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🧵 We need to make Skateboarding this again

Anonymous No. 186489

Modern skateboarding fucking sucks. Everyone skates like a robot: same tricks, same style (both clothing and trick execution), everyone at the skateparks are way too serious and tryhard. Nobody carves or has any real style, just the same in-line tight truck 5 approved tricks tried endlessly in a row.

How do we make skateboarding like 1988-1992 again? Bright day glo colors, giant ass fish boards with rails, tricks that are whatever the fuck you felt like doing that day and who fucking cares if you drag a hand or a toe as long as you surf out of it. People used to all have a sense of humor and goof around and improvise halfway through a trick, not stand around like soulless autistic robots and give up if the autism flip didn't land perfect in the sperg grind. And for the love of fuck, they listened to ROCK and METAL, not this horseshit faggot ass trap music rap bullshit.

Skateboarding used to be rad as fuck and whatever gay shit it is today isn't worth being around. I don't see any tricks around today that weren't being done back then, it just had more pizzaz then.

Like, watch this part and tell me you aren't 1000x more amped to skate than some bullshit dropped today:

Fuck modern skateboarding, make skateboarding rad again.

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Anonymous No. 186490


Anonymous No. 186510

lol angry boomer post

Anonymous No. 186513

there's no way this isn't pasta

Anonymous No. 186524

Go have your bottom surgery, fags.

Anonymous No. 186530

lol go take a nap grandpa

Anonymous No. 186533

This old ass nigga is right tho

Anonymous No. 186535

not even in the slightest

Anonymous No. 186539

>Everyone skates like a robot: same tricks, same style (both clothing and trick execution), everyone at the skateparks are way too serious and tryhard. Nobody carves or has any real style, just the same in-line tight truck 5 approved tricks tried endlessly in a row.
Way to out yourself right at the very start. You don't skate.

Anonymous No. 186541

Yeah, ok, I guess I’ve been rollerboarding these last 25 years…õ_ō

Anonymous No. 186542


Anonymous No. 186547

seems like it honestly. only a rollerblader would be so nostalgic for the 80s and 90s

Anonymous No. 186548

Is this the new esg

Anonymous No. 186549

I said “rollerboarding” you dyslexic illiterate.

Don’t you have a skatepark to go to and stare at the ground, not talk to anyone, then try the same trick 600 times only involving the 3 state-approved flip tricks and grinds while wearing black, dark brown, or gray pants, hoodie, and beanie or volley hat? Fucking faggot ass robots.

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Anonymous No. 186551


Anonymous No. 186554

I like how nothing ITT even attempted to refute anything I’ve said, just more “YoU’Re a BoOmEr”, which doesn’t even make sense since this is a 100% Gen X era of skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 186555

why would anyone waste their time trying to argue with some old retard running off blind nostalgia

Anonymous No. 186565

>Why would someone try to make a losing argument when modern skateboarding is worse in every way than 88-92 skateboarding

Fair point.

Seriously, go watch any video from the late 80's and 90's on or before 92 and see how much more fun everyone seems to be having. Ever since everyone is just angry, pedantic, and tryhard or flat out kooks doing bullshit tricks like "strawberry milkshakes".

Anonymous No. 186571

>Ever since everyone is just angry, pedantic, and tryhard or flat out kooks doing bullshit tricks like "strawberry milkshakes".

be the change you wanna see faggot

Anonymous No. 186572

I am, it takes more than one guy to Make Skateboarding Great Again, that’s why I’m here making this thread.

Anonymous No. 186576

youre not gonna change skateboarding culture on here retard

Anonymous No. 186577

Yeah, you’re right, saying things nowhere changes them o_O

🗑️ Anonymous No. 186578

>faggot too self conscious to go and skate how he want needs entire culture to change to accept him being a faggot
fuck off retard you probably just suck. Modern skating is gay as fuck and been corporatized to hell but that doesn't mean you have to become a bitch too.

Anonymous No. 186583

plenty of people skate like this. people on esg just have shit taste. for example check out the PNW scene. look up dope planet magazine etc they all skate like the late 80s

Anonymous No. 186585

>Modern skateboarding fucking sucks
theres too many browns and niggers.

Anonymous No. 186602

And trannies and women

Anonymous No. 186635

Almost, but where’s the day glo and fish boards? It’s a package deal. You can’t watch an 80’s Powell video and tell me that doesn’t look like the most fun events ever. You need all the pieces. There is no good reason we can’t get down like that anymore.

