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🧵 BJJ or Judo?

Anonymous No. 186607

I want to take up grappling.
Should I learn BJJ or Judo?

Anonymous No. 186610


Anonymous No. 186614

>Already know takedowns and throws from wrestling or similar
>Want a complete (sans striking, unless you find a rare Combat Judo gym) unarmed combat system
Do Judo
>Want to compete
BJJ has more competitions outside of Japan

Anonymous No. 186637

Do you want to do more groundwork or more standup? That’s the only question you need to ask.
There’s plenty of judo competitions outside of Japan.

Anonymous No. 186639

You have 3 options
Judo, BJJ, Wrestling
Do as much of all 3 as you can,
Do all 3 for 3 months each at the end if that 9 months period make a choice.

Anonymous No. 186643

Nowhere near as many as BJJ, but yeah you'll find competitions easily enough. It's more he'll get more and with a lower chance of having to travel to get to them with BJJ.

Anonymous No. 186644

Do whichever has the more convenient gym for your specific situation.

Anonymous No. 186649

>pic: literally who vs strongest judo competitor of his time

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Anonymous No. 186651

Why do people try to make antagonists of 2 sister arts?

Anonymous No. 186654

Either is good, they're like two sides of the same coin
Judo is mostly stand-up wrestling with limited ground wrestling; BJJ is mostly ground wrestling with limited stand-up wrestling

Anonymous No. 186682

Based double dubs. This is the correct answer.

Anonymous No. 186684

Yep. The biggest contributing factor to getting good is being close to your gym. Walking distance is ideal. Real life will regularly get in your way unless you're autistic hobo like BJ Penn and sleep at your gym.

Anonymous No. 186717

Nogi BJJ. Less pajama washing, more wrestling.

Depending on your gym they might offer multiple arts or have instructors come in. My gym has a wrestling guy train every few weeks.

Anonymous No. 186755

Do you want something useful outside of 1v1 sportshit? Judo. Are you a faggot? BJJ. Simple as. But freestyle trounces both as you learn the same escapes you need to get away from fag shit & you learn takedowns/throws that are more utilitarian than judo. Shit ton of Judo shit won't work unless you have powerlifter levels of grip strength or your opponent/attacker is wearing sturdy clothes.

Anonymous No. 186757

>>Want to compete
>BJJ has more competitions outside of Japan
In Europe we have judo tournaments every week.

Anonymous No. 186788

Train where you enjoy the training and actually show up.
Ignore all those min maxer guys.

Anonymous No. 186844

Hong Kong will never be part of Europe no matter how hard you want it.

Anonymous No. 186845

This is only the case in America. Judo is a global sport that dwarfs BJJ everywhere outside the US and Rio.

Anonymous No. 186878

I don't know man, I was about to ask the same
I normal do no-gi and wrestling till I do a nogi comp and switch to gi and judo after and switch back after I do a gi comp.

Anonymous No. 186890

>Hong Kong will never be part of Europe
is this Hong Kong hate? It was one of the place I have been to, great tea, I even visited a mma gym there it was nice.

Anonymous No. 186891

You can go either one and still learn both all you need is mat space and willing partners

Anonymous No. 186893

bjj, but use judo and wrestling to develop your standing game. judo is basically useless unless you can fight on the ground.

Anonymous No. 186900

No gi is the way it has grown to include judo and wrestling(not at a high level).
But nogi has a high focus on leglock, taking the back and standing back up instead of being in a bad position on the ground.
It is also alot easier on cost for gear.
This guy gets it

Anonymous No. 186904

All that surgery and cross sex hormones and she still just looks like a potato

Anonymous No. 187459

Left is present and future, right is dead and gone

Anonymous No. 187461

BJJ without a doubt judo's grappling doesn't work without a GI unless you're a genius like Karo

Anonymous No. 187470

how can someone be the future when they don't have one?

Anonymous No. 187480

> Judo isn't useful outside of 1v1 sportshit.
> Thinks you can't adjust for self defense.
> Thinks Judo schools won't teach if asked how to if you are competent enough.
> Thinks you can't train weightlifting which most judokas these days do.

You are retarded and behind times boomer.

Anonymous No. 187491

Whatever you enjoy most and has a convenient gym for you. (less than 30 mins). Train that for as long as you enjoy it and its convenient. Be open to other combat sports in case you need to swap out because of life circumstances or just need a break.

Right now I do just because I can and its harder to find in the USA. If I can no longer do that, I'll go back to BJJ. If I can't do that, I'll pick up striking.

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rwanda rousey.webm

Anonymous No. 187496

>judo's grappling doesn't work without a GI unless you're a genius
>judo is basically useless unless you can fight on the ground

Anonymous No. 187506

>reading comprehension
Get some. That post is pro judo dumbass.

Anonymous No. 187513

Is one after the other, all with the same mindset and goals

Anonymous No. 187563

that womans a genius, simple

Anonymous No. 187564

How did she afford training?
Blacks don't have sharingan level iq.

Anonymous No. 187565

BJJ if you're into Gay Sex
Judo if you want to murderize people in self defense

Anonymous No. 187574

Africa has some good judo programs surprisingly

Anonymous No. 187723

Anything with pressure testing beats untrained people

Anonymous No. 187724

Olympic programs get more/easier funding for donation purposes in Africa.

Anonymous No. 188417

Judo throws don't work irl. Have you seen how hard it is to throw someone

The only thing that works irl is boxing maybe wrestling if you didn't knock him out

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Anonymous No. 188418

>Judo throws don't work irl

Anonymous No. 188421

>Dumbass who lives in fantasy land literally posts a movie set scene

Lmfao. You can't make this shit up

>Hurr police would judo throw this machete weilding man instead of pepper spraying him/shooting


Judo fantasy brain: "omg he konichi wazashi him? Cool!!!!!"

Anonymous No. 188424

>police would pepper spray this machete weilding man

Anonymous No. 188449

You've never grappled in your life

Anonymous No. 188485


(Judo for street fights.)

No Gi Judo takedowns.

Anonymous No. 188496

that second video was pretty cringe, I could tell from the thumbnail it was going to be grab my wrist no my other wrist tier
not a single one of the partners attacks were actually aimed anywhere and sent with the intention of connecting
he just intentionally stepped in and whiffed his strikes very slowly

Anonymous No. 189533

In BJJ, you fight and fight to get some elaborate submission move

In Judo, you throw someone and either land in a pin or fight to either stand back up or try to get another immediate pin

Throwing someone, even if the throw isn't the greatest but still off-balances and lands someone on the ground, can lead into knees and drop kicking techniques.

I'd go with Judo.

Anonymous No. 189537

Not a movie set dipshit

Anonymous No. 189563

>Police would attempt to grapple with a machete weilding male

Yes. Of course