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masaaki noiri is ....webm

🧵 You guys like j-kick?

Anonymous No. 190582

(Japanese Kickboxing)

Anonymous No. 190586

Kickboxing is cool but muay thai is cooler. Muay thai has cool music.

Anonymous No. 190587

Rise hss some kino fights between the bloodlusted literally whos. I'm looking forward to this year's K-1 vs Rise.

Anonymous No. 190589

I like MT but can't deal with the fucking music. It unironically filters me and the only MT I can watch is shit like ONE because they don't blast those horns. Just the drums would be nice, but the horns sound fucking awful.

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Anonymous No. 191039

Didn't realize this thread even went up. Take some more cool clips

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Anonymous No. 191041


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Anonymous No. 191042


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Anonymous No. 191043


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Anonymous No. 191046

President Takeru

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Anonymous No. 191049


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Anonymous No. 191050

Kazuki Osaki

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Anonymous No. 191051

Taio Asahisa

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Beautiful sweep b....webm

Anonymous No. 191052

Yuki Yoza

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Anonymous No. 191053

Akihiro Kaneko

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Anonymous No. 191055

Masashi Kumura

Anonymous No. 191102


Anonymous No. 191122

These guys be wilding with their split second KOs, fun stuff.

Anonymous No. 191123

He should've taken a tumbling class from japanese pro wrestling prior to that stunt, could've torn his achilles heel.

Anonymous No. 192108

I thought boxing was useless once kicks/knees were involved, why do i see so many punches being traded here

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Anonymous No. 192122

Being able to use your legs doesn't mean you shouldn't use your arms. It means you should use your legs. Being good at boxing will make you better at kickboxing but it's not enough.

Anonymous No. 192187

>big boobie girl bully’s itty bitty booby girl with her big boobies
Fuck you anon I don’t need a new fetish I’m trying hard as it is to not be a degenerate.

Anonymous No. 192319

Unlike the thais, there seems to be alot of focus on boxing offense among japanese kickboxers

Anonymous No. 192354

Is there an official YouTube channel to watch this from?

Anonymous No. 192421




RISE only has japanese commentary. K-1 has english and japanese. If you want the japanese commentary you have to search the fighters' japanese names though. You can also navigate through K-1's own website ( if you go to a fighters page there will be youtube links to their fights.

Also that clip is from this fight:

Anonymous No. 192508

Because the scoring criteria is different in J-kick.

J-kick scores punches, kicks, elbows, and knees equally while in MT, punches and low kicks don't score as well as high kicks, control in the clinch, and knees/elbows.

People think J-kick doesn't clinch or neck-wrestle; that's patently false. Ever since 1966, the Japanese extensively utilized clinch with elbows and knees. Nowhere near as refined and technical as the Thais do, but if you look at historical footage of All Japan Kick Boxing Association and Japan Kick Boxing Association , they do chap koh too.

Anonymous No. 192677

I still don't get how they just get in head to head like that. My boxing is shit so I would rather stay in the long hook range than intimate like that. If it ever gets tight I'd fall into the clinch to wait for ref break

Anonymous Mogul No. 192680

Sometimes you just have to bang,I don't remember but there's a dutch kickboxing drill where you go head to head and spar in just that range without clinching. Also work your borxing bro

Anonymous No. 192718

You’ve put me down a rabbit hole thanks for these, I’m starting to get these videos from Rizin and Breaking Down which are pure kino

Anonymous No. 192744


i mean the range where I can see what my opponent is doing so I can guard, slip, parry, is much more comfortable for me. And how do they just let each other into range like that?

Anonymous No. 192863

meant for>>192680

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Anonymous No. 192896

If you want to keep delving, I can also recommend KNOCK OUT

They have some absolutely kino fights as well. One of their more popular guys is Ryusei who is very fun if you like cool technique combined with just being a little retarded sometimes.

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Yoshiki Takei K-1....webm

Anonymous No. 196727

Anonymous No. 197182

Is there a Japanese kickboxing league? Or is 'Japanese kickboxing' just about the style of fighting of Japanese fighters?

