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🧵 I want to stop being a wimp

Anonymous No. 193505

I am planning on visiting an MMA gym soon. Being honest, I am scared as fuck. I am a long time sufferer of imposter syndrome and I feel like there's no way a physically awkward nerd like me can do this without embarrassing myself badly but I gotta try. My gf is constantly pestering me about having kids and deep down I feel like "how can I be a father if I can't even protect my family from other dudes?". That's basically my biggest motivation. I was wondering if you guys would be ok with me blogposting my progress here somewhere as I am also socially awkward(literally diagnosed with autism) and it's kinda easier to talk online about stuff like this than it is irl. Any beginners tips? Is there a general I should redirect my posts too? Btw I am a Vegeta chad(undefeated against Goku)

Anonymous No. 193510

In the meantime get your cardio and strength up with running ,sprinting, push ups, squats and pull ups

Also work on your flexibility

Anonymous No. 193516

If you’re going to do it, do it now. This anon (>>193510) has his heart in the right place but too many people tell themselves “oh I gotta get fit before I go to the gym” and then never actually end up going.

Whenever the soonest class you can attend is, go to it. Believe it or not, awkward or not, that gym probably wants your money and will do what they can to make sure they push you only as far as you are able to overcome and will accept you as a member immediately. Imposter syndrome is a symptom of your own mind, not a reflection of reality. Hell, I’ve been doing martial arts for a long time and have multiple black belts but still feel imposter syndrome sometimes.

If you do something, you are a person who does that thing. The only thing stopping you from being whatever you want to be is actually doing it.

Anonymous No. 193517

thanks for the positivity bros. I was gonna force myself to do it anyways but this is encouraging and I'll mull it over. I agree that I need to go instead of obsessing over my fitness first, but I'll do both.

Anonymous No. 193545

You should understand that everyone who regularly (obsessively) goes to the gym or trains to be a fighter has diagnosed or undiagnosed autism. Normal people are just concerned about staying moderately fit and active and are more likely to be found jogging in the park. If you go to that MMA gym you will not be the spergiest man there.

Anonymous No. 193547

Normal is different for everyone. Some people are warriors and crave the rush of combat
Other people work boring office jobs and jog in the park but hog tie each other in s&m clubs

Its all relative. And genuinely autistic people are like Chris chan

Anonymous No. 193552

When did you get your diagnosis?

Anonymous No. 193559

If you're looking at this as a sort of test of character, you should consider how important it is to put yourself in uncomfortable situations (i.e. going to the gym, committing, meeting people there)
A huge benefit of consistent training is the socializing. I'm not autistic but I'm a bit socially anxious and training for years has helped a lot. More often than not, people are extremely nice at gyms, enjoying their hobby. It's a sport where you rely on your training partner so there is more camaraderie than rivalry.

Start with a trial class/week and go from there. I train at a very high level gym and some of the best, most serious guys play vidya and watch anime for 8hrs after training lol

Anonymous No. 193577

> I am a long time sufferer of imposter syndrome
This is the gayest shit you could possibly say about yourself. Drop that shit

Anonymous No. 193584

Any MMA gym will probably teach you how to do kickboxing and ju jitsu before you start mma proper, but you don't need to know anything or be in shape to start.
You'll see people all the way from fat old fucks just trying to stay in shape to roid raging 20 year olds who've been doing it since they were in diapers.
I started working out before picking up boxing, but taking up boxing made me work out even harder because I'm motivated to not get mogged by the other people in the gym.

Anonymous No. 193602

This is SO true. Almost everyone at my dojo is autistic.

Anonymous No. 193603

I was pretty scared the first time I went to a judo class. I was shy and really suffered from the "spotlight effect". I was afraid that people would stare at me or make fun of me as soon as I messed up. Once you start running and warming up next to everyone else you realize it's all bullshit, ALL psychological in the end, you just gotta go and do it, just enter and get in there. After a few classes, you're just another lad in the group.

