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🧵 Judo sucks

Anonymous No. 189557

I just wrestled with someone 10kg heavier than me. He was up against a wall
>He had old man strength, couldn't even trip him, he would wrap his ankle around mine to limit my movement
>Nothing was working, it's incredibly hard to do anything to someone resisting being taken down
>Go for a "high crotch" (learnt from:
>It works!
>Grab leg and put it closer to armpit then drive forward, he falls to the floor

Wow, this makes me realise how gimped and overcomplicated judo is as a grappling art

Wrestling just works.

Anonymous No. 189569

That's why 90% of mma fighters do wrestling and most of them don't do judo. Judo may be good if you have no time to train both wrestling and bjj.

Anonymous No. 189573

Skill issue.

Anonymous No. 189575

It turns out the best way to make someone fall down is to grab their legs.

Anonymous No. 189576


Anonymous No. 189590

Oof. Huge judo cope!
The fact is, if someone is your size or smaller, wrestling works. Judo you'll even struggle to throw someone your size unless the magic aikido conditions present themselves.
If someone is bigger, you aint judo throwing him anyway.

Anonymous No. 189591

Judo fags spend 90% of their time grip fighting in a gi trying to "hit you with le planet". None of that shit works in MMA, you just get punched directly in the face.

Then they see someone hit a foot sweep in UFC and start wanking off about how effective judo is lmao

Anonymous No. 189597

You two are clearly retarded so I’m not going to bother arguing. Here’s a bunch of judo throws being used in mma fights.

Anonymous No. 189608

>mostly footsweeps and variations
Yeah exactly what I said lmao

Anonymous No. 189609

>judo doesn’t work except for when it does all the time
Big brained post, anon!

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Anonymous No. 189611

>won't say what belt he is, or weight class, or how much experience he has, or where he was training at
>unironically uses "old man strength" as an argument
>won't expand on why "nothing was working"
>or the laughable claim that he suddenly "learnt" a wrestling throw off youtube
kek I guarantee OP is 100% making stuff up. what discord are you posting this from, sweetheart?

Anonymous No. 189621

This lmao
OMFG in the 20 years of mma and 10000 fights we have exactly 10 judo throws pulled of successfully!!!

Anonymous No. 189624

Do you really think this is some big conspiracy against you? I'm just laughing at how innefective judo is. after experiencing it first hand

Anonymous No. 189630

Only one (1) technique?

Anonymous No. 189635

they all do judo, judo is so effective it has been absorbed into other things
everything effective about grappling, all your fundamental takedowns and submissions people take for granted are all judo

Anonymous No. 189637

Fundamental bjj submissions are from judo but takedowns are wrestling

Anonymous No. 189640

wrestling and judo basically have the same syllabus, it's just the sport particularities cause people to make different choices

Anonymous No. 189654

Post your belt, OP, or admit you love making shit up like most people here

Anonymous No. 189655

If you ignore all the other ones the video was full of sure. Sorry you’re retarded.
No we think you’re just lying in the internet

Anonymous No. 189660

Yeah. Nah. I just proved through my own experience wrestling works and judo is some cope aikido tier shit

Anonymous No. 189661

Post your judo belt

Anonymous No. 189668

I don't do judo, it doesn't work unless you play along. I learnt that in lesson 1

Anonymous No. 189670

>guys I’ve never trained judo and when I tried to use judo techniques it didn’t work wtf?
Great thread anon

Anonymous No. 189674

Yet wrestling just works

Anonymous No. 189678

It’s actually not curious because not a single person in this thread as disputed that wrestling is effective including me you dumb fag.

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judo in mma.webm

Anonymous No. 189679

kek are you sure you're not mistaking judo for aikido? because it's pretty silly to think it only works if you play along and all them throws are fake

Anonymous No. 189683

Yet people waste years training osoto wari gyazo throws that only work in aikido like conditions when basic easy to learn wrestling gets the job done ten times better


Anonymous No. 189686

You should take your YouTube moves to an amatuer fight. I’m sure you’ll mop the floor with everyone like you did that old man.

Anonymous No. 189733

I'm sure Judo will serve me better. NOT LOL

Anonymous No. 189753

>they all do judo, judo is so effective it has been absorbed into other things
Jigoro Kano literally got some techniques from western wrestling when he was creating judo. Wrestling >>> judo

Anonymous No. 189760

>Jigoro Kano literally got some techniques from western wrestling when he was creating judo

Like what?

Anonymous No. 189761

The problem with wrestling is lack of submissions. That's why wrestlers use lay and pray strategy in mma. Maybe they would do better if headbutts and 12-6 elbows were legal.

Anonymous No. 189765

If only there was some art that focuses on submissions that easily compliments wrestling....

Also allowing those strikes would lead to more subs as well since a guy can't turtle up and stall. Couple knees/elbows to get him to react then go for a sub

Anonymous No. 189785

>hands fighting doesn't exist in wrestling
How do you get your tie faggot? You never trained.

Anonymous No. 189978


Anonymous No. 190061

A "pure" judoka won some fights in Pride, that gives judo some credit

Anonymous No. 190081

>Doesn't do judo
>Can't get Judo throws to work
>This proves Judo doesn't work.
>But wrestling just works
Yeah, a lot of judo throws need a set up, which real judo players know how to do.