Anonymous No. 197185

Japanese Kickboxing refers to the sport that was created in 1966 after exposure to Muay Thai and combining it with Karate & Kenpo with Western boxing. It's why in the 60's and 70's you saw Japanese kickboxers (many of them were ex-karateka) do stuff like spinning hook kicks and jumping kicks while simultaneously throwing hard cut kicks to thighs and calves, clinching with elbows and knees. The Japanese incorporated the Southeast Asian style of full torque and twist of hips to generate power instead of chambering kicks (which they normally did for control).

As for Japanese Kickboxing, these are the major organizations:

New Japan Kickboxing Federation. It allows all the arsenal of Muay Thai techniques but with different scoring criteria as mentioned here >>192508. The rounds are the same as Muay Thai and the timing.

Then there's Shin Nihon Kickboxing Association. They're the other big Kickboxing organization and NJKF's rival. They have similar scoring criteria but they only have 3 rounds instead of 5 from the last I heard.

RISE and K-1 Japan that >>192421 mentioned are other venues. There was also Krush which used to be a feeder system for Japanese kickboxers to go into the major leagues.

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Buakaw vs Pitter-....webm

Anonymous No. 197198

Muay Thai number one

Anonymous No. 197242

Shishido's beaten Nak Muays before, it's just that Buakaw's high caliber and very few can beat him.

Besides Sato nailed Buakaw with a knee to the gut and knocked out; something Souwer and Masato were never able to do.

Anonymous No. 197377

Don't like it. All they do is shell up and brute forward until gloves touch then start banging and counter. Not fun to watch. There's a reason tenshin exploited them all

Anonymous No. 197396

whenever i try shit like this nothing happens.... amazing stuff tho love Yoza

Anonymous No. 197397

I do prefer it

Anonymous No. 197402

Are there any noteworthy japanese kickboxers in higher weight classes?

Anonymous No. 197556

I think there is a flaw, not sure if fundamental of sort in the style that let Tenshin clown on them. Yes yes I know Tenshin is incredible and high fight IQ, but he used that IQ to exploit people

Anonymous No. 197557

>Tenshin the J-Kickboxer beat other J-Kickboxers
>this means J-Kickboxing is flawed

Anonymous No. 197577

You have not witnessed the transformation of Toki Tamaru

Anonymous No. 197691

A dutchman doing muay thai is not necessarily dutch style. Tenshin developed his own style early. He moves around a lot more than the rest.
It's japanese style to relentlessly pressure forward

Anonymous No. 197710

Tenshin also beat elite muay thai fighters, mma fighters, and boxers. Does that mean muay thai, MMA, and boxing all have fundamental flaws that he exploited?

Anonymous No. 197711

Muay Thai better

Anonymous No. 197896

Of course MT is the GOAT striking style compared to Japanese kickboxing. But you can't dismiss it when it has a rich history of competition against Muay Thai (which is why it was developed) and how it spawned Kickboxing and Muay Thai directly and indirectly in Europe (particularly Netherlands, France, and Italy).

Anonymous No. 198219

The forward pressure is stuffed by clinchers and angle cutting. Evrything has flaws but i don't like these flaws

Anonymous No. 198229

But jkick has ring girls dressed up in cosplay

Anonymous No. 198232

MT has people cosplaying as girls

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Anonymous No. 198236

J kick used to have that..... thank u for everything Jienotsu....

Anonymous No. 198285

Imho the traditional dance and scoring system in muay thai is annoying af. Would prefer to see a kickboxing organization that just allows elbow strikes.

Anonymous No. 198487

Kickboxing is ideal martial art imo for spectating

Anonymous No. 199742

best fights to learn jkick from bros?