Anonymous No. 193624

If I'm autistic for wanting to be strong and knowing to defend myself, what do you call NPC's who get excited over a man kicking a ball around

Anonymous No. 193631

You’re autistic because the way you talk about doing martial arts is a masturbatory power fantasy. You’re not a samurai warrior you’re a bored first worlder, chill tf out.

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Anonymous No. 193649

Dude, cut the edgelord routine. Being self aware is a good thing & imposter syndrome is stupid common. Especially amongst highly successful people. Real cute pretending like it will just stop being a thing if you stop talking about it, but that's not how humans work. I work as an AT and hear shit tons of highly successful dudes tell me this all the time.
>sufferer of imposter syndrome
Good, use it. Like I said above, this is a common trait of highly successful people. Embrace it as a source of motivation. The autistic thing too. There are enough fags in the world who are going to go out of their way to tell you whats bad about yourself. So focus on telling yourself what's good. Positivity builds your character.
You can choose to think of it that way, but it's not. It's an extremely practical reality. One that used to be the norm for many civilizations across the world before modern times settled in & everyone turned into blasé nietzschean faggots that can't take anything seriously. Of course there are ways of expressing this that are spergier than others but one of the hardest, most extreme things to do, is to choose to live by a code when the overwhelming majority of the world acts like you. Using the phrase, "power fantasy," the fuck kinda pansy ass feminist shit is that. And you dare call others autistic? That shit is autistic as all get out.

Anonymous No. 193665

>unironically posting your edaddy jock
lol, lmao even
> You can choose to think of it that way, but it's not. It's an extremely practical reality. One that used to be the norm for many civilizations across the world before modern times settled in & everyone turned into blasé nietzschean faggots that can't take anything seriously. Of course there are ways of expressing this that are
Bruh, unless you are an actual combat veteran you are not a warrior, if you want to jerk yourself off about being a sport fighter then fine, go ahead, but unless you’re a pro you’re battles in the rented out high school gymnasium a couple times a year is not so dramatic.
>Of course there are ways of expressing this that are spergier than others
No shit you’re proof lol
>but one of the hardest, most extreme things to do, is to choose to live by a code when the overwhelming majority of the world acts like you
What the fuck are you even talking about now? Do you swear an oath before you start your adult karate class every week?
> Using the phrase, "power fantasy," the fuck kinda pansy ass feminist shit is that
The kind that mediocre people use to try and make themselves feel bigger and badder than they actually are.
>And you dare call others autistic?
Fuck me anon please, sheath your katana! Have mercy!

Anonymous No. 193669

Nobody who isn't a certified turbosperg would ever even think of using the phrase "blasé nietzschean faggots". Now go and eat your strictly regimented meal plan and spend several hours performing repetitive actions.

Anonymous No. 193694

Certifiably clinically retarded permavirgin samefag. Get a life & touch grass. The only turbosperg here is anyone who gives this much of a shit about what others do far as this thread goes. Get any madder and you're gonna have a stroke, queer.

Anonymous No. 193714

>Autistic meltdown is a term that has been used to describe an intense and uncontrollable response to an overwhelming situation in some people on the autism spectrum. Irritability or tantrum is the term used historically to describe the behavior.

Angry outbursts in people with autism have been referred to as meltdowns which manifest as an intense reaction.[1] They are linked to maturity and may escalate with age.[2]

Anonymous No. 193715

Holy shit lmfao. Is your emotional disregulation the reason you need edaddys to tell you to make your bed and wash your penis? Why does your warrior spirit crumble at being called an autistic weirdo? What do you even train?
OP if you’re still here remember that the people you’re training with might be fedora and katana level autistics like this guy. No one’s even going to notice your normal amount of autism.