Anonymous No. 186658

>There is no good reason we can’t get down like that anymore.
you can "get down" however you want nobody is stopping you

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Anonymous No. 186720

It's only fun if everyone is on board.

Like, imagine liking football and you show up and it's just you in an empty stadium holding a football vs. two full teams and a crowd in the stands.

Tell me this doesn't look way more fun than any modern contest:

Show me one god damn blown out middle aged woman smoking like that at a skate event today.

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Anonymous No. 186721

This is radder than any magazine cover for the last 32 years, minimum.

Anonymous No. 186722

My bad, smoking was at 9:40

Anonymous No. 186728

>It's only fun if everyone is on board.
you sound like a lonely loser

Anonymous No. 186732

Tha fuck kind of Reddit-ass response is that?

Things are more fun as a group, who woulda thunk it?

Anonymous No. 186733

seems like you're too self conscious to do the type of skating you think is cool.

Anonymous No. 186734

This shit is corny. Cool for the time I guess. Do whatever you want.

Anonymous No. 186736

I do, why do you think I'm trying to talk to other people about it and get them interested?

But no, this is 4chan "I won't do what you tell me dad".com

Anonymous No. 186739

>But no, this is 4chan "I won't do what you tell me dad".com
you are making no sense. there are no rules in skateboarding, dress however you want, skate however you want, its not like your gonna be filming a part or are trying to get recognized so the only person stopping you is yourself.

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Anonymous No. 186741

What part of this are you missing that I am trying to expose people to the superior way things were instead of the shitty way they are now? I don't live where you live, you won't see me at the skatepark, but I can show you how much better things were and hope you see what I see in it. I'm not trying to fucking skate like the 80's in an empty skatepark by myself, I'm trying to make people realize modern skateboarding fucking sucks and isn't fun and it would be fun again if they got on board with what I'm talking about.

Pic related, these dudes had more fun in one day than all of the tryhard fags in the last 30 years have had altogether.

Anonymous No. 186744

so the entire point of this thread is so you can spam 80s pics and bitch and moan about modernity through an autistic nostalgic lens?

>I'm not trying to fucking skate like the 80's in an empty skatepark by myself
Why not? What do you do then? Do you just not skate? Do you practice the 3 government approved flip tricks and do tech shit on ledges like you think everyone else restricts themselves to?

Anonymous No. 186846

Clearly I'm in the company of some faggot ass robots that actually likes this autistic shitfest that is modern skateboarding, so whatever, enjoy your robot tricks, dorks.

Anonymous No. 186853

you didnt answer any of my questions. you just want to be an angry faggot. im grilling you because I have a friend who rides old school style shaped decks, looks the part with the shorts above the knees, bright colors, fanny pack, etc, does the kooky 80s tricks and nobody in our friend group cares cause thats his thing, thats what he thinks is cool, do we joke about it behind his back? yeah, but we all respect him for doing his thing. in fact hes just like you in that he talks the most shit about doing tech ledge shit while half the tricks he does involve flipping the board around in his hands with both feet on the ground, but at least he fucking does his thing while it seems like you're too scared to.

Anonymous No. 186859

You asked rhetorical questions, faggot. And yes I fucking do it anyway. I don't necessarily want two-feet-on-the-ground-hand-spin-flips, that's still kook shit. Watch actual contests from the late 80's until 92 and you'll see plenty of tricks that still comply with modern rules (not just standing around spinning your board with your hands), but it's the overall vibe that sucks now and the absolute fear of skating something that isn't a court appointed grind obstacle TM.

Anonymous No. 186867

I wasnt asking rhetorical questions though, if thats what you thought they were then you really are just battling your own mental. You seem to have a limited view of whats cool and thats just lame.

Anonymous No. 186951

You are missing the biggest part of the entire point: the entire *gestalt* of skateboarding sucks now.

I'm not saying don't do flip tricks, or don't do grinds, and honestly even the double kicktail board is not the problem, it's the fact that skateboarding has turned from a really fun over-the-top improvisational vibe into a super strict, almost funeral procession-like activity with none of the fun it once had.

Again, go watch some videos from 89-91 like Hocus Pocus, Ban This, Propaganda, etc. (all on youtube btw) and compare it to a video or what you see at the skatepark today. The entire experience is completely different and it's all for the worse.

