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Anonymous No. 186102

Just watched a video where it said you can't learn wrestling going only once or twice a week

Is that true? My gym only offers two sessions a week...

Anonymous No. 186103

It depends what standard he was talking about. You can become halfway decent at grappling with that frequency, and that's a damn sight better than untrained. But can you be a proper wrestler with actually scary ability? Probably not. You'll always be scrubby compared to a real wrestler with that frequency.

Wrestlers have psychotic discipline and commitment though and it's instilled in them at a young age. If you're a normal guy with a job and other hobbies I wouldn't let it bother you.

Anonymous No. 186104

You can, it'll just take longer than a guy going 5 days a week.

Anonymous No. 186106

If I rode a bike once a day every week for 3 years, I would learn to ride a bike over time. If I rode a bike every day for 3 years, I would learn to ride a bike over time but in less time.

Anonymous No. 186112

You can absolutely learn any martial art going once or twice a week as a hobbyist. It’s not enough if you want to be a serious pro or semi pro competitor. I don’t know where people get this idea where unless you train like a maniac going to the Olympics then you’re not actually doing the sport

Anonymous No. 186114

It was this video

The guy is a very well known martial artist who specialises in self defence street stuff. He says at 44:20 you're not going to be able to use this stuff if you only do this twice a week

Very concerning.

Anonymous No. 186115

Most coaches have absolutely no idea how to instruct or structure a wrestling schedule outside of the scholastic week. High school, college, club, etc. It's all based around the M-F schedule of a student. Almost everyone making videos comes out of that structure and they don't even know it.

Anonymous No. 186116

My local grappling gym has two sessions a week. I want to join but I'm scared its all going to be seasoned greek maniacs who will suplex me on my head

Anonymous No. 186117

>specialises in self defence street stuff.
The chiropractors of martial arts

Anonymous No. 186120

This guy is legit though

Anonymous No. 186126

I did, started at 25, now I'm 29.

Anonymous No. 186127

How confident do you feel in your skills? Ever had to use them?
Any injuries?

Anonymous No. 186128

Compared to who? The general public, I could wrestle anyone. People in my gym, I'm one of the better wrestlers but still get beat. Against an Olympian I'd get mangled.
Never used them in a street fight if that's what you mean, nor am I planning to use them but it's a massive part of my bjj and I couldn't imagine bjj without it.
Injuries are just random, like popping a hip flexor or doing my back but nothing that's taken me out for more than a few weeks.

Anonymous No. 186129

>The guy is a very well known martial artist
He’s a “literally who” to me
>specializes in self defense street stuff
So a retard with no record or credibility banking on hypotheticals instead of practical victories? Sounds like the kind of guy I want to take advice from

Anonymous No. 186130

Sounds like a good group to learn from

Anonymous No. 186131

I guarantee there will be 2 real wrestlers tops (one of them being the coach) and the rest are going to be BJJfags looking to improve their stand up. Actual wrestlers who want to keep on wrestling instead of switching to something else are all in semi-exclusive wrestling clubs that only wrestlers are a part of.

Anonymous No. 186133

Pretty sure he's referring to the more complex suplexes and high amplitude stuff. The stuff he shows in the first half is bread & butter basics that anybody can learn.

Anonymous No. 186135

The guy has worked as a bouncer for years and been involved in hundreds of fights and altercations, he has a broken nose, cauliflower ears (inb4) and has trained all the main martial arts i.e boxing, muay Thai, wrestling, black belt in judo and karate

He has then written several books about the reality of confrontation, psychology and the mental and physical responses to combat. Really interesting stuff and clearly an extremely intelligent man

Then gone on to open his own gym where real combat took place, boxing, wrestling, judo etc people walking around with gi's soaked in blood

The fact you only know the MMA fighter of the week doesn't make you an expert on anything. And you would be wise to learn from people like this who walked the walk and talk the talk.

He states that training etc can mean fuck all in reality. He's seen pro boxers knocked out and other martial artists beaten because self defence is a different game altogether and you need to adjust.

I was just surprised when he said you can't learn wrestling by only going two days a week.

Now before your fat neckbeard quivers with rage and you type some more ignorant stupidity, educate yourself

Anonymous No. 186138

Being a bouncer is exactly the opposite of a real fight
It's a 5 man dog pile on one drunk faggot

I could tell he was full of bologna in the opening when they were practicing walking backwards saying I don't want any trouble! While another guy angrily walks towards them
If someone aggressively comes up in your face like that you just crack him
You are morally and legally in the right to do that, there's no requirement that someone hits you first or whatever BS these gurus like to teach

If a guy swaggers up OI THE FOOK YOU SAY BOUT ME MUM-ack!
That's how it goes for him

Anonymous No. 186139

>If someone aggressively comes up in your face like that you just crack him

That's exactly what he recommends.
Look I'm not going to try and talk down to you but I really recommend you watch some of his shorter videos where he talks about how self defence can be summed up in one line : strike first and strike hard

He really was ahead of his time, he's like that Chinese guy who goes around bashing traditional martial artists to prove it doesn't work.

