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🧵 Belt System Alternative

Anonymous No. 186914

Belt systems were cool at first but they are easily corrupted and nowadays they have become a joke in most styles that actually use them.

How would you fix and/or replace the belt system?

Anonymous No. 186919

University system. Show a well rounded understanding and competence and get a higher grade.

Undergraduate - untrained
Bachelor - competent
Master - skilled enough to teach
Doctor - skilled enough to teach other teachers

Anonymous No. 186926

Stop caring about it, how about that?
That’s just a belt system with different names. You people are so fucking retarded I don’t know why I bother posting here.

Anonymous No. 186938

How about just go from white to black.

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the jiujitsu way.png

Anonymous No. 186947

hierarchies will always form
wrestling has no belt system, but there's still a hierarchy, JV, varsity, NCAA d3, d2, d1, All State, All American, National Team, Olympic team, Olympic medalist
they still all exist but that particular hierarchy is based strictly on competition performance
and that's fine because wrestling is a sport first and every other perceived benefit is secondary

in things that use a belt system the practice of the art itself is /supposed/ to be the reward and the sport aspect is /supposed/ to be secondary as a way to improve your personal development by challenging yourself
not sport for sports sake, it's corny to says to someone "even if you lose, you're still a winner just because you put yourself out there" and while that's a complete cope for most sports, in martial arts it's true because when the art is the goal then the knowledge you gained from losing will be more value in the pursuit than the clout you gained from winning.
and so the belt hierarchy will take into account aspects other than strictly your competition performance such as diversity of knowledge and ability to articulate it to others
doing something like judo for example and having the sport as your primary focus is shameful and completely missing the point

Anonymous No. 186953


Horseshit belts have existed since at least the 70s, and I'm sure a better historian than me can name earlier examples. Belts mean fuck all outside of any particular teacher/school. "Fixing" them requires not caring about them outside whatever class you're attending.

Anonymous No. 186955

Even Chute boxe (brazilian muay thai) puts a colored string in your arm, its a very convenient system.

Anonymous No. 187050

Replace each belt with a wild animal you must defeat to prove competency. White belt can be replaced with something small and unthreatening that even a complete beginner would be able to beat such as a guinea pig, and the black belt should be replaced with an official Tiger Killer certification.

Anonymous No. 187079

>That’s just a belt system with different names. You people are so fucking retarded I don’t know why I bother posting here.
Then what the fuck else do you want? Competency is a line upwards. You want me to give you a grade like "kicker" for a guy whose legs are better than his punches and vice versa? What if a guy gets good at both? How do you denote an amazing kicker versus an average one? Grades perhaps? Fucking GRADES?!

Anonymous No. 187138

Replace belt system with number of scalps taken from rival dojos.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 187744

Aka chiqax jichhax nayan bañojawa.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 189097

Anonymous No. 189158

I’m not OP retard, how much a belt is worth is dependent entirely on the school and discipline in question. Renaming ranks as something else and removing the belts doesn’t actually solve the problem of shit schools giving out black belts to 9 year olds. The only solution is one that exists at the club level. If you own a club you should do your best to ensure that belts translate to actual knowledge and competence not just time in grade.

Anonymous No. 189159

>Beginner? White
>Not a beginner anymore? Green
>Can probably beat the average person in a controlled scenario with rules? Blue
>Can probably beat another martial artist in a controlled scenario with rules? Yellow
>Can probably beat the average person in a uncontrolled scenario with no rules? Red
>Can probably beat another martial artist in a uncontrolled scenario with no rules? Black
>Has enough understanding of the art's techniques to pass the knowledge down to another person? White with some cool symbol in the middle.

Simple as.

Anonymous No. 189489

I agree except the colors yellow and green should be swapped.

Anonymous No. 189494

Colors should go in order by brightness
White>yellow>green(between yellow and blue)>blue, purple, red would be an appropriate option here based in our green reasoning, but we want dark colors and brown is just the word we use for dark orange the same way light red is pink
Then black of course

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belt and stripes.png

Anonymous No. 189523

Ok, here is how you do it, I'm going to use MMA as an example but if the martial art in question has no grappling or striking just ignore the part that mentions it.
> first issue: abstract definitions like >>189159
> second issue: striking, grappling, takedowns and other stuff being rated together
> third issue: selfdefense/fitness clients vs people actually interested in competing

To solve the first issue, I think we could define it by the moves, if someone is able to use X and Y consistently throughout a sparring session and knows the ins and outs of the move, they can take a test, in which they will spar people of higher ranking and attempt to use those moves. It's still inconsistent since this can vary from instructor to instructor and how into the whole thing the sparring partner is, but it's better than the current way at least.

Second and third issues can be solved by fixing the color system. For example:
> selfdefense/fitness clients? white belt
> actually interested in competing? black belt
> striking ranking: top stripe, uses shades of red
> takedown/locks/otherstruff ranking: middle stripe, uses shades of green
> grappling ranking: bottom stripe, uses shades of blue
(top of pic related), or maybe, you can just use two stripes, one for striking and one for grappling/takedowns/whatever else, (bottom of pic related)

Someone can probably come up with a better design than me, these are ugly as shit lmao

Anonymous No. 189524

Ah, and of course, if someone that started as a selfdefensefag wants to compete later on, he will need a whole new belt and he will start from rank 0

Anonymous No. 190143

Stip caring about what's around your waist, retard

Anonymous No. 190792

What else would I use to keep my gi closed

Anonymous No. 190793

bring back dojo storming

Anonymous No. 190803

karate gis have little strings you tie it shut with
funny enough implementation of this system would fix one of the worst bullshit sporty aspects of bjj, the meme lapel guards

Anonymous No. 190830

But I do Judo.

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Anonymous No. 190869


Anonymous No. 190940


Anonymous No. 191281

Yeah, that sums it up