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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 195359

SPAZ Edition

Old Thread:>>187462

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Recently updated Newbie pastebin

>Recently updated /asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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SPAS 12 with red ....jpg

Anonymous No. 195421

My favorite looking shotty. I want to mount a red dot on my DE SPAS like this but I don't want to drill into the internals.

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Anonymous No. 195443

Well you don't have too you can just glue it too the body, here is a file if you have/know someone with a 3D printer

Anonymous No. 195489

field had a strange guy this week
>For the first half, just played normally
>Then after lunch, he started doing weird shit
>Would sneak up right behind people
>Then tap them on the shoulder, say "watch this" and shoot himself
>Did this to several different folks
>Capstone was when he snuck behind an enemy squad, had a clear drop on them all
>He shouts "oh shit, too many enemies!"
>Waves at them when they turn around, shoots himself before any of them can
>Walks off the field holding his kill rag up

Anonymous No. 195493

I do this when I take my main to newbie zones.

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chilling after la....jpg

Anonymous No. 195693

Did you have fun today anon?

Anonymous No. 195697

All pastimes attract spergs, but maybe airsoft attracts more than most.

I've fucked up my knee, so no games for me atm.

Anonymous No. 195698

>playing bb gun war yesterday
>see small building with about five enemy players sitting down behind it
>can't see everyone, but it looks like the majority are dead
>sprint up around the corner, gun at the ready
>don't shoot immediately because I don't want to hit people who are already out at close range
>somebody yells "we're all dead!"
>lower weapon
>90lb kid in the middle of his wiped squad pulls a pistol from a chest holster and pops me in the chest
>"Not me! I'm not dead!"
>respawn and get back to the building ASAP
>sprint around the corner full gas
>rapid firing before I can even register what I'm shooting at, don't care who I hit
>everyone except the kid has left
>blast his skinny ass multiple times at ~12ft
>I see that he already had his kill rag on
>"exactly" the situation I was trying to avoid in the first place
I think this is a perfect example of how dumb try-hard behavior breeds more dumb try-hard behavior, and how everyone has less fun because of it. That kid shouldn't have used a pile of his dead squadmates as a human shield to try and "win" by using my reluctance to physically hurt my peers against me, and I should have exercised more tact and restraint when reengaging.
Were lessons learned? Probably not, but I still had fun.

Anonymous No. 195700


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Anonymous No. 195718

Yeah, I often find kids react poorly to those kind of situations. Same thing: pop around barrier, offer kids bang kill, one panics and blasts me point blank range. Now I just pop everyone once in the chest or gear so there's no misunderstanding.

Anonymous No. 195726

I had a similar situation yesterday. I was waiting behind some stairs to get a guy coming down and I hear "dead man coming down stairs". So I don't shoot when he's down until I see a second coming down and that is the dead man. Me and the first guy then trade. Shoot first, ask questions later is the lesson I learned.

Anonymous No. 195757

>be me
>at cqb game in an old office building
>just respawned
>making my way back to where the fighting is going on
>enemy player walks out of a door 10m in front of me
>he's not paying attention so I get an easy kill
>decide fuck it, Im using that door too
>play it safe and keep gun at a low ready
>round the corner
>5 guys stacked up on the door
>they're as surprised to see me as I am them
>magdump into the group
>get the first 2 guys, didnt get the rest because human shields
>get shot myself
>apologise to the first 2 guy in line, for all the shots I dumped on them
>head back to spawn

Anonymous No. 195768

Had this almost happen to me, fortunately I was 40 meters away and behind a wall so the bloat lord's shots missed, finished him off and got a full squad wipe.

Anonymous No. 195871

That's not so bad, it just sounds like you had a good play. Sucks for the guys you overshot, but it's understandable, especially in a CQC environment. They knew what they signed up for.

Anonymous No. 195874

That is bullshit dude. It sounds like they knew you were there and did it intentionally, idk why else a live player and a dead one would move together.

Anonymous No. 195912

>new CQB field opens in my city
>excited as I haven't played in 10+ years
>see YouTube video I on opening day at said field
>guy is running a chinese PEQ laser constantly on the entire time
>shining it in people's eyes
Wellllll god dammit.

Anonymous No. 195932

I would contact the field and tell them about this. They might simply be unaware of the fact and most likely simply forgot to ban lasers. I doubt lasers being allowed is a conscious decision on their side.

Anonymous No. 195955

are there any guns that don't look like guns? Kinda like the way paintball markers just look unique

Anonymous No. 196012

Pretty sure that guy is breaking the rules, unless that field is run by anarchists.
There are a bunch of gay looking speedsoft guns nowadays. Now go back to the paintball thread and don't come back.

Anonymous No. 196015

touched a nerve I see

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Anonymous No. 196022

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Anonymous No. 196036

We don't take kindly to your types 'round here

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Anonymous No. 196045

I have one of those but the upper I made myself

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Anonymous No. 196047

Talk me out of buying cyma thompson.

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Anonymous No. 196049

depends is it the cybergun one or the cyma one? The Cybergun one has some internal upgrades, but the CYMA one i had ootb was absolutely awful desu. Like plastic piston and plastic bushings.. I had to swap everything in it before it was usable, and then it did turn into quite the gun.

I can't remember all the parts in it but some of it was ASG Infinity 22TPA, 13:1 SHS Gear, changed all air seal parts + piston. SHS makes a Thompson nozzle. Iirc the cylinder head is a V3 but don't quote me on that. Perun AB++ precock set to 3. Barrel, bucking and nub was Maple leaf. I had to remove some material on the hop arm otherwise there would be hop even at zero.

It's a fun project gun if you like that kind of stuff


Anonymous No. 196050

are original tokyo marui spas 12s' worth anything? i lost the j hook part but i just have the fold out stock

i got it originally 2nd hand from facebook around 2013, and i heard usairsoft talk about it having some significance in rarity but i'm not too active the airsoft space anymore lmx24o

Anonymous No. 196051

I saw one guy on my field rocking one of these alongside a white construction helmet and a hi-vis vest. When I approached him and asked about his getup he told me he was a tactical construction worker. I'm not shitting you.

Anonymous No. 196052

Cyma, and from what i've heard they changed bushings to metal in newer releases, not sure though.

Anonymous No. 196056

if it means they changed the rest of the internals to CYMA blue standard that's alright at least. Still not really amazing, but it depends what you care about.

Anonymous No. 196058

it's FARB

Anonymous No. 196059

this but unironically

🗑️ Anonymous No. 196060

kys, tranny

Anonymous No. 196067

why u haf to be angry is only gaem

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Anonymous No. 196095

i'm not a paintballer so you're alright, you cliquey homosexuals
neat, how expensive was it to build? I'd like something that looks like a PB marker like yours, or a power tool. Hell i'd even take something that looked kinda sci-fi. Basically anything but a /k/ larp. Just to keep the most autistic and fat spergs from trying to talk to me.