Anonymous No. 186973

he's right. /esg/ is filled with newfag normies with terrible taste in skateboarding

Anonymous No. 187077

>skateboarding was only cool for 2 years

Anonymous No. 187098

>Doesn’t understand the difference between “only cool” and “coolest”

Have you not heard people say how they prefer 90’s cars, etc? It’s when it peaked, retard, not 100% or 0%

Anonymous No. 187145

no thanks, i for one am glad skateboarding is whack again, the parks will be empty.

Anonymous No. 187170

You misspelled "closed down due to lack of utilization"

Anonymous No. 187202

9/10 times my local is empty on a Sunday afternoon these days. Two years ago there was no hope of such luck. Skateboarding needs to go the way of roller blading.

Anonymous No. 187253

It needs to become gay?

(In all seriousness, I think we were too hard on rollerbladers, it’s easier obstacle for obstacle, sure, but it was actually a good entry point with a lower skill floor than skateboards. Scooters, on the other hand, all of that is 100% gay as fuck)

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Anonymous No. 189469

>it's Friday afternoon
>school is out
>it's 69 degrees (nice) and sunny with a gentle breeze and low humidity
>it's time to shred

Name a better vibe.

Hint: you can't

This part may be like 47 mute grabs and one kickflip, but it gets me more pumped to skate than any modern skate video part.

Anonymous No. 190063

Based beyond belief

Anonymous No. 190571

Ayo, Frankaaaaay

Anonymous No. 190575

Here (a college town) skateboarding is uncool, longboarding is the thing though. No tricks ar anything just longboard in a line and maybe turn.

Anonymous No. 190768

Sounds hella gay.

Anonymous No. 190798

must be some shit ass college lol. longboarding is scene as gay nerd autist shit anywhere

Anonymous No. 191289

gay autist shit indeed

Anonymous No. 191299

>Here in faggotville

Anonymous No. 194811

Where does one buy a celebrity tropical fish?

These no name tropical fish are wack.

Anonymous No. 195597

This shit had a comeback in 2012 - 2014 with Welcome and then nobody gave a shit. 99% of videos from this era suck apart from Video Days and anything with Jeremy Klein

Anonymous No. 195705

Skill issue. Tony Hawk did it.

Anonymous No. 195904

Can mods incorporate this to the /esg/? This is a great post.

Anonymous No. 195905

>strawberry milkshakes

It's called Pure Butter and weren't you the one who posted, and I quote

>tricks that are whatever the fuck you felt like doing that day


Anonymous No. 196902

I never really get the hate against longboarding desu. I do both, but most of the time prefer to longboard. It's just way more convenient to get around. But then again it could just be a burgerland thing where the culture is different on that regard with no way to get to places other then a car.

Anonymous No. 196959

lol why the fuck would you use a longboard to get around they are big and heavy AF? u can just put soft big wheels on a small board.... this is why longboarders get so much hate. people like you. The best board to just get around is the smallest board possible (even smaller than a normal street trick board)

Anonymous No. 196973

Thoughts on penny boards? I think they are fun and chill af

Anonymous No. 196977

>It's just way more convenient to get around.
longboarders need to stop with this retarded meme they came up with to justify their gayness. Its simply not true. your board is bigger, heavier, cant be popped and cant fucking turn/maneuver. when you go to pick it up every 5 minutes to cross the street or go down/up a curb you look like a fag in some prison showers picking up soap.

>Thoughts on penny boards?
retarded plastic shit for kids who shop at pac sun/zumies and just got dropped off at the mall with 50 dollars and need a prop to walk around with to differentiate them from all the other kids at the mall who are also wearing weed socks.

if you wanna cruise get a cruiser you can actually pop and do some shit on. if you need to actually get places get a fucking bicycle. its easy as fuck to bungee cord a board to a bike or a backpack. then youre not tired as shit at the spot/park like my retarded friend who skates 4 miles to the spot and then complains hes tired and doesnt skate.

