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🧵 /gtg/ Grappling Technique General

Anonymous No. 186929

This will be a thread for people of all grappling disciplines (judo, wrestling, BJJ, etc.) to come and discuss or ask about technique. Here, we can avoid the retarded debates and help each other out with youtube links, instructional suggestions, troubleshooting ideas, etc.

Any serious grappler likely has questions from outside their main discipline. A judo guy starting BJJ might have some questions, or a BJJ guy trying to get better at wrestling.

This is NOT a self defense circlejerk thread, or a A vs. B circlejerk thread. Start with something like
>years of experience
>technique question or problem

I train at one of the most popular gyms in the world right now and I'm an instructional addict. I'll do my best to point people to the right resources.

Anonymous No. 186940

So I know people always circle jerk about wrestling and judo etc saying it's great for the streets
And people always shit on BJJ saying it's not as great

Why ? isn't BJJ in more practical because you can train it for longer and get better at it and it has easier take downs which actually work and doesn't rely purely on strength

Anonymous No. 186942

>and it has easier take downs

Anonymous No. 186944

>I'm an instructional addict
Same I got a 4tb drive almost fully.
Have you looked at Chael Sonnen wrestling instrutional? I found it really good.

Anonymous No. 186945

Bjj doesn’t have easier takedowns they’re just worse at both doing them and defending against them.

Anonymous No. 186949

You don't need to do a body lock /trip for 30 years to be able to do one

Anonymous No. 186954

You need to become proficient with your throwing techniques if you want to throw other proficient stand up grapplers. I can teach any retard to do osoto in a day but that same retard isn’t throwing me with it. I don’t understand why blowjitsu nerds so aggressively defend their ignorance about stand up grappling as a positive thing

Anonymous No. 186956

Thoughts on catch wrestling?

Anonymous No. 186958

It is a mix bag but I enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 186964

>first reply is a self defense thing
Please stop. There are 1000 other threads for this bullshit
>Have you looked at Chael Sonnen wrestling instrutional?
I haven't. My wrestling fundamentals are pretty solid, but I got some great tips on throws/trips from Danaher's recent standing instrucitonal. The focus on the scoring/submission game in BJJ is really helpful
>Thoughts on catch wrestling?
Has a lot of overlap with BJJ, but I wouldn't waste my time specializing in it. Mostly contrarian spazzy guys who try to rip footlocks and neck cranks instead of developing skill. There are things that can be adapted from catch to be used in modern no-gi grappling, but the talent pool is so small that specializing in catch is unlikely to make you a very good, well rounded grappler.

Anonymous No. 186982

>Danaher's recent standing instrucitonal.
Are you talking about standing to ground?
I found it really good as introduction into scrimmage wrestling. I liked Chael Sonnen wrestling because it was good for leg riding and under hooks.

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Anonymous No. 186985

>using Danaher as a reference for anything outside of BJJ

Anonymous No. 186995

Self defence isn't bullshit. If the martial art can't be used for real life then go jerk off over aikido

Anonymous No. 186996

Any idiot can grapple for 3 mins and eventually get a trip/throw through autismal off balancing

Everyone with half a brain will just do MMA way... strike into a simple trip/body lock

Anonymous No. 186998

Cool make a thread about it

Anonymous No. 186999

>greco style wrestling
>3 years
>Questions: Is there a good list of Japanese words for understanding Judo and new way jiu-jitsu?

Anonymous No. 187002

Judo techniques are clearly defined. New Wave jiujitsu weeb names are not since it's a random mix of Japanese and English re-appropriated to make up new bullshit terms for things that already existed.

Anonymous No. 187003

>Weeb names
I only got into grappling and judo because I am a weeb.
I looked for the same thing for new wave and couldn't find one, just take notes.

Anonymous No. 187004

>hurr durr why should I be good at grappling when I can just fall down
Ok, have fun being in the worst position trying to get air back in your lungs after an actual grappler tosses you to the floor at Mach 5. I bet you pull guard.

Anonymous No. 187005

I'm currently in the process of redefining all the bullshit lingo BJJ has with the insistence of naming moves after people instead of describing what they are
the more you cut away at it the worse you realize it is

for example reverse de la riva, to call something a reverse de la riva is to imply de la riva is some kind of default position when it's just a matter of which one was popularized first
and neither defines what you're doing. So I call them an outside knee twist and an inside knee twist

and I don't really care what language you prefer to use, just whatever language it is should describe what's happening. For example in english it's called a leg entanglement, in japanese it's called ashi garami, in portuguese it's called tap tap tap!

Anonymous No. 187006

>portuguese it's called tap tap tap!
What a unique people.

Anonymous No. 187008

would you say this is sounds correct?

>Ouchi Gari

>Osoto Gari

Anonymous No. 187009

Not him and Didn’t look at the link, wouldn’t load for me. O as a prefix in this context means either big or major. Soto is outside. Uchi means inside. Gari means reap. Osoto gar is the major outside reap and ouchi gari is the major inside reap. A reap is different from a sweep (harai) because you attack the leg from the back of the foot as opposed to the side. These are the major throws because they are typically a stronger attack to the opponent than the minor reaps (kosoto/kouchi gari)

Anonymous No. 187010

Thanks for that, It answered some different questions

Anonymous No. 187024

I don't think he's an authority on things outside of BJJ, but I definitely listen to what he has to say.
He has dedicated his life to grappling/coaching, it would be retarded to think he doesn't have some valuable insight.
Great reply. This is how I remember stuff. Things sort of start to stick once you wrap your head around a few throws

Anonymous No. 187027

>no-gi BJJ/submission grappling/whatever
>5ish years
Question to judo bros: how did you develop your foot sweeps? I've recently gained a better understanding on how to set them up and use rotation, but the timing isn't quite there yet. Does it just take time? Favorite no-gi grips?

Anonymous No. 187029

Dirlling and really get a feel for your opponent's weight.
You will probably find this helpful

Anonymous No. 187031

>6 months judo, 6 months nogi
How do I go about planning and building a system for my grappling?

Anonymous No. 187032

>He has dedicated his life to grappling
No, he's dedicated his life to BJJ. Standup grappling is a different beast and he clearly has a gap in knowledge and skill when it comes to it.

Anonymous No. 187038

nta, but why is there so much hate for him? past the point of talking about thing where he is only be beginner beacuse no one else made some thing for it.
Also bjj is grappling, judo is grappling, wrestling is grappling, hell sambo is grappling.

Anonymous No. 187040

Start with pin escapes, guard retention, and half guard techniques. This will allow you to stay safe and take risks once you learn submissions
>clearly has a gap in knowledge
His athletes consistently score takedowns at the highest levels of BJJ competitions. Standing techniques are not rocket science. The guy is autistic and obsessed with grappling from all angles. He’s not the #1 wrestling coach of all time or anything, but he knows what he’s talking about and organizes information in a very productive way. I’ve literally drilled his techniques with D1 wrestlers who did not have corrections lol
Some crybaby wrestler nobody made a reddit/youtube rant about a Danaher technique flaw, and now the contrarians parrot this idea constantly. Gatekeeping bullshit

Anonymous No. 187041

>pin escapes, guard retention, and half guard techniques.
Thank you, but one question what should be the first submission? Like an armbar, rear naked?
Just so I have a goal with a passive white belt.

Anonymous No. 187042

>His athletes consistently score takedowns at the highest levels of BJJ competitions
BJJ competitions aren't a good measure of takedown ability. Taking down a BJJ guy who will flop to guard if you get him 50% of the way down is different than a standup grappler who will fight you every step of the way.

>I’ve literally drilled his techniques
>his techniques

>but why is there so much hate for him?
He's a pseud. His track record for coaching successful athletes in BJJ can't be denied, but he Dunning-Kruger'd himself into thinking he's an expert at every single martial art. Doesn't help that bjjfags like >>187040 suck his dick all the time.

Anonymous No. 187045

I find bjj more open minded regarding takedowns. So you can find out what suits you.
If you like single legs or prefere a saio nage or a snap down you can do it.
At least in the judo gym I trained they where pretty opposed to any leg grabs…

Anonymous No. 187067

Drill, drill, drill, and then drill some more. While you’re still keep your grips as loose and light as possible. It encourages you to flow with the movement of the opponent. When you grip and move hard you may feel like you’re getting a better workout but it tempts you to apply strength instead of searching for the ideal position to be in to take your opponent bent down.

There’s an Olympian at my dojo. He’s fucking huge but drills and spars incredibly light until the exact moment he’s about to take your ass out lol.

Anonymous No. 187068

Oh, I forgot
>favourite no gi grips
I tend to fight from a belt grip in gi and a low sleeve grip because it keep the opponent from being able to utilize his power hand on me. When I do nogi it’s essentially the same thing, low wrist grip and a underhook around the waist

Anonymous No. 187069

I think in general a lot of people thinks he gives off pretentious vibes, but he is obviously a good ground fighting coach I don’t think anyone can dispute that based on his fighters records. However over in judo general right now you can find a post with a screenshot where an expert breaks down the fact that his stand up grappling is lacking and his instructionals are poor. His positions are off, his grips bad, etc. from watching him as a humble judo shodan with only local tournament medals to my name, I say without a hint of doubt or irony that I could toss him fairly easily.
There’s a term in judo we use call tokui waza, or in English, winning technique. Most high level competitors really only have two or three techniques they consistently use in both standing and ground work. Don’t worry about learning techniques in a specific order just give them all a shot. Your tokui waza comes to you through practice and chances are you have no choice in what you end up doing.

When I was a mid level colored belt I tried so hard to be a tai otoshi fighter. My tai otoshi still sucks years later. It just wasn’t for me. Conversely, I am an incredibly good Ogoshi fighter. No bullshit, I don’t even need to turn it into harai goshi most of the time. It’s the first throw I ever learned and I’m still doing it ten years later. It’s what works well for me and my body type.
>bjj is more open minded regarding takedowns
Come on now anon. I can’t tell you how many blue belts have told me they won’t do turning throws because “They’ll just take your back” before I immediately throw them with a turning throw.

Anonymous No. 187075

>first submission
Something you can do from top or bottom, like armbars, triangles, kimuras. Guillotines are great too. It doesn't really matter, just try to learn a lot about whatever you choose

Anonymous No. 187081

Are neck bridges a good excersise or dangerous? Apparently Tyson has severe neck issues from them

Idk if they're worth doing or not

Anonymous No. 187088

I feel like the dead lift any perceived benefits are far outweighed by the damage to the spine

Anonymous No. 187090

I agree. Just do squats

Anonymous No. 187092

A japanese man fused wrestling with sambo and judo during the 90s, it was called submission arts wrestling

Anonymous No. 187096

Not worth the risk, too much compression on the spine. Just do neck raises in different directions with a bit of resistance (or train a lot)

Anonymous No. 187097

>top or bottom
Why didn't I think of this, thank you.
Thank you that really was useful.
>tokui waza
It was a judoka who told me I should come up with a system. To start with the end game and build from there.

Anonymous No. 187102

> Come on now anon. I can’t tell you how many blue belts have told me they won’t do turning throws because “They’ll just take your back” before I immediately throw them with a turning throw

So nobody stopped you mid sparring and told you an o goshi isn’t allowed here…
That what I was told in judo, as I went for a leg.
Sure lots of bjj guys don’t do much Judo throws because they are not that easy to perform. I also prefer a single leg because my judo throws suck and I always get countered.
But I can try them as often as I want.

Anonymous No. 187105

>It was a judoka who told me I should come up with a system
If you really want to get system-pilled, I would work on one of the OG Danaher systems (kimura, armbar, triangle, RNC, front headlock). They include entries from everywhere and specific control/breaking mechanics

Anonymous No. 187110

and RDLs are a good exercise too, but the standard olympic deadlift is just not a useful exercise
it carries no particular benefit that can't be done safely with other movements

and I always get haters listening to their 70 year old gym teachers, the same people that stretch before a workout and obstinately stand in the face of all research done over the last many decades
so I put it to them this way, when you're working out the goal is failure, failure happens at the weakest point in the system, during a dead lift that's your back
your back is what will fail under the several hundred pounds. The injury is inevitable

Anonymous No. 187114

>system-pilled, I would work on one of the OG Danaher systems
System-pilled seems like the way to be. It removes a lot of confusion by having a plan. I have been looking at ets armbar as I have already had some success with armbars.