Anonymous No. 196096

Tacticool powertools or gundam would work but if it is scifi related to a specific series those attract some extreme cringe.

Anonymous No. 196099

Oh yeah, certainly don't want some sperg trying to strike up a conversation about some geeky shit either. Oh well, doesn't seem to be a market for it.

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Anonymous No. 196101

the most costly part is the HPA setup. Mine has a Polarstar F2, then you'd need a HPA tank setup as well. Other than that it's a lower of your choice, carbon tube from aliexpress and a 3D printer for the upper receiver. If you don't want to make something yourself Airtac Customs sells them premade both AEG and HPA in the US. In the EU there¨'s something like the Sub5

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Anonymous No. 196116

Really cool anon, thanks. Well out of my price range as someone looking to get into it. Puts me on the right track at least.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 196117


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Anonymous No. 196124

Cheaper option would be an AAP-01 with a kit either premade or 3d printed. Like this one I finished recently

Anonymous No. 196130

That almost looks cool.

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Anonymous No. 196151

The entire idea is counter intuitive. If you showed up to a field with any of those things above you'd have people asking you about it constantly-- "what brand is that? how does it work? what's the performance like?"

You're better off with a basic M4 with 100% stock externals if you don't want to attract attention.

Anonymous No. 196157


I'll allow this.

Anonymous No. 196203

trannies are attention whores

Anonymous No. 196210

Wait, no, what? That can't be a tranny, I already fapped over it.

Anonymous No. 196232

Just ordered a WE Luger, knowing that is a pos, I just want an evil pistol.

Anonymous No. 196234


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Anonymous No. 196237

why not something like this?

Layrinn !!U2MZUEkRct+ No. 196245

Pistols are mostly decorations anyways in this. Btw use propane since every we pistol I've used has been picky on green gas but works better with just straight propane.

Anonymous No. 196249

Is that the new VFC one?

Anonymous No. 196291

not sure found this one on the internet

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Anonymous No. 196294

this one is

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Anonymous No. 196571

Playing in WWII gear when it's 28 degrees and sun wasn't easy but still a lot of fun. Always extra satisfying when you manage to take out people with SMGs using a bolt action rifle

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Anonymous No. 196611

I have absolutely no use for this, but I want one.

Anonymous No. 196612

look at the north african kits
they would be better fir the heat

Anonymous No. 196647

>order PDI M120 equivalent spring
>supposed to make 1.5J of power
>install it
>only getting 1.2-1.3J
>tweak several things trying to identify the air leak
>nothing works
>finally decide it must be the spring itself
>order SHS M120 equivalent spring
>supposed to make 1.5J of power
>install it
>2.1 fucking joules
I fucking hate BB guns

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Anonymous No. 196651


Anonymous No. 196652

The Afrika korps kit is almost completely different from the regular ones so it'd be too costly for something that's not even very high on my wishlist. Maybe if I win the lottery or something.

Anonymous No. 196750

Hello 4chan,

I am planning on creating an integrally suppressed A&K ACR, but I want to get the Begadi hop-up unit to utilize higher BB weights. This part is only in Europe, and I can't find anyone in the US who supplies it.

Luckily, my family vacation is going to Sweden, which will save me around 22 USD on shipping. The question is, will TSA/Customs kill me for trying to bring across a hop-up system?

Anonymous No. 196781

Why do you type like some kind of fed?
A hop up unit isn't big and doesn't look like anything obvious. If they just toss it in their suitcase I doubt anyone would notice it, or care at all.

Anonymous No. 196839

Anon, unironically, learn to make your own springs, it's really easy to do! If you're interested I can give you a brief writeup.

Anonymous No. 196860

Just watched this, pretty interesting. I do have a lathe I could use if I felt like I could take on another project, doesn't seem quite worth the time investment currently though.

Anonymous No. 196888

I made my own springs with this method since I have no lathe (Vid is in Spanish but it shows off how to do it easy)

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IMG_1483 (1).png

Anonymous No. 196895

this thing slaps (literally)

Anonymous No. 196915

>HPA adapter

Anonymous No. 196992

he has an anime sticker so it checks out

Anonymous No. 196999

>HPA adapter
Rope now

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Anonymous No. 197006

why people hate hpa'ing gbb's here? Literally makes them more reliable, controllable and feed from much cheaper, lighter magazines with much greater capacity. Literally evens out odds against modified AEG's while still allowing for fun blowback.

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Anonymous No. 197022

It takes away the mag manipulation aspect of GBB since you now just pull out and put in mags into that adapter like with an AEG, no bolt catch or anything like that.
Personally as an AEG player I see it this way.
>GBBRchads accept and even embrace their limitations for that final bit of realism, not caring they will be outperformed by basically any AEG, let alone HPA.
>HPAtards shell out silly amounts of money to chase that last percentile of efficiency, a show of character and their general tryhard attitude.
Also that hose is gay af lmao.

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Anonymous No. 197042

I mean, I considered it as an option, because I want a cool blowback, while also not having such a huge limitation against players using AEG's and being able to shit out 150 bb's per mag that costs nothing vs 30 round mags that eventually add up more than cost of adapter and all else while weighting a ton and requiring additional gas refill ontop of reloading bb's. t. aegfag who considers that in the future

Anonymous No. 197050

Because it goes against the whole point of GBBRs. Fuck off from GBBs. We don't like your kind, HPAniggers

Anonymous No. 197053

Which 1911 MEU is that?
I've been looking at getting one of those myself.

Anonymous No. 197059

If the point of the gun was performance and performance only like you’re implying GBB with HPA really wouldn’t be the first choice.

Anonymous No. 197069

It's a WE, guy sold it for 30 eurobucks and a KWA G17 for another 30 eurobucks, so for 60 eurobucks total I got both of them and both came with a spare mag and pistol case each. A steal really. I know that the WE 1911s have a shitty reputation in regards of gas efficiency and whatnot, but I am not really looking for high gas efficiency on my sidearm I will draw once every 9 games anyway. Although when I used it I managed to empty the whole mag before running out of gas.
Anon, I really hope you are not implying that the tiny amount of recoil your gay AAP/Hicapa has is this big equalizer that puts your HPAtapped GBB on par with any actual GBB or far out of league from engine-based HPA. Personally I think that a big point is that while you can take an AEG and really get it to run at near-HPA levels (to the extent that you won't really feel too much of a difference in most cases), there is a big hurdle you need to cross first, meaning that it usually is sensible people that get into that extend of AEG tuning, which means that they usually don't strife for it anyway since (at least where I live) people in general stick to or are limited to semi fire anyway. All while any retard can gut a MK18 and throw some HPA engine in, enabling him to fire BBs at 1,8j at 50rps.