Anonymous No. 190084

You don't fight in your first judo class, lol. Might wanna do some research before making up entire threads about things you've never done.

Anonymous No. 190155

I just stiff armed guys or pushed them forward. practicing throws is aikdio tier and doesn't work irl on anyone half way defensive. Only works with judo passivity rules. Even judoka admit it's near impossible to throw a resistant opponent. Not the case with wrestling

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Anonymous No. 190156

>bros if I just run away defensively judo throws don’t work
Why would I need to judo throw you if you’re not fighting me?
>heh, good luck getting past my stiff ar-ACK
Pic related. I know for a fact you’re bullshitting because I train with and throw new whitebelts all the time and they do the same thing. Retard that you are, you don’t realize you’re giving me perfect position for either seoi nage or harai makikomi goshi.

Anonymous No. 190157

>Even judoka admit it's near impossible to throw a resistant opponent.
No they don't.

Anonymous No. 190161

>If you stand like a mannequin yeah Judo totally works bro

Anonymous No. 190174

You realize that judo is an Olympic sport right? Do you think professional athletes are just playing along with Olympic gold on the line?

Anonymous No. 190187

Maybe you are just trash and didn't lift as well as train Judo. Besides, adapt your fighting training to the rules at disposal and go for cheap and effective wins. Adapt your Judo throws into Greco-Roman mixture where you don't go for the "gi" takedowns/throws but no gi throws.

There is nothing wrong with doing so.

Anonymous No. 190321

He got one technique and it was just the firemans carry

Anonymous No. 190322

You know 90% of what wrestlers do it fight for grips and positions right? It isn't all just doubles and singles from 3 feet away

Anonymous No. 190323

Ishii is great at taking people down but his MMA fight IQ is in the single digits against other professionals. He is so 1 dimensional it is a shock his W/L is what it is

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Anonymous No. 190325

>Skinny judolet challenges me
>weak and scrawny due to low intensity low duration
>Thinks he will beat me due to his "superior speed" and flashy throws
>Squat slightly in freestyle wresting pose I learned in Uni (could have gone pro if I hadn't joined the navy). thighs MASSIVE due to high intensity training
>Judokek shits his pants because he doesnt know how to deal with someone with a center of balance slightly lower then his own.
>I give his torso a hug, don't even go for a single or double 'cause feeling nice
>Judokas pockets start exploding spaghetti since he's not use to intimate contact closer then half arms length.
>My hustles on point, get around him to his back so as to dispatch him by honorable suplex
>"Oh no the Hanawa ochinchin!" The Judoka mewls, refusing to speak in plain American Chicago 12 pnt font.
>A full excelsior movement reduces my opponent to ash as his skull disintegrates against the mat.
>I stand at attention towards the pile of ash and give it a salute for its brave (though misplaced) confidence.

Anonymous No. 190337

>Hey bro just spend 10000 hours trying to become an Olympic contender and you may be able to pull off a konichi wasushi once in a 10 minute match which penalises defensive behaviour

Wow, you certainly convinced me!

Anonymous No. 190354

>being this fag
There is not a more obvious way to advertise you're a fat faggot larper, making arguments no real competitor ever would. Fuck this board is so stupid. As if an wrestler, judoka, mma fighter, etc has ANY of these discussions & retarded fucking opinions. What is the point of being this guy?

Anonymous No. 190359

>what is the point of being this guy
Getting (you)s. Stop bumping this retarded thread. It was over the second he said he never actually trained wrestling or judo.

Anonymous No. 190381

I've trained judo and learnt very quickly it's a meme that only works if you play along with the rules that make it illegitimate for any sort of real combat

Okay. Keep larping

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Anonymous No. 190382

>large weight difference?
>wrestling just works-ACK

Anonymous No. 190384

>I’ve trained judo
>I don’t do judo
>I learned wrestling from YouTube
Kys, you don’t train

Anonymous No. 190390

You seem to be unable to read and are coping hard as you realise you coped learning useless shit

Anonymous No. 190394

No training, no opinion

Anonymous No. 190442

I have trained, you don't need to be an aikido black belt to realise it's bullshit

Anonymous No. 190463

You “learned” wrestling from YouTube. That’s not training. You have no opinion.

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Anonymous No. 190466

check out my dog

Anonymous No. 190467

Cute dog. What's its name?

Anonymous No. 190468


Anonymous No. 190475


Anonymous No. 190479

He's SHITTING all over these fools.

Anonymous No. 190506

I learned more from a youtube video than anything judo teaches lmfao

Anonymous No. 190512

Prove it. Show us a medal.

Anonymous No. 190528

>Show me your aikido medal to prove you know how to fight

Judo larpers everyone

Anonymous No. 190531

>OP can’t fight, don’t fight, don’t even train
>”please I’m begging you take my opinion seriously”

Anonymous No. 190535

Why are you so triggered? Is this how judo larpers cope that their achini wazashi gari doesn't work unless the other guys plays their judo game?

Anonymous No. 190536

You don’t fight lol

Anonymous No. 190551

I fight in actual fighting sports. How many people have you knocked out?