Anonymous No. 199816

Masaaki Noiri v. Rukiya Anpo
This one was the finale of an 8 man tournament so this is their third fight of the night. The other fights from that night are also really good

Kaito Ono v. Masaaki Noiri

Masashi Kumura v. Akihiro Kaneko
This one is a trilogy and k-1 has announced another tournament that has both these guys in it, so there is the possiblity of a fourth

Taio Asahisa v. Yuki Yoza

RISE World Series 2023
This was a tournament that was held across three events. Notable names include: Kumandoi, Kazuki Osaki, Shiro, Toki Tamaru.
The first round of the tournament was mostly just random european guys getting beaten up. The really good fights are:
Shiro v. Kumandoi
Kazuki Osaki v. Toki Tamaru
Kumandoi v. Toki Tamaru

These are some of the fights i could remember off the top of my head. These are also pretty new, there are a lot of good older fights as well.

Anonymous No. 199818

KNOCK OUT has you covered
"The Knock Out-Red ruleset allowed elbow strikes, sweeps and throws." - Wikipedia

Anonymous No. 199921

thank you my man, i just started training in tokyo
will watch all of these

Anonymous No. 200037

Dude that's awesome. Remember to watch your head, I hear the japanese guys spar like madmen

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Anonymous No. 200088

Just looked him up. What a fucking legend.

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Katsuki Kitano Ma....webm

Anonymous No. 200338

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koyata yamada sho....webm

Anonymous No. 200924

Anonymous No. 200936

Man i love shootboxing

Anonymous No. 201226

post more ser please
im hooked

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Toki Tamaru Rise ....webm

Anonymous No. 201329

Anonymous No. 201406

You really can't go wrong with Masaaki Noiri. These are some of my favorites

Yoshiki Takei who is now a pro boxer also had some incredibly cool fights when he was in k-1

Kaito Ono is a shootboxing guy that comes into kickboxing every now and again

This weekend RISE put on a card with a lot of really good fights. You can watch them for free on if you have a japanese vpn. If not they will be on youtube in a few days.
Kazuki Osaki fought Jin Mandokoro, both guys are really good. Taiga fought Daniel Puertas. Taiga has had a complete career resurgence recently which is cool. Taiju Shiratori who is also really good was on the card, as well as Taiju Shiratori.

The first fight between Kazuki Osaki and Jin Mandokoro

Also a few cool fights from both guys:

And some cool fights from the other guys on the card

Anonymous No. 201408


some more cool guys are Taito Gunji, Keisuke Monguchi (these two recently fought), Hirotaka Asahisa (brother of previously mentioned Taio), Hideaki Yamazaki and Kento Haraguchi.
Some of their fights.

Taito Gunji:

Keisuke Monguchi

Hirotaka Asahisa

Hideaki Yamazaki

Kento Haraguchi

Anonymous No. 201410


I somehow forgot to mention Tenshin and Takeru. They fought each other in 2022 in one of the biggest kickboxing fights ever. Takeru came into the fight with a win streak going back to 2012 (the loss in 2012 was mostly due to a bad ref). And Tenshin came in with an undefeated 43-0 record. This event filled the Tokyo Dome (56000 people) and the gate was (allegedly) 25 million usd, in a sport where the pay is infamously pretty bad. A bit weird but both guys also have really cool nicknames, Takeru "Natural Born Crusher" and Tenshin "The strongest high schooler".

Anyway the event was called THE MATCH 2022, and they stacked the card with all the best fighters, most of whom i have linked or mentioned previously. link to the fight card if you want to see it.

The fight was cool but for some reason they made the biggest fight in the sports history a 3-rounder.

Anonymous No. 201411

Some more cool fights/fighters that popped into my head

Akihiro Kaneko, one of the best and most exciting guys in his division right now, 21-2 record having avenged both losses recently.

Rukiya Anpo

YA-MAN is completely insane but very fun. Also participated in the funniest fight i remember seeing

Anonymous No. 201432

Always partial to Yuki Egawa; he's what I call an intelligent pressure fighter. He doesn't just bum rush head-on but stalks his prey and whittles them down.

Anonymous No. 201437

I know his name but I don't think I've seen him fight before. Any you'd recommend?

Anonymous No. 201668

no.1 p4p no doubt

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Anonymous No. 202476

Anonymous No. 202880


Anonymous No. 203285

Who is better?