Anonymous No. 193721

Actual person you replied to here. If you get in the cage or ring you really are a warrior though

You put your pride on the line. You risk it all, you risk death. I don't care if you're a pampered rich kid or a homeless bum if you go and throw fists with another person your size and skill, that's the closest you can be to an actual warrior in this modern era

Now go back to your "light jogging in the park", dumb NPC kek

Anonymous No. 193728

You can call yourself a martial artist, you can call yourself a fighter, but “warrior” is overly dramatic. By this logic that anyone who scraps is warrior these two invalids here are “warriors” too.
>Now go back to your "light jogging in the park", dumb NPC kek
Why would I bother coming to this board if all I did was jog? I have my shodan in Judo and have plenty of competitions under my belt. In my experience people who talk so much about all this warrior shit are either white belts or sometimes low level intermediates. You don’t gotta take this shit so seriously.

Anonymous No. 193730

>You don’t gotta take this shit so seriously.
Actually let me rephrase this. You SHOULD absolutely take your training and the art itself seriously. People get hurt if you don’t. What I’m saying is you shouldn’t take YOURSELF so seriously. Real life doesn’t suddenly become a shonen anime when you start doing martial arts.

Anonymous No. 193742

Literally sperging out and having the spam tantrum equivalent of "I know you are but what am I" lol

Anonymous No. 193743

My bad, this>>193742
Not for you.

Anonymous No. 193747

>You don’t gotta take this shit so seriously.
I have never met a high level martial artist who didn't buy into the philosophy behind it. The work ethic & discipline required to be what you claim you are go hand in hand with that warrior mindset that you shit on. You sound like you know fuck all, anyone who is that successful in martial arts, its basically their entire lives. The main activity they participate in on the overwhelming majority of days.
>faggy strawman arguments
So I should care more what some random queer shit talker on 4chan thinks rather than a certified badass who has seen serious shit & studied martial arts longer than anyone on this board? That's your implication anyways. The idea that you can have this laid back attitude & still succeed is way more fucking autistic & shonen inspired than anything else said here. Life isn't an anime where you can just be chill & magically dominate your passions in life.

Anonymous No. 193758

You are literally crying because two people told you you’re autistic for going on about being a warrior when you do combat sports
>I have never met a high level martial artist who didn't buy into the philosophy behind it
>muh warrior mindset
First off, see >>193730
take the art and your training seriously. Don’t sniff your own farts. Second, the two highest level martial artists I’ve ever trained with, one an Olympic judoka and the other a professional mma fighter (and combat veteran) who taught me catch, do not bloviate about all this warrior shit. Go actually train instead of watching Jocko motivational videos. I bet you subscribe to hustlers university also.
> You sound like you know fuck all, anyone who is that successful in martial arts, its basically their entire lives. The main activity they participate in on the overwhelming majority of days.
Most martial artists are hobbyists, as am I. As are you, very obviously.
> So I should care more what some random queer shit talker on 4chan thinks rather than a certified badass who has seen serious shit & studied martial arts longer than anyone on this board
Jocko was a certified badass in the military, now he’s using his background to grift retards like you into giving him money. Don’t get it twisted, you ain’t a seal for going to BJJ classes three times a week.
>bro you have to pretend to be a tough guy all the time and be super srs or else
I have plenty of medals and a black belt. You do not need to LARP as a spartan to do well even as a professional fighter. every single one that I’ve ever trained with is an incredibly nice guy.

When you go to a good combat sports gym it’s not like some TMA karate place where the owner demands loyalty and discipline and other gay shit. If you act uppity real athletes will show you why they’re in charge rather than bloviate about this warrior mindset shit. Honestly you sound like a fucking LARPer who doesn’t even train.

Anonymous No. 193762

>im not larper you larper me got medal und black belt you dont train wahh wahh
Then you crap on TMAs who are pretty much the only fags who care about belts in the first place. Can't even keep your shit straight sperg. Tell me more about how you effortlessly make your acievements sans any relevant mindset. Jocko is just 1 guy but there are tons of pro martial artists who say the same shit as him. You can't be that person without the mindset. You'd know that if you weren't socially retarded and just making shit up, projecting your wishful thinking onto this thread.