Anonymous No. 190566

>I fight in actual fighting sports
Prove it

Anonymous No. 190597

I'm not going to post my medals / boxing card here. Are you crazy lmfao

Now keep learning your azashi wazari gyazo Ryu move

Anonymous No. 190603

No training no opinion

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Anonymous No. 190606

so you've admitted to never doing judo and you don't know the basics of wrestling and had to look up a basic throw on youtube, which you also claim to have magically learned. just stop nigga.

Anonymous No. 190626

>not going to post my medals / boxing card here
So your options are
>#1:lying larping fat sack of shit
>2#: Too retarded to censor identifying info in paint or basic free app on phone
It's this simple dipshit, with how much effort you've put into arguing already, it's obvious that if you had it, you would have posted it. If you're going to be a larping faggot, don't make such retarded claims.

Anonymous No. 190632

lmao he got beat pretty good by a Greco-Roman wrestler with like a 2 week camp. I like yoshida because of the that silva fight, but his judo didn't do anything against pure wrestlers. He even got submitted by Barnett, who is a catch wrestler....

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Anonymous No. 190633


Anonymous No. 190634

You should probably mention the Greco guy has a 44lb and 4 inch height advantage and that Yoshida still a put up a good fight against him.

Anonymous No. 190637

There were advantages both ways, but it's the only time Olympic gold medalist from both disciplines fought. This was Gardener's first fight and Yoshidas 20th, and Gardener was a huge underdog. Gardener was bigger but Yoshida is 220lbs, so he isn't exactly a pushover. Most guys Yoshida beat were smaller anyways. Pride loved Yoshida, and they were trying to give him an easy win against the white devils from America. You can make excuses either way but Yoshida is probably not the guy you want to represent Judo in MMA

Anonymous No. 190638

He choked out Royce Gracie though and made their whole family piss, shit, and cry themselves to sleep demanding the victory be nullified. That gives him a lot of points in my book.

Anonymous No. 190639

>Judo larpers still seething
Don't forget to learn your konichiwa kazushi off balancing!
Who knows, if the conditions align just right once in a million times, with rules that prevent normal defense, you may just hit that osoto unagi!!

Anonymous No. 190643

You keep posting Japanese gibberish as if it’s some kind of own. You realize if you don’t like the Japanese names you can just say shoulder throw instead of seoi nage, right?

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Anonymous No. 190646

fair enough, I'm down for anyone fucking with the Gracies

Anonymous No. 190657

You do realise you will never kuzushi wazushi anyone outside of contrived Judo larping, right?

Anonymous No. 190659

Do you know what kuzushi is?

Anonymous No. 190663

If I knew what your schizo brain thought “Kazushi wazushi” meant I might have a response to your retarded inquiry.

Anonymous No. 190670

judo has olympic champions
boxing has olympic champions
wrestling has olympic champions
TKD has olympic champions
even karate has olympic champions

and then bjj, the greatest practitioners have....well they won a tournament in a local gymnasium, but you should've seen it! they even had to use half the bleachers! (they were mostly filled with people's bags and not spectators but thats besides the point)

Anonymous No. 190671

Muay Thai isn’t an Olympic sport either but non-retarded people still respect it. What point are you trying to make? That viewers=effectiveness? In that case soccer must be the best combat sport ever.

Anonymous No. 190689

>He doesn't know kazushi wazushi

Anonymous No. 190690

yeah muay thai where everyone's so broke it's considered a reasonable career alternative to become a ladyboy hooker

they're second tier athletes doing minor league sports but strutting around like their championship means anything

Anonymous No. 190692

In all seriousness, before you started your butthurt accusations, the point of this thread is that judo is something you learn for 7+ years to maybe, sometimes, if the conditions are just right, may work..sort of..

Wrestling you can teach in a day and it WILL work. Idk what there is to argue about, why do judo larpers get so defensive about this topic?

Anonymous No. 190696

Fuck me bro you’re right. I wasted so many years practicing my koshi guruma. If I had done wrestling I could have just learned to do a head and arm throw in a day instead. These are two totally different techniques obviously and the wrestling one is way easier. You’re definitely not a larping retard with no idea what you’re talking about. It’s not like there’s major overlap between the two sports that would be insane to suggest.

Fun fact, the guy who owns my judo club is both a 5th degree black belt in Judo and was a division 1 wrestler in college. For some crazy reason he doesn’t seem to share the same negative opinion a guy who thinks he learned how to wrestle from YouTube does. Curious.

Anonymous No. 190699

Difference is Judo has 100 useless aikido tier shit mixed in and dilutes anything actually useful (stolen from wrestling)
It's like saying taekwondo is as useful as kickboxing. You learnjng 20 spinning crane kicks is fucking stupid when a simple leg kick/front kick is infinitely more useful

Judo doesn't work in MMA apart from a once in a million highlight reel compilation. Wrestling works every time

Anonymous No. 190700

Based on what? that you can't pull them off, having not trained in judo or wrestling a day in your life?
Unlike aikido you can easily find judo black belts to take on, so it should be easy for you to show how self taught wrestling will beat it. You can even find one who will fight you under MMA rules. Should be an easy win right?

Anonymous No. 190706

give some fucking examples. what is the aikido tier shit of judo?

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Anonymous No. 190710

>stolen from wrestling
you'd be wrong about that
you might notice that the only countries that matter when it comes to wrestling have a long standing judo tradition as well

Anonymous No. 190715


Anonymous No. 190716

>You can even find one who will fight you under MMA rules. Should be an easy win right?

