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Anonymous No. 193519

>Be me
>Train Muay Thai for 10 months once a week
>Do light sparring and do fine
>Decide to let myself get into medium/heavy sparring
>The first hits hurt like absolute hell even with my 10 months experience
>Have to stop because pain is too much
>Feel like a little bitch in my gym

Any tips on how to build pain tolerance especially in the face so I don’t feel it as much? Some people say to just spar harder and adapt the hard way but I want something more gradual to where I can build my pain tolerance slowly. I was considering doing headgear but not sure if thats the correct thing to do to gradually build up pain tolerance.

Anonymous No. 193522

Those other people are right. Stop being a pussy and face the pain head on. Otherwise, it’s not for you.

Anonymous No. 193523

yeah head gear would be good for what you are trying to do but you need to start doing this now otherwise you’ll look like a clown if you train for another 2 years but still have shit resilience.

OP No. 193524

Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 193553

Unless it's an 8 hour work day, going more than once a week is gonna do a lot more than any sparring gear.

Anonymous No. 193555


Anonymous No. 193635

>planning to compete
Just toughen up, there are no secrets. The body can adapt to anything with enough time
>not planning to compete
What is the fucking point of destroying yourself for a hobby? In a self defense situation you'll be riding such an adrenaline high it really wont matter. Unless you're in a position to attempt going amateur or pro, there is zero point in anything over light sparring. Shit for most dudes on this board there is no point in anything more than shadow boxing lol.

Anonymous No. 193814

Anon, you're just kind of a baby bitch, no offense. You might get over it if you are still young. I'd recommending hardening your body.
>t. a guy who has sent so many people to the hospital sparring that he no longer spars regularly

Anonymous No. 193829

most people are just weak and not built for combat. though u can adapt to become numb to pain if u are about it

Anonymous No. 194050

You niggas are not samurai spartan warriors,calm the fuck down

Anonymous No. 194051

Strength training will make you more used to pain in general and will also make your bones stronger. You can try that.

OP No. 194440

UPDATE: Head gear worked perfectly tonight. Looks like I’m able to do this shit after all
Did just that.
Nah I’m good. Gonna build my resilience with HG then move on to not needing it

Anonymous No. 194552

Hard sparring is useless, don't damage your body for nothing