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🧵 Bjj is better than sambo, catch wrestling, glima, sanda and lethwei

Anonymous No. 189193

Even taekwondo is better than sambo, catch wrestling, glima, sanda and lethwei

If there's no gym that teaches a martial art anywhere near you, it's not a good martial art for you. There's much higher chance your town has karate, taekwondo, bjj, judo, aikido, boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, krav maga or even slightly obscure things like freestyle or Greco Roman wrestling, kung fu or Filipino martial arts than some local stuff nobody knows outside of the country of origin. A wimpy art you can train is better than a good art you can't train.

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they jated jim be....jpg

Anonymous No. 190151

Usually correct. If you CAN train those niche sports it might still be worthwhile though. Even if you can't find people to compete with in your specific art if it's sufficiently similar to something else that's more popular you can use their competition formats. I know a Sanda place that outside of the few nation-wide tournaments they're able to put together have their students compete in amateur WAKO and MT events.

But at the end of the day any sort of dick measuring between styles is gay. Train what you want and like best. If you love it that's what matters, nobody posting here is a professional fighter that absolutely need to minmax every single aspect of fighting. You're doing it for fun and anyone saying otherwise is a LARPing faggot.

Anonymous No. 190152

Jist do the good ol eye gouging

Anonymous No. 190154

>muh eye gouge
Are you the same faggot in ever other thread talking about eye gouges? You fucking nerd, you’ve never “eye gouged” anyone lmfao

Anonymous No. 190163

>Majority of MMA champs with grappling backgrounds come from wrestling
Wrestling has produced almost double the amount of MMA champs than BJJ. OP is a retard. It all comes down to skill investment. Just as the complicated flowery styles of striking fell before the more reserved simplistic ones, grappling is no different. BJJ is a distant second compared to wrestling & only the simplest techniques from it are effective enough to even waste time on. So much of BJJ is niche garbage, it should come as no surprise when it's constantly being called "cerebral" and "chess-like," in otherwords it's convoluted garbage.

Anonymous No. 190164

I can watch almost any MMA match and see BJJ techniques. You see it less because everyone trains defenses to it, the gloves make subs way harder, and the round structure is inherently anti grappling

Anonymous No. 190196

Only reason wrestling and such is key to winning MMA is because they made every effective self-defense tool of the unarmed fighting styles against wrestling illegal for a good reason: They'll fuck your shit up for sure if pulled off.

Anonymous No. 190199

Wrestling is probably the most discriminated style in mma. Around ufc 10 wrestlers were using headbutts extensively, now it's illegal.

Anonymous No. 190213

>watch almost any MMA match and see BJJ techniques
Yeah, the absolute simplest shit that children can recreate through basic mimicry. For any BJJ submission there is pretty much always an analog pathway to it via wrestling.
>gloves make subs way harder
Outing yourself as a larper dude. MMA gloves are open palm & there are ways to wrap hands that don't hinder grip at all. Anyone who uses this line 100% has never had their hands wrapped for MMA & has never used MMA gloves. This is total bullshit.
Not that headbutts have anything really to do with grappling or are unique to wrestling, but yes, there have been many changes since the beginning that have served to artificially make submission grappling safer.
Theres a lot that would fuck up grappling, but that doesn't negate the need to have a grapple game. If you're gonna get into some hypothetical self-defense debate, let me cut you off, because wrestling would still be great for moments when grappling is appropriate. But in self defense situations, Judo might be king. No one is pulling guard on concrete or asphault so BJJ is totally useless at this point.

Anonymous No. 190262

Larping. Remove gloves and you would see even more RNC. Any retard can tell it's harder to snake your hand around someone's chin with a glove on. Try it yourself. Fucking retard.

You also ignored getting reset by rounds. A grappler can fight to a dominant position and sub for an entire round and then have it reset, completely bailing out the striker.

Derek No. 190269

Keep your doing your gay "brazilian jizz juggling"with your fellow plebs.

I exclusively train in Wallachian toe-grappling.

Elite martial art.

Can't find it? Not my problem.


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Anonymous No. 192845

*slams u on the ground*
*puts u to sleep*
*snaps ur arm in half (twice)*
heh, nothing personnell, bjj-bro...

Anonymous No. 192856

Senegalese wrestling is rarer than every martial art you mentioned, yet a Senegalese wrestler beat a BJJ hall-of-famer.