Except literally none of them would accept this offer. It would be seen as "dishororabu"

Anonymous No. 190717

every submission you've ever seen in MMA came from judo

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Anonymous No. 190726

Maybe modern MMA, but early MMA was dominated by catch wrestling submissions, like scarf holds and neck cranks. This was especially true in Japan, which has a huge pro wrestling scene. Catch wrestling was never super popular in the US, and when MMA blew up in the States, so did Gracie BJJ, because the UFC loved that guy. Catch wrestling isn't common anymore, so you really don't see alot of people use it. In early MMA though, Catch wrestling was as good or better than BJJ(Judo) submissions

Anonymous No. 190733

You sure do have a lot of excuses, coward. Issue the challenge. Publicly. Under your own name. It’s be great to have another lebel vs savage moment

Anonymous No. 190734

I've already btfo several judo larpers when I tried it and they complained that I was using too much strength and they couldn't use their wazushi Kata gutuba on me without me playing along lmao

If strikes would be involved they'd be ko before they even got the first grip

Anonymous No. 190736

Early MMA most participants were barely trained at all and were just tough guys doing tough guy things during the pre-weight classes times
Nearly all examples you could point to shows the catch wrestler physically outmatching their opponents by a significant amount
Catch couldn't survive in MMA once fighters became true trained athletes and size discrepancies were accounted for

MMA is results based sport, things don't disappear if they're working
Catch has now firmly cemented its status as those cheeky dick moves a geezer will show you but wouldnt work unless their partner is a novice or cooperating
"hey check this out" *cranks the beginners neck sideways without warning*

Anonymous No. 190738

>things that didn’t happen
Prove it

Anonymous No. 190751

>every submission in mma is from judo
>given proof that every mma submission is not from judo
>moves goalposts
I'm not arguing for catch wrestling, I'm just saying that submissions outside of judo exist in MMA. Your other argument doesn't even hold water for Judo, because it was never adopted in mma to actually be phased out. Since the current mma meta is heavy into wrestling right now, by you're logic then wrestling is superior. Judo never got results and thus was never adopted.
Not to mention one of the best catch wrestlers in Pride was Sakuraba, and he was almost always the smaller guy.

Anonymous No. 190752

Your example of catch was a scarf hold
That's the first move you learn in judo

Anonymous No. 190764

There are Judo black belts who do MMA and open grappling tournaments. You're full of shit.

Anonymous No. 190765

Prove your judo works against any resistant opponent and not judo larpers in a mcdojo

Oh wait, you can't

Anonymous No. 190766

And if they spent the same time on wrestling they would be an MMA top competitor right now

Anonymous No. 190770


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Anonymous No. 190771

Skill issue.

Anonymous No. 190772

>Posts YouTube clickbait Judo fantasies

Every KO from punches in combat sports (90% of wins) is your fake little judo being btfo by strikers. So funny how when you ask judo rejects for proof they post the same 4 meme tier videos, 3 of which are in fake rule environment, one in primitive MMA from 30 years ago!


Anonymous No. 190776

Are you sure soccer isn't your thing? You seem good at moving goal posts.
> fake rule environment,
Wrestling competitions don't allow strikes either.
> primitive MMA from 30 years ago!
You asked for Judo. I took like five minutes to randomly look judo vs other arts on youtube, I even made sure most of them are other arts popular in MMA, you can find tons of judo winning videos on youtube.

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Anonymous No. 190780

>but early MMA was dominated by catch wrestling submissions, like scarf holds and neck cranks
It's almost as if the most common pin in judo is kesa gatame aka scarf hold.

Anonymous No. 190785

Shodan here, literally the first pin I ever learned. OP is a retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 190794

Why are people arguing with this retard?

Anonymous No. 190839

Because they start to realise judo is innefective

Anonymous No. 190849

Because this board is full of retarded faggot larpers & these arguments make them feel like they're representing shit they will never fucking practice. But at least the Judo guys aren't just making shit up.

Anonymous No. 190863

Judo guys don't get into fights and don't do MMA. They do randori with other judo idiots and say stuff like "let yourself be thrown" "the key to understanding judo, Is learning to take being thrown"

It's borderline aikido tier training. Even that heckin based judo pride champion used punches and leg attacks 95% of the time, and didn't even bother with the meme tier osoto seonagis that judo makes you learn

Anonymous No. 190871

you mean the key to training effectively is knowing when you're beat and resetting instead of blowing your load struggling in a nuclear arms race to defend against something that's a lost cause and hurting yourself in the process

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Anonymous No. 190874


Anonymous No. 190885

>Pretending the technique worked because you let them is ackshully the good thing!

Judo, everyone

Anonymous No. 190886

You don't seem to understand so that's fine

Same kind of thing where you're getting your arm bent and "it doesn't hurt bad enough to tap yet, I'm tough and I can take it" so you let it go to the point of an injury
Arrogant white belts, many such cases

Anonymous No. 190887

Yes, just like in aikido when you fall down compliantly. Don't want to get hurt now to the deadly technique, do we?

