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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 188633

Is grappler's chance a thing?

Anonymous No. 193284

No, because it's rarer to see a grappler who has an X-factor like ability to finish the fighter with grappling, compared to a guy who has a puncher's chance meaning he is so capable of knocking you out in any exchange that you are basically never safe unless you avoid exchanging completely. When you get a guy like that, like Palhares maybe, it's not a sudden, random chance sort of thing, it's the guy being very good and very fucking strong, working his grappler diligently and finishing in ways that you can see coming before they happen, as compared to a big punch seemingly out of nowhere.

Anonymous No. 193320

A lower chance, but yeah sure.
The opponent would just have to make a pretty bad mistake for it to be considered chance and not skill.

Anonymous No. 193407

>bad mistake

It certainly is, but one you see fairly often is someone clearly winning a striking exchange just shoot out of nowhere and do fuck all with it.

Anonymous No. 193556

Ironically Chael was probably the better grappler overall, it’s just that he had some massive holes in his game (IE he doesn’t know basic BJJ), hence why he wound up jobbing to a white-belt level triangle choke. If he’d just kept both his arms in guard he would’ve won the belt EZ PZ.