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🧵 Wrist strenth can we make it better?

Anonymous No. 189602

So I am a blackbelt in taekwodo and started doing full contact muay thai for a while now but I feel like sometimes I can't put full power in my punches because of my wrist, sometimes if I punch to hard I feel like I'm going to injure my self so I take a lot of my power away trying to not get hurt

for those that are punchers do you do any conditioning or just keep practicing power punching until you get used and strong enough?

I have great technique so I don't think this is the problem, also my teacher told me that he have the same problem (even tho he is a young and good athlete)

Anonymous No. 189603

could it be the bandage that is not tight enough?
could it be just lack of conditioning?
could it be lack of strenth?
could it be the guy holding the pads for me?

or is it normal to not go full power even when you're hiting strong?

I never tried to hit the heavy bag full power, this usualy happen when I am punching the heavy pads

Anonymous No. 189618

had same problem been doing striking almost a year now. need to do lots of conditioning (grip, rice bucket, impact, lifting weights) as i already had weak wrists to begin with. and never gonna be able to punch full on hard as im like a glass cannon but it is what it is

Anonymous No. 189619

First priority is to strengthen the muscles of the forearm by doing wrist curls (don't go too heavy at first) and working with the wrist squeezer thing that looks like a bike handle.

Don't punch super hard at everything, that will build up damage if your forearm muscles aren't strong enough. It's all about using the muscles to help protect the wrist.

Anonymous No. 189620

Idk doesn't looks like the forearm musce will do anything for me, looks like a joint thing, I punch very stable but the pain starts showing either way

Anonymous No. 189675

Knuckle push ups? Lifting weights? Pull ups? Hand grippers? Go full old school with karate hojo undo with their weighted jars, chi ishi, and weight tied to a stick where you slowly pull it up by rolling your grip as if bringing up a bucket from a well.

Anonymous No. 189723

The muscle protects the joint. You should also do wrist stretches after you warm them up to prevent carpal tunnel but that's not quite as related

Anonymous No. 189725

Same exercises as arm wrestlers. Loop a belt, gi belt works good, around or through some weights, then you loop the other half around your palm+thumb in either the pronated or supinated position. Then, with the weight hanging off the thumb side, turn your hand over, switch & do from other side. Then you do flexion & extension of the palm, back hand up or palm up with the same belt but with the weight hanging straight down. Then just get yourself some grippers & you're good to go. That routine will make your wrist super stable.

Anonymous No. 189773

some people swear by wrist rollers

Anonymous No. 189873

Your primary conditioning is going to come from simply doing bag work and mitt drills. No exciting or special secrets im afraid but it works. Normally I would say you should be doing part of your bag work without gloves or wraps but in your case I can't give an opinion if you are prone to hurting yourself. If you do work the bag ungloved you should stop as soon as you have skin tearing or softness/swelling in your knuckles and glove glove up.
I would also say that these are all good supplementary exercises. I used to also do various push-ups or striking on just my wrists or parts of my hand but I don't usually recommend this because its advanced and really easy to fuck yourself up if you don't know what your doing
This is really interesting. I never heard of this before