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Anonymous No. 192433

In terms of knock out power and versatility in a fight, which one is superior? A palm strike or a punch?

Anonymous No. 192434

If slaps are considered palm strikes then that's the answer

Anonymous No. 192456


Anonymous No. 192458

Anyone who posts this guy instantly loses their argument.

Anonymous No. 192497

>no fight twink faggot on a channel called "armchair violence" ripping on something he has no experience with
>doesn't even know where the palm strike advice comes from
>"from a small sliver of the self defense community"
>has no fucking clue how to properly use palm strike
It didn't just magically come from some B.S. section of the RBSD guys. The palm strike suggestion came straight from experienced H2H military members who realized that throwing out a fist when the guy you're fighting is covered in hard surfaces, fucking hurts, and firing a gun with a busted finger is hard. You're not meant to use it on the same angles or distances as fists. The way this autistic faggot larper talks, it's like he can't fathom any other method of fighting and adjusting your footwork to make up range is just unheard of. You could make a video just like this for the use of fists. Poor surface choice, tendon damage, easier to break meta-carpals, harder to align, etc.
It's not one or the other. They're both good for different goals. Both have advantages & draw backs. And some of the arguments get turned around real quick you really think about it aren't just being a faggot. Like in that video, he bitches about distance being an issue cause "omg you guys you lose 2 inches!!!" What if I am in too close to throw a good punch but not close enough to land a good elbow? Theres a big fucking distance range there, and palms can help you cover that distance. Or maybe you don't want to throw elbows at all because you know how easy it is to get ulnar neuropathy, palms can help round out your toolkit in the absence of other things.
>tl;dr: either/or arguments are for no train/no fight fags

Anonymous No. 192501

>What if I am in too close to throw a good punch but not close enough to land a good elbow?
You throw a hook or uppercut

Anonymous No. 192509

If your hands are taped and you're wearing a glove (boxing or MMA), obviously a punch. Nothing comes close except an elbow.

Bare-knuckle and in a street fight? Palm strikes. You punch to the body, but don't break your hand so an open-palm blow will be much safer.

Anonymous No. 192537

I will never listen or believe anything this guy says solely on the fact that he sounds like Spongebob

Anonymous No. 192538

Palms because you can lead into a grab.

Anonymous No. 192576

And looks like he hasn't trained or worked out a day in his life.

Anonymous No. 192739

>if you kick with your shin you will break your leg
Somebody tell Thailand

Anonymous No. 192830

Depends on if you have gloves or not. I could teach you to effectively palm strike in a few days. It would take a year for you to be an effective puncher. Punches easily are more versatile. Knock outs require precision which also favors the punch.

Anonymous No. 192868

>knock out power and versatility
punches by far

Anonymous No. 192873

This. If palms were actually stronger than punches everyone would use them all the time. The only advantage a palm strike has is that it’s less likely to break your hand.