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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 187550

*nullifies all of BJJ*

Anonymous No. 187553

Yeah basically

Anonymous No. 187588

What if I just put my legs on the floor and then go for a leg trip?

Anonymous No. 187589

Or use butterfly guard so you never go for daki age?

Anonymous No. 187607

>*Unzips legs and headbutts you*

You were saying?

Anonymous No. 187611

>leg trip
I'm sure that works on your fellow hobby bjj tech bros.

Anonymous No. 187695

>starts standing up
>double ankle sweeps you

Anonymous No. 187701

If the guard player just opens their guard and stands up, they're literally in the perfect position for a double leg

Anonymous No. 187704

And the other guy is just going to stand there while you're doing all that?

Anonymous No. 187722

What if I'm naked? Checkmate judofag

Anonymous No. 187738

>What if I'm naked?
I squeeze your balls

Anonymous No. 187740

The drop to your legs and to the double leg position is fast enough that the timing is virtually the exact same as trying to double leg someone normally. Are you now going to make the claim that double leg takedowns don't work? Or are you going to cope with "that doesn't count because BJJ guys can't do takedowns"?

Anonymous No. 187743

I dislocate your jaw with a right hook as you bend over reaching for my balls. Light work

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 187746

Hic locus est nunc latrina.

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Quinton Rampage J....webm

Anonymous No. 187774

Daki-age isn't just holding them up. It's a guard slam. You're going to unhook your legs in mid air and change levels for a double faster than the guy with dominant grips can slam you?

Anonymous No. 187777

>You're going to unhook your legs in mid air and change levels for a double faster than the guy with dominant grips can slam you?
Uhh, yes? Unless he's slamming you from the knee level, you have enough time to react and if you can't, that's a (you) problem

Anonymous No. 187780

Dude in your gif fucked up. He could have grabbed the other guys head or legs and stopped slam

Anonymous No. 187783

Sure Jan. Those dozens of videos online of guys in BJJ competitions getting slammed are all faked.

Anonymous No. 187798

They're unprepared for the move because the rules don't allow it, so it doesn't even register as a possibility
It's like if a boxer suddenly got tackled or if a wrestler got kicked in the face mid match. Doesn't mean that there's nothing you can do against it if you're aware that it can happen

Anonymous No. 187860

"This is slam the fucker and get DQ'd. It looks like this."

Anonymous No. 187865

>Remember kids, you can't say 'DQ' without the 'you'.

Anonymous No. 187866

>you can't say 'DQ' without saying 'dick you'

Anonymous No. 187968

Honestly, BJJ should have a rule for this: if your opponent is able to lift you completely off the ground while your maintain closed guard to the point they are standing straight up, then there should be a punishment for you. There should be something that acknowledges just how terrible of a position you were in, even if it's just awarding 4 points and resetting to both standing.

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Anonymous No. 188027

I would be in favor of treating it as an automatic submission even, as truly getting dropped from that height would absolutely end the fight, but I can imagine judging it could be quite an issue.
Can the legs be bent? If so, how much? Can you be leaned forward or do you have to be entirely upright? If it's the latter, where is the cutoff between being upright and leaning forward too much? If it's the former, how far can you lean for it to count? There would definitely be people who could technically meet the rules as written by lifting their opponent five inches off the ground.
What I'm trying to say is that this position would be almost impossible to score consistently because it's surprisingly difficult to precisely define what it means to "stand up straight". You could judge it based on the height to which the competitor was lifted, but since judges and athletes would both be just eyeballing it, there would definitely be fuckups where the judge either stopped the fight or let it continue while either of the athletes thought they were in the clear, which could then be rolled back based on replays

On a side note, this is the reason why strict overhead press was removed from Olympic weightlifting - because of this difficulty with judging, some athletes were able to degenerate the movement into what almost resembled a standing bench press and still have the lift counted as successful, pic related

>TL;DR - Good idea but hard to execute, scoring would be way too subjective and inconsistent