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Anonymous No. 186521

I skateboard goofy but snowboard regular
My experience with skateboarding is 15+ years but I've only snowboarded a couple times
Is that weird?

Anonymous No. 186525

My best guess is you aren’t very good at either if you do this. Your stance is based on your dominant eye, it doesn’t change by sport.

Anonymous No. 186526

i have a left dominant eye

Anonymous No. 186540


Anonymous No. 186544

Then you’re regular, period, the end.

Anonymous No. 186550

why have i been skateboarding comfortably in a goofy stance ever since i was a kid then

Anonymous No. 186558

>tfw right eye dominant but orthodox/regular stance in everything

Anonymous No. 186559

here is an interesting read on the matter

Anonymous No. 186563

Total horseshit. For starters, my right foot is my "stability foot" and I have always been regular.

It's eye dominance. I'm left eye dominant so riding goofy feels "backwards" because my left eye is behind my nose when riding that direction and so feels less comfortable.

OP probably has what I call "fucked stance" where the direction most natural to ride (clearly regular as snowboarding will typically be much faster than skateboarding) conflicts with the way he feels most comfortable doing tricks. I've had a couple friends that, for example, would prefer to ride goofy but pop nollie/regular. This is also why I don't worship nollie/switch tricks unless that person is demonstrably better fully regular/fakie because it just means they have a fucked up stance and that's what feels most comfortable to them.

Anonymous No. 186581

>Total horseshit
I am legally blind in my left eye yet skate and surf regular. So that theory is thrown out. And your friend .. was doing fakie ollies so you dismiss switch/nollie?

Anonymous No. 186604

The majority of people are right eye dominant and the majority ride regular

Anonymous No. 186605

Your stance is determined by which side of the car you sat on as a child

Anonymous No. 186611

>I've had a couple friends that, for example, would prefer to ride goofy but pop nollie/regular. This is also why I don't worship nollie/switch tricks unless that person is demonstrably better fully regular/fakie because it just means they have a fucked up stance and that's what feels most comfortable to them.
jesus christ the absolute state of skateboarding on /xs/. this is such an embarrassing post

Anonymous No. 186631

You don't skate

Anonymous No. 186640

not /xs/ related but is it true that if your dominant eye is not the same as your dominant hand you have no chance at competitive shooting?

Anonymous No. 186678

>they have a fucked up stance and that's what feels most comfortable to them
Many of the greatest athletes succeed despite their physical and technical limitations, such that they often add new techniques and pedagogy to their respective disciplines.

Anonymous No. 186723

Regular is left eye dominant, idiot. Your dominant eye is literally the one that's in front while riding. There are more goofy footers than you realize and a lot of shitty regular foot riders because they're too stupid to realize they're going backwards.

Anonymous No. 186724


Sounds like a couple of copers that always skate "switch" but can't do shit "regular".

Anonymous No. 186725

I don't think so, I'm left eye dominant and right handed and fucking shred targets. I do prefer to close my left eye while shooting, though. IMO shooting is more about steadiness than anything. Depends on what shooting you're doing as well, though, clays and stationary targets are two different things.

Anonymous No. 186727

thats not a thing retard

Anonymous No. 186735

>digging deeper

Anonymous No. 186737

It 100% is a thing, retard. I've known many people that basically exclusively skated switch when it was peak trendy and couldn't do shit regular.

Seethe about it, tranny, you don't know shit.

Anonymous No. 186738

why are you lying?
>skated switch when it was peak trendy
wtf are you talking about retard. when was this?

Anonymous No. 186742

You are really out of touch

Anonymous No. 186783

>because they're too stupid to realize they're going backwards
I am not going backwards lol

Anonymous No. 189506


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 191105

Kini nga dapit mao ang akong kasilyas karon.