I discovered this guy years ago and only got a chance to watch some of his grappling videos today. He has been in countless 1v1 fights and seen the worst of humanity so knows what works. His book " fear - the friend of exceptional people" is also a great read.

Anonymous No. 186156

>muh bouncing
Opinion discarded. Every “self defense” instructor says they were a fucking bouncer. I worked in bars for years, most bouncers can’t fucking fight any better than anyone else. They’re hired solely based on how big and fat they are

Anonymous No. 186199

That's because you worked in a hipster craft beer bar

Anonymous No. 186219

Dive bars don’t hire high quality people you tard

Anonymous No. 186231

> Heh who the fuck is Charles Bronson/Lenny McLean/Geoff Thompson? Never heard of them?

>I will surely beat them all with my superior training, I have a taekwondo blue belt
>None of them even had an MMA fight I don't think they could beat anyone up

you couldn't fight a starving Ethiopian. Let alone the average bouncer working in a rough pub. Now run along and stop trying to get Street cred for your Part time barcade job where half the customers had pink hair

Anonymous No. 186232

>some bouncers are also accomplished martial artists
>that means every fat drunk on the job retard at a dive bar is basically bas rutten
What do you think the interview process is like for a bouncer? Do you think they have to prove themselves in a 100 man kumite death match? No you get hired for being big. That’s literally it.
>street cred
that fact that this is something you care about is embarrassing on your part.

Anonymous No. 186233

you live in video game world and are too ignorant to even talk to. You're just talking nonsense for the sake of it

>Uhhhh, he's not legit! Just cuz he was a doorman with countless fights, trained in boxing, wrestling, judo black belt and ran his own martial arts gym doesn't mean anything!! He doesn't know about what works!!!

Anonymous No. 186234

Bouncing isn't fighting, and people that say they've been in hundreds of street fights are lying just like rickson gracie that counts sparring in the gym towards his fight record

Anonymous No. 186239

>trained in boxing, wrestling
You can do something for a day and say you’ve trained in it
>black belt in judo
No we’re getting somewhere but that doesn’t mean he’s any good as a fighter or coach. You can get a black belt without ever competing
>ran his own martial arts gym
Do you think owning a strip mall karate dojo makes someone an expert in fighting? I don’t.

Anonymous No. 186240

it makes me wonder, why does the strip mall in particular make things illegitimate
what are the particular qualities of the strip mall where you know you're getting a poor experience
is it because it's cheaper to operate out of one and those cost cutting measures are present throughout the experience?
perhaps it's the lack of usable space?

my boss bought a building to use as a storage warehouse which isn't in an industrial area, it's on a main street and it's down the block from the retail store so that's why she got it
and since she didn't need the parking lot she sold the parking lot off to a trucking company, and now she has outgrown this building and is looking for another
man was that a poor choice, imagine having your own building AND parking lot, such a commodity
I would've rented it but now it's worthless and a poor business move in general

she's cheap which is why she sold the parking lot. Well now she's gone and completely devalued the building and wont get anything for it

Anonymous No. 186243

Do you have autism? People bring up strip malls as a joke there’s a high Quantity of low quality martial arts schools who rent out cheap spaces at strip malls.

It’s not about the strip mall, it’s about the people working out of then

Anonymous No. 186254

Look I'm not going to argue with severely depressed contrarians. You clearly haven't had a job where people are regularly trying to injure/kill you.

Stick to what you know because you don't know much about the reality of fighting outside your patty cake muay Thai cardio kickboxing sparring, if that

If you want to educate yourselves watch his videos or even just read what he says about fighting and combat in general. You won't be able to refute anything he says, he's far too smart and knows too much about reality. You are a coddled manchild who plays bibeogaymes and has never knocked out another person. Of course you will have the dunning Kruger effect

>A doorman who has been in countless life or death situations and been attacked with weapons and groups of people and has the scars to prove it doesn't know anything about fighting! I know more because I started training last month!