Anonymous No. 190888

Nope, nothing like that
Assisting a move is different from relaxing when it happens to you to avoid injury

Anonymous No. 190896

> "let yourself be thrown"
No,they don't not unless your letting someone practice a throw on you, in randori, that is sparring, you try your best not to be thrown. What they teach is how to fall safely so you don't break your neck if you are thrown, because you matter how hard a beginner tries not to be thrown, the more senior people will be able to throw them. Even so, in competition people often get seriously hurt in competition trying to resist when they have already lost. They still get thrown because the throws work even if you resist.

Anonymous No. 190908

>Things judo sensei tell white belts

Anonymous No. 190916

They don't have to tell you jack shit, they will throw you, and people do get injuries at tournaments. What, do you think people in the Olympics let themselves be thrown to make Judo look good? What about those non-judoka who got thrown in the videos above, were they also trying to make judo look good?

Anonymous No. 190922

There's been like 10 judo throws in 30 years of MMA Vs wrestling being used daily

Anonymous No. 190923

Well, the best judoka that compete on the international level, go into Olympic Judo training rather than MMA. So unlike say BJJ you do not see many judo gyms that train with an eye towards applying it in MMA, which would require a lot of no gi training that would be useless for Olympic competition or any normal judo tournament But at the more amateur level you can find many videos of judo guys sparring and winning against other arts. And of course BJJ's curriculum is almost all taken from Judo, and they are pretty common in MMA as well.

Anonymous No. 190926

As opposed to Olympic wrestlers? Brock Lesnar literally walked into MMA heavy weight champ. Judokas can't do that. It doesn't work when punches are thrown. Very inefficient art.

Anonymous No. 190927

he lost his UFC debut by tapping out to a submission 90 seconds into the first round

Anonymous No. 190929

I would agree wrestling translates better to MMA, since they are not a style of Jacket wrestling, which is a very different game than wrestling with minimal clothing to grip. Like I said, a judo guy who wanted to use it for MMA would have to do a lot of no gi training, which would take away from his training for judo tournaments. If he wants to compete professionally he will probably have to pick one or the other, and most who can handle the professional level pick the Olympic path.

Anonymous No. 190935

You can always try to transfer the grip fighting to stand up defence vs fighting so you can get to the lock and throw and then submission.

Anonymous No. 190937

>>Things Judo sensei tells white belts
Yes, I do in fact teach my students how to not injure themselves while participating this sport. I don’t know why you think that’s a bad thing.

Anonymous No. 190954

>He's going to pretend that was a judo guy

How desperate can judo losers get

Anonymous No. 190955

Guys Op here, I think we have gotten massively off topic due to buttblasted judo nerds

My point is, judo is just widely inefficient at getting someone to the floor. Basic wrestling will take you further than judo. Judo is very very dependant on 100 factors being met, wrestling you just grab the fucker

Anonymous No. 190959

And you continue to be wrong

Anonymous No. 190968

Evidence proves otherwise

Anonymous No. 190969

Post some evidence

Anonymous No. 190977

The lack of judo being used in anything resembling a fight

Anonymous No. 190979

Judo has been used in various mixed fights since it's inception. See >>190770
Just because the current MMA rules and the Judo focus on Olympics limits its use in that arena in no way means it does not work. Do MMA with gi's, jackets or some other stiff clothing and I think you would find a lot more people doing Judo in MMA.

Anonymous No. 190981

T. Things judo losers tell themselves

Anonymous No. 190987

as we've already demonstrated
every submission you've ever seen in MMA is judo in origin

Anonymous No. 190990

They don't have to tell themselves, judo fights with other arts are documented and filmed.

Anonymous No. 191156

>T. Tries to kouchi sayonara someone in the street and gets uppercutted into dream world for his troubles

Nothing personal

Anonymous No. 191159

Sayonara anon

Anonymous No. 191162

>Judo dweebs think a very drunk guy who desperately doesnt want to fight and can barely stand, being dragged down by a sober 10th Dan black belt means judo works in a real fight

Many lols were had

Anonymous No. 191167

>that doesn’t count!
Sayonara anon

🗑️ Anonymous No. 191217

>Girl fight
Lol! Is this the power of judo wagashi wazuri? Hair pulling girl

Judo dweebs can't stop losing

Anonymous No. 191218

>Posts the same African sucker throw on a non resisting opponent the judo dweebs jerk off to for the 100th time


Anonymous No. 191220

UFC LW champion Khabib Nurmagomedov argues that judo is a higher level than wrestling.

Anonymous No. 191221

He's just trying to pay lip service to it and give them a much needed "Win"

Anonymous No. 191236

>that does count either!
I’m sure you’ll have a reason this boxer getting rag dolled and choked the fuck out doesnt count too.

Anonymous No. 191239

Why would he do that?

Anonymous No. 191241

At this point just stop with this idiot
He's just a bad faith retard troll

He has been so thourougly blown the fuck out so many times here that all he can do is start making things up
His only course of action to save his dignity would be to delete the thread and hope everyone forgets about it

Anonymous No. 191248

Yet the judoka is using!

Anonymous No. 191249


Anonymous No. 191257

>yes he was thrown to the ground multiple times, pinned, gnp’d, and ultimately choked out but he also threw a couple punches while standing that means boxing won even though the actual boxer lost to an actual judoka after I spent the last few weeks screaming about how judo doesn’t work
Lmfao, where’s atemi waza schizo when you need him?

