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Anonymous No. 186645

Why is wristlock simultaneously considered an aikido shit that doesn't work and a dick move too dangerous for white belts?

Anonymous No. 186648

Because most people think of the aikido version to be one that becomes a throw, and is almost never isolated enough to do what a lock is supposed to.

Anonymous No. 186652

Because of context in which it is used.
In aikido, it's supposed to be used on a standing, actively resisting opponent
In BJJ, you use it on a person that's lying on the ground, almost completely immobilized

Anonymous No. 189316

But in Aikido you throw because you always assume the presence of other foes in a room. Instead, with a stiff lock you would end up jammed with a single opponent and be beaten by the other four or so.

Anonymous No. 189392

Do you actually think an aikido guy is fighting off 5 attackers?

Anonymous No. 189465

grappling multiple people is not as impossible as it's often made out to be if you're sufficiently skilled at it
we've done gang fights in the gym, I know for a fact I can sub 2 people at the same time and hold off 5 for a while at least

you just need to act decisively, what happens with multiple people is they aren't on the same page and just get in each others way so while they're all going after you most of the attacks are just potshots not able to do much and you can thin the herd

Anonymous No. 189798

Cool. Those magic locks don't become magic throws without isolation. Therefor they're shit and you're getting fucked up by any amount of people. Good talk.

Anonymous No. 189826

Because it's something that is extremely easy to hurt someone who isn't expecting it and doesn't know how to defend it but almost useless in any other situation

Anonymous No. 189927

What you described only works on retards. Any gang of 5 thugs, or hell even 3, with at least one and a half brain between them will know to corner you, attack at the same time, and come at you from behind. I can understand stalling them under certain conditions, like cramped spaces, all of them coming from the same direction or something like that. The second you're surrounded, it's 99% over for you.

It sucks extra fucking bad for Aikido because Aikido is quite lacking on the offense. Literally every other martial art you can at least argue
>well you see I am super fucking fast, I train a lot and I am in peak shape so I'll just take the first guy out super fast, maybe get a lucky KO on the second one and the others will scare or I find some bullshit to not die
But Aikido by design only teaches you how to be half decent on the defensive, you can wear down someone in a 1-on-1 you are not outlasting a whole crew. So what you're saying here:
> while they're all going after you most of the attacks are just potshots not able to do much and you can thin the herd
is complete bs. You ain't taking hits and "thinning the herd" as you say over time, you need to take em out one by one as fast as possible