Do you know how stupid you sound

Anonymous No. 186255


This is just a short video of the sort of stuff he has done. It's basically MMA but realistic and he knows what works for reality instead of a sports match

Let me guess you know better and could beat him up with your muay Thai high kicks lmao

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Anonymous No. 186256

>calls Muay Thai “paddy cake”
>follows up with “educate yourself”
Lmfao, go back to r*ddit, nerd
>A doorman who has been in countless life or death situations
Holy shit lol, my sides can only take so much.
>some drunk guy took a swing at me and missed before he fell over and I tossed him out. My fucking life was on the line!
That’s how 99% of “bouncer fights” go.

Anonymous No. 186257

>it’s mma but REALISTIC
>it’s just a bunch of sloppy kickboxing and bad grappling
It’s no MMA but with bad because their coach is bad and doesn’t teach how to fight with precision. Also calling your sparring sessions “animal day” is maximum fucking cringe.

Anonymous No. 186258

Nobody is trying to kill a door man
Security is a safe as fuck profession

Anonymous No. 186261

That's how 99% of bouncer fights go in your imaginary videogame anime world. If you go out you will know people lose eyes and get their faces smashed in with broken pint glasses. Or even worse you get knocked over and suddenly have multiple people trying to stamp on your head

>That muay Thai pic
Is that who you think you are lmao?

>Muh cringe
let me guess you think it would sound cool if it was called super Xtreme kamehameha fighting

That's how sparring 100% looks, it's messy when you have minimal rules. of course your "light rolls go easy bro be careful don't hurt me" won't understand that

Dumb fuck lmao. Can you believe some skinnyfat neckbeards think they know more about violence than people who lived it for years. Comedy gold

Anonymous No. 186262

>Security is a safe as fuck profession

Depends where you work. Some pussy hipster bar, low test music bar or supermarket? Yeah maybe

Rough places you will get demolished unless you are ruthless. Just search doorman killed into Google lmao. You are dealing with the worst of humanity. Drunk and angry thugs/criminals

Anonymous No. 186264

>imaginary videogame anime world
I didn’t realize real life was imaginary
> you go out you will know people lose eyes and get their faces smashed in with broken pint glasses. Or even worse you get knocked over and suddenly have multiple people trying to stamp on your head
Lmao, you realize your outing yourself as a fucking shut in right? A night bar hopping is not like walking into a warzone where everyone starts trying to cut each others throats at the drop of a hat.
>Is that who you think you are
That is what Muay Thai is.
>let me guess you think it would sound cool if it was called super Xtreme kamehameha fighting
no retard, just call it what it is, sparring
>that’s how sparring 100% looks
Not when you actually know what the fuck you’re doing. Any decent amatuer mma fighter would’ve pieced any of those guys up.

Anonymous No. 186268

Goes to show how sheltered you are or what a coddled suburban little place you grew up in. Contrary to your little pillow puff life there are rough places and towns where people get hurt weekly
Modern muay Thai is mostly for hipsters and Tik tok women lmfao
>Duhhh duh emm emm ayy!

Dunning kruger

Anonymous No. 186271

>Dunning kruger
Ironic coming from an RBSD larp commando. You’re trying too hard.

Anonymous No. 186277

some of the lowest quality martial arts discussion i've seen in years in this thread. good work guys

Anonymous No. 186300

>Fat manchild armchair experts that have never knocked another man out , yet know everything about fighting

Sad. Many such cases!

Anonymous No. 186309

Except I have though, many combat sports athletes have. You keep coming up with weird assumptions about everyone who disagrees with you. Are you schizophrenic?

Anonymous No. 186325

You keep coming up with weird assumptions about someone who's clearly spent their life pursuing martial arts training as well as real life application. Are you mentally ill?

Anonymous No. 186334

You posted a video of his “animal day” and all his fighters look like shit. I’m not assuming anything the guy can’t coach.

Anonymous No. 186347

Sports fighting isn't real unarmed combat. It's a sport. If you want to play MMA sparring or trade strike spar politely it looks all nice and clean. You allow no gloves, clothes, surprise attacks, it looks messy. You don't know what you're talking about and would get clowned by any of those guys because you basically live in fantasy fairy land with zero real experience and they dont

I don't even know what youre arguing about now. Just a contrarian neckbeard armchair expert

>"The guy doesn't know what he's talking about"
Literally has cauli ear and hundreds of fights on mats and outside in the street
>B-but that doesn't count! He didn't train under Gracie and have a black belt!
>H-he only knocked out hundreds of regular angry thugs, not pro MMA fighters!
>Training only counts if you have a black belt!

Lmfao. Worse than tma a clown

Anonymous No. 186349

Imagine out of shape neckbeards who still play videogames and jerk off will criticize someone who was knocked out people as his career for years in order to get their dopamine hits on an anime forum lmfao

Only posted short clips as I know you have attention issues, and bare in mind this stuff was released before the internet took off. Truly a pioneer