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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 187878

>Brag about being the second coming of Jon Jones because you're a 6'5 roided up bouncer that fights 5'8 drunk frat boys
>get BTFO in boxing match by 150lb nigger
>Damage control and say only le street matters
>Finally get the street fight you've been bragging about for years
>Throw first hit, end up getting BTFO by a 22 year old and look like a joke
>People laugh at you for being a fat mess and a fraud

Anonymous No. 187879

dunno who this is

Anonymous No. 187908

Literally who?

Anonymous No. 187911

Dunno who this is but sounds like a typical "muh streets" faggot. Guess he should have pulled a knife lmao

Anonymous No. 188025

Looked at the chat in the pic, Googled "Zherka", found this:
It seems to be the guy