Anonymous No. 203350


Anonymous No. 203401


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yuki yoza vs weer....webm

Anonymous No. 203487

Anonymous No. 203499

do you have the full fight ser?

Anonymous No. 203759


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Ryuki Matsuda vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 204325

Anonymous No. 204466

Thaicels seething

Anonymous No. 204478

Elbows and clinch allowed?

Anonymous No. 204522

I'm more interested in the fact that they don't have arms. What's the source for this image.

Anonymous No. 204695

yeah it's muay thai rules

Anonymous No. 204747

As someone who did muay thai, the music is big gay. The people who enjoy it are the thai version of weebs

Anonymous No. 204760


Anonymous No. 204861

As much as love MT and everything it's done to redefine every branch of modern kickboxing I feel like it's getting outpaced in modern times, in many ways due to the modern ruleset that scores punching so low

Anonymous No. 204881

It took them like 50 years to finally be their equal

Anonymous No. 204986

The fuck are you talking about? Japan was the first nation to compete against Muay Thai and they've had several fighters ranked in Lumpini and Rajadamner rankings like Toshio Fujiwara, Mitsuo Shima, Igari Genshu, and Yasuo Tabata. Fujiwara was the 1st foreigner to win a stadium title (Rajadamnern lightweight) while Shima won a world MT title in bantamweight that Thailand hosted in the early 70's. Japan has more stadium titles than any other country; only France comes close. And plenty of Japanese have also won WMC, WPMF, and WBC Muay Thai belts too.

Anonymous No. 205326

Scoring never really mattered in striking sports if your "low scoring" style knocks the opponent out.

Anonymous No. 206242

Wangchannoi is a good example of this

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Hisai Taimu with ....webm

Anonymous No. 206463

Anonymous No. 206817


Anonymous No. 211347

Allazov's division is more stacked

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One Kickboxing Fr....webm

Anonymous No. 212246

Anonymous No. 212344

Glorious King Takeru <3. Hope he smashes Roddy

Anonymous No. 212345

Under 53kg is better than 70kg

Anonymous No. 212422

>their third fight of the night.
jesus christ thats crazy

Anonymous No. 212423

Where can i watch k1 events live?

Anonymous No. 212543

Big copium m8. Both no1 and 2 p4p rn are 70kg. The division still has a lineage from sitthichai and marat grigorian going way back with petrosyan

Anonymous No. 212625

Japanese promoters are a bit retarded at the moment so it's hard to watch outside Japan. But when they're not sperging out you typically watch on or

Anonymous No. 212626

Kickboxers are a different breed. Fighting their guts out in all-action fights and getting paid pennies for it

Anonymous No. 212829

Marat and Sitthichai are both very past their prime. p4p mean nothing especially Beyond Kicks rankings, they keep moving Rico up despite doing nothing and Shiro doesn't get a spot for beating a p4p holder. BK rankings are pointless. There are some really promising fighters coming up in 70kg but at the moment 53 is way more competitive because everyone is still young and in their prime

Anonymous No. 213105

Sitthichai is old man now but Marat still has it. Shiro just won but he hasn't fought division top dog kaneko just yet. Rico went up because Toki Tamaru lost his place. Tbh I hate heavyweights now too. I ignore every p4p ranking above 80kg. I'm watching the Chinese guys and what business does Tawanchai have in the top 10 for the division, all he did was fight eternal competitor Jo Nattawut to 2 very close decisions. 53kg division isn't strong p4p because their are 3 potential champs for every belt, can't be p4p top dog when you can't even dominate your division.

Anonymous No. 213204

Based take on anything over 80kg.
I think 53kg fighters should be ranked higher precisely because they can't dominate the division. I think it shows how strong the division is that there isn't a 100% clear number one. Maybe I'm also partial to the traditional meaning of p4p rather than it being a ranking of accomplishments

Anonymous No. 213381

A few bangers from the 29/9 k-1 event:

Yuki Yoza vs Petchdam Petchyindee

Taito Gunji vs Takumi Terada

Lyra Nagasaka vs Koji Ikeda