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Anonymous No. 187813

>buy a new board and put it together bc i forgot my last one when i moved across the country
>first day havin fun goes well
>second day my kingpin nut just falls off while i’m riding down a hill (was pushing so, i didn’t get hurt)
>fix it think that the bolt just was loose when i got the trucks
>third day i’m just riding around in a park and the nut falls off again
is my bolt stripped? if so do you think my local skate shop will replace it? i mean the poor girl is only 3 days old.

Anonymous No. 187816

I dont know bro maybe call the shop??? wtf are we supposed to tell you from this small picture?

Anonymous No. 187817

Personally I'd take it back and ask for a new one.

Anonymous No. 187850

Anon go back to the shop. Get more kingpin nuts. It's hard to tell if your actual kingpin is stripped or something from the picture.
Tbh if it's a nice shop they'll probably just give you a few.

Anonymous No. 188159

So what happened lil anon?

Anonymous No. 188468

it smelled the gay sticker and jumped

Anonymous No. 189468

Looks like it probably wasn't tight enough. The white plastic looking part of the nut is nylon and locks the nut so it doesn't vibrate off. If the nylon isn't engaged, the nut will fall off with time and use. If you can't get your trucks loose enough without loosening it so the nylon isn't touching threads, you need to get some softer bushings and replace them.

Anonymous No. 189852


Are you seriously incapable of diagnosing a fault with a fucking nut and bolt?


Good advice, ask an adult because you are clearly helpless.

Anonymous No. 189856

you tried thread lock on that hoe?
>t. tourist from /diy/

Anonymous No. 190746

This anon is exactly correct

I mean I ride loose trucks but the answer is not less thread engagement on the kingpin it's softer bushings.
I have made the mistake you have and used to ride right on the edge of thread engagement and subsequently have had to skate home kingpin nutless over massive cracks, misery

just some food for thought, if you like the way you the board feels underfoot when the bushing is not squeezed
consider taking out the washers between the bushing and swapping to a bones hardcore bushing

as for this asshole
>incapable of diagnosing a fault
here are the steps to diagnose a fault with a nut and bolt
go to the skate shop ask for a new nut, put it on and make sure you get that nylon engagement we talked about
if the nut doesn't thread on easily with the tool there is likely damage to the threads, but with the right tooling sometimes available at the skate shop they can re-thread it