Anonymous No. 191276

Greco Roman wrestling*

Judo is in a gi

Anonymous No. 191278

I'm right here watching this unfold in horrific fashion. Reminder that Judo does strikes better than boxing.

Anonymous No. 191285

So if someone trains judo for years and never once practices Greco he instantly becomes a wrestler the second his gi jacket comes off?

Anonymous No. 191325

Thats the logic in this thread. Apparently if you wrestled in high-school, college and Olympics and trained catch, then preform literally ANY submission, then you are actually doing judo. No wonder they think they are the best art, because they think everyone else is copying their fucking 3000 year old scrolls. Not like grappling lends itself to certain moves, and those moves can be found in grappling arts across the board. They all stole from judo obviously. Just look at this wrestler...I mean JUDOKA, win using the can opener....I mean KUBI-HISHIGI he learned by training wretling....I mean JUDO. It's like when the class weirdo makes a joke, and no one laughs, then the Chad, who didn't hear the weirdo, makes the same joke and everyone laughs

Anonymous No. 191326

yet he never trained judo during a fight camp, nor did he use judo over his wrestling....he is just pandering

Anonymous No. 191328

lmao try finding actual professional fighters getting beat with judo and you might have an argument. Judo works well against untrained opponents...but not trained wrestlers

Anonymous No. 191329

So if we can find one example of a judo player beating a professional wrestler. You will admit you're wrong?
>Judo works well against untrained opponents
That's not what you said before. You said Judo only works under the stupid rules of Judo competitions.

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Anonymous No. 191334

you are talking to more than one person you retarded gorilla nigger. Show me all the examples you can find

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Anonymous No. 191351

>lmao try finding actual professional fighters getting beat with judo

Anonymous No. 191355

Fedor was a world class Sambo fighter, but I forgot everything I Judo to you retards

Anonymous No. 191356

sambo is literally just judo
the founder of sambo studied judo in japan directly under kano and then made up their own rules for a sport surrounding it
which is totally fine to do by the way
kosen judo and kodokan judo have distinct rules but are both judo. Sambo is just judo with russian names

🗑️ Anonymous No. 191357

He has a black belt in judo, trained with the Russian national judo team and fought in world class judo events. And sambo was founded by a guy who was a student under the founder of Judo. It's based on judo and various folk wrestling styles of the former USSR.
This is just one big troll thread. I don't know why I'm posting here.

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Anonymous No. 191358

it's literally wrestling lmao

Anonymous No. 191359

He has a black belt in judo, trained with the Russian national judo team and fought in world class judo events. And sambo was founded by a guy who was a student under the founder of Judo. It's based on judo and various folk wrestling styles of the former USSR.
Anon this is just one big troll thread. I don't know why I'm posting here.

Anonymous No. 191360

sean strickland has a black belt in BJJ, yet he is not know for using any grappling. Knowledge and application are very different

Anonymous No. 191391

>just one big troll thread
Just one big troll board. 99.9% of the martial arts threads are filled with the same dozen larpers getting into the same arguments with each other. Meanwhile the only legit threads, the ones that focus on positive aspects, universal approaches, sharing training, and enjoying the journey fall off the board quicker than anything. Because these larping fags have no real experience & have never been a part of the martial community in real life.

Anonymous No. 191393

Welcome to 4chan, retard. Name a board with good discussion on it. I’ll wait.

Anonymous No. 191395

Any board where faggots are not larping as subject matter experts. /pol/ is unironically better than this shithole. If I had to pick a blueboard only, /fit/ atleast their bullshit claims are easily refuted with any basic fitness knowledge & there larpers are easily weeded out with "post body" here you got faggots posting pictures of belts like that means fuck all.

Anonymous No. 191399

>/pol/ is unironically better than this shithole
Shirley you can’t be serious. /pol/ has not been useable since before 2016

Also I can’t believe that shit was almost 10 years ago now. I’m starting to feel old.

Anonymous No. 191401

You have never been in a proper fight in your life. You think your fake play fight randori and "rolling" makes you a trained killer when you'd get btfo in an actual fight. You act all smart and think you can take on an average KOTS fighter, you'd get your shit pushed in. Lmfao.

The point of this thread is that judo is very inefficient in terms of self defence

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 191404

Fedor literally has a judo black belt and a Master of Sport ranking in judo, which you can only get if you win or place in national level championships. Russia is a big judo country too, so their national championships are very competitive.

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Anonymous No. 191405

Fedor literally has a judo black belt and a Master of Sport ranking in judo, which you can only get if you win or place in national level championships. Russia is a big judo country too, so their national championships are very competitive.

Anonymous No. 191413

Yet used no judo in his fights

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Anonymous No. 191418

you notice how judo is second, behind the Sambo part? You notice he has 2 bronze medals for national judo competition, from early in his carrer, and like 7 gold national Sambo commpetition throughout his prime career? Not to mention the 5 gold and 1 bronze in international/world Sambo competitions. I couldnt even get his judo medals in the screenshot for all the Sambo medals. It might be because he was better and more involved in sambo(wrestling). You just don't want to admit he was a much better wrestler than a judoka. Whats funnier is I would argue he was a better striker than a wrestler, but that is besides the point. I can speak Spanish and English, but if I only speak English and think in English, that makes me an English speaker, even though I am capable of speaking Spanish

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Anonymous No. 191477

nigga couldn't even read the full wikipedia article

Anonymous No. 191478

>It might be because he was better and more involved in sambo(wrestling).
>You just don't want to admit he was a much better wrestler than a judoka.
Ignoring the fact you're trying to pretend that sambo is the same as wrestling, I thought judo was fake and gay and doesn't work?

