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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186752

If 100 random men and 100 random women were chosen to fight in mixed sex mma with legal groin shots, how many women would win?

Anonymous No. 186753

only 1 person can win retard

Anonymous No. 186754

I meant a format where 100 people win and 100 people lose, not an olympic tournament

Anonymous No. 186760

>how many women would win?

Are you this completely ignorant of biology? Compared to men, women are like children.

Anonymous No. 186761

Statistically speaking, there should be one case of a woman outweighting a man by over 20 lbs

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STFU bitches.png

Anonymous No. 186762

>oh no, the "stronk womyn" outweighs me, whatever shall I do
Just kys already and be done with it...

Anonymous No. 186800

This is important actually. Will they be matched based on weight class? Or is it literally just random

Anonymous No. 186801

Random, the only non random thing would be lack of children and disabled or very old people

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Anonymous No. 186879

All else being equal, a good 20-30. 4chuds like to think that it's more one sided than it really is.

Are the severely obese disqualified?

Anonymous No. 187155

Your chart is rendered completely meaningless by pic related in this post >>186762

As much as you pathetic faggots hate real men, the bottom line is that biology created us to be physically superior to women when it comes to everything combat and strength related, and no amount of pretense will ever change that fact.

Anonymous No. 188377

Even if you take a man and a woman that somehow have the same exact size, weight, and strength/speed/athleticism, the man is still very likely to have a significantly faster reaction speed, as well as higher aggression (while the woman is probably going to be more meek and more easily discouraged).

If by pure chance you get a woman that's trained in an effective martial art and you put her against an untrained man that's smaller than her, she can win (some martial arts or techniques would give her decent chances against a larger man as well).
But considering how rare those women are, I think that the matchup is very unlikely to happen.

This randomness element makes the discussion pretty useless desu, since anything really can happen, even extremely unlikely events like the 100 women being pro MMA fighters and the 100 men being the weakest 100 able-bodied men in the world.

If you had a competition where the men and women were paired with a respective opponent of similar size/weight/strength/skill/etc (one or more of these) it would make more sense and lead to a discussion that's not so speculative, but then the men would win pretty much every time (although it would be interesting to see how things play out when only one of the aforementioned factors is removed, to see how each advantage actually helps you fight).

Anonymous No. 188379

guys did you know that the biggest housecat is larger than the smallest dog?
really makes you think

Anonymous No. 193285

Possibly 1 woman out of the 100, I would give that like a 2% chance or lower compared to 98+% chance of all 100 men winning.

Anonymous No. 193291

They would wear a cup so not that many

Anonymous No. 196256

Statistically speaking I would expect 5-10 women to win as I believe that is the overlap in the strength bell curves. If they're paired by weight class then I'd expect 0 or 1

Anonymous No. 196259

You are aware that women can be kicked in the crotch as well and it hurts similarly badly, right anon? Or is this just another retarded inter-sex combat thread that you faggots are obsessed with for some reason? Surely not.

Anonymous No. 196431

I expect a few women to win. There are some really beta and pacifist guys out there and some horrible and trashy women who don't mind throwing hands

I know nerds cope and say otherwise but fighting is massively a mindset and the ability to do damage without thinking about it. You put some tech funko pop onions up against a ghetto ass female and she will fuck him up