Anonymous No. 197075

>silverback MDR turns on battery protection if the temperature is too low if you don't disable it with a jumper

Sure would've been nice to know that Silverback considers 10 celcius too low and my gun gets unusable.

Anonymous No. 197122

>Evens the odds

Why are they now even? Are you shit or something?

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Anonymous No. 197145

Hey guys, haven't touched airsoft since hobbytron was big shit and VFC released their new "holy fuck 8mm M82A1 .50 monster!!!1!" so... probably 20 years?
Well, time has passed and I want to start having some fun at milsims with the gear I've acquired.
That being said- is Umarex any good in terms of AEGs? Was looking at getting a DD, KAC, or 416 and throwing a bunch of IRL shit on it for function under nods, as well as a fake suppressor.
Will I need to upgrade internals or batteries at all in terms of reliability in colder climates? Or for performance?
Any insight is much appreciated. Pic is from my last outing.

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Anonymous No. 197147

>average gger mag holds 30 bb's
>cyma mag for less than quarter of the cost holds 130 and weights nothing
I dunno, it is relevant when you play in areas with thick foliage desu. Some people want cool blowback without 30 rounds per mag and constant reloading bb's into said mag and gas. EBB's unfortunately suck.

Anonymous No. 197155

>"cool blowback"
Kys, dumb frognigger. Stay away from GBBRs

Anonymous No. 197159

>want blowback cuz realism
>don't want 30-round realistic mags

These people don't want rifles. They want mini machine guns.

Anonymous No. 197168

>hurr people don't want rifles they want machine guns
you do realize almost everyone in airsoft uses midcaps in their power drills in regular weekend games, right? Capacity is a cope for bb ballistics being awful, and there is nothing wrong with that.
>want recoil cuz realism
want recoil cuz fun, there is no airshit providing realistic recoil.

Anonymous No. 197186

Don't know if they even still sell Nimh batteries but you want to avoid those in the cold. Go for Lipo/Life/Lion with a smart charger.
7.2v is a bit slow performance wise but 11.1v will burn your trigger contacts over time if you don't install a mosfet.

Anonymous No. 197224

Got it, I'll keep that in mind- thanks. Any worries about stock umarex gearboxes with a higher voltage system (mosfet or no)?

Anonymous No. 197249

>muh mag size
Get a P90 or or M249

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Anonymous No. 197253

Agreed 100%, the only way realcap mags would work is if
>EVERYBODY has to use them and
>You're fighting cubical to cubical
The very moment a leaf is involved, you'll need to fire 20+ rounds into a single bush to connect with the guy behind it, not gunna work with realcaps.

Anonymous No. 197264

>walks on to field
>prepared perfect ambush
>shoots self in face
>refuses to elaborate further

Anonymous No. 197296

Run heavier bbs, the rest of it is skill issue cope

Anonymous No. 197311

Upgrade your gun to make it more accurate
Run nothing lower than .32s
Work on positioning yourself better
If you can't do that, then you should get a NGRS gun to cope. Preferably the M4 or 416 so you can use the 120rd PTS mags.

Anonymous No. 197335

What hop-up buckings are you guys who run .32g BBs in your AEGs using? I experimented with some of these recently and liked them, much more predictable than .25gs. I've heard some people recommending Maple Leaf MR and Macaron.

Anonymous No. 197357

Super macaron 60 with omega nub. Just don’t get the silicone versions. They are way too sticky so BBs get stuck

Anonymous No. 197420

complete set with the TM stock, hook and box got sold like around $700, yours probably less

Anonymous No. 197440

I would like to get into the hobby

Anonymous No. 197462

good for you
have fun!

Anonymous No. 197465

>muh foilage
Use heavier ammo and stop being a tard
>muh capacity
Dont pin the gun on full auto only and learn to aim, GBBRs are absurd when given a proper inner barrel and bucking in terms of range with heavier ammo

Anonymous No. 197474

Fuck off
you're not welcome.

Anonymous No. 197478

Very cool and neat
What gun were you considering getting? Or are there other questions you've got?

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Anonymous No. 197523

post your chest rigs, plate carriers, belts etc.
recently got this helikon TMR and it's really comfy.

Anonymous No. 197525

No clue desu, I'm buying a new car soon then I'll look at places I can just pick up a rental and try. If I like it I'll start looking at guns and gear.

Anonymous No. 197558

Good plan - the most important thing to remember at that point's just to have fun, it's honestly just a fun game to play

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Anonymous No. 197660

Smersh. Mags + water, just the bare necessities, if I need anything else for longer games I got the buttpack.

I'm currently building a modern western belt rig since I want to avoid using Russian gear. I wish I had someone in the EU that could ship me some gear, there's some stuff from Helikon and Direct Action I'd like to get, but a lot of the stores I'm seeing won't ship to the US.

Does that carry enough ammo where you play? You must rely on your pistol a lot.

Anonymous No. 197714

>Does that carry enough ammo where you play? You must rely on your pistol a lot
That chestrig fits four mid caps, and I have additional three in a pouch on my belt. I plan on moving pistol onto belt soon, I do not use it much except for when I enter from outdoor to indoor, and I can't use my AK due to limits.

Anonymous No. 197715

Also that is quite neat webbing you've got desu, I think many people simply put too much stuff just for sake of doing it.

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Anonymous No. 197748

Just got this little fella, AW/WE V10. It seems WE are much better these days, but the blowback is so strong it feels like it's going to destroy itself in no time.

Anonymous No. 197765

been running this seyntex webbing for a good while now
I like it

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Anonymous No. 197766

forgor pic

Anonymous No. 197784

Is that Flecktarn? It looks pretty fruity.

Anonymous No. 197790

It is, but its a variant that was used by the Belgian air force
>scroll to: Belgian Airforce Commando, 1990's.

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Anonymous No. 197816

Noice, I just bought a brand new KTW SPAS 12 yesterday. They haven't made them since 2021.

Anonymous No. 197819

>If your interest still is not peaked at this budget buy, the rear iron sight is also a camouflaged selector which when moved to the forward position will switch from 1 BB per shot mode to 2 BB per shot mode. The secondary mode consumes ammo at twice the rate but puts out a miniature spread pattern to increase the chances of a hit or just rain down suppressive fire that much more effectively.

>Clearly someone at KTW Japan has played too much Half Life.