Anonymous No. 187118

The armbar one is great. I would highly recommend the kimura one too, you can snag a kimura everywhere and often transition to the back or another sub. The back attack system is also great but his newer instructional is probably better than the OG

Anonymous No. 187121

thanks and good to know, I will be back in 12 hours.

Anonymous No. 187201

> a year of nogi
what is a good brand of shorts and rash guards?
I bought some from aliexpress that are wearing out now.

Anonymous No. 187204

I like Sanabul. Good price-to-performance ratio. Inverted Gear is on the pricier side, but their customer service is great.

Anonymous No. 187205

Looks good thanks

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Anonymous No. 187330

I've slowly ramped up my training in the last few months to where I'm now training 7-8 times a week. (bjj blue belt)
>grappling (submission wrestling & freestyle wrestling) 4-6 times a week
>striking (boxing/muay thai) 1-2 times a week, been doing striking for 2 years but had a pause from it
>lifting 1-2 times a week
In striking I'm still developing and it's fun, but in grappling it feels like I'm hitting a plateau and not developing. I mean I'm not tapping people out as frequently and ppl I used to handle fairly easily I now have to take more seriously. Paradoxically I also feel like I want to train even more and it feels like the 1.5 hours of grappling (standard length for a class) isn't enough and like I want to do two a days, it feels like there is so much to work on and I don't get enough time to do that. So at the same time I want to train even more, but also it seems like I'm plateauing and I'm also growing frustrated with grappling altogether. Give me some advice fellas.

Anonymous No. 187331

If you didn't grow up doing a ton of sports or otherwise lots of physical activity, you're probably burning the candle too hot. Take a break for a week, or take a month of week long breaks from each individual thing. Eat more/better quality food. Take a nap in the middle of the day. You need rest as much as you need training.

Anonymous No. 187346

haven't been to class in a week fellas, every day I'm not there I feel better
maybe I should stop going! lol

Anonymous No. 187347

today is my first day going back and leaving the house in weeks

Anonymous No. 187368

Normal blue belt stuff. You're just getting started.
I agree with the other anon though, that's likely too much training unless you're extremely disciplined with your diet, sleep, etc.
Usually how people get injured

Anonymous No. 187377

I did thaiboxing since I was 15 till 18, started bjj at 20 now 23. So I’ve been active since 15, but yea I’ve never trained as much as I do now. Thx for the advice. Getting in an adequate amount of food without resorting to fast food is hard lol

What are some telltale signs that I’m doing too much? Right now as far as sleep, food and stress goes, I’m good because I’m an uni student so pretty much make my own schedule and sleep atleast 8 hours a night.

Anonymous No. 187396

Sorry but this is just nonsense
>the standard olympic deadlift is just not a useful exercise
It builds strength your entire posterior chain and specifically trains the hip hinge movement (you know, bridging). It also builds up your back to be strong and stable under heavy loads
>it carries no particular benefit that can't be done safely with other movements
All of the alternatives either can't be overloaded as much or use a smaller range of motion, both of these are extremely important if you want to build strength that actually transfers outside of the weight room
>when you're working out the goal is failure
That's *only* the case when exercising for muscle hypertrophy (aka getting swole). Virtually everyone will tell you that on certain lifts, particularly those that are highly technical, going to failure is retarded. Deadlift is one of those lifts, that's why everyone trains it with low reps
>The injury is inevitable
Only if you're an egolifting retard. Train with good form, exercise basic common sense and you will never get injured

Anonymous No. 187401

this guy gives all the talking points I was going to type so I'll just have him explain it

Anonymous No. 187402

The kind of frustration you're experiencing is sort of a classic sign. Unfortunately, as anon said, it's also usually a fact of life for blues who arent really stressing themselves otherwise. Sussing out which one you're experiencing directly tends to be difficult for even people who know what it is. If you're in school also however, my money is on some light burn out. Take a light week of as much as you can and see how you feel. If you're a partier, you could also just cut that out in total and see good results overall.

Anonymous No. 187403

>week of
week off

Anonymous No. 187404

I just skimmed through it but many of the problems he lists are caused either by poor form or a poor training routine
The only real concern imo is whether or not it transfers well to sports and that is very dependent on which sport we're talking about. I believe that in terms of specificity, deadlift is great for grappling because it trains strength in hip extension (bridging) and stability of spine under load (posture).
In fairness, Oly lifts are almost equally as good in this regard. One could argue that they are better because they are more explosive but I don't think this matters as much in grappling as it does in other sports

Anonymous No. 187407

90s basic Gracie takedowns still work?

Anonymous No. 187418

running tackle? sure, why not

Anonymous No. 187425

Against untrained people? Yeah probably

Anonymous No. 187446

>90s basic Gracie takedowns still work?
Yes but why?
There are alot of better stuff out there for free on the internet.

Anonymous No. 187606

>Yes but why?
These are the simplests takedowns I can think of

Anonymous No. 187618

>3 years of hs wrestling and 2 years of nogi might start judo soon
When I was in hs my coach would come up with conditioning plans so I never thought about it.
Right now I am just doing a stupid amount of Squat jumps, dips and pull ups with jump rope for cardio.
Is there a good plan or template to follow?

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Anonymous No. 187623

Anyone know a good instructional for sambo style rolling/diving subs

Anonymous No. 187625

>blowjitsu nerds
Kek. You judo guys are alright.

>t. 3rd degree blowjitsu nerd

Anonymous No. 187668

Come to the dark side anon. Trust me, there’s no better sound in the world than “IPPON!”.

Anonymous No. 187669


Only knowing rolling on the mats on a street is worse than knowing nothing. Because going to ground is by far the worst thing you can do in a street fight.

If you are on a ground and a dude takes out a knife..
If you are on a ground and it turns out the dude has 3 psychopath friends who were in a pub...
If you are on a ground at night and it turns out the ground is covered in broken glass...
If you are on a ground and a dudes girlfriend comes around a corner stabs at you with her stiletto...
If you are on a ground and an uninvolved stranger decides to intact his form of justice...
If you are on a ground and there is a dog...

If you are on a ground you have traded 100% of your mobility to immobilize one dude and you hope the rest of the world will stand still for you.

Anonymous No. 187680

I'm going to start my grappling training by only doing wrestling and no-gi

How badly will I be looked down upon by the other bjj nerds who also do gi?

Anonymous No. 187689

>If you are on a ground and it turns out the dude has 3 psychopath friends who were in a pub...

"hey 3 psychopath friends i currently hold your friend in a very compromised grappling position, do not get near me or i will dislocate his tendons in this special way that will require a 20,000 dollar surgery to fix and he will might have to limp for the rest of his life"

Anonymous No. 187690

>Gets imprisoned for 10 years because he broke someone's limb after they gave up

Anonymous No. 187691

>this doesn't actually happen

Anonymous No. 187692

No one cares
>t. haven't trained in the gi for the past 3 years

If your gym only has no-gi like once a week I would advise gi training just to get maximum mat time.

Anonymous No. 187697

Wouldn't doing wrestling instead for the other two days give me a better use of my time

Anonymous No. 187698

If you only has 2 days to train its all good but if you want more mat time doing gi won't hurt

Anonymous No. 187703

Yeah you know what on second thought I will keep my gi just in case my shifts don't align with the wrestling and no gi

Anonymous No. 187706

Is it me or UFC's heavyweight has some pretty poor grappling? Why is it so hard for elite grapplers to appear in this weight class?

Anonymous No. 187707

Because while testing may not be perfect or uncorruptable in the UFC, it doesn't exist at all for the ADCC headliner types. Pretty sure the last guy who'd be considered elite at both is being headlocked in OP's pic, and I don't think he has a great relationship with the promotion/Dana.

Anonymous No. 187710

Chickened out of going to my first bjj fundamentals class tomorrow :(

Anonymous No. 187711

Because if you're a huge athletic dude, you might as well go into the NFL or the NBA where you're getting close to a million for your base salary versus MMA where you get paid gas money.

Anonymous No. 187717


Anonymous No. 187720

Just go man. If it's a good gym the anxiety will go away, you'll slowly make friends. Just roll and ask questions, and show up

Anonymous No. 187721

No one cares, I mostly do nogi

Anonymous No. 187739

I didn't have time to stay on top of hygiene, and looked like a mess. I didn't want to look like a homeless person on my first day. also didn't get much sleep

Anonymous No. 187757

if hygiene is an issue for you you're gonna have problems at bjj
aside from the skin infections if you're the smelly guy you get labeled that real fast and everyone knows it

Anonymous No. 187832

>take people to the ground every street fight I’ve ever been in in my life
>never lose because no one generally actually knows how to grapple
>punch people while they helplessly squirm on the ground unable to escape
I don’t know why you fags are so scared of ground fighting

Anonymous No. 187845

Whenever I'm out in public and encounter dangerous people it's generally a mix of one single person Vs multiple, so I guess ground fighting does have its place. Also sometimes you can't just ko a person with punches so takedown and control would be preferred

Saying that I have no grappling experience and each one of my self-defense situations has been a flurry of punches and then both leaving the scene before police arrive

Anonymous No. 187891

It's pure cope. I watch tons of these stupid street fights and it's very often 1v1, and it very often goes to the ground. Muh streets fags always talk up gang jumping and weapon scenarios like they're gonna box through 5 guys with knives it's fucking stupid. They wank off "scenarios" but ignore the ones in which grappling would be useful or the fact that just because YOU don't want to go to the ground doesn't mean you won't end up there. And being able to fight your way back to your feet is incredibly useful

Anonymous No. 187936

>just because YOU don't want to go to the ground doesn't mean you won't end up there
sure it does though, because I know how to grapple
literally unless you're D1 wrestler tier you're not getting me to the ground unless I choose to go there

Anonymous No. 187939

You could still be taken down by surprise.
This is more about "muh streets" retards who don't train grappling at all and think it's useless.

Anonymous No. 187997

Does nogi really have every grappling art techniques except gi techniques?

Anonymous No. 187999

In theory, yes. In practice, no.

Anonymous No. 188000

You can see the banned lists for the things it doesn't. Cranks, can opener, etc. Pretty much anything that's "safe" enough to practice regularly, by rule, does not contain all techniques of any kind.

Anonymous No. 188002

I train at B-Team. Ask me anything.

Anonymous No. 188003

Do you suck dicks?

Anonymous No. 188006

Only if you're cute. Like Nick Mataya.

Anonymous No. 188022

In theory yes, but some techniques aren't used or taught because they're banned 99% of time

Anonymous No. 188037

No you don't. I'm the b-team guy that started the AMAs.
Name the front desk guys

Anonymous No. 188536

Do they restock their rash guards every?

Anonymous No. 188643

Why is armbar more common than kimura?

