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Anonymous No. 190627

How would UFC change if they adopted ADCC weightclasses?

Anonymous No. 190628

If they adopted an open class you would have irate senators trying to get it shut down for barbarism, because that is utterly retarded, even for ADCC. Majority of the time it is the larger opponent who wins, but I appreciate the continued futile arguments to the contrary.
You would have too much overlap, people would be getting seriously fucking rekt. The greater, more common, risk with weight difference is in striking. Your highest weight class with ADCC is 40lbs lower than the heaviest class in UFC. You can't lump togther fighters with that large of a gap. Perhaps the grappling threat could be mitigated with just skill, but the striking threat? No. With that big of a difference they could just work the smaller person over. Just 1 time getting stuck in bottom position and it would be over.

Anonymous No. 190630

>Majority of the time it is the larger opponent who wins

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Anonymous No. 190635


Anonymous No. 190640

>that is utterly retarded
Boxing has open heavyweight and I like it because 265 lbs limit means some fighters are excluded

Anonymous No. 190642

Open weight is perfectly viable when there's no drug testing. But if you're peeing and giving blood, it thins the pool so badly that you're better off watching an amateur night at an injun casino.

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Anonymous No. 190653


Anonymous No. 190708

are you retarded or something?

Anonymous No. 190714

kg is such a fucking stupid unit of measurement for humans
so is CM by the way
and also C when talking about the temperature outside

Anonymous No. 190718

C is so much better than f. 0 is when water freezes, 100 is when water boils. It couldn't be simplier.

Anonymous No. 190721

Yeah, what a stupid idea to have all your measurements consistent in base 10
Literally the only good thing about imperial/US customary is that it rolls off the tongue nicely

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Anonymous No. 190723

>Majority of the time it is the larger opponent who wins, but I appreciate the continued futile arguments to the contrary.
Just have 3 divisions ranging from 60- to 110+ kilos, then split those divisions into 2 subdivisions, have one competition for each subdivision and one "open-weight" competition for each division.
> Light I = 68kg or less
> Light II = 68~80kg
> Medium I = 80~92kg
> Medium II = 92~104kg
> Heavy I = 104~116kg
> Heavy II = 116kg or more
Then, have the "open-weight" be limited within divisions
> Ultimate Light (I and II)
> Ultimate Medium (I and II)
> Ultimate Heavy (I and II)
Maybe even
> Ultimate Light-Medium (Light II and Medium I)
> Ultimate Light-Medium (Medium II and Heavy I)
Of course, with better names than these

Anonymous No. 190724

>Ultimate Light-Medium (Medium II and Heavy I)
Ultimate Medium-Heavy (Medium II and Heavy I)**

Anonymous No. 190728

> Light I = 68kg or less
> Light II = 68~80kg
> Medium I = 80~92kg
> Medium II = 92~104kg
> Heavy I = 104~116kg
> Heavy II = 116kg or more
This but all of the numbers -10 kg. There is more manlets than giants in the world.

Anonymous No. 190740

NTA, but that list shows a clear bias towards Absolute winners being guys who fight at either 99 kgs or +99 kgs.

Anonymous No. 190754

using water as the metric is just as arbitrary as anything else
at least F is based cardinally on brine which is the state most water on earth exists in
the climates where humans live exist generally between 0-100 F
below 0 is an outlier for how freezing it is, above 100 is an outlier for how hot it is
this is a much more intuitive and precise way to talk about the weather outside and how it relates to your comfort and safety as a human experiencing it
0 cold as shit, 100 hot as shit, dress accordingly
makes way more sense than 0 kinda nippy, 100 instant death

you may have biases because of how you grew up but objectively if you can put that aside it makes much more sense to think of weather in this way
base 12 and 16 are both superior to base 10. Base 10 is only popular because you can use your fingers to count. It's literally for people that can't do math

Anonymous No. 190757

>base 12 and 16 are both superior to base 10
Youncan do the exact same things with base 10 as base 12, but base 10 is much easier to write in using our numeral system. Therefore base 10 is superior.

Anonymous No. 190759

>base 16
Understandable if you work with computers
>base 12
Why even bother? The benefits aren't big enough to outweigh base10's intuitiveness for humans. 5% faster mental math is not worth the increased learning difficulty for children

>F v C
I'd argue that basing it on water's freezing point is more useful than an arbitrary rating of how hot/cold you feel
When it's below 0, roads will be frozen over instead of wet, you'll need extra time to defrost your car's windshield, you're likely to experience snow instead of rain etc

And as far as intuitiveness goes, increments of 10 work well enough
>-30 = better off not going outside for too long, up the heating
>-20 = pretty damn cold
>-10 = pretty cold
>0 = cold
>10 = chilly, wear a jacket
>20 = comfy, t-shirt is enough unless it's really windy
>30 = hot, turn on the AC
>40 = better off not going outside for too long, set AC to max

Anonymous No. 190960

I think the problem with any weight class is that it forgets to account physiognomy in general, so you have these weight bully cavemen like khabib and connor.
It should be a ratio of weight, height and bone shape/density and muscle fiber ratios, reason it isn't added yet is cause the industry is not ruled by cold war nationally funded scientists, but capitalist adventurers like dana white.
I say that the method listed is fairest.
The weight class system generally is designed for fighters to hit down and I don't like it
People should be trying to punch UP as much as they can to their physical limit not DOWN.