If he was that good of a wrestler, how come he wasn't anywhere near as good at judo?

Anonymous No. 191481

Confirmed for never watching a Fedor fight.

Anonymous No. 191482


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Anonymous No. 191491

lmao sure he trained judo, I never denied that. In the next few paragraphs it literally says there were two converging sambo styles, and one is literally based on catch wrestling
it's literally wrestling, it's influenced by wrestling and judo, but it is a style of wrestling, not a style of judo. It's got influence from boxing as well but no one is saying it's boxing. Also that is proving my point that judo is fake and gay. He literally stopped competing in judo and kept competing in sambo(wrestling) during his dominant reign in mma. That's implying he stopped training what didn't work(Judo) and kept what did work very well (sambo). You judo fags are seriously this retarded

Anonymous No. 191493

can we end this charade and stop pretending catch wrestling ever existed?

where has this supposedly superior deadly grappling style gone?

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Anonymous No. 191496

>wikipedia article says it's wrestling so it doesn't count
I'm about to blow your mind.

Anonymous No. 191497

>That's implying he stopped training what didn't work(Judo) and kept what did work very well (sambo).
No, that's implying that he couldn't succeed in judo because he wasn't good enough. So he went to compete in a brand new sport at the time and dominate because it had a lower talent pool.

Anonymous No. 191499

Wrestled in high school and do boxing nowadays. Yeah judo's basically jacket wrestling and some of their techniques require handles. But to dismiss it reeks of ignorance. Judo has been pressure-tested for over a century. It's well documented against other styes and there's a reason why many law enforcement and armed forces incorporate judo techniques in their CQC curriculum.

And no judo means no BJJ and Sambo. At least not in the form that we're used to.

Seriously guys, grappling is the most non-BS aspect of martial arts because the whole crux of it is to train with technique, leverage, and conditioning against an active partner whose doing the same to you (in a safe manner). We don't need this shit-flinging. Yeah some judo techniques aren't as good as compared to a good single leg or flying mare in certain situations. It's all wrestling in the end. Just different interpretations and flavors.

Anonymous No. 191532

Judo is unnecessary when you can just learn wrestling

Judo played itself by removing it's most useful tools such as leg attacks, and now it's just a meme sport you have to play along with, similar to sport bjj. Only really effective if you engage

Whereas a beginner wrestler can just use basic techniques to get you down

Anonymous No. 191539

>Judo played itself by removing it's most useful tools such as leg attacks
Leg attacks weren't removed from judo until 2008. All of Fedor's judo competition experience was in the 90s and early 2000s when leg grabs were legal.

You were the one who played yourself all along.

Anonymous No. 191545

My dude, who cares about Fedor. He knocks people out and uses freestyle more than anything. He doesn't do ippon seonagis you dumb dumb

Anonymous No. 191557

judo is not recognized as a style of wrestling by the UWW fucking mong, I'm not just looking for the word wrestling. Why can't you guys do any critical thinking? Is judo actually a cult to brainwash you retards?

Anonymous No. 191558

so again, stop moving the goal posts. I never said he was a good judoka, you did, and I actually said he was a better wrestler, so thanks for agreeing with me on that. He was your example of being judo beating wrestling, but then you turn around and say he wasn't even good at judo, so I'm not sure what your point is anymore. That some washed up judo player(and world champion wreslter) just woke up and dominated MMA? That's pretty funny considering the judo gold medalist(and dogshit wrestler) yoshida was not even close to the same caliber of fighter

Anonymous No. 191575

Judo dweebs can't accept it's a game that relies on other person to play along

If you're a black belt 7th Dan you may get a throw if the conditions perfectly align and no one's trying to hit you

Anonymous No. 191579

what do you mean play along?

Anonymous No. 191608

>uses freestyle more than anything
You don't even know what freestyle is.

How many double legs and high crotches do you see Fedor doing? He uses almost exclusively upper body takedowns, hip tosses, and trips. All of his submissions on his record are jud submissions.

Anonymous No. 191609

>judo is not recognized as a style of wrestling by the UWW
Neither is sambo you dumbfuck. FIAS is the governing body of sambo. UWW hasn't managed sambo since the 1980s. Try getting information outside of wikipedia no-train.