Anonymous No. 188666

How long did it take your rolling cardio to improve? I hate getting gassed like a bitch

Anonymous No. 188676

I'm not sure it is

Anonymous No. 188712

is basic wrestling + knowing how to do guillotine, armbar, RNC, kimura more effective for combat than getting into BJJ

Anonymous No. 188736

>is basic wrestling + BJJ better than just BJJ?
Yes? Weird ass question. If you're asking if larping and trying to learn subs off YouTube is better than just doing nogi BJJ then nope

Anonymous No. 188756

Hey now do go calling submissiom wresling nogi bjj
Wrestling implies a certain level of expertise in stand up grappling, 10 year bjj practitioners don't even know how to do a proper single leg or hand fight

Anonymous No. 188761

dude you just grab one or two legs it's not rocket science

Anonymous No. 188765

Don't call yourself a submission grappler if you don't train subs

Anonymous No. 188766

I'm a domination grappler

Anonymous No. 188768

>bro just turn around to do a hip throw it’s not rocket science
>bro just kick their leg to do a foot sweep it’s not rocket science
>bro just fall down to do a sacrifice throw it’s not rocket science
>bro just kick them in the groin to do uchi mata it’s not rocket science
>bro just roll over to do a guard sweep it’s not rocket science
>bro just grab their arm to do an arm lock it’s not rocket science
>bro just put your arm around their neck to choke them it’s not rocket science
>bro just get better position it’s not rocket science
>bro just get up if they try to pin you it’s not rocket science
>bro just hold them down to pin them it’s not rocket science
>bro just win it’s not rocket science
No one needs to train grappling anymore just read this post and you’ll have it nailed

Anonymous No. 188769

don't call yourself a grappler at all if you can't take someone down

Anonymous No. 188800

I can take someone down though.

Anonymous No. 188824

I'm a rape grappler.

Anonymous No. 188840

I would consider rape a submission technique desu

Anonymous No. 188983

Yesterday i rolled with the huge boobs white belt, she stank like a motherfucker jesus christ.

Anonymous No. 188994

Well you are young so you still can train that much and probably recover fully. But as other anons have said you might wanna take some time off. Overtraining is a real thing and it creeps up on you slowly and it's an bitch to recover from.
Also something else to consider, maybe you need a little step back to open your eyes. Sometimes being in the thick of it blinds us to obvious things

Anonymous No. 188995

Most people seem to prefer no-gi around here, so my bet is no one will care.

Anonymous No. 189002

I went for my first BJJ lesson today. I'm trying to take something positive out of it but ultimately It felt really unnatural. I could barely get my legs around the person when I was lying in closed guard. I thought in a real fight I would have my face pummeled in by the time I tried to even wrap one leg around him.
Very situational and technical (i.e useless for most people irl)
Boxing was way more rewarding from day one. Got bad mat burn on my toes as well.
All in all it really put me off. Trying to take whatever positive things I've learnt from it (shrimping, sweeps and one submission) but it really made me wonder why people get so invested in it. Doesn't help I was paired with a white belt and we both didn't really know what we were doing
I will probably try wrestling now and if that isn't useful from day 1 I will just give up my grappling journey and go back to striking. I don't doubt that if you are a black/brown belt in bjj you are probably so flexible you can do this crazy shit if the situation arises, but even then you need to have someone wanting to mount you (when is that going to happen?) Or great takedown skills.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk

Anonymous No. 189007

You can spar hard and don't risk repeated head trauma as much. All the fun with less risk. Or different risks, if you will, but still not as severe.

Anonymous No. 189009

>I could barely get my legs around the person when I was lying in closed guard.
That will come in time. People make it look so easy but it isn't a natural position. Unless you're super flexible you'll probably have trouble.

Anonymous No. 189010

*have trouble at first, I mean.

Anonymous No. 189012

I feel bjj sparring you can sprain, break or injure yourself easily too. One guy on the mats appeared to have bad athletes foot / fungus. The guy I was with had fucked up feet and having them wrapped behind my head practising felt horrible. Idk why they don't just wear wrestling shoes or something, much more hygienic.

Oh okay, that's a relief. I was kind of embarrassed that I struggled with it. I'm definitely not "unfit" so I was shocked I couldn't even get into this basic fundamental position without having to make several adjustments and scooting around awkwardly before hand.

Anonymous No. 189017

>One guy on the mats appeared to have bad athletes foot / fungus.
Now this actually is a problem, I'd talk to your coach about this. I got something on my face because a guy rolled with athlete's foot - NOT FUN.

>I'm definitely not "unfit" so I was shocked I couldn't even get into this basic fundamental position without having to make several adjustments and scooting around awkwardly before hand.
It's using muscles you've never used before especially in your ankles and core (for scooting). How much stretching do you do?

Anonymous No. 189023

Not all positions/techniques are gonna work well for your body and your opponent. Guard is important but if you don't like you don't have to focus on playing out of it if you don't like it. Work on sweeps out of it. You just started so it's extra awkward as well. Most newbies I see cannot hold guard AT ALL it just instantly gets broken. Nothing strange there.

Also are you doing gi or nogi?

Anonymous No. 189033

The issue is as a brand new person how can I come into that gym and on the first day point out hygiene issues

Anonymous No. 189034

I did the gi fundamental class. I was more keen on doing no gi to begin with but don't know if they will accommodate a beginner or if I'd just be wasting my time

Anonymous No. 189094

Any tips on reverse z guard?

Anonymous No. 189139

Maybe it would help to frame it more like an innocent question
>Hey, I'm kinda new to this and I don't know a lot about these things, one of the guys seemed to have like a skin infection or something, do you think it's safe for me to spar with him?

or maybe hiding it behind something else
>Coach, is it okay for me to reject someone who wants to spar? One person looked like they might've had some sort of skin condition and I'm kinda afraid of bringing some bug back home to my wife and kids

But idk, I'm like the last person to be giving advice on social interaction with how socially retarded I am

Anonymous No. 189141

I was looking at Sakuraba's fights
and I noticed he was the og wrestle-jitsu.
He focused on take downs and turtle-ing to stand up.

anyways my question is what are some good ways to improve my wrestle-jitsu?

Anonymous No. 189142

I've been doing muay thai for a bit and did BJJ for some small time but liked muay thai better. I've been thinking about doing judo though it's always looked fascinating. Any tips or advice on what to expect coming from a muay thai and BJJ background?

Anonymous No. 189144

Judo will feel similar to BJJ, but there will be a lot more emphasis on stand-up wrestling and throwing your opponent. Ground fighting will feel almost like an afterthought by comparison

Anonymous No. 189175

why is kani basami banned

Anonymous No. 189182

Because people full send it from the side and blow the other guys knees out

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Anonymous No. 189326

>RDLs are a good exercise
The one that's either too light to accomplish any strength gains or too heavy to be done without snapping your shit up?
>standard olympic deadlift
What is an olympic deadlift? Can you show me someone deadlifting on an Olympic stage? You sound like a pencilnecked geek who hasn't spent much time under a barbell.
Correct. Deadlifting to failure will injury you pretty quickly. I wonder if that's what's given the exercise a bad rep; dumbasses overloading a compound exercise, performing it with cat-backed form and tarding out reps to failure.
>I'm incapable of formulating an opinion on this because I don't have experience strength training, so here's a video arguing the side of the argument I've decided to agree with.
You absolute dimwit.

Anonymous No. 189330

if you need to use straps and or a belt you can't do the lift
simple as

Anonymous No. 189349

all straps let you do is lift more without worrying about tendons snap
>4y of strong men

Anonymous No. 189415

>He focused on take downs and turtle-ing to stand up.
>what are some good ways to improve my wrestle-jitsu?
You've answered your own question. Play less guard, and if you're on bottom, focus on getting up. Craig Jones's Power Bottom is a good instructional for this style, but you'll need wrestling skills when you're on your feet

Anonymous No. 189417

means you can't do the lift

🗑️ Anonymous No. 189449

>Craig Jones's Power Bottom
looks good, does it cover defending from turtles?

Anonymous No. 189452

>Craig Jones's Power Bottom
looks good, it's all about turtle defense
I didn't know Craig jones had so many instructional on wrestling.

Anonymous No. 189774

I need to get better at half guard
Is Lachlan Giles's Half guard Anthology a good place to start?

Anonymous No. 189780

I will teach you about half guard
I'm something of an expert

Anonymous No. 189786

some say it's the best

Anonymous No. 190192

>training for 11 months
I got sick of training the submission of the day in class but not really getting better. So I spent the last 7 months focused on every thing connected to front headlock.

I am happy with my front headlock now but I have zero I idea what to focuse on now, any ideas?

>to help you understand my game I have a good buzz saw pass and leg ride

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Anonymous No. 190312

Any of you lift? How do you grapple and go to the gym without the two conflicting? If I lift 3 times a week, will I lose my gains if I go to judo on rest days?

Anonymous No. 190314

Up calories. Proactively lower weight and volume until you have a handle on your body's new needs of effort and recovery.

Anonymous No. 190365

Judo is in great part Kuzushi, meaning balance-breaking. You will grab, pull, and push, but you won't be lifting your 60-120kg opponents.

Anonymous No. 190366

Based pic btw.

Anonymous No. 190368

>you won’t be listing your 60-120kg opponents
I’m a burger so I had to look up how much that is in Gods true form of customary measurement. 60kg is like 130 lbs. are you suggesting that you can’t lift a 130lb opponent or are you suggesting that lifting people up is not a part of judo? You’re wrong either way I just want to get an idea of how wrong you are.

Anonymous No. 190383

>this thread is for people of all grappling disciplines to ask each other about stuff
>entire thread is BJJfags recommending BJJ stuff for everything

Anonymous No. 190385

I do judo already. It's just that I need to start hitting the weights ASAP because I'm too weak for my weight class (around 90-100 kg). It's giving me problems against people my own size and bigger.

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Anonymous No. 190434

How you lot are sounding right now, no fights.

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Anonymous No. 190441

more like this

Anonymous No. 190444

There are techniques where you completely lift the opponent (such as kata guruma), but in most techniques you don't. As I said, it's about breaking the opponent's balance *and then* tripping/throwing them, rather than lifting them completely off the ground and throwing them.
Obviously you do need some strength, especially when going against trained and experienced fighters.

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Anonymous No. 190498


Anonymous No. 190499

And that's not a flowchart desu its more of a skill tree.

Anonymous No. 190515

>wrestling 3 years in HS 1 in uni
I have really been working on my left side this last couple months for the first time.
It feels like my body is built for it, any tips?

Anonymous No. 190517

>body is built for it

Anonymous No. 190519

being ambidextrous is a false idol
you don't need to be able to do things on both sides. Your body has a strong side and a week side, you aren't symmetrical with your dexterity so its an impossible ask that you're equally good at techniques on each side
instead you will have right side moves and left side moves, just like every other martial art does all depending on if your power side is forward or back

I agility pass to the left and pressure pass to the right, these are done in conjunction with each other
if someone passes to my right my strong arm is able to post on the floor so I wrestle up on a single
if someone passes to me left (lmao that never happens because 90% of people exclusively pass to the right) my strong arm is able to post on their body so I frame to half butterfly

that's the approach that works. You should have 2 games depending on the side you're fighting with not just 1 and then a shittier version of the same one on the other side

Anonymous No. 190520

>You should have 2 games depending on the side you're fighting with not just 1 and then a shittier version of the same one on the other side.

So build a game on my left to force them into my right side game?
I could be miss understanding you but that it makes sense.

Anonymous No. 190522

I think it's something that will just unfold naturally
if someone is turtled and I'm to their left I'll start shooting arms in for front chokes or if I'm feeling cheeky go to a truck, and if I'm to their right I'm going to break them down into a back pack
I don't think about it, that's just where my reflexes bring me

Anonymous No. 190523

that is very fair

Anonymous No. 190573


How to pass guard 4 n00bz
1. Get them on their back
2. Deny Grips
3. Break Grips
4. Stay Mobile
5. When passing move quickly, aggressively and suddenly
6. If brought down to that mat make space and get to your feet

Anonymous No. 190585

In other words:
>be great at escapes and just stand up
I would agree with that, as would most of the popular no-gi scene right now (thanks Craig)

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Anonymous No. 190755


Anonymous No. 190767

Bjj blue belt here.
Wrestling >>> Judo > jujutsu > brazilian jits.
It's fun but come on stop the mma circlejerking brazilian jits is low tier martial art. I'll not even start talking about the non-purely grappling MA like sanbo or tai chi.

Anonymous No. 190769

It's not purely grappling and can be bullshit depending on the gym.