Red Wolf's official description lmao. I wonder how long those things last slam-firing double shots. Very cool though.

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Anonymous No. 197823

I just tried and it won't slam fire. I'm thinking of changing the spring for a stronger one since it takes regular AEG springs. Hopefully the internals don't shatter

Anonymous No. 197833

It's probably way better for the gun that you don't slam-fire it, it's probably reasonable durable other than that, although Red Wolf made that their primary marketing point. Have you tried the two-shot? What's the spread like?

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Anonymous No. 197838

>Have you tried the two-shot? What's the spread like?
Practically zero spread in typical CQB ranges. Since it only has one barrel, it only spreads when at ranges that far exceed its effectiveness.

I'm also surprised RedWolf has a Tokyo Marui SPAS for 139 bucks. If my country didn't have retarded shipping laws about replicas, I would have bought that instead.

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Anonymous No. 197977

Does this also work as an onahole?

Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 198007

>Negative Airsoft doing an extremely expensive build
>all the parts he hates, externally done in a way he hates
>ironically is his best build he's done yet because of this
>still sounds like utter shit still
Lmao, guy is such a ponce.

Anonymous No. 198032

nice they still make them? I find it cool that the ejection port moves every pump

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Anonymous No. 198052

Nah, according to KTW's website, they produced the SPAS-12 twice, in 2007 and 2021. What I got was new old stock, basically.
It does have some things that one up the Tokyo Marui one, I just wished it wasn't such cheap plastic, and that it was a tri-shot.

Anonymous No. 198078

Negair is such a massive retard

Anonymous No. 198097

wtf I love negative airsoft now

Anonymous No. 198142

It looks great, Gordon's alive vibes, is it entirely plastic?

Anonymous No. 198145

>wait up my line is leaking for some reason

Literally happened three times today

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Anonymous No. 198156

No, but it does have other uses.

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Anonymous No. 198159

No, the barrel, muzzle break, front blade sight, bolt+handle, front sling mount, safety, trigger, magazine cutoff/bolt release, loading gate and magazine tube retainer are all some sort of zinc based metal. It sounds like a lot (and I guess it is) but I would have traded some of those parts for a metal rear sling mount, outer barrel and magazine tube.
The rest is cheap plastic. Stock seems to be made of higher quality nylon plastic.

Anonymous No. 198160

I forgot, the top rail is also metal.

Anonymous No. 198180

I am build a German north African kit
I am enjoying it alot but where I live is always wet and snowy

Anonymous No. 198218

shitty gbb hopup patch thing replaced with a slice of a hot-glue stick. 10/10 would recommend.

Anonymous No. 198227

>Patch manufacturer made the patches without velcro backing

Anonymous No. 198258

yeah. its dogshit and should be quarantined to speedqb games. it's so fucking annoying to play with these people. we are not here for the same reasons. GBB/Rs and Daytonagun + clones forever.

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Anonymous No. 198272

>buy a used WE PDW GBBR with spare mags super cheap
>excited to give it a spin and play some GBBR
>arrive at the field and chrono
>"it is 1,53j, our limit is 1,48j, maybe you can turn it down?"
>"I have no NPAS in there, it is stock, can I play it as a DMR?"
>"no, it is too short for that. I can't give that a pass."
>have to play backup AEG AK
Bunch of faggots. HPAniggers have to be allowed to play their stupid paintball tier guns though.

Anonymous No. 198349

highly recommend doing a DIY npas. it's cheap and easy.

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Anonymous No. 198359

>bro I need 200+ BBs per mag so that I can spam shoot
Zero your fucking optics/sights. I roll a VT M16 GBB with shortie mags and I pick out retards at 150m+. People act like you discovered fire when you do this shit because 99% of airshitters just rely on tracking BB shots

Anonymous No. 198392

>and I pick out retards at 150m+
150 airsoft meters

Anonymous No. 198398

Should I get a SCAR or MCX as my first rifle? I have a few real ARs but I want something to larp with that I wouldn't buy the real steel model of. Plus I cant because my state passed an AWB.

Anonymous No. 198401


Anonymous No. 198402

... and SCAR-L or -H?

Anonymous No. 198403

>He bought a WE

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Anonymous No. 198430

>WE bad cuz they break all the time
>VFC is fine despite more than half their GBBs self-destruct after a while and a lot of them cant even be fixed
WE gets a lot of flak but once you change the triggerbox and put an NPAS youre fine. Meanwhile VFC MP5s self-destruct every 2-3K rounds

Anonymous No. 198431

L because I have my kit for 556

Anonymous No. 198437

>WE coper drivel
Maybe when you'll get a job you'll be able to afford better products

Anonymous No. 198438

APFG released an MCX Spear LT recently. The only GBB SCAR L is made by WE and it sucks.

Anonymous No. 198439

LOL yeah ok buddy retard

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Anonymous No. 198444

I own VTs retard. It aint about the money, its about reliability. WE is a big 50/50 of average guns and severely horrible guns.

For example, the deagle is overbuilt and I have never seen a single one break while their M16s self-destruct because the triggerbox is made of cheese. You can change the triggerbox for a steel one and youre good to go. Good luck doing that with a VFC when there are no good aftermarket parts

Anonymous No. 198446

There's no need for aftermarket when the stock parts work fine. As someone who "owns" VTs you should know, right?

Anonymous No. 198448

incredibly retarded response

Anonymous No. 198451

>There's no need for aftermarket when the stock parts work fine
See: VFC V2s and their MP5s.

Here's a spoiler: The nozzles self-destruct after 2-3k rounds no matter what, including good BB brands

Anonymous No. 198452

And here's one of my VTs modifed to take VFC mags

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Anonymous No. 198453

fucking shit site. Here ya go

Anonymous No. 198466

HPA doesn't have this problem

Anonymous No. 198469

HPA is gay and retarded

Anonymous No. 198471

fact checked by real airsoft patriots

Anonymous No. 198484

Listen, I get your point and use it myself as someone who dislikes the idea of abandoning proper GBB manual of arms for minmaxxing, but 150 *metres?* 150 feet, maybe, but 150m is an insane claim
Also, to play devil's advocate: someone running AEG mags can still put down accurate fire, AND also utilize suppressive fire - though I will admit, it seems odd to abandon two of the major features of using gas mags (that being LRBHO/click-on-empty instantly making the user aware being empty to avoid wasting air/gas, and also being able to reload much more quickly) in exchange for reduced reload frequency

Anonymous No. 198485

*utilize suppressive fire for much longer periods of time without reloading

Anonymous No. 198488

You don't need them with the VFC ARs though, sure you can cherrypick bad VFCs vs good WE guns but that's being disingenuous then isn't it you fucking ape

Anonymous No. 198500


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Anonymous No. 198507

I just noticed my error. Meant feet, not meters. Committing sudoku

Anonymous No. 198508

>names the ONE good WE replica
Yeah, DE is amazing and everything else is shit

Anonymous No. 198545

>the ONE good WE replica
Their Glocks, Sig P226/8/9 and M9s are all pretty solid.