Anonymous No. 196979

>retarded plastic shit for kids who shop at pac sun/zumies and just got dropped off at the mall with 50 dollars and need a prop to walk around with to differentiate them from all the other kids at the mall who are also wearing weed socks.
I like being a hipster with my penny tho. I look cool af. You just don't get the penny lifestyle. It's about being chill and vibes. When I ride my penny or just look at it it's super cool and I feel cool.

real talk, I'm a beginner and don't even know any tricks. I got the penny to cruise on for under 30 dollars and I was attracted to it because it has rasta colors on it and looks dope. People love the way it looks too and I get compliments. However, it doesn't work well on choppy side walks, so I ordered a landyaghts mini 24 inch dingy. Then someone on ebay offered to sell me a regular 28.5 inch dingy and I got it. Im wiating for them to arrive, the big one might come tomorrow. Soon as I get it and the rain stops I'm starting to learn tricks. I practiced today though flipping my penny board from a staning position to get on it and couldnt do it cause the penny is too bouncy. I heard some people online say cruisers suck cause they are hard to ride, buty apart from it maybe being faster, I cant see how it's gonna be harder to ride than my bendy penny.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous No. 196980

>I got the penny to cruise on for under 30 dollars and I was attracted to it because it has rasta colors on it and looks dope. People love the way it looks too and I get compliments.
i didnt read after this cause your just proving my point

Anonymous No. 196990

I apologize for having fun

Anonymous No. 196991

dont worry about apologizing i dont care what faggots do

Anonymous No. 196995

that's an odd non sequitor, but I hope you learn to care about yourself and what you do.

Anonymous No. 196996

>pennyboarder with faggot redditisms

Anonymous No. 197001

>saying things is reddit

Anonymous No. 197091

>doesnt skate

Anonymous No. 197452

You can do "whatever the fuck you want" that day without it being gay bullshit. Anyone that skates knows the difference between a zero effort bullshit poser trick and just something original.

Anonymous No. 197456

Longboarding is the same as any easily accessible sport, it attracts the kooks. For every gnarly guy there are 1000 mongo pushing college students trying to get that skater pussy. By extension they are ruining our rep with skater pussy because they can't possibly go as raw and rugged as the og forefathers who left us with such a rep.

Anonymous No. 197510

I have a nice skatepark in my town. It's full of kids on Razor scooters but I've never seen a fruit booter there

Anonymous No. 197513

You faggots sound like every sixth grader in 1997 talking about how they are gonna get sponsored

Anonymous No. 197516

kek. the boomer nostalgia tards round here are really annoying. irl I avoid anyone who spouts nonsense like this. but I also will avoid anyone older who tries to talk to me about skating if they don't actively skate. nothing worse than some dude pushing 40 coming up to you at the spot or the bar talking about how they used to be so good, had sponsors/were flow, but had to give it all up because of xyz and havent skated since they were teenagers/early 20s. thats great granpa, no I dont really wanna talk about fulfill the dream or pretty sweet or cairo foster, no I dont care you fs flipped the 7 set around the corner when you were 19. yes, I know what big brother is, yes I know wee man's a skater. oh look there are my friends who are 40 and 42 and still shred and theres the dude whos 36 and skates for the local shop, well it was nice talking to ya guy, have fun living in the past.

Anonymous No. 197517

I'm 40 and just dick around because that, to me, is what skateboarding is.

Anonymous No. 197519

A longboard is fine for getting around flat cities like Milwaukee and Chicago, but even then I preferred my normal deck with fat wheels to carve better

Anonymous No. 197521

thats fine as long as your skating and not living in the past.

>A longboard is fine for getting around flat cities
i still disagree with this because turning/maneuverability sucks and your not gonna be able to hop over shit, up a curb, down a curb.. immediately makes me think of this video

Anonymous No. 197531

>chainlink meme avatar
kek you can leave but you can never check out

Anonymous No. 197570

Guy is talking about someone he meets at a bar, that is "approaching" 40 as a boomer and a grandpa. What a dipshit. Boomers are the children of WW2 veterans. They are 75-85 years old now. Im a 48 year Genx that hasn't had grandchildren yet, but I don't know many that are grandpas before they're 40.

And you're in a bar? You're already out dated for skateboarding and just haven't figured it out yet.

So just go back to the industrial production line of thirty 6 year old's practicing kick flip shovits (thats a trey flip) at your local skate park. You uncoordinated out of shape, computer fat, lazy Millennial, self entitled, can't ever buy a house , can't afford food, always fucking crying, poser.

Any GenX want to entertain themselves. Go watch Tim Pool skate videos. Most fat sloven, stranded mess. Pulling tricks that are awesome, with zero coordination. Thats what skateparks did for us. They gave our children a production line of the best tricks with zero style.