Anonymous No. 190773

Guys, where can I watch actual naked wrestling videos instead of the fake shit you see on porn sites?

Anonymous No. 190777

Find out who did the consulting work for Eastern Promises. Go from there.

Anonymous No. 190778

I asked ChatGPT who did it and it said Andrei Ujica. I looked him up but got no results on wrestling / naked wrestling.
So, what are you talking about, anon...?

Anonymous No. 190779

They don't exist. Fetish wrestling is already super niche. Naked wrestling without any sex stuff even more so.

Closest you'll get is sumo.

Anonymous No. 190841

I see. Thanks.
Though I think it weird no one has done it, since it is known the ancient Greeks used to wrestle while nude.

Anonymous No. 190873

I'm sick of seeing this fffifiion davis woman everywhere
muh adcc* champion

seriously who gives a fuck what she has to say, none of her advice about techniques is applicable or useful to a man because she's never actually rolled against one in a serious environment

Anonymous No. 190880

she hot
she has a nice voice
she helps my gf become a better training dummy

Anonymous No. 190895

Dern 2 better accent boogaloo

Anonymous No. 190897

>she hot
Disagree. Her face is too pointy

Anonymous No. 190933

hey guys. i've just completed my first bjj competition and i lost 2 of my matches. the flaws i found was that i didnt know much sweeps and on top of that i felt a bit spazzy due to my nerves being off the roof. as soon as i stepped on the mat my heart just went beating rapidly. i am not too sure what to do about my nerves and how should i prepare next time for my upcoming comp?

Anonymous No. 190967

>i am not too sure what to do about my nerves
Experience. Once you get comfortable competing, it'll get better. Also some degree of nervousness is good, it keeps you focused and from getting too comfortable

Anonymous No. 190974

The nerves and spazzing is pretty normal, you're dealing with a lot of adrenaline.
The only way to mitigate it is to compete a lot, and do a proper warm up. Don't get yourself exhausted, but I like to be just barely sweating before a match. Really helps with adrenaline dump in my experience

Anonymous No. 191002

yes i am going to be competeing again in 2 months time and this time its going to be a round robin so hopefully i can get more time to sparr with others.
i did do a warm up since my coach insisted to do so but i just couldn't control how i felt.

i guess i will compete more which i look forward to

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j rod jumping dou....webm

Anonymous No. 191013

Anonymous No. 191028

>even if you're not feeling like it you should go to class anyway, you always feel better when you leave and never regret it
or you experience a severe injury because mentally you're not engaged enough in the activity or physically may be fatigued and needed the night off

t. guy that fell for the propaganda

Anonymous No. 191114

Did you only roll with white belts?

Usually what gets most people hooked is getting absolutely manhandled by a purple or brown belt with a 50 lb weight disadvantage who isn't even breaking a sweat. There are some people that make it seem like magic.

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peak jiujitsu bjj....webm

Anonymous No. 191121

Anonymous No. 191138

How important are rides for beginners?

I have started "teaching" my friend
he has good understanding of Half Guard, Pin Escapes, Submission Escapes and Kimura.

Is this point a good time to start teaching them to him?

Anonymous No. 191154

Maybe just the dagestani handcuff + claw, and the concept of leg riding. I feel like there are much more important things to work on for a white belt.
They should learn some standing techniques and seated guard stuff (retention, foot sweeps, wrestle ups, SLX entries)

Anonymous No. 191155

Pretzel guard is doing things to me, ngl

Anonymous No. 191157

Hi I want to learn basic grappling, I have a limited time maybe a year or two of learning. I have already trained boxing so know basic striking.
I have a choice between wrestling, judo and bjj. All at the same place. I want to stick to one due to time constraints. I want something that I can use for self defence. I am leaning towards wrestling due to:
>No washing the gi all the time
>heard its easier to learn and get results
>Effective with or without clothes to grab

Or am I overestimating wrestling as a self defence art?

Anonymous No. 191160

>self defense
If you want defense wrestling is the best, stopping takedowns and standing up from the ground are the best things to know in a real fight.
Pinning is also a really good way of dealing with someone without legal problems. If you ever want a more aggressive solution learn how to do a rnc.

Go for it!

Anonymous No. 191163

Thanks, I instinctively know how to do a rear naked choke. Anyone with half a brain can do it

Anonymous No. 191168

good know all you need to do is learn how to do a triangle, Double Wristlock and heelhook. with does 4 you will be set for life

Anonymous No. 191170

Is there a no-gi class?
I would wrestling & no-gi classes if possible
>I want to stick to one due to time constraints
You have time to cross train

Anonymous No. 191173

not necessarily

Anonymous No. 191177

>self defence
Don't grapple. Do more boxing. Yes you're overestimating it. If you really like grappling keep in head it's not so good in real fights and take up wresling. It's still a great experience overall.
Judo is better if you live in a cold country because you'll be able to catch their 'gi' all the time. From what I hear you're not russian so don't bother. You can still learn a few skills from judo/bjj on youtube and do it in wrestling class just for fun.
>No washing
I have to admit this is its own kind of hell.

Anonymous No. 191180

Grappling is fantastic in real fights you just can't try locking in arm bars while getting jumped. Multiple attackers will almost always win.

People obsessed with muh streets and fighting gangs of thugs should just buy a fucking gun.

Anonymous No. 191192

What's the point of this?

Anonymous No. 191200

You need to understand winning on a technicality is the greatest success a bjjfag could ever experience
That's why you'll see them doing back flips and hollering in extacy if their opponent gets DQ'd
The sport is so unfun th participate in that the most enjoyment you could ever experience is figuring out ways to not play it

That's why the ibjjf needed to make a rule that you are not allowed to make your opponent commit a foul anymore
The problem was so rampant actually where for example someone would position their opponents leg into an illegal reep causing them to get DQd and then jump up celebrating

Anonymous No. 191203

Is only grappling enough for self-defense?
I'm training judo 2x/week and kickboxing 2x/week but I don't like taking brain damage, especially because I just had surgery on my septum last year.
Thinking about just keeping judo or maybe replace kickboxing with no-gi BJJ 1x/week.

Can't have a gun in my country.

Anonymous No. 191204

I have a black belt in Judo and have only ever dabbled in striking. In my early twenties I got into more scraps than I care to admit, most of which could have been avoided. That said I never felt under prepared with just my judo skills which weren’t even particularly good at the time.

Also if you can’t have a gun get some pepper spray at least. That or a small metal flashlight you can keep in your pocket to bash someone with if you need to.

Anonymous No. 191206

>That said I never felt under prepared with just my judo skills which weren’t even particularly good at the time.
That's nice to know. Guess I will just stick to grappling.
>Also if you can’t have a gun get some pepper spray at least.
Pepper sprays are illegal too KEK. Yes, my country is cucked. Will think about the flashlight.

Anonymous No. 191208

you catch knees to the nose in jiujitsu plenty as well

Anonymous No. 191211


Thanks for the advice

Anonymous No. 191227

Why isn't the pretzel guy being punished for stalling?
I saw a video a while back where some guy entered a BJJ tournament and he refused to fall resulting in him getting a warning.

Anonymous No. 191242

You said it yourself, the rules of bjj are backwards where unlike every other sport in the world a player is allowed to take a purely defensive posture and the other person will get warned for stalling

On any other sport someone not falling over would be a demonstration of effective grappling, but in bjj you're expected to just sit on your butt and accept it so you'll get in trouble for it
It's truly the worst sport and least effective of the grappling arts
Case in point? You will see participants from participants from all other competitive grappling styles take place in BJJ tournaments or do matches under BJJ rules, you will never see BJJ practitioner step into someone else's rule set because they can't, because it sucks and is incomplete and does not give them the requisite tools to face someone outside of their own rules

They are the boxers are grappling, they talk tough but will never back it up unless they get to set the time place and manner

Anonymous No. 191245

>Why isn't the pretzel guy being punished for stalling?
The onus is typically on the top player to pressure forward and attempt to pass. You can get stalling calls from bottom, but it's usually called on the top guy. Also that vid is pretty short and clearly the end of a match so I imagine the pretzel boy was up on points anyways.
This vid is of an IBJJF match, which is the most "sport" BJJ ruleset. Rulesets at ADCC are a bit closer to "combat" if that's important to you
>but in bjj you're expected to just sit on your butt and accept it so you'll get in trouble for it
What are you talking about? You can pass standing and it's often preferred
>participants from all other competitive grappling styles take place in BJJ tournaments or do matches under BJJ rules
And they usually lose lol what is your point?
Competing in other rulesets does not prove the efficacy of something. Wrestlers are great at pace, aggression, takedowns, but don't know submissions because it's not part of their training. BJJ guys are good at submissions and ground techniques because it's part of their training.

Only retards who don't train have this weird 1980s dojo vs. dojo imagination about grappling. Everyone who actually trains learns a little bit of everything, often humbled by the specialists in other grappling disciplines.
I've submitted A LOT of wrestlers, pretty easily. But I sure as fuck could not take them down. Which is fine, because those are the things our training has taught us

Anonymous No. 191246

You seem very uninformed. They do penalize stalling now under IBJJF. Also shit like ADCC is open to all grapplers.

I would say it's Judofags who are the "boxing" of grappling. Train almost exclusively in gi, for Olympic rulesets. They don't even allow their athletes to enter other grappling comps until they retire from judo.

Anonymous No. 191250

I have more experience in jiujitsu than probably anybody on this board. Not bragging, just stating the facts
it fucking sucks

take your average 5 year practitioner of judo, bjj, wrestling
bjj loses because he's min maxed and specialized in the least important aspect of grappling
>cant do takedowns
>cant do pins
>cant get off his back
it's a pipe dream to then say "well his submissions are better", ok fine but since he's lost every positional battle leading up to the submission it would just be a fluke if he manages to pull one off as a hail mary
the reality is I don't care how slick you think your submission game is if you've been taken down and pinned on your back unable to move

Anonymous No. 191251

You don't sound experienced you sound like a moron. How is breaking or submitting someone losing? Because of the arbitrary things you define to be more important?
I'd rather be taken down than put to sleep. Retard. I see mediocre blue belts submit trial class wrestlers all the time.
>buhhhhh he can't do takedowns
>buhhhhh he can't pin him
>buhhhhh he isn't doing things that are important in other sports

Anonymous No. 191258

>I see mediocre blue belts submit trial class wrestlers all the time
>hey it's your first day so you need to start from the knees :^)
>also put this gi on so I have so you have a rope around your neck I can tug on :^)
>oh and don't neck crank me or use compression holds because those are dick moves and against the rules :^)

what ever happened to position before submission? if we accept that as the premise then there's no method by which bjj wins because the practitioner will lose every positional exchange up until the moment of submission, meaning the submission can't manifest itself
bjj is a bullet without a gun to fire it
you will be taken down and held there. You've lost the fight and all the girls are looking on laughing at you for getting dicked around like that

Anonymous No. 191259

The more you post the more convinced I am you don't train at all. Or just fighting some 90's Gracie straw man of BJJ in your head. You can show up to a nogi open mat and wrestlefuck people as much as you want for the most part. But a straight wrestler will put themselves in subs over and over. Just how they were trained. Same reason a boxer will get his legs chopped off vs muay thai.

My gym starts all rolls standing as long as there's space on the mats. But just taking someone down isn't a finisher. People get the takedown then get swept and subbed all the time.