Anonymous No. 193765

>Then you crap on TMAs who are pretty much the only fags who care about belts in the first place
Not all black belts are made equal. Holding rank in a legitimate competitive martial art shows dedication and skill in the art. A black belt in BJJ or judo is not the same as a black belt in something like tae kwon do where they give them out to kids
>Tell me more about how you effortlessly make your acievements sans any relevant mindset
I never said it was effortless you retard obviously you need to be dedicated. I said don’t blow smoke up your own ass because you only make yourself look like a retard.
>You can't be that person without the mindset
The problem here is that you’re conflating putting in the hard work to be good with mental masturbation.
>You'd know that if you weren't socially retarded and just making shit up, projecting your wishful thinking onto this thread.
lol, lmao even. What do you even train and how long have you been doing it?

Anonymous No. 193772

>The problem here is that you’re conflating putting in the hard work to be good with mental masturbation
No the problem here is your overly sensitive ass equates the mindset too that, because you have no idea what you're even talking about. OP asked questions related to building confidence/dealing with imposter syndrom and all I did was regurgitate some very popular advice shared by many successful martial artists & combat sport athletes, which YOU equate to mental masturbation because you can't even relate. Now you're committing some seriouslu faggy appeals to authority & trying to rope me into some kinda of hypothetical 'aha' gotcha moment asking about what I train, like so many of these spergy fucking threads do, fuck off bro. As if me telling you what I've done is going to illicit anything other than some queer mental gymnastics on your part. You're the one shitting on advice that several different martial artists have given over the years, acting like you're just above it & putting words/thoughts/intentions in other peoples mouths. Your a faggot fucking larper and it's obvious because only an insecure fag would be this committed to an argument on this board. As if a secure in his abilities shodan would lower himself to what you're doing. Ffs. Touch grass.

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Anonymous No. 193775

Telling people you totally have to be like a warrior bro and love combat isn’t actually inviting to people who are on the fence about starting combat sports. I would know, I’ve taught more people than I can count the basics of Judo. You’re clearly a raging LARPer tho or you wouldn’t be trying so hard to dodge my very simple question.
>blah blah blah
>muh gotcha
>no YOURE the LARPer
>no TRUE shodan
Lmfao, I’ve shown you mine now let’s see yours
>inb4 no response
>inb4 another rambling text wall saying IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT I TRAIN or something absurd with nothing to substantiate it.
Just no that regardless of how you respond, I know that you know the truth of who you actually are.

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Anonymous No. 193778

>I would know, I’ve taught more people than I can count the basics of Judo
>omg guys look at my GI & BELT
I have never trained gi shit. You want to see my handwraps? My pads? My bag? That means just as much as your online retail belt/gi that doesn't even have any dojo patches mr. "Ive got medals and have taught the basics to more people than I can count" lol.

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Anonymous No. 193780

>dojo patches
Judoka don’t put 10 million patches on their gis like the bjj weirdos do.
>no you just bought it
>I have gloves!
>gi bad!
Here’s a photo of my certificate from the USJF. Keep coping though.

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Anonymous No. 193782

>laughs in judo
The judo world at large doesn't respect you why should I?

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Anonymous No. 193784

Also you're right, sorry I implied all gi wearing arts are bad. That was harsh of me, but USJF. You and I both know you just didn't have anything better available.

Anonymous No. 193788

And I’m sure you, with your great knowledge and experience, can tell me what is wrong with one of the two major legitimate judo orgs in the US. You can especially tell me what’s wrong with the one of the two that it is generally regarded as getting a black belt in lol. I’m sure you, guy who refuses to even explain his training and experiences and self admits to never doing judo, knows all about it.

Keep coping.