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Anonymous No. 198547

You people disgust me

Anonymous No. 198551

>it's real


Anonymous No. 198556

Had two of their Glocks. Gen 3 and 4 17s. Both developed barrel and slide cracks.

Anonymous No. 198622

Skill issue.

Anonymous No. 198626

The spas 12 is the gayest shotgun ever.
Frail piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 198627

Also damn this thread is full of mall ninjas.
Salutations from /k/.

Anonymous No. 198628

You are a sore loser and you git outsmarted by a fucking child. I can assure you many soldiers have used their dead peers to hide themselves in actual warfare. Grow some balls son.

Anonymous No. 198631

ok in real war you die. this is airsoft.

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Anonymous No. 198632

>t./gq/ & /arg/
fuck off back to your containment threads faggot
>captcha: gay

Anonymous No. 198648

Meds now mr Fudd.

Anonymous No. 198650

These threads have been pretty troll-free for a while but I guess they're back.

Anonymous No. 198663

Reminder not to give the faggot (You)s.

Anonymous No. 198669

Well the GGBRtism itt makes sense now

Anonymous No. 198670

He's correct though, /k/ and airsofters are no different, lmao. In fact, I bet a lot of /gq/ play milsim. Doesn't help all the faggot Leviathan Group guys romanticized airsoft a year ago since all of them went to a Milsim west event or some shit.

Anonymous No. 198673

It's really not that bad guys. The thread is nice.

Anonymous No. 198689

no it's not? There's zero valuable discussion. Either it's just a handful of GBBR tards infighting or taking the bait on every HPA post. None of you fags actually play airsoft you only bought some gear because your favorite chudtuber went to MSW and now you think you have some kind of authority on what's cool or not in airshit. Y'all are a bunch of basement dwelling losers that are too fat to touch grass

Anonymous No. 198708

except you lmao. you are retarded.

Anonymous No. 198711

this thread's been fucking dead for a while

Anonymous No. 198712

Get the fuck out of my animechud website, normalnigger

Anonymous No. 198713

No, we're a bunch of basement dwelling losers that are too fat AND touch grass, i. e. Airsofters.

Anonymous No. 198721

anyone like backpacks + chest rigs? separate or with the backpack tied to the rig? I'm not a big fan of plate carriers but I may go the slick route. I'm not trying to emulate military guys, I want to emulate a regular person with a couple hundred dollars and a rifle.

Anonymous No. 198727

Whatever gets the job done, But I'm fashionable so they all have to be Multicam(tm).

Anonymous No. 198731

multicam is gay and retarded

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Anonymous No. 198733


Anonymous No. 198797

I tried a smersh with the small pack hanging at the rear but I found it inconvenient getting things out or having to ask others so I swapped to a small backpack.

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Anonymous No. 198826

Talk me out of buying the LCKMS. It's finally on sale for memorial day (but not by much).

Anonymous No. 198830

If you plan on upgrading it and really want the best body for airsoft AK, can't and won't desu.

Anonymous No. 198834

I wouldn't be looking at plate carriers if you're not trying to emulate real military units, it's just extra bulk and it traps heat in the summer without adding anything of value. Definitely do a separate backpack.

I like the buttpack personally, I don't think it's difficult to get into. Plus you can still wear a 25-30L backpack with it depending on your gear requirements.

Great externals, meh internals, and little pricey. Not a bad buy. The only thing I can think of is that CYMA is launching a line of full steel AKs this autumn that come standard with 13:1 high speed gears, quick spring-change gearboxes and mosfets that are programmable for trigger response and pre-cocking. So full steel and 'way' better internals, Tawaingun has the AKM listed for $280, although no AKMS model has been listed yet.

Anonymous No. 198840

it's one of the most uncomfortable stocks of all time

Anonymous No. 198855

finally going to get back out there now that it's nice. i'm busy this weekend, but next weekend for sure. i got into airsoft for the first time last year, and really enjoyed it, so now i'll be able to make the best of the whole season with any luck. all my gear is checked, i've got a GBB pistol in the mail, all is well. can't wait for a good season.

Anonymous No. 198856

do it.

my advice: buy a cheap pistol, some bbs, and rent a primary from the field. it's still spring, so there may be some beginner events still on. if they have one, go to one.

some notes: if you already know how to shoot, or play a lot of VR shooters, this is going to be relatively easy to get into. if you don't have any real steel experience and don't play VR, you're going to have to learn how to shoot in addition to all the airsoft rules (simple). practice at home to get comfortable, using your pistol: rifles are just bigger and more stable.

gear is important but not be-all end-all. a cheap amazon plate carrier with some mag pouches is perfect. get a drop leg holster too, those are like $15. get hiking boots for this, you don't want sneakers, you're going to take a digger eventually and if you're geared up with good shoes you'll shrug it off instantly.

i cannot stress this enough: the three most important items of clothing you can wear as a beginner are the following:
>hiking boots
>a good hat, or helmet if you're willing to buy that

so yeah, it's a good thing to get into. understand that it's kind of pricey to get into past a basic pistol and some gear, and it's physically strenuous. take it slow, see if you like it, and once you're hooked you can launch right in and trick out your setup and buy a rifle.

Anonymous No. 198857

Agreed with this anon, though you can get a chest rig for even cheaper and it might be more comfortable solution for a lot of people. Also I would add knee pads to this list; sucks to kneel down on bb's, or hit the rock while quickly ducking down. Cheapest plastic shell helmet "replicas" are dirt cheap, and I think it is huge comfort if you play in the area with lots of trees and other things you can bonk your head against.

Anonymous No. 198858


also, forgot to mention: they make little velcro holsters that are supposed to stick right on your plate carrier. i love them. i keep my pistol in there now, and use my drop leg as a dump pouch for the expended pistol, or to quickly switch back to the rifle.

Anonymous No. 198859

i do battle belt, plate carrier, and backpack. i load the fuck out of myself and never run out of anything. if it's a smaller field, the backpack stays in the car, but i use the plate carrier and belt always. yes it's heavy, yes it adds bulk and setup time, but i can dump my mags easier and carry extra bbs on my person (i use mid-cap so i need to refill more often). you can even throw a couple hi-cap mags in there all ratcheted up to grab in a hurry if your mid-caps all run dry.