Anonymous No. 191264

>But just taking someone down isn't a finisher. People get the takedown then get swept and subbed all the time.
just don't actually put any amplitude behind it, that would be against the rules!
after all my professor says it's unsafe even though it happens in judo, wrestling, sambo, fucking shuai jiao every day and they're all fine
just make sure under no circumstances do you actually lift someone in bjj during your takedowns though, that's simply much too dangerous so it isn't allowed!
make no mistake about it, he's allowed to jump crotch first directly at you and drag you to the ground but if you so much as consider not isometrically negative repping his entire sudden body weight gently towards the ground we're calling it a slam and YOU ARE BANNED!

the conventions of bjj are deliberately made to insulate the practitioners and declare they're the best by creating rules where what they deem as important is the only stuff that counts
the bjj practice room is the only place where you'll hear people complaining that 1 their partners are too strong, and 2 "he's just holding me there and isn't even moving, it's so boring!!!"
instead of improving the skills to meet the reality they just cope and blame the partner for "not doing it right" it's pathetic really

Anonymous No. 191283

Is MMA wrestling at a high enough level that you can learn to wrestle as an adult through that in a country that doesn't have an oly style wrestling tradition? Or is it better to go through Judo and BJJ if you want to learn general grappling?

There are decent Judo places where I live and BJJ ones are a dime a dozen here. I've practiced those two when I was growing up, but wrestling always seemed a bit more fun.

Anonymous No. 191313

Just got Neil Melanson book "Mastering Triangle Choke" and in it he talks about how his coach saw his long legs and made him play only guard and triangle choke for 9 months, it forced him develop a really strong triangle game.

Would this be a horrible idea to copy? handicap my self greatly for focused improvement in a set goal.

Anonymous No. 191315

Focusing on a skill is good, but skills don't exist in a vacuum
There needs to be a wholistic approach, if you neglect other skills you won't be good

Everyone will just know you're the triangle guy and stay away from those configurations

Anonymous No. 191402

>>191258 #

Not the dude you've been replying to but a good wrestler with a little BJJ is way more dangerous than a good BJJ guy with a little wrestling.

I came into jiu jitsu from a wrestling background and ~6 months in I was destroying guys with way more experience than me.

I've been teaching a grappling for MMA class at my gym for a few years now. Striking to takedowns, wall wrestling, get on top stay on top, leg rides, wrist rides, wrestle ups, standing out of closed guard, get to the back, etc. and there are guys in my class that have never taken a "traditional" jiu jitsu class. At open mats, my students will dominate sport jiu jitsu guys 9 of 10 times. Not always by submission but they will get to a leg ride or shelf and completely shut down the jiu jitsu "game." Biggest weakness is leg locks but that's only because it's next to useless when strikes are involved so I don't teach it.

I love jiu jitsu and plan on continuing it, but the excessive guard play and weird rulesetd have really watered it down. Just look at Nicky Rod. He got silver at the biggest event in jiu jitsu without doing any jiu jitsu. He just wrestled and held position and beat some of the best guys in the sport.

Anonymous No. 191420

Without kimono, judo and bjj are not good at all.

Anonymous No. 191423

Apart from every top MMA fighter has dominated with boxing

Kickboxing now is a meme mostly for women to show off their legs and feet on tik tok

Anonymous No. 191424

Nah, and If you have an MMA coach doing boxing with you, you have a bad coach

Anonymous No. 191434

I like practicing in Gi, its more fun than their no Gi counterparts, though since I've never wrestled I can't say how that compares to the no Gi stuff I've done. I don't plan on ever becoming a cage fighter nor do I have self-defense delusions, I just want to train and mmaybe compete for fun. In that scenario everyone will either be wearing a Gi or not, so the playing field is leveled. I just want to know whether the kind of wrestl you'll see in a MMA gym holds up to the technical level of Judo and BJJ in a country where there's no ingrained wrestl tradition.

Anonymous No. 191437


Why are you so gay?

Anonymous No. 191441

I prefer the gi against people that are worse than me, and no gi against people that are my level or better
The gi is just a power fantasy, because not only is the conventional grappling ability better but also you have a weapon that the other person doesn't know how to use effectively, so it's like 2 different skills at play and they just compound on each other
The gi is what makes people feel like a wizard when you're a beginner

Actually I believe that is the reason this BJJ schools make it mandatory for beginners to start with a Gi on, and in most places you aren't even allowed to do no gi classes until you become more advanced
The gi helps sell the lie when Chad walks in and the 110lbs female purple belt strangles him
But a toddler could choke you out with a rope around your neck. It wasn't her jiujitsu, it's the force multiplier of having a collar ergonomically designed to choke people which she knows how to use and Chad doesn't
It's a really small ask to have someone grab a collar and move it 1.5 inches to the middle
There wasn't any grappling there, just a crutch

Nogi is the skill check
Instead of getting this perceived perceived superiority because someone gave you a belt, your reputation is what matters

Anonymous No. 191444

This sounds retarded but How I takedown someone that its always "running away"?

Anonymous No. 191446


To be fair, that'll work against a complete beginner no gi as well. They have no concept of underhooks and give up their back constantly. Even a 100lb female can strangle a full grown man if they've got a locked up RNC. It's definitely not as easy as in the gi, though.

I don't do much in the gi anymore because of all the meme guards but I still enjoy it from time to time. My gi game just looks about the same as my no gi game. Just more ways to strangle.

Anonymous No. 191453


Low singles are one of the only takedowns you can hit reliably without tie ups. Circle out and shoot in to grab their near ankle when they step in, head inside.

Anonymous No. 191458

Yes, your muay Thai spinning leg kick is going to fuck up Derrick Lewis

Anonymous No. 191470

You sound butthurt

Anonymous No. 191476

I'm not
but I'll tell you this, always makes me lol when people do get butthurt about nogi receiving belts like "that's so stupid, you're not wearing a gi and you're getting a belt promotion"
nigga you're wearing a ninja costume and you think that guy looks stupid?

Anonymous No. 191585

>arguing with a point no one ITT made

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Seika Izawa submi....webm

Anonymous No. 191797

Anonymous No. 192415

I've been training boxing recreationally for a while now, with no serious sparring as I do it for fun and don't want to lose brain cells. I'm kinda bored of it now and can do some bag work myself but I want to start either judo or bjj. I like the standup and throws from judo and ground game of bjj, but not sure which to start first.
I'm not sure if judo can be trained recreationaly/amateurish as it seems most school teach for competing or kids, BJJ on the other hand...
Also, judo to me personally seems more fun but also might be more injury-prone, I'm in my 30s so no spring chicken here.
Any advice?

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Anonymous No. 192416

really horny for godinez and i can tell the announcer is too

Anonymous No. 192419

judo is harder

Anonymous No. 192420

>Systematic literature review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine
>Injury risks from Olympic Games data, with average risks reported between 11.2–12.3%
>Other studies showing risks as high as 23–29%
>9 out of 10 athletes sustain at least one injury
>6-month injury incidence rate of 59.2%
Personally, I prefer Judo. Despite what BJJ/MMA tards on this board will say, newaza includes submission grappling & has everything you could really need. It's much simpler than BJJ but that's ok because half the shit in BJJ never gets use unless you're competeing in a strictly BJJ tournament. Judo is efficient in the ring & in the street it's frequently a 1 throw KO and works against multiple targets. BJJ is only really dominant in the ring & has 0 multiple opponent applicability. Judo is the more rounded choice. But ultimately train what is available at your preferred level of intensity cause, you're right, many judo schools train with the olympics in mind.

Anonymous No. 192422

>BJJ is only really dominant in the ring & has 0 multiple opponent applicability
what martial art would you says is?

Anonymous No. 192424

Thanks for the advice, it all makes sense, one point, I have a feel unless you're good at breakfall at all times, injuries during judo throws can be much more severe but maybe that's my fear from the past bone-breaking talking. I'll have a look at a few judo schools in my town and see what level I can train there, if at all. I always liked it more, it's just bjj is super popular nowadays days and judo is still kids or tryhard level.

Anonymous No. 192427

Boxing-or-Muay Thai+ Judo. Supplement with Eskrima/Kali/Arnis if you're going to carry a knife. Kendo if you're an older gent & use a cane. And since the argument will inevitably devolve into 'muh guns,' yes. Marksmanship is a martial art.
>good at breakfall at all times
It's not difficult to be good at & any school worth their salt will have you extensively drill breakfalls before progressing with you. It's not that bad once you get used to it. You have to learn to go loose & spread the force across your whole body. It is jarring but you reduce the chance of injury by distributing the force. Most injuries during breakfalls are from fighting it and trying to catch yourself.

Anonymous No. 192499

I'm not really looking into it for self defense purposes mainly for fun and sport though

Anonymous No. 192500

Well then you might be more into BJJ. You're more likely to find an easy going class.

Anonymous No. 192541

Try both and stick to what you like, it's not a marriage.

Anonymous No. 192543

If you want fun your best bet is to avoid anywhere run by Brazilians
They take it way too seriously and are really cringe homos about it

Anonymous No. 192545

>mainly for fun and sport though
I would do BJJ then, especially if you're in America. There are a lot of gyms with hobbyists that are just trying to develop a skill and get a workout. This leads to criticisms from the autists on this board, but IMO there's nothing wrong with distilling something to a sport level as long as you have realistic expectations of your ability to defend yourself.
Judo is cool but the scene isn't great in the US, and it's a bit harder to just dive in to training and sparring. Boxing and muay thai are cool too but most people don't find getting punched and kicked to be very fun.

Anonymous No. 192550

Another week, another pussying out of starting at the wrestling class. Ive never even done a cartwheel before. Wondering if i should get good at cartwheels and headstands before i go

Anonymous No. 192551

Are cartwheels and headstands part of the class because that sounds like a fucking retarded gymteacher class

If you're doing anything other than skill work in a class you're having your time wasted

Anonymous No. 192554

My dude idk if you know what youre talking about. You need to be able to do crazy shit like that if you want to be safe and comfortable when wrestling, as well as warming your body up

Anonymous No. 192555

Go take a gymnastics class then
Do your calisthenics on your own time or have a workout class

Warm ups are bullshit time wasters, wrestling class is for wrestling

Anonymous No. 192558

T. Sprains his neck and knee within first minute

Anonymous No. 192560

Something pretty gay about two near naked guys rolling around on a mat together, almoat as gay as the homo's that watch it.

Anonymous No. 192562

Why are you pussying out? If you're new, of course you're going to suck. Not going to get any better by avoiding it

Anonymous No. 192563

Scared ill get thrown at the deep end and suplexed on my head or something. It says beginners welcome though so im hoping i wont be completely thrown to the sharks

Anonymous No. 192564

I feel you, but once you get your first cartwheels it will all be worth it.

My first cartwheels at 230lbs was a game changer for everything.

Anonymous No. 192565

wrestlers have notoriously bad knees and necks, so perhaps that's something to be said about their training modalities

Anonymous No. 192566

Yeah, don't do 3 a days from age 5 to 25.

Anonymous No. 192567

if you look at the training for American wrestling vs other countries you released how much harder they go.
Other countries go at a level where it looks like they are just playing with a heavy force on technique.

Anonymous No. 192568

Just one takedown and the "homos" beat every single martial art in the world

Anonymous No. 192582

Not really, the amount of rule changes made to MMA over the years to make submission grappling more viable is seriously fucking pathetic. Beyond that anyone that isn't a faggot casual knows how the early years went down. The Gracies jewed the fuck out of the UFC and that legacy persists.
>Just one takedown
Which isn't a focus of BJJ but thanks for pointing out that out. The majority of finishes in MMA are KOs and most grappling is just to get to ground'n'pound.

Anonymous No. 192583

UFC is pretty anti submission nowadays. The short rounds resetting position and gloves completely work against it.

Knees against downed opponents would be a buff for grapplers btw

Anonymous No. 192607

ground and pound is the best way for any grappler going into mma, it is improved by threatening subs.

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tarikoplata MMA h....webm

Anonymous No. 192689

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Mir lock by Achil....webm

Anonymous No. 192690

Anonymous No. 192692

we must end this convention of naming moves after people
names must describe the action
ude garami with leg assist, I will however also accept chicken wing with leg assist

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waki gatame instr....webm

Anonymous No. 192693

>and gloves completely work against it.
MMA gloves don't hinder grappling completely. It might make certain grips harder, but it also makes other moves easier since it provides another surface to grab.