Anonymous No. 193789

>*regarded as harder to get a black belt in

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Anonymous No. 193790

>implying the problems arent so bad a basic google or A.I. search won't outline it for you
Standardization and Uniformity: USJF testing standards might differ significantly from those set by international bodies such as the International Judo Federation (IJF). This can lead to discrepancies in the skill levels of judokas at similar ranks between the two systems. For instance, the criteria for belt promotions, technical proficiency, and competition success may vary, causing USJF judokas to potentially face challenges when competing internationally.Technical Requirements: The technical requirements in USJF testing might be less rigorous or differ in focus compared to the IJF. This could affect the performance of US judokas on an international stage, where technical standards and expectations are uniform and typically more stringent.Focus on Competition vs. Technique: There might be a different emphasis in the USJF. For example, the USJF might focus more on competitive success rather than technical mastery, which is crucial in international judo competitions. This focus can lead to a development of judokas who are not as technically rounded as their international counterparts.Training and Evaluation Methods: The methods used for training and evaluating judokas in the USJF system might not align with those used internationally, which can result in athletes who are not prepared for the tactical and technical demands of international competition.Recognition and Prestige: Achievements and ranks obtained through the USJF may not be recognized at the same level as those from organizations directly affiliated with the IJF. This lack of recognition can be a disadvantage for US judokas seeking to compete and be acknowledged globally.
>tl;dr: keep coping

Anonymous No. 193791

The USJF and USJA are both sanctioned by the IJF to issue rank.
>ai says the standards might be different though!
I’ll be sure to tell the Olympian at my dojo that ai doesn’t think he’s good enough to compete internationally lol. He must not have your warrior mindset that leads you to take shortcuts and ask chatgpt questions and get vague answers about what standards may or might be different with no specification lol. You really showed me! I should LARP like you instead!

Anonymous No. 193792

In case I did not make this clear to your autistic retarded ass, the IJF does not issue rank in the US or any other country for that matter, national bodies under their governance receive permission to issue rank per their standards. The two big ones in the US are the USJF and the USJA. (You) are so retarded you see people talk about the IJF on the internet and presume it operates on the national level. You don’t understand how this sport works.

Anonymous No. 193801

>USJF and the USJA
Never said otherwise, merely pointed out that you got the shittier of the two. Everyone knows it.

Anonymous No. 193803

Lmfao. Ok buddy that’s why you asked chat gpt about the difference between ijf and usjf standards rather than usjf and usja standards.

Let’s surmise how this thread has gone
>get called autistic for calling yourself a warrior
>conflate wanting to be strong and confident to rubbing your nipples about your warrior mindset while dick riding grifter edaddys
>get laughed at more and called a LARPer
>get told one of the anons making fun of you has a black belt
>say “nooooooo that’s not trueeeeeee real fighters agree with me
>that anon (me) posts it
>you say it’s fake
>post my usjf certificate
>you then turn around and say “WELL THATS NOT AS GOOD AS AN IJF BLACKBELT”
>I tell you the ijf doesn’t hand out blackbelts in the US, the ijf sanctions the USJA and USJF to do that
>every American judoka actually knows the opposite
(To clarify I’m not shitting on the USJA, I know a lot of good guys who train out of those schools, but general consensus is that USJF has higher standards)
>never acrisply provide proof that you train, never explain what you train, never tell us how long you trained it
>all this because you got made fun of, your warrior mindset shattering the second calls you a spergy homo
Just embarrassing stuff anon. I hope you learn from this experience and start doing martial arts for real.

Anonymous No. 193804

Dude. Neither are even recognized by USA Judo anymore. The main body for comps. You're certified by the 3rd place org that uses WRITTEN FUCKING TESTS for some of their ranks. LOL

Anonymous No. 193806

I never made the appeal to authority and then used some of the dumbest shit ever. Written. Tests. I dont go around spouting off about what Ive trained because I don't compete and dont require validation from fags like you when I am just a hobbyist/enthusiast. But you do obviously, how insecure are you? I have trained american freestyle/boxing/kickboxing.

Anonymous No. 193809

>heh don’t you know the old guys running judo orgs in the US are having a pissing contest right now? That means your rank and experience doesn’t count anymore
Usjf does not use written tests, I sure as hell didn’t take one. I have heard rumor that the USJA does, but have never actually had that substantiated to me by anyone. You’re grasping at straws trying to discredit me while offering nothing of substance for yourself. For fucks sake you didn’t even know that the ijf isn’t personally handing out black belts in the US lol. Desperately google and see if you can find some other way to try and discredit me.

