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🧵 How to utilize joint locks in self defence?

Anonymous No. 189145

Chokes are more obvious, you just squeeze until someone faints. But when to stop arm/leg locking someone? When there's a crack?

Anonymous No. 189156

In an actual fight just crank the shit out of it until it breaks. Untrained people don't understand you are about to snap their shit and won't tap. Also will tap them stand up and sucker punch you. So do what you must to end the fight.

To be honest, I would much rather just take the back and RNC against some bum. Less risk of legal issues

Anonymous No. 189157

Ultimately it depends on why you’re locking them. If I’m holding someone because they tried to break into my car or something I’m just going to keep the lock until the cops arrive or snap their shit if they keep fighting me. If someone is trying to stab me or something then I’m just going to snap their shit immediately. Context matters.

Anonymous No. 189163

armbars are kind of fake, they don't actually cause enough mechanical damage to stop anyone. They hurt and it'll be sore after the fact but nothing "breaks", it's a simple dislocation if even that much
same with legs honestly, you're damaging ligaments and it's going to swell immediately giving temporary stability and support to the damaged area
he'll be wobbly after the fact and wont be running, doesn't mean he isnt going to be able to continue walking and kicking and fighting you

joint locks are pain compliance against someone lucid enough to realize they fucked up, and worthless against someone on drugs or alcohol
I've seen zero fights end by joint lock

Anonymous No. 189167

In this context go by the japanese jujutsu philosophy. If you catch a lock immediately rip it and use the submission hold to get a better position and finish the fight with strikes

Anonymous No. 189172

but if you choke him out he might get up and start fighting again

Anonymous No. 189189

I will not touch another man's feet

Anonymous No. 189310

If your in a serious fight take any sub yank it then go to the next submission.
If they are drunk just go for a chock and top control even a pin is enough.

Anonymous No. 190106

In many places strangulation is an automatic felony. Courts view the peaceful unconsciousing of someone as far more violent than ruining their ability to walk/use their arms for the rest of their life. I don't make the rules, I just laugh at how gay they are.

Anonymous No. 190130

There's a street beefs fight where the guy doesn't tap to an ankle lock (he doesn't know about it) the guy snaps it and the guy doesn't even have any immediate reaction. Its only afterwards he's crying in pain with a swollen ankle