Anonymous No. 192733

Danaher calls it a legs kimura, but I'd rather just call it a Tarikoplata and not sound like a weirdo

Anonymous No. 192735

It makes it way harder to lock in many subs. Even RNC is harder with gloves since they add bulk. Harder to snake your hand under chin.

Anonymous No. 192736

Well yeah cause people know they can turtle and stall till the round ends and nails them out. With GnP you at least get some damage in. A lot of people don't understand it's often the guy on defense who is causing these lame sit on top for 3 minutes situations.

Harder to get to subs when the other guy is 100% focused on defensive grappling. Let fighters knee grounded opponents to open them up better for subs.

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Anonymous No. 192743

>Harder to snake your hand under chin.
It's MMA. Why bother trying to snake your hand under the chin when you can just punch them?

Anonymous No. 192747

Allowing a headshot upkick during leg entanglements would also change things, especially when it's not really an upkick because both opponents are grounded in some fashion. Puts more pressure on both guys to do something when there's multiple avenues of attack.

Anonymous No. 192760

Because we're specifically discussing submissions in MMA?

Anonymous No. 192762

But you're thinking in terms of "adapting sport jiujitsu to MMA" rather than "submissions in MMA".

Anonymous No. 192787

A rear naked choke is not sport jiu jitsu. Punches don't guarantee a knockout and if you're losing rounds, you might need to secure a submission to win the fight. You also might be dealing with someone very explosive, and swinging could open up too much space.

Anonymous No. 192823

>Punches don't guarantee a knockout and if you're losing rounds, you might need to secure a submission to win the fight.
The point is that while gloves might make securing certain submissions harder, they also allow you to ground and pound to open up them easier for submissions, which you couldn't do in pure grappling. It also provides additional gripping points.

It's a give and take, not something that purely makes it worse.

Anonymous No. 192865

>see a cool technique on youtube
>watch a bunch of videos
>try it at gym and fail horribly and everyone beats my ass
>repeat cycle with new move

this week its the reverse triangle (not inverted), wish me luck fellas

Anonymous No. 192866

id literally just cover his nose and mouth with my hands

Anonymous No. 192916

I had the same experience but instead of front headlock its single leg x. Switched to a gym with a separate fundamentals class and all went better.

Anonymous No. 192917

>grab his wrists so he cannot untangle
>flip him face down
Would this work?

Anonymous No. 192920

>illegal reap
Judofag here what the fuck is an illegal reap?

Anonymous No. 192921

Hop into Osoto Otoshi

Anonymous No. 192922

Cartwheels are used to escape throws, retard

Anonymous No. 192939

Knee reap
>as the IBJJF defines it, is “when one of the athletes places his thigh behind the leg of his opponent and passes his calf on top of the opponent’s body above the knee, placing his foot beyond the vertical midline of the opponent’s body and applying pressure on his opponent’s knee from the outside.”
Think Ashi Garami, but your outside leg crosses your opponent's midline. It *technically* places some pressure on your opponent's knee and because most organizations prohibit knee attacks for lower belts in competitions, this kinda gets thrown into the mix with heel hooks, kneebars, z-locks and the like

Anonymous No. 192956

Basically Brazilians are so terrified of leglocks that if you even so much as indicate the possibility of going for one you'll get disqualified

After all, bjj rules are about protecting the image of bjj, any threat to its image is a ban

Anonymous No. 192983

yeah if you go for a one handed rape choke they need to do something

Anonymous No. 192991

Redpill me. How much does concrete and no rules fuck up BJJ gameplan?

Would wrestling be better?

Anonymous No. 192998

As always, depends. If you're not wearing semi substantial sleeves or pants, top game wrestling can wreck your forearms and knees up. Same thing with your back, head, elbows and ass on bottom. Very generally and at the lowest levels, wrestling is probably better there. But for reasons that almost have nothing to do with grappling.

Anonymous No. 193002

>After all, bjj rules are about protecting the image of bjj
please, cease your retardation

Anonymous No. 193008

Concrete makes everything dangerous. You can break your hands missing a punch, you can land on your forearms/knees and lose skin, you can't post on your head.
The level of wrestling needed for self defense/fighting is so low that I would recommend just finding a legit no-gi BJJ school that has good wrestlers to learn from. In reality you'll likely never get into a fight, so it's really just a hobby choice and I find BJJ training to be much more enjoyable than wrestling practice ever was.

Anonymous No. 193010

>t. Guard jumper who demands to be put down gently
Reminder that yoshida choked Royce’s ass out and then he cried and pissed himself about it until the officials changed his loss to a no contest solely because yoshida choked Royce out with his own gi which wasn’t even against the rules

Anonymous No. 193016

Ok, fair enough, daki age is the one example where this sorta applies, guard jumpers definitely deserve to get slammed
Still, saying this is like saying that wrestling rules are only about protecting wrestling's image because they don't allow choking, or that boxing rules are about protecting boxing's image because ground and pound is illegal. I know hating on BJJ is now in vogue among chronic contrarians, ironic as that statement is, but please at least try to be less retarded
>but Royce Gracie
Gracies only care about protecting their brand and are no longer considered the authority on, or main ambassadors of, the sport

Anonymous No. 193019

Isn't it better to get good at takedowns for self defence instead of ground work. Messing around in guard looking for subs seems like a nightmare desu compared to getting good at a single leg, dumping the attacker maybe following up with GNP and getting away from there

Anonymous No. 193028

>Messing around in guard looking for subs seems like a nightmare desu
Agreed. I never said anything about playing guard. Bottom position is unacceptable in fights.
My point is that a wrestling club would ONLY teach wrestling, which has pretty specific rules (locked hands, front headlocks, no submission threats). You could learn enough wrestling to beat the average person at legit BJJ gym with legit wrestling instruction, while also learning submissions, escapes, and control.
This is not a A vs. B thing, this is a "do both" recommendation. Doing both just tends to happen in BJJ/MMA gyms

Anonymous No. 193033

I'm hugely conflicted whether to do wrestling or just try no gi BJJ. I have access to both. No gi is closer. Part of me thinks wrestling will be harder and I'll more likely fuck myself up. Im 30 years old and in okay shape but definitely not a top tier athlete. I'm concerned about safety and don't want some idiot to neck crank me or leg lock me and cause permanent damage/paralysis.

Then again I don't want to just learn sport wrestling if it'll get me fucked up in a real world situation. I'm also shit scared of doing either desu.

Everyone online raves about wrestling and says stuff like a wrestler with basic submission skills is much much more dangerous than a "bjj master". Also I've been told here that 1 year wrestling will serve me better than 1 year bjj. I have neither the time nor money to do both

Anonymous No. 193034

You should do both, but "enough wrestling to beat the average person at legit bjj gym" isn't a good metric to go by. Wrestling in BJJ has gotten better, but it's not at a level where you could say it's universally good.

Still plenty for self defense though.

Anonymous No. 193035

You need to stop worrying about fights unless you live in a total hellhole city. It's pretty easy to avoid fights. Just train whatever you think you will enjoy more. For me, it's no-gi because I can wrestle if I want, or I can work submissions, or escapes, etc.
Wrestling is great but I would not enjoy exclusively training it in my free time.
>Still plenty for self defense though.
That's my point. The guy is worried about fights, not being a good wrestler. BJJ wrestling as a whole is lacking, but my gym is full of D1 wrestlers that finished college and wanted to keep grappling. I've learned a lot.

Anonymous No. 193038

I actually do live in a hellhole city. I don't really find the idea of rolling around with sweaty guys for sport fun in itself, but I want to learn something that I can use irl.

I understand a takedown on concrete is basically a fight ender so thats why I heard wrestling is far easier and more useful. If that doesn't take them out I can gtfo

Anonymous No. 193040

Just kind of depends how much effort you want to put in. If all you care about is self defense get pepper spray or a gun. A lot cheaper than months of wrestling/BJJ fees.
If you want to build skills for self defense, do MMA. Your wrestling will consider the threat of strikes/strangles, and your striking will consider takedowns. But again, it's really not that hard to avoid fights.

Anonymous No. 193043

Guns and pepper spray both illegal here unfortunately

MMA gyms, they tend to offer one wrestling class a week or one no gi class etc striking classes separate and cost a shot ton for full membership

Ive already trained striking and competed so just wanted to have some backup grappling skills to control an attacker if needed

Anonymous No. 193057

>pepper spray is illegal where this anon lives
I’m sorry to hear that you’re a Britbrong, in all likelihood the condition will be terminal

Anonymous No. 193060

Does anyone know what it's called when you're in the clinch with someone, you reach down to place the back of you hand against their inner thigh, and rotate the person so your hand acts as a block which stumbles them?

Anonymous No. 193081

I'm not sure of a name for that, it's just a grip people use.

Anonymous No. 193116

>defending myself is illegal
Break the law? Just an idea. Also any kind of boxing >>> any kind of wrestling.

Anonymous No. 193125

>get double legged

Anonymous No. 193370

So I was practising my back rolls today and hurt my neck. No one's taught me them, apart from jumping in the deep end when I tried judo and hurt my neck then too. So I'm going on YouTube and trial and error

I'm still scared of going wrestling class and especially after this latest escapade. Do I need to master front roll, back roll before i attend this "beginners welcome" class or am I wasting time?

Anonymous No. 193372

I have a trick that sometimes helps my win against better people. When im losing but still have a chance to get out of my predicament or if i feel i may have a chance to put someone in a predicament i let out very loud moan followed by "yamete senpai". It catches them off guard. It doesnt always work and usually only works 1 time per person. But it is an ace up my sleeve.

Anonymous No. 193388

of course the question you'll have to also ask yourself is why do you need to know how to roll?
in all my years I've never not even once needed to roll backwards
and any kind of forward roll was done to protect my partner when they get taken down if I fall too I'll roll out instead of landing on top of them. Its for their benefit, not mine

Anonymous No. 193391

Yeah desu I havent the faintest idea why I would need to roll backwards. It just seemed everywhere I read these are fundamental skills to be mastered and I always see videos of grapplers doing crazy rolls and flips. Idk.

And when people say it helped them when they slipped etc surely that's just "don't post your arm and tuck your head" it's not rocket science..

Anonymous No. 193392

If it's not rocket science, how did you fuck up your neck doing back rolls?

BJJiggers will spend time doing a 1000 reps of inverted tornado berimbolos, but won't learn how to do a basic roll baka

Anonymous No. 193394

>won't learn how to do a basic
Then start doing crazy shit

Anonymous No. 193395

When I have ever slipped over irl I have never felt the need to do a backward roll. I have only ever fucked my neck up trying to do these awkward gymnastic backward rolls that you never see grapplers do in actual spar/fighting?

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X Guard Tomoe Nag....webm

Anonymous No. 193400

>backward rolls that you never see grapplers do in actual spar/fighting?
Oh yes, you NEVER see REAL GRAPPLERS doing back rolls.

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Chan Sung Jung Zo....webm

Anonymous No. 193401


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classical tomoe n....webm

Anonymous No. 193402

The extremely fundamental back rolls is FAKE and DOESN'T WORK. You should 360° twisting reverse shrimps for 10000 reps to warm-up.