Anonymous No. 193810

>bro you’re just insecure
>let me tell you how your sport works to save face
>you totally just took a written test I know this because some guy said so somewhere
>I’m NOT autistic and embarrassed

Anonymous No. 193811

First fucking page of google "USJF written test" bitch.

Anonymous No. 193813

From the USJF rank requirements handbook
>There are general requirements for promotion that must be satisfied as a precondition for promotion, regardless of rank in question. Promotion of individuals who are not members of the USJF is not allowed. Testing and evaluation MAY be conducted by a COMBINATION of oral, demonstrative, and/or written examinations.
>Eligibility for promotion shall be based upon the following general requirements, not necessarily in this order:
>a) Moral character, attitude, and maturity
>>>>>>>b) Competitive ability
>>>>>>>c) Technical proficiency
>d) General experience, contributions, and time in grade
>e) Recommendation by candidate’s instructor

In other words, the handbook permits the inclusion of written tests but does not permit promotion based on written knowledge alone. In fact, written tests are not even included in eligibility requirements only as a supplement to other means of promotion. I never took a test, I don’t know anyone that did. You’re a retard and you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Anonymous No. 193839

OP. If you're less of a sperg than has been displayed above, you'll be a social butterfly in most gyms/schools.

Anonymous No. 193840

>posts rules that clearly say part of evaluation may include written exams
>mental gymnastics trying to imply it's not part of the promotion process

Anonymous No. 193842

Jesus fucking christ anon, you have some problems

Anonymous No. 193844

This. That anon who came here just to denounce people that want to train for whatever reason is a major dick

Anonymous No. 193848

You understand the difference between a written test being the method by which you obtain a black belt is different from written tests being option (which again, nobody uses) to include in addition to other methods correct?
>muh usjf is third rate
Honestly I shouldn’t have even let you rope me into this squabble about fucking administrative agencies lol. You called me a LARPer and I proved I wasn’t. Go play with trains warrior-sama.

Anonymous No. 193850

Yeah, I don't see that kind of argument coming up in gyms. Wouldn't make any sense. Most social situations are usually not about what's going on in the dojo. Unless there is an event coming up & even then we talk more about what we're gonna do after the comp. Like what restaurant we're going to break diet at. This board is so negative all the time. Just talk training & hype each other up. Why choose to be a critical douche? Not like anyone on this board is going to be remembered for their contributions to martial arts.
Don't sweat it so much and honestly if you're really worried about protecting your family, get a gun, teach your kids gun safety so they don't end up shooting themselves or each other.

Anonymous No. 193869

/xs/ - Extreme Sperging

Anonymous No. 193968

This board is great.

Anonymous No. 193973

For shitposting, not much else

Anonymous No. 193991

Thats all this board is. This place is unironically worse than /pol/ or /b/

Anonymous No. 195586

Just go, your body will eventually adapt to what's required.
Also try out various schools, there is more than just MMA.

Anonymous No. 195594

>american freestyle/boxing/kickboxing
Lol you're a karate dork. And not even one of the good ones.

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Anonymous No. 195639

Your mind is in the right place anon. Deep down everyone has some level of imposter syndrome, just keep moving and doing your thing. If you ever feel unmotivated remember that motivation is the fuel of the week, the strong thrive on discipline. Go exercise a bit, work on your cardio and flexibility, specially if you hear any pops or anything weird. Don't be too picky about the gym you are going to, at first, go to the nearest one, get some experience, and if with time you want to experience other stuff or go to a more hardcore gym do it. And yes, do post your progress, I believe it will motivate other anons to do the same. Just remember this is a slow thread so keep using the same one for as long as possible.
>Any beginners tips?
Fighting for me is about two things: control and creativity. Control as in breathing control, stamina control, distance control, pain control, body control, etc. Most of these things you can learn and practice before even fighting. Muscle memory also, that is half of the game to almost any physical endeavor. Follow your coaches instructions, don't worry about speed, don't worry about energy, focus on your form and repeat, repeat, repeat. Lastly, when you gain confidence and learn the basics and its forms, don't be afraid to try new techniques, just don't get hurt.

Good luck anon.