Anonymous No. 198874

Eye protection is more important than a hat

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Anonymous No. 198903

did u play airsoft today anon

Anonymous No. 198939

I'm not a /gq/fag tho that's what you guys literally are.

Anonymous No. 198959

No. I did work on one of my guns, and I'm ~90% sure I got it working 100% after years of tinkering. Looking forward to skirmishing with it now.

Nice kit btw, the chocolate-colored battle belt is cool.

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Anonymous No. 198974

No, two more weeks.

Anonymous No. 198983

eye protection is a requirement on any sensible field before you even step in, so i didn't think it was necessary to list it. the fields i've been to won't even take your money if you don't have eye protection

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Anonymous No. 199087


Anonymous No. 199091

"untermenschen could be here" he thought, "I've never been in these bushes before. There could be untermenschen anywhere." The tremors of the ground being struck by friendly artillery felt good against his feet. "I HATE UNTERMENSCHEN" he thought. Shockwaves emulating from the panzerkampfwagen iv ausf h's 7.5 cm Kampfwagenkanone 40 reverberated the entire battlefield, making his kameraden cheer even as the pervitin rations circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of ambushes after dark. "When you're an Aryan, you can lebensraum anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

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Anonymous No. 199110

I hate HPA-troons too!

Anonymous No. 199129

Post MSW patches

Anonymous No. 199213

Tbf my GHK AUG with a T.N.T. retrofit Kit easily flicks foreheads at 58 Meters (Give or take of course, measured using Earth after the game itself) with 0.36 @ 0.95 J (Yeah Joule limits where I live are a bitch).

Then again that little bastard has a 410 mm inner barrel. 130 PSI Gas @ about 26 Degrees celsius.

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Anonymous No. 199218

Figures that 4chan users are larping as the loser team

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Anonymous No. 199268

i also larp as a WINNER

Anonymous No. 199290


Anonymous No. 199291

Americans were the winners, commies were the jobbers that got cucked by burgers.

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Anonymous No. 199296


Anonymous No. 199311

anon this is the toy gun general

Anonymous No. 199326

>replying to a literal redditor

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Anonymous No. 199362

>land lease bitch
Ayoooo my vatnigga lmfao

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Anonymous No. 199372

airsoft general is full of redditors who knew

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Anonymous No. 199374

Gas BlowBack? more like GayBitchBlowjob lmao

Anonymous No. 199382

>russian soldier 2024

Anonymous No. 199470

>only 3 fields in the state
>2 are a 2.5h drive one way
god. why did i have to spawn into this northern ass empty wasteland

anyway, i fully intend to play this weekend. first game this year. going to be good, hopefully.

Anonymous No. 199476

It'll be good. You'll have fun, anon!

Anonymous No. 199487

after some more searching I found a store in France that had them, and I have family there who's address I can order to (yes I asked for permission)
it should arrive tomorrow, which is also when Im going to go pick it up
and thank you to the anon >>190260 who tried helping me, I appreciate it

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Anonymous No. 199500

>acquire begadi A&K ACR hopup kit in Sweden for DMR build
>mom says she will back everything
>leaves it
>Must wait a week for my sister, who is returning to Sweden, to take it back home.
>Or it was packed and customs hates me (97% sure it wasn't packed)

Well, the build must wait I suppose.
Other than that, does a short inner barrel in a longer outer barrel experience any issues regarding airflow output? I want to match 1tonne's barrel/cylinder ratio as closely as possible for .32s.

Anonymous No. 199502

Side point, I am only really worried that any excess airflow from the inner barrel pushing the bb hits the walls of the outer barrel and exerts force on the BB. I might be stupid asking this but does the bb go faster than the air compression/run alongside it?
If it does run alongside, the bb will be past any influence from the airflow of the outer barrel, as well, right?

Anonymous No. 199616

what kind of props do you wish fields would use more?

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Anonymous No. 199617

I bought the Evikes $280 mystery box, which promised a gun worth over $430. This was my first airsoft gun and I figured I would just play the odds.

I got the Scorpion Evo 3 A1. My stepbro basically told me I had struck gold and everything else I am seeing online concurs that this is the best stock performance AEG you can find. I'm pretty happy with it. Still need to buy a battery, BBs, etc but just handling it around it seems like a quality piece.

Any ownership tips? Custom things that people end up doing? One thing I need to do is tone down it's FPS so I can use it, local fields restrict 400+ FPS guns to 50ft minimum range if they have full auto.

Anonymous No. 199650

Don't know any specifics for the AEGs since I only own the HPgAy version but all I done with my evo is:
- replace the hop up unit with the maxx unit
- replace the bucking, nub, and barrel
- bought some EPM E9 mags
If you don't feel like putting in another hop unit then you should consider the airtech studios hop up gear so you don't need a allen key to adjust the hop up.

Anonymous No. 199777

Dead fucking general. Bet you NIGGERS don't even play

Anonymous No. 199805

did you seriously wait for those digits before saying that?
you're pathetic
I'd yell you to an hero but airsofts arent really good for that so just shoot your own eyes out or something

Anonymous No. 199813

>he cares about numbers

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Anonymous No. 199879

I had to go through like 5 boards to find this general. I knew it must exist somewhere.
I don't know if this general or board is even fast enough to warrant posting here, but I was looking to find an all metal C02 1911 to have some fun with.
It seems like the KJW 1911 is the all metal 1911 of choice, but damn that bulbus C02 magazine looks ugly as fuck.
Then it seems like the Tokyo Marui is the non-all-metal 1911 of choice, but at least it has the flush magazine.
Should I just saw fuck it and get the KWC 1911 that has the flush C02 + all metal?

Sometimes being autistic about this shit is a blessing because it stops me from spending money, and sometimes it's a curse because I have to spend a week deciding what toy gun to get because I'm too much of a pussy to buy a real gun illegally.

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Anonymous No. 199880

Here's what the KJW 1911 C02 looks like.
Fucken perfect except the retarded looking magazine.
The green gas magazine for it is flush, but my local store just sells C02 things. Apparently green gas doesn't work as well in cold climates either which would be a problem.

Anonymous No. 199881

do not get a TM and use CO2 mags. The slide is plastic and will fly off in the first shot with CO2. Even green gas in the summer can be too much. In general CO2 just sucks for airsoft. There's way too much pressure for chinesium components. Even quality brands that use steel parts i've seen outer barrel crack on glocks that use Co2 mags.
Is gas really not an option for you?

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Anonymous No. 199882

>Is gas really not an option for you?
okay so in my 5 minutes of internet research apparently green gas is just propane?
Is there some sort of hose or adapter you connect to the bottom of the gun or magazine to refill it from a larger propane tank?
Is pressure in the magazine just determined by the larger tank you're getting it from? Is there any sort of pressure regulation or measuring so you know what state the magazine is in?
My options for C02/green gas are pretty much limited to my local Canadian Tire.
Any thoughts on this thing?