Anonymous No. 193410

where's the real grappling here? a 3rd degree black belt showing off instagram meme techniques on a compliant blue belt
>real fighting
you mean hard contact sparring, because that's what it is
if the rules didn't prohibit spiking and require the opponent to land on their back she would just have released the grip and sent her flying
look, no speed, no amplitude, just a slow gentle descent to make sure she lands in exactly the position needed to score
not real grappling

Anonymous No. 193411

If an x-guard overhead sweep is a "meme technique" you must be really bad or train with really bad people. Not exactly a complicated setup
>in x-guard
>you push them away
>they push back

Anonymous No. 193412

I don't think anyone should be forced to do warm-ups, but you should know how to to forward/backward rolls correctly. You're not supposed to roll over your neck, it should be over your shoulder. The skill helps with sumi gaeshis, rolling into leg entanglements (victor's roll), getting into turtle, etc...
The fact that the contrarianism on this board has reached "I don't need to do ukemi" shows that very few actually fucking train

Anonymous No. 193414

the only time in my life when I needed to roll was when I fell off my bike because I hit sand, I forward rolled with so much velocity I went all the way around, back up to my feet and then back down again
the judo method of ohh do the honorabu kata demonstration tomoenage and the uke glides all the way around back to standing position is silly esoteric bullshit and a farcry away from something fundemental
which you would think it's important since over the course of training they'll do rolls up and down the mat thousands of times

just like how shrimping isn't a real move, neither is a diving forward roll

Anonymous No. 193416

ah yes just a moment, allow me to put on this ridiculous ninja costume that resembles no other modern clothing in existence even on a superficial level aside from perhaps a bathrobe, and tailor made with ergonomic handles sewn directly into it and made from a fabric that has absolutely no stretch to it whatsoever
then when we go you just sit right down and scoot your butt all the way up to my legs while I stand there and do nothing
then you can do your shit ass retarded fucking meme move

until then let's actually learn how to grapple
if you can't do it to a shirtless man then the move isn't real

Anonymous No. 193419

Holy Cope

Anonymous No. 193423

>but judo bad abloo bloo
Wrestlers use back rolls too fuckface, so now you have no excuse for your complete ineptitude at doing a move so simple that literal children can figure out.

Anonymous No. 193431

Bro what? Not the dude you're replying to but X guard sweep over your head requires no gi grips whatsoever. I hit this all the time in no gi.

And before you sperg out, I'm a wrestler too.

Anonymous No. 193433



Anonymous No. 193434

My question is do I need to master this in my own time or is this something I will pick up by slowly going to practice?

Anonymous No. 193456

>just like how shrimping isn't a real move, neither is a diving forward roll
Again, if you haven't had to shrimp or roll over your shoulders, you don't train often. Most pin escapes require some sort of shrimp, and I just gave you a few examples of shoulder roll uses. Idk where your long autistic rant about demo techniques came from. It's not specific to judo or BJJ, wrestlers roll too. You must know more than everyone despite never training
>uniform rant
>if you can't do it to a shirtless man then the move isn't real
X-guard works no-gi lol every sport has rules and a uniform
Only mouth breathing retards distill things to "buhhhh it only counts if _____" in an attempt to C O P E

Anonymous No. 193458

I wouldn't say you need to spend a bunch of time mastering it, but yeah watch a youtube video or something and try it. The shoulder rolls will help you learn to invert properly, and learning to shrimp correctly will help your pin escapes.
The way people shrimp across the mat is usually wrong. Danaher has a FREE solo drills instructional, I would take a look at the shrimp and rolling sections.
I have never spent any time doing solo drills, but I've been sure to properly drill shrimps/rolls/inversions when drilling moves that necessitate the movements. You'd be surprised how many people train for years and still don't know how to invert properly

Anonymous No. 193468

Okay, I'll make sure to work on my backwards rolls. I consider myself pretty athletic but feel embarrassed I can't do these "easy" things

Anonymous No. 193470

I think everyone should spend at least some time on practicing basic gymnastics. It teaches you how your body moves and how to perform fast, dynamic movements safely.
You don't need to spend hours drilling, but I think it would be beneficial to learn the basic rolls and even things like cartwheels and practice them with some regularity, even if it's only a few minutes at a time. If nothing else, it's a pretty decent warmup

Anonymous No. 193471

>Danaher has a FREE solo drills instructional, I would take a look at the shrimp and rolling sections
In regards to shrimping, he also goes into autistic detail in his pin escapes instructional, really good stuff for learning how to do it properly and why to do it the way he describes

Anonymous No. 193475

List of what you consider basic gymnastics

Anonymous No. 193482

I guess forward and shoulder roll and their jumping versions, back roll, cartwheel, things like that
As a side note, do people really not know how do do these things? Is it not taught in middle/high school PE in your countries?

Anonymous No. 193485

Since there's the appeal to authority using lachlan happening here
Here he is explaining why shrimping isn't real

Anonymous No. 193486

>Since there's the appeal to authority using lachlan happening here
Please point out to me where this is happening
>Here he is explaining why shrimping isn't real
He is showing why it's a poor move in a very specific situation. This does not mean that "shrimping isn't real". BJJ gyms usually aren't the most intellectual of environments, but with that comprehension, fourth grade might be a better fit for you

Anonymous No. 193487

No. None of that was taught

Anonymous No. 193492

Read the title retard

Anonymous No. 193493

>in a very specific situation
The only situation in which you're told to use that move
There's no occasion where you can shrimp where another movement wouldn't be a better choice, and that makes it a bad move
How to escape side control?
Ayee my fren makee de frame and doe de srimp

It's a silly vestigial bullshit technique along side such things as getting hooks and falling off S mount to finish an armbar

These actions are bad technique, they're wrong

Anonymous No. 193497

I'm not sure if you're actually retarded or just playing a character, but it stopped being funny around four posts ago

Yes, you are taught to shrimp to escape side control, or virtually any pin for that matter. That is correct, because you will need it against anyone that's not half your size. What Lachlan is showing is not escaping side control, it's preventing having your guard passed. The difference is obvious for anyone who's been doing BJJ for a month, if that.
But since you're so confident, do show me how you would, reliably, without depending on your opponent to make a mistake, recover from mount without shrimping. Or side control. Or north-south. Or knee-on-belly

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Anonymous No. 193499

>all these wrestling replies
Where the FUCK do you learn wrestling in the US ?

Anonymous No. 193503


Anonymous No. 193535

Why don't sumo wrestlers do gymnast style excersises like backwards rolls or cartwheels

Anonymous No. 193539

But you don't need it for anything you've mentioned
Are you conflating changing your angle with shrimping or something?

Shrimping, the specific action of putting your foot on the floor to scoot your hips away isn't required for anything you've said, and in fact is poor technique
Any gym that isn't teaching old archaic shit from 20 years ago you're going to be getting it hammered into you STOP PUSHING OFF THE FLOOR
That's something you let white belts get away with because they don't have body control yet. Everyone else should be able to change angles with their legs off the ground entirely

For example, side control which is a dumb worthless position in its own right, you can do what's called a wrist bridge to make the space for your knees to come in

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Takemasa vs Tomis....webm

Anonymous No. 193541

They do.

Anonymous No. 193546

>nuh uh
Refer to the last line of my previous post

Anonymous No. 193550

Wow thanks for this.
One more question about rolls.. is it necessary to get proficient at rolling across Both shoulders? one is easier than the other right now

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Anonymous No. 193551

Eddie hall btfo UK's best sumo wrestlers on his first try in the sport
I wonder how he would do against Japanese ones

Anonymous No. 193557

>Any gym that isn't teaching old archaic shit from 20 years ago you're going to be getting it hammered into you STOP PUSHING OFF THE FLOOR
I don't even know what you're talking about at this point. Who teaches this shit? I improved a lot of my escapes with Danaher and Gordon Ryan material, and there is a ton of shrimping (normal and reverse). Their ideas on the subject count a lot more than the contrarian fixation of some autistic fag on 4chan
>wrist bridge
Where do you get this shit from lol

I train at B-Team and there is a lot of shrimping. I've even gone to Renzo's a few times, guess what I saw. S H R I M P I N G

Anonymous No. 193558

Doesn't hurt to learn both but I wouldn't spend a ton of time on it, just do it before/after class or at open mat.

Anonymous No. 193561

Even someone on your side knows there's dozens of escapes from every position you mentioned that don't involve a shrimp, I'm being merciful by not giving you a full on lesson about them

Definitely not
None of the good people there are putting a foot on the floor to scoot their hips away. It's amateurish and bad technique
As I already defined it, shrimping is not merely changing the direction your hips are facing, it's pushing off the floor with your foot to scoot away and change direction

Anonymous No. 193563

>None of the good people there are putting a foot on the floor to scoot their hips away. It's amateurish and bad technique
>it's pushing off the floor with your foot to scoot away
Yes and what is the flaw there? You haven't poked holes in anything you just keep repeating yourself with 0 technical insight.

In side control, most escapes rely on making space somehow, and then putting a wedge between you and the other person. This can be done many ways, and one of those ways is a bridge + shrimp to move your hips. You can also shrimp in mount escapes. The shrimp done up and down the mat during warm ups is bad technique, but there is a right way to do it and it's extremely useful. How the fuck is putting your feet on the mat bad? How the fuck do you bridge without putting your feet on the floor? You're retarded and don't train lol what kind of autism am I dealing with

Anonymous No. 193565

A bridge yes, a shrimp no

A shrimp is a wasted movement that loses connection,
You need connection even when escaping, if you give up your connection it's an opportunity for your partner to fill the void with his instead
Jiujitsu is a battle of real estate
There isn't anything a shrimp does for you that wouldn't be better accomplished by something else, there's no circumstance in which it's your best possible choice

And also to answer the earlier question about where wrist bridge came from
We're trying to avoid the appeals to authority here, but that term came from caio terra who respectfully has more championships than all of b-team put together
So it's the winning kind of autism

Anonymous No. 193567

>A shrimp is a wasted movement that loses connection,
>You need connection even when escaping, if you give up your connection it's an opportunity for your partner to fill the void with his instead
This makes no sense. How can you put space between you without breaking the connection? You need help.
Find the flaw genius:
>that term came from caio terra
I have no doubt in Caoi Terra as a figure in BJJ but I've never heard "wrist bridge" and have no idea how it negates the idea of moving your hips in a bottom pin.

Anonymous No. 193572

The issue isn't about moving your hips, its the mechanism of pushing off the floor to move your hips

I'll explain it this way, lay on the floor with your legs up like you're playing
Go to your side like someone is trying to pass in that direction so you have one leg on top and 1 on bottom
Now switch the orientation to the other side
Go back and forth, re-center sometimes as well
You should be able to do this without putting your feet on the floor, and if you can't then you need to work on that skill
If your foot is pushing against the floor to move your body it means your leg isn't helping secure your frames
You're taking a limb out of play unnecessarily because you haven't developed the skill to keep it in play the whole time
And only in very extreme ends of the range might you need to put your bottom foot down for the assist as you move into a 3/4 turtle, but never the top foot

These are more recent developments as times change, but caio takes an active role in every gym within his association
It's not like a gracie gym where you can be a blue belt that pays a franchise fee to use the name and then teaches classes out of your garage
Doing it with him there's regular workshops to make sure you're doing things correctly
If you aren't teaching things a certain way you aren't in the network, and this would be one of those sticking points

I think it holds some water for him to effectively say "I don't want your money, you aren't part of our organization if you shrimp with your feet on the floor"

Anonymous No. 193573

So you literally have to be underage or a college drone just to have access to it?

Anonymous No. 193576

Wrestling is too taxing of a sport to do as a geezer
Maybe not greco, but that's about it
Once the knees and back and all that stuff goes its just not a viable sport anymore

Anonymous No. 193579

You just regurgitated the Lachlan video, which is specific to guard retention. It's in the fucking title of the video.
Your argument was about how the movement is useless, because you're fixated on a specific application in which it's the wrong technique. You're ignoring all the other uses.
If you like Lachlan, here's an example of him shrimping during a pin escape:

>rant about Caio
Idk what that has to do with anything. But here's an example of Caio shrimping to adjust his submission. You're a moron.

Why are you being so contrarian? This is not a niche or meme move, it's a very common and simple thing that everyone does.

Anonymous No. 193580

You're incapable of distinguishing between guard passing and pin escapes
Your posting of that Lachlan Giles video proves it, this post proves it as well.

