well.

Anonymous No. 185450

>Sparring Judo is more safer than BJJ as well
I think statistically BJJ has a lower injury rate than Judo. But I wouldn't be surprised if the injuries were on average more serious

Anonymous No. 185460

>don't know why you're so obsessed with BJJ
>Learn how to grapple. Less concussions (especially bjj) and better than striking.
Why are you acting like you didn't bring it up first & suggested it?

Anonymous No. 185506

Why are you in every thread posting the same picture

Anonymous No. 185507

Video* xD

Anonymous No. 185606

You can still practice other martial arts without doing any hard sparring or dumb shit, and you can try becoming a coach or something else that focuses on the hobby. But at the end of the day you just have to accept the fact you will have to stop at some point, fighting is cool but I'm sure you can find other stuff to replace it if needed. Take care of yourself and your mum, faggot.