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๐Ÿงต >be me, muay thai sparring

Anonymous No. 194695

>faster than you
>stronger than you
>content to just neo dodge every single attack as i rotate around you
>randomly catch kick #38 as you get frustrated from chasing me
>sweep your other leg
>bow as you hit the canvas
this is why i am a bad sparring partner

Anonymous No. 197018

I would just double leg and you and slam you on the mat and I wouldn't let you get up until you begged me too. I wouldn't even ground and pound or try to submit you I would just hold you there until you quit.

take care of your sparring partners faggot

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Anonymous No. 197661

And then everyone in the gym would clap and the president would walk in to give you a medal of honor. Yeah that's exactly how it's going to happen you tell him.

Anonymous No. 197664

>autistic sperg faggot who won't regulate himself
Congrats, everyone at your gym hates you. You're a try hard queer who is going nowhere.

Anonymous No. 197713

You're so good. You should compete.

Anonymous No. 198793

Try sparring people that haven't just started out. I imagine when you actually spar people that have done muay thai for more than 6 days you'll probably get your shit pushed in.
You also seem like you weigh 150 lbs and have a slender penis.

Anonymous No. 198802

>be me
>open thread
>OP is a faggot
>shitpost in his thread

Anonymous No. 199692

And then after I got my Medal of Honor I would find you, call you a faggot, and challenge you to mortal combat where I would once again win if u accepted my challenge.