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Anonymous No. 190731

Is this legit?

Anonymous No. 190739

That's just pushing suddenly & hard. No. That's literally not how biomechanics or physics work. 90% of kung fu is bullshit. Only the hard styles deserve any respect. Sanda is the only thing really worth it. Maybe Shaolin, just for its conditioning, but thats a stretch. Everything else is total bullshit.

Anonymous No. 190741

It's a jap movie.

Anonymous No. 190742

To some degree. That's the Bruce Lee's 1 inch punch.

Anonymous No. 190753

that guy is a former japanese military guy (i know its not "really" an army, but you get the idea), he studied aikido and silat and now goes to some small youtube shows to show his new martial art.
I would say mcdojo, but at least he has real military training, knows a bit about knives etc. He seems nice and honest, tho.

Anonymous No. 190758

Most of the truly awful shit anyone has ever witnessed has been actively taught in military academies. I care as much about their opinions on hand to hand as I do Ali's opinions on grenades.

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Anonymous No. 190762

Anonymous No. 190775

Chinese jacket wrestling is good.

Anonymous No. 190807

It is in the sense that having a lose back might help generate more power, but the amount is probably meaningless, the video is making it seem that is what's making the punch so strong, when in truth he's using his whole body. Basically
>Instructors hate this ONE TRICK to PUNCH HARDER

Anonymous No. 190810

Mkay, not like theres a difference. Chink, jap, gook, it's all the fucking same shit.
Not true. Lots of military programs are fine, they're nothing more than the basics. The problem is faggots get out, call themselves martial artists, then grift by using their time in the service as their credentials, and proceed to sell all their bullshit ideas. Look at MCMAP or Line. It is all common sense basics of MMA. Just a lot of tards sell it as more than that.

Anonymous No. 190814

It’s just the one inch punch. It’s a parlor trick more than an actual martial arts technique.

Anonymous No. 190815

MCMAP teaches a lot of silly shit too. I had a friend who came out of boot camp thinking he could get out of a rear naked choke by grabbing some pressure/nerve point in my arm. Spoiler alert, it didn’t work.

Anonymous No. 190818

Plot twist: it doesn't teach that..MCMAP is codified in manuals & what's in the manual is all it is. The grifting starts before they even get out & some fag instructors get their grift training in on wet behind the ears recruits. Serious. You can get the mcmap manual online. That's all the program ever was but some fag DI who has never seen combat gets put in charge & it's all downhill from there.

Anonymous No. 190819

Like most things in the military, it starts with a good idea, then FUBAR applications screws everything up.

Anonymous No. 190820

Come on now, anon.

Anonymous No. 191194

Uh, yeah, pretty much. The programs are developed by actual hand to hand experts, but because of fubar military regs, you only need 40 hours of training to reach black belt & take additional 15 day intensive course to become instructor certified. No surprise, 16 days & 16 hours is not long enough to have it mastered, let alone be able to teach it well. Then again it is basically an extremely stripped down boxing/karate/judo hybrid with some barebones weapons shit like bayonet & knife fighting thrown in.

Anonymous No. 191205

>you only need 40 hours of training to make black belt
Lmfao you have to be shitting me right? Years ago I knew a guy who bragged about his brown belt in MCMAP. My judo club offers 3 classes a week plus an hour of open mats on Saturday. If we only required 40 hours of training for black belt we’d be handing them out to people in less than 2 months. I didn’t even get my yellow belt until I was 3 months in.

Anonymous No. 191207

Wish I was bud. Fact is, way the military works, they set an approximated $ cost on training & set progress standards around that. Works that way for basically everg type of progression in the military. Some branches are better than others. Army & Marines are the worst ironically, makes sense though, won't be surviving long. From what I've personally seen, Airforce & Navy is a toss up for who makes genuinely competent fighters. Basically boils down to more $ and higher standards. SEALs get pretty much as much H2H they could want/handle & H2H in the AF SERE program is surprisingly serious for so short a course. But their instructors are not D.I. like army & marines. Their whole job is SERE. Fucking forest ninjas basically.

Anonymous No. 191484

Lee was a great bullshido practitioner

Anonymous No. 192520

exagerated, but there is some legitamcy to this. When I was training muay thai the instructor (former champion) really drilled us on who to punch, starting with feet, knees, hips, waiste, torso rotation, shoulders, elbows, fists. To demonstrate he "punched" me in the face with his shoulder, just his shoulder (feet up to shoulder, without arms - very close contact of course). I became a believer after that demo. Watch mma when they a clinched up against the fence and you will sometimes see should strike to the face.

Anonymous No. 192522


Anonymous No. 192945

You're wrong about LINE. It's far removed from the MMA 101 shit they teach now and was much better suited for its intended purpose

Anonymous No. 192946

The only people who think line is good are boomers who learned it in the 80s but never actually had to test it against people who do actual combat sports

Anonymous No. 192962

Weird that you would attack a position that I didn't claim while knowing nothing about LINE and have doubtly ever competed in combat sports

Anonymous No. 193262

>H2H in the AF SERE program is surprisingly serious for so short a course. But their instructors are not D.I. like army & marines. Their whole job is SERE. Fucking forest ninjas basically.
Can you tell me more about the SERE H2H instruction? I've never heard anybody talk about that part of the course before.