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Anonymous No. 188599

>5'8 man vs 5'8 woman

Anonymous No. 188604

>Grappling with those big ass gloves
He prob would have gotten it without them

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Anonymous No. 190279


Anonymous No. 190290

inb4 that one poster obsessed with this topic tells us that even a 4'5 man with brittle bone disease should be able to rape every woman on earth

Anonymous No. 190295

Men can never lose to women, it's physically impossible. The reason you see men ever 'losing' to women in fights is because of sexual excitement and enjoyment, it's the whole reason they even got into the fight was because the guy wanted to be dominated by some chick on the floor. You think a man, a being able to pick up at least 200 lbs. off the floor by nature is going to get snaked around by some 5'4 little girl. These guys want that shit, it's a comforting thing. It's kind of like playing cops and robbers with a kid, you know as an adult that you're just playing around with the kid and letting him win because they're a kid and want to try and win. It's all so coy, none of it is real. Also, most of time that it happens is in front of other people. Let's say for example, a real fight between a man and woman happens like the ones you see on Reddit of girlbosses owning dudes. Nobody is around and it's no holds bar? The guy is just gonna start punching her in the mouth and swinging her by her hair and throwing her around. The reason you don't see men do this shit is the same reason why you don't sprint from the 6-year-old playing the cop as a 'robber.' It's all fake, it doesn't matter.

Anonymous No. 190298

>some 5'4 little girl
Not every woman is some 5'4 little girl. There's a 6'2 225 lbs female bjj champ and there are 5'2 men who aren't champs at anything.

Anonymous No. 190370

>There's a 6'2 225 lbs female bjj champ
I came.

Anonymous No. 190374

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Anonymous No. 190375

Even in the same weight range a big enough skill gap can give the woman victory.
At the end of the day fighting doesn't care about your chromosomes, if you have speed, power and technique it works. It's just that on average a man will have an easier time with first two.

Anonymous No. 190377

Man are built even at brain level for fighting,
Women arent,
Even if you were paraplegic without one arm and a woman has a bat there is no reason you couldnt beat her

Anonymous No. 190380

Sure, bud. What are your martial arts credentials?

Anonymous No. 190557

Fjcking your mom

Anonymous No. 192609

In that vid a girl is beating a healthy adult male tho

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Anonymous No. 193340

So your ancestor was the guy who legalized this?

Anonymous No. 196666

>ricebug chink
>healthy adult man
kek. also women dont actually see through their eyes they only have an imaginary third person view of themselves like a video game, which is why they are athletically inferior. they are not at the reigns of their corporeal form, nature is, and everyone knows nature is a girl. and man was put on this Earth to rape nature.

Anonymous No. 196696


Anonymous No. 196697

T. Plays bibeogaymes all day
>Hurrrr let me tell you about what is alpha

Sit down

Anonymous No. 202201

Thanks for the quads of wisdom, satan

Anonymous No. 202223

Both of them could rape you to death if they felt like it

Anonymous No. 208056


Anonymous No. 208295

ugly feet, no wonder he wanted to divorce duel her

Anonymous No. 209251

Watch the full video they were messing around and the guy kicked her ass in sparring.