What you're describing, switching hip position without your feet touching the floor, is advisable if you're trying to prevent your opponent from passing your guard.
Importantly, in this situation there is minimal or no contact between your opponent and you. I implore you to try what you're describing against an opponent who already holds a heavy crossface, because it is mechanically impossible.
This move relies on using your legs as a counterweight for your oblique muscles to work against, so unless your legs completely outweigh your opponent, you will not be able to move without planting your foot on the floor and pushing off it. Before you mention it, yes, you can push with your arms but a) you will likely not be able to generate sufficient force and b) you're gifting your opponent an easy target for a joint lock
But, again, since you're so confident, do provide a video example of anyone performing the move you're describing

Anonymous No. 193585

Whenever you see "world sumo champion" or "random country sumo champion" you should take it with a grain of salt since they're just scrappy amateur wrestlers at best. The only professional sumo league is in Japan. Many pro sumo wrestlers placed/won the World championship when they were still amateurs and hadn't gone pro yet. It's just a different level comparing hobbyists with guys who've been training every day for their whole lives.

Anonymous No. 193620

I'm getting pretty burnt out on blue belts telling me I'm wrong around here when I'm very good at this

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Anonymous No. 193644

if you want to look Nick rod Instructional
it is pretty good for beginners to start

Anonymous No. 193648

>say something retarded about a fundamental movement
>refer to a irrelevant Lachlan technique
>regurgitate it again
>rant about Caio for some reason
>avoid the argument entirely when presented with examples
try your larp in the next thread maybe

Anonymous No. 193654

>can't refute a single word

Anonymous No. 193658

Thank you

Anonymous No. 193662

I bet you think closed guard is fundamental too
Pathetic. You don't know anything

I refuted it all, you're just not listening

You guys aren't gonna make it

Anonymous No. 193673

>I bet you think closed guard is fundamental too
>Pathetic. You don't know anything
Here are a couple of examples of closed guard wins at the highest level of competition. Can't wait to hear how you know better than these guys

Took me like 5 minutes to find those examples btw. Got any other retarded takes? I love studying matches

Anonymous No. 193682

I can show people winning with spinning head kicks
That doesn't make them fundamental
In order to have any kind of formidable offense from the bottom you need an open guard, you can win at any level without ever closing your guard
The open guard is the fundamental one not the closed one
It'd be like teaching someone the Philly shell as their first boxing stance

You're gonna go into your first jiujitsu class and professor (has no formal education beyond middle school in a 3rd world country) is going to show you your first movement, de srimp
And then you'll spend time shrimping up and down the floor
Then next he's going to introduce you to de clos gar and you'll spend a couple minutes swimming your arms in on a fully cooperating guy

Ok now you have your cornerstones of jiuujissuu it's time to give you your first attack
The armbar from guard
Ok so now you open your guard, and pivot around the corner DONT shrimp because it'll put your hips in the wrong place
Weird, Ok so here we are having just practiced these supposedly fundamental moves and the first thing you tell me to do when attacking is not to do them and do something else instead
Doesn't sound super fundamental to me

Again to compare it to boxing, it would be like you spend all this time practicing keep your hands up and your chin down, And then when it comes time to do your first punch the coach says OK raise your chin up high drop your hands and wind up your swing as hard as you can
But boxing doesn't have this problem because it understands what techniques are fundamental and what is not

Anonymous No. 193687

It's nothing like a spinning head kick retard. What you're not understanding is that people win matches with closed guard at every belt level. That sounds pretty fundamental to me.
>open guard is the fundamental one
Why are fundamentals restricted to one position?
>incoherent rambling about closed guard armbars and shrimps
>incoherent boxing analogies
Btfo, cope, seethe, dilate, etc.

Anonymous No. 193689

>Why are fundamentals restricted to one position?
open and closed guard are opposite conditions, they can't both be fundamental

also I went and looked at all your links, none of them showed a closed guard finish

Anonymous No. 193691

>open and closed guard are opposite conditions, they can't both be fundamental
Says who? The guy confused about shrimping? lol
>also I went and looked at all your links, none of them showed a closed guard finish
I called them closed guard wins.
2 closed guard armbars, a closed guard back take, and 2 sweeps that led to top position and eventually RNC's. At pans (gi and no-gi), ADCC, and ADCC vet super fights. Let's hear how those didn't count.

Anonymous No. 193696

>2 closed guard armbars, a closed guard back take
what did he have to do to those guards to do those techniques?

Anonymous No. 193701

Unlocking your legs to do a technique from closed guard does not make it an open guard technique. There is an agreed upon definition of closed guard ____(insert sub or sweep), and many require unlocking your legs. People might have different details in the techniques, but they are still referred to as closed guard techniques because they occur from the closed guard.
You're really reaching and trying to nitpick but still sound retarded lol
Shrimping and closed guard are a bit too nuanced for you, any other positions you need help understanding? Happy to send more links.

Anonymous No. 193702

Closed guard is essentially when their hip is in between your knees and you are facing each other. Unlocking your legs to adjust or do a technique does not turn it into open guard.
Why are you arguing such stupid shit? Is this an autism thing?

Anonymous No. 193703

>they occur from the closed guard
but that's the thing, they don't
they occur from open guard, nothing about them necessitates ever closing your legs

closed guard is a strictly defensive stalling position and that's why "breaking the close guard" is a dumb thing to spend much time on
why? he needs to open his guard to do anything to me, I'm just as safe as he is as long as his legs are closed
I'm not going to try and open your guard, I'm going to position myself for when you inevitably have to open your guard and I'll have everything I want, because you have to and I know this

Anonymous No. 193705

>Unlocking your legs to adjust or do a technique does not turn it into open guard
that's exactly what it does

positions are what they are, you cant say "it's still a body triangle even though he opened his legs"
whether things are open or closed isn't a trivial thing in this, there's open circuit ashi and closed circuit ashi, theres open guard and closed guard
you may transition between the two but there isn't any grey area on when you are in one or the other

feet are locked, it's a closed guard. Not fundamental, literally never need to do it

Anonymous No. 193706

>that's the thing, they don't
Another great argument where you make up your own definitions that go against the entire world
>closed guard is a strictly defensive stalling position and that's why "breaking the close guard" is a dumb thing to spend much time on
I hope you don't have students.

Anonymous No. 193708

You're lost. So I guess every person who has ever taught a closed guard move is wrong, and the autistic guy on 4chan is right. Fascinating stuff

Anonymous No. 193710

jfc please stop with your made up shit

Anonymous No. 193718

I'm growing tired of this conversation because it's clear you're just religious fanatics at this point, so I'll leave you with this thought experiment (feel free to try it for real too!)

start on your back with someone in guard and your task is to sweep or submit, do not get passed
first you will do it under the restriction that you may not unlock your feet at any time

you will find your task impossible because save for a handful of shitty collar chokes (hopefully you're wearing a gi which is another non-fundamental thing but that's a different conversation) and a few low percentage meme wrist locks you have no ability to attack or create meaningful movement

next you will do the same thing except under the restriciton that you may not at any time lock your feet. You will find that effectively 100% of your jiujitsu is available for you to use
so which position is the fundemental one, the one that allows 100% of jiujitsu to take place or the one that allows <1% to take place
if you could only teach one of those two guard configurations to someone, which one is more useful to know
I didn't put a question mark at the end because it's not really a question
there's your fundamental

Anonymous No. 193719

>religious fanatics
Of? Countless successful black belt competitors?
>may not unlock feet
>may not at any time lock your feet
You just created two random scenarios, and tried to show that the restricted movement scenario (pointless and unrealistic) is less optimal. No shit genius. No one plays closed guard effectively with locked legs the entire time for every move, that was my argument that you derailed again.
>if you could only teach one of those two guard configurations to someone, which one is more useful to know
A new, made up argument appears ("if you could only teach one of those two")
What happened to shrimping? What happened to the definition of closed guard?

Anonymous No. 193723

well like I said I don't really want to beat a dead horse and I'm realizing its not my explanations that are the problem here
if you think opening your closed guard doesn't make it an open guard I'm not sure we can meet on this disconnect because you're just ignoring observable reality

same with shrimping, I already made my point
here's another person making the same point about shrimping

Anonymous No. 193729

heh, they even discuss closed guard in this video too at 12:00

Anonymous No. 195020

Hey guys, I'm a BJJ blue belt looking to compete before I get my purple belt next year.
I feel my ground game is pretty good both offensively and defensively. I've been catching brown belts and purple belts at other gyms at open mats and whatnot, but usually only if I'm able to get on top or effectively lure them into traps on the bottom.
I'm looking to maximize my offense and I've concluded that I need to work on wrestling up and takedowns. Any good instructionals that'll help me with what I need?

Anonymous No. 195106

Takedowns are a pretty big topic, but you can likely find plenty of good stuff on YouTube and from asking wrestlers/coaches at your gym. Basic stance, posture, and grip fighting will take you pretty far. Just be mindful that there is a clock running, and if you spend that whole time bullshitting on the feet you might not have an opportunity to score or submit. This could be a huge problem if you’re down on points.
For wrestling up, Nicky Ryan’s instructional and Craig Jones’s Power Bottom are pretty good. You will definitely need some good front headlock defense though.

You should start rolling with points in mind. I notice that a lot of blue belts will casually give up position when rolling, which is a terrible habit if you plan on competing. Get on top, and stay on top. Do not let anyone get a free sweep on you. You should have a few sweep, submission, and passing options that you know well. Some sort of plan will make a huge difference.

Anonymous No. 195109

I want to help but I don't have anything to tell you except I truly believe all the pritt and chris paines shit breaks the sport of jiujitsu in a way that makes it completely trivial to win against most people

Anonymous No. 195419

This is what happens when Judo faces against pure BJJ but scooting faggotry
I think she even ended it with a kimura I think

Anonymous No. 196208

Went to a free intro BJJ class. There were white belt regulars there in the class too. The class was extremely basic, just doing 2 moves in slow motion, which was good for me, but I can't imagine going there for months and attending a class like that. There was even a blue belt who showed up and basically just helped people because he obviously knew all this stuff already.
Is this normal? Why would people attend a class to do things they have figured out months ago?

Anonymous No. 196221

Sometimes more experienced practitioners also attend these intro classes to work on their basics. Kinda like even experienced boxers still practice footwork.
Well, that or they're using the white belts to warm up for the advanced class that follows after

Anonymous No. 196226

Unfortunately this is a common way bjj (and many other things) is taught
Grey haired boomers showing something then you "practice" against a compliant partner to build "muscle memory" (doesn't exist) this is called the IP method and is really ineffective at building skills
That's why you'll see "advanced" people still needing to pop in to beginners classes to tighten up supposed fundamentals since they don't really know it, they just copy it from memory and memories change over time so if they haven't done it for a while it's all out the window
Consider how many math equations you learned in school and at the time you were able to pass the test at the end of the semester but now you would look at it and it's complete gibberish to you

When my gym informed me we were switching over to 100% ecological I was so excited almost ordered milk out of my nipples. I've been bugging people for weeks about this stuff. Finally we can actually get some real training done but it had to be done by ousting the old man in charge and his decades out of date gym teacher training methods

Anonymous No. 196337

My gf is highly competitive and interested in starting a combat sport, and wants to know which sport would she be at the least physical advantage in, being approx 100lbs (46kg) and 5'1"? This is just for sport, not self defense.
Not only in competition, but also taking into account the practical sparring considerations.

Anonymous No. 196338

Least physical disadvantage*
She wants her size to impede her as little as possible.

Anonymous No. 196345

Jiujitsu is of course the most girl friendly because you do it on your back and girls actually participate in it in a higher than average percentage compared to other things. If possible I'd shop around for a location that has a solid group of girls because they always form a clique and it's less time she has to spend rolling around with men

And people will say "oh its fine there's nothing sexual about it" but that's not true because even if most guys are on their best behavior there's always going to be the permavirgins that go a g-g-g-girl!! And see it as an opportunity to actually touch one

Anonymous No. 196583

BJJ fags
Watch the next couple mins of vid and then tell me why your ground game (bjj) is better than mine (judo)
You guys move like snails compared to us