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Fedor Emelianenko....webm

Anonymous No. 191611


Anonymous No. 191614

He's literally using wrestling hooks in most of those lmao

Anonymous No. 191620

holy cope

Anonymous No. 191711

you just posted a wiki article as a counter point, disgus. Also, did sambo wrestling cease being wrestling when they formed the FIAS? No. Did it magically become judo when they formed the FIAS? No. It was never under any judo federation nor was judo under any wrestling federation. It was always wrestling and it was never judo. So my point still stands that Sambo is wrestling, and judo is not wrestling

Anonymous No. 191712

>4 or 5 throws in what looks like sambo....
>Fedor was the BEST judoka

fedor also knocked people out, and he actually did it in the majority of his matches. Does that magically make him a boxer or kickboxer? He's got more knockouts than subs on his record. 4 or 5 throws that he probably learned/practiced in sambo(wrestling) does not make him a judoka. By that logic, he is more of a boxer/kickboxer than wrestler, which is what I initially said. I also said he was a better wreslter than judo player as well and you're just caught up on that part because you're brainwashed to defend judo over anything

Anonymous No. 191715

>sweeping hip throws are totally popular in wrestling and not judo I swear
Just kill yourself at this point

Anonymous No. 191745

>4 or 5 throws that he probably learned/practiced in sambo(wrestling)
Ok, name the throws. What are they called in wrestling?

>does not make him a judoka
No, him training in judo, having a black belt in judo, and competing in national/international judo tournaments makes him a judoka as much as it makes him a sambo practitioner.

Anonymous No. 191746

>It was always wrestling and it was never judo. So my point still stands that Sambo is wrestling, and judo is not wrestling
You spent half the thread trying to argue anything with a jacket is bullshit, then the moment sambo is brought up you're trying to sweep it under wrestling the moment it suits your point. Even ignoring that sambo was heavily influenced by judo.

>and one is literally based on catch wrestling
It's not. Catch-as-catch-can wrestling lineage is well documented and it never hit the USSR.

>fedor also knocked people out, and he actually did it in the majority of his matches.
>He's got more knockouts than subs on his record
Peak wikipedia reading.

Even in fights where he won by knockout, he used his grappling all the time. The whole reason why Fedor was special is because he mixed his striking with his grappling seamlessly, which few people were doing at the time in this period of MMA.

Anonymous No. 191810

Wrestlers being the biggest fart sniffers in grappling is always a spectacle to see.

Anonymous No. 192153

t. buttflustered pyjama loser

Anonymous No. 192186

>t. Butt thumbing homo

Anonymous No. 192205

I've been watching this thread for a few weeks now and I have to say...

You two faggots are on the gayest anime site on the Internet, defending your own gay sport, shitting on another gay sport, trying to figure out which gay fucking sport is less gay than the other gay fucking sport.

You're both flaming gay fucking faggots, congratulations.

Anonymous No. 192218

Babbys first week on 4chins

Anonymous No. 192226

They're adorable and they're going to end up buying a house with a lovely garden and shit.

Anonymous No. 192457

>uhhh like yeah I'm just gonna off balance you with my grip fighting
>Hold still! I need to grab your collar lapel and your wrist!
>Owwww! Stop punching me! Oww!
>That hurts! Oww my tooth just flew out staaahhhp!
>*Gets knocked the fuck out*


>Just gonna single leg you real quick
>Shoots from outside striking range and the drops the fucker on his head

Nothing personal

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Anonymous No. 192459

>Just gonna single leg you real quick
>Shoots from outside striking range and the drops the fucker on his head
in reality

>shoots single leg

Anonymous No. 192471

>Posts rigged circus fight as an example to why wrestling totally doesn't work bro

Kek. Judo dweebs getting desperate

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Anonymous No. 192479

>judo doesn't work because ufc bro
>n-n-no that doesn't count

Anonymous No. 192490

I cross train bjj and judo. Gotta admit that training under olympic judo rules can reduce it's effectiveness. For example, there are lots of leg picking techniques that are not allowed in judo, so most judo guys will never expect to get their leg picked or to get double legged which caused me a bit of culture shock when starting judo. But when I'm able to mix both bjj takedowns and judo takedowns on my bjj classes I start to appreciate judo a lot. Just wish that dojos mixing both sports were more popular.

Also, I wish I could train wrestling as well, I think it is a beautiful and effecttive art, but there is nowhere to learn it casually because it seems to be an "elite young faggets only" club. So judo+bjj becomes my only choice. Wrestling should try to become a bit more open to the general public, even if it's not for high performance training.

To end this post: don't be stupid faggots and just cross train, or even better, just train anything instead of larping. I doubt many "wrestlers" on this thread even wrestle at all.

Anonymous No. 192491

good luck suplexing giga nigger and his other gay friends in jail. Young people are really stupid

Anonymous No. 192494

i have to correct myself, hadn't seen the video correctly. what a moron. still I think my point stands, don't try to murder people against the ground for silly stupid shit.

Anonymous No. 192507


Judo, collegiate, Greco-Roman, freestyle, BJJ, Sambo, sumo, pehlwani, luta livre, catch, bokh, and so on. It's all grappling in some form and you can't bullshit your way out of it in live drills and practice like other martial styles.

I can cite multiple examples of judoka thrashing wrestlers and wrestlers dominating judoka. 1 form of grappling is defeating another form of grappling; what's the harm in that?

Anonymous No. 192661


Anonymous No. 194428

The thread that btfo judo

Anonymous No. 194444


Anonymous No. 194453

Judo is good but judofags are pretty insufferable. Judo is best taken supplementary for your wrestling/bjj but for grappling or MMA I wouldn't make it my focus.

Anonymous No. 194461

What are retarded statement, how are you still alive and not sticking your fingers in electrical sockets?

Anonymous No. 194463

Calm down ESL friend

Anonymous No. 194464

its my esl friend