Anonymous No. 199883

>fudd gun

Anonymous No. 199884

Wait till you find out I only want it because it looks cool. Beretta 92 is my 2nd favorite handgun. I don't know enough about guns to actually discuss them in any depth, but I think an M1 Garand and 1911 would be my perfect pairing.
I assume this makes me a basic bitch based on how often I see both mentioned.

Anonymous No. 199885

that is not a airsoft pistol that's a bb gun.

And yes propane adapters are a thing

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Anonymous No. 199887

>that is not a airsoft pistol that's a bb gun.
Look, I need something that will kill a gopher, okay?

Anonymous No. 199942

A few things:
1. Propane is cheap, readily available and lends itself to top-off gas filling, and thus is a preferable option for airsoft use
2. An M1 Garand ain't exactly a common choice, most people are about the AEG ARs that're made by like 12 different companies and have an insane amount of aftermarket
3. If you want to kill small game, you not only want an actual airgun, but you want a pellet gun strong enough to humanely kill it (which, judging by your choice of retailer, would mean needing a PAL because Canada is a hellhole that considers any airgun worth hunting with a license-worthy tool), and at that point you might as well go to /k/ and ask about actual airguns, or perhaps alternatives like slingshots and crossbows, rather than torturing small animals with plastic-BB guns that're literally designed to be able to be shot at other humans at rather close ranges without doing so much as breaking skin

Anonymous No. 199943

Also I can't believe I forgot to address this:
never buy a KWC 1911, they are outdated fragile dogshit with proprietary aftermarket only kept alive by the unfathomable amount of Youtuber shilling Umarex paid for in the early through late 2010s leading to like 80% of 1911 license-holders just asking them to make one instead of doing two seconds of research and realizing KJW is a far superior option for their customers' actual long-term enjoyment

Anonymous No. 199947

>I don't know enough about guns to actually discuss them in any depth
So you're a poser? Aight I see that, real gun enthusiasts do paintball and shoit real guns at the range.

Anonymous No. 199963

>needs realistic fake 1911 to kill animals

I think we're being trolled...

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Anonymous No. 199966

Alright noted. I didn't realize there was a difference between metal BB guns and plastic BB airsoft guns. I assume green gas airguns can't shoot metal BB's?
So does that cheaper winchester 1911 (metal BB) gun do more damage than the KJW or Tokyo Marui gun?

Anyways, I bought uhhhh, something from my neighbor for $500 today which will take care of the gophers if I can get some ammo too.

At this point I'm just looking at these airsoft guns for fun now so I guess KJW is the way to go if I want a 1911? It's a shame the C02 magazine looks so fucken ugly, guess I'll get the green gas mag with it.
Yes. Sorry.
Want, not need. I just thought they looked cool.

I genuinely did not realize airsoft was like, a sport thing until I looked it up on youtube and watched some videos. I thought you guys were just shooting trees and cans and stuff.

Thank you for your help.

Anonymous No. 199985

Typically airguns for plinking and varmint hunting are 4.5mm, some can shoot both metal BBs and pellets that can take advantage of a rifled barrel. Airsoft guns use 6mm BBs. The larger size of the BB combined with its low weight makes them safer to shoot at people, the guns themselves are usually much less powerful as well.
> I assume green gas airguns can't shoot metal BB's?
There are some metal 6mm BBs for airsoft guns made, but they're very rare, I've been playing for 20 years and have never seen one. They aren't permitted at any airsoft fields. They're 3-4x heavier than normal airsoft BBs, so they'd probably have laughably bad range out of a pistol. Normal airsoft barrels are a thin tube of soft brass, which I imagine would quickly become damaged by using metal BBs.

Anonymous No. 200136

Firstly, KJW 1911s are a decent option with a decent amount of aftermarket, but if you don't mind a slight deviation in the name of optimal performance you'd be better off with their Hi-Capas/2011s using gas mags - double-stack sized magazine that holds way more gas (thus being able to clear way more rounds between refills - metal-slide single-stack 1911s have a slight reputation for sometimes requiring slightly-downloaded magazines to ensure you can actually finish shooting the magazine before running out of gas), same manual of arms, similar form factor, and an insane amount of aftermarket (TM-spec Hi-Capas are literally the most supported handgun in the entirety of airsoft - if something breaks or you want to upgrade something on it you WILL be able to replace it with at most mild fitment work done on the part in question)
Secondly, metal 6mm BBs do exist, but they're banned at all fields, and absolutely fucking annihilate barrels and hop buckings - stick to plastic for airsoft purposes
Thirdly, though not related to airsoft, get your PAL at some point - I'd imagine it would help you out in the future for dealing with the gopher problem, whether with buying something from a store or keeping you out of trouble with "something" you already have.

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Anonymous No. 200275

Does /asg/ use optics protector? Worth it or a meme?

Anonymous No. 200282

just cut your own polycarbonate anon. Looks way better than that shit

Anonymous No. 200286

It depends, do you want your optic shot to shit or not? The one in your pic looks like shit but until I find something that fits my red dot I'm stuck using it.

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Anonymous No. 200298

At most I'd use a killflash as protection.
I ran my G&G Comp4 sight for some years and the most I got was two small scratches in the glass.

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Anonymous No. 200335

Yeah I was gonna do that because I got a replica of 1P87.
Because of the way it works, the glass is rear mounted, and rail mounted shield wasn't gonna cut it.

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Anonymous No. 200367

lol I just got it yesterday and this is 100% true. Is there a place to get bakelite look AK-47 mags for it? I see the 74 version everywhere but never the 7.62 version.

Anonymous No. 200371

At a quick glance, CYMA (rebranded Matrix by Evike) midcaps are basically your only option for imitation bakelite

Anonymous No. 200378

The CYMA ones activate my autism because they have ribs on the sides, which real bakes never had.

I’d consider buying some cheap civvie-market Bulgarian 7.62 mags and converting them. They come in brown, which you could fakelite overtop of. Plus you get steel locking lugs that way vs the shitty plastic lugs on a CYMA.

Anonymous No. 200422

It's worth it, esp if you have more expensive optics. US prices are wacked. Instead, I bought several of your pic from China for a few bucks for the rail piece, and a sheet of polycarbonate (not plexiglass) to cut my own unlimited supply of shields. If you can find a perfect match, I'd go for a killflash like in >>200298 . But I have many different optics of all shapes and sizes, so it's more economical my way.

Anonymous No. 200431

Could simply cut off and sand down the ribs, but I get your concern - real mags are always pretty damn resilient by comparison, so that is always an option if you're willing to do the work to cut down and hollow everything out to fit (and they tend to look pretty damn good, too)

Anonymous No. 200433

Unfortunately they're illegal in my jurisdiction, so that's not a possibility.

Anonymous No. 200437

If you want to look as hot as that you have to make some sacrifices in other areas.

Anonymous No. 200441

Oh, that's a good point, if you were gunna fakelite them anyway sanding would be an option.

I just remembered that MAG makes 100 round midcaps in AKM style, check it out:

Anonymous No. 200448

Then stick to sanding the ribs off of CYMA/Matrix imitation bakelite mags and giving them the fakelite treatment - basically your best option

Anonymous No. 200541

Best options for case ejecting stuff?
Preferably rifles.
I got a Webly that takes uses actual brass cases, works great for airfun and popping gophers so I'd like something a bit bigger.

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Anonymous No. 200544

normally an avid /k/ user but i use airsoft for larping, excuses and that aside, i want to upgrade this cyma AK i bought for my NVA kit.
its got full original furniture and some outer E&L parts, looks like an actual NVA mpi now. but its got shit range and the standard cyma issues, how do i go about upgrading, and is there a NON HPA engine i can throw in there. preferably one that isnt a fucking bitch to close.

Anonymous No. 200561

>how do i go about upgrading
airseal, change of bucking, nub and barrel.
>and is there a NON HPA engine i can throw in there
There are no other means of making gun something else than AEG that doesn't add a garden hose and a scuba tank desu.

Anonymous No. 200566

>bucking, nub and barrel
thanks, any you reccomend?
and yes i moreso implied sticking a more "higher end" aeg motor in it

Anonymous No. 200567

In my CM.048 I have ZCI barrel and modify baton ryusoku flat hop bucking and nub - I can reach 70m with it quite reliably. As of motors someone else will probably have better idea than I do.

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Anonymous No. 200578

How old is the gun and how comfortable are you doing tech work to it?
>but its got shit range
If that's the case, there's either a problem with the hop-up or you have a big air leak in the gearbox. Neither issue is very costly to fix.

If you're not wanting to tech on the gun yourself and just want to drop in a new gearbox I can give some recommendations, although you still may need to rebuild the hop-up if it turns out the issue is that the bucking is torn or worn out.

>and the standard cyma issues
What do you mean?

Anyway NVA bro, prost!

Anonymous No. 200603

Take the HPA pill and you won't regret it

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Anonymous No. 200624

thanks! i can only make it do 1.2J so that might be a spring issue
>>but its got shit range
around 40-50metres out of the box doing 0.7 0.8J not toooo bad, but it flies slow and makes alot of noise, so alot of people will see it coming their way.

Got it 2 years ago brand new, i changed the spring for a weak one as it was too hot for my country.

gearbox re-assembly was a nightmare always feeling like i'm a hand too short. but changing hop and barrel i have no issues with.

>standard CYMA issues
gearbox whines some and has a long windup, low ROF but thats probably due to the weak 8.4 nimh it came with.

might send it to a techy to do the whole thing for me, atleast the gearbox shimming lol

Anonymous No. 200625

Where did you find East German furniture, particularly the lower handguard?

Anonymous No. 200626

surplus sites from europe, germany has zib.militaria

Anonymous No. 200629

Unless I'm searching wrong, none of these have the handguard.

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Anonymous No. 200675

You wouldn’t 3D print a uzi

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Anonymous No. 200681


Anonymous No. 200685

looks hideous even for aap-01 transitions standards

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Anonymous No. 200695

> makes alot of noise
Have you tried adjusting the motor height? Being even a little bit too high or low can make the gun really loud and grindy sounding. Could also be poor shimming on the gears.

I would look at the motor and battery combo next. I would really consider switching to a li-ion or li-po battery. A 7.4v lithium will make the gun a lot snappier compared to an 8.4v NiHM. 11.1v would be ever better, although most people recommend adding a mosfet to the gun in that case, which requires soldering and rewiring. Depends on how often you use it and what your budget is IMO.

Did the gearbox look like picrel or was it black/gray? If it's the later, it's using an old style motor which is really weak and can be pretty loud, especially when combined with that 8.4v. Swapping for a high-torque motor would help a lot in that case. If you want reccs let me know. If it does look like picrel, it probably already has one.

>but changing hop and barrel i have no issues with.
It might be worth disassembling it and just checking that nothing's torn or anything. It's more likely there's an airleak in the gearbox somewhere though. Remove the spring & spring guide, pull the piston all the way back, hold your finger over the end of the air nozzle and insert the piston. If it's sealing correctly, you should only be able to insert the piston into the cylinder a few millimeters before the trapped air makes it impossible to move forward further.

If you don't want to mess with it, consider just buying a new gun, swapping the gearboxes and then reselling it with the caveat that it needs tech work. Be honest about it, let the seller know it has a basic CYMA gearbox with known issues. You can probably recoup most of the cost without having to do any work yourself.

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Anonymous No. 200710

About as passable as the average troon. Sasuga our resident HPA-tranny.

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Anonymous No. 200736

thanks for the in depth reply! the gearbox is unfortunately black and grey, i'll give it a go with adjusting motor height. i dont want to open up the gearbox anymore, took me too long to reassemble it last time. good call on the high speed motor though, i'll see if i can find a local tech that can whip it up in one go with a neat new engine.

budget wise im not super concerned, i can spend some, especially since the NVA kit has become one of my favorites to run. and the gear itself is extremely cheap

I did check for an airleak and it seals up perfect. one hickup is that it sometimes sticks to semi auto while in automatic.

All in all the lack of performance is most likely my wrong motor height paired with a regular connected weak battery (hadnt bothered soldering a DEAN on it yet)

I mostly stick to an ambush playstyle because i focus more on the larp then any replica performance

so lack of range hasnt fucked me over too much, mostly just the noise it makes hahah.

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Anonymous No. 200751

Hi. Could /asg/ give me some suggestions for my first kit on:
>Color of knee pad
>General ideas
Currently, I am leaning towards beanie + headset, instead of getting ops core derivatives or heavier Russian full face alternatives.
I am wondering if I should get a black kneepad or something else, because I have decided to go with Dark Jeans and Coyote boots.
Not included in pic
>Glock 19 + holster
>LCT ak-12 mag x 3

Anonymous No. 200804

Bare minimum some full-seal eyepro, lower-face/mouth protection that doesn't stop you from aiming your gun highly recommended (ex. mesh mouth in balaclava, cloth-mesh hybrid facepro) technically nothing else