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Anonymous No. 197574

Anonymous No. 198440

but since you used a magazine that contained skate and bmx at one point. have you looked at the state of bmx? absolutely 0 style, just a bunch of mongs begging for the 1 or 2 energy drinks sponsorships whipping and flairing on everything risking becoming a vegetable for less than minimum wage
compared to any other /xs/ skateboarding is doing amazingly well

Anonymous No. 198447

bmxers are so weird, they build the stupidest shit

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Anonymous No. 198450

>Global Chillin'

Anonymous No. 199352

But it is better to get around. At least for longer distances. In my case I regularly board from 5km to 15km and I would never think of taking my tiny ass street skateboard for such trips. How about not projecting your simple minded world vision to every other person? Maybe you will learn when growing up or stay ignorant for the rest of your life.

Anonymous No. 199383

get a bicycle retard

Anonymous No. 199821

gay the ony way is the way of buttery steez like my boy dylan

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Anonymous No. 200428

>Everyone skates like a robot: same tricks, same style
We've got
>those French dudes who put a pair of rotating wheels in the middle of the board to simulate snowboarding
>that guy who cut his deck into 3 pieces and linked them with hinges
>pump track skating
there's lots of diversity going on, look for it, it's not just people doing kickflips

t. cruiser board fag

Anonymous No. 200444

I forgot
>flooded indoor skatepark skimboarding

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Anonymous No. 203651

Agree. I started making boards 6 years ago for this reason. Style is gone not only in skaters but in the boards. Mass produced in foriegn countries by robots for robots.

Anonymous No. 203653

This being said. There are some new skaters that get me stoked. Vert is on it's way back. Those kids are nuts. Matau from Embassy rips. Skateboarding is what you make of it. New skaters don't annoy me as much as the skaters that harp on about having a "safe space". I think the skae scene needs that "skate and destroy" mentallity back. But bitching about how you wish it where the 90s scene again instead of building your scene, holding contests, and influencing it yourself seems kind of silly to me.

Anonymous No. 203679

u like lukas miller? chris millers son. he's insane

Anonymous No. 203833

Are there any YT channels similar to Braille from like 2018, and with less scientology? Since Aaron is now the leader of scientology in the San Francisco bay area, he's basically gave up everything to work for the cult.

Anonymous No. 206590

OP is a based god, zoom-zooms just call him boomer or nostalgic because he insulted their nigger music. speaking of, punk rock is suffering from the same lack of real attitude as skating, and I think they both need a revival. it's nice to see someone on here saying what needs to be said, btw. fuck the trolls and their constant nihilism and faggotry. also, even though >>186571 is an ESL and a fag, he is somewhat right about "being le change." maybe you should start a YouTube channel? I'd sub. shit, if you lived nearby, I'd even help you with A/V shit.

Anonymous No. 206591

meh. the nigger and the name being visible on the 'vette make this feel more like a modern social media post. if you wanna prove your point, find more images of skaters who aren't pretentious faggots and proto-clout-chasers

Anonymous No. 206605

>Zoomies post up
>Go skate obstacle right next to them
>Power sliding around them
>Bail my board into them
Good times, these fags need to lift their chins up

Anonymous No. 207259

What I miss is the 2005-2006 era skate videos where it would be some long haired sick cunts doing big drops and rails and stair sets with metal music

Anonymous No. 207260

that actually looks pretty good

Anonymous No. 208033

>put on neon clothes and a cool helmet
>go to skatepark with old school board
>put on rock music
>do some cool tricks
>come post on /asp/ about it
congrats you saved skateboarding
oh wait no you didnt because you just skipped to the last step

Anonymous No. 209902

cuz longboarders in the US are preppy fags 90% of the time, say what you will about modern skate culture but at least most of the people into it try to learn basic tricks and there's much more of a sense of community

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Anonymous No. 209903

these are yours anon? Sick as hell, once I have some money I might get one cuz I've been wanting a old school shaped board for my cruiser setup

Anonymous No. 209907

it's a shame there was any fighting, skateboarding is coolest but bmx and skaters fought in my town.

Anonymous No. 209908

longboarders are still gay but with boards having motors the longboard is a lot more useful and convenient. If you are considering a motorized bike/scooter/longboard for getting around your shitty little town, the longboard is probably the most portable, easiest to take inside and charge. Aside from that longboarding requires long paths so if you really like longboarding so bike paths and also beaches are often good, the beach side of the road is often an uninterrupted sidewalk

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Anonymous No. 210434


Anonymous No. 210435

But what if you'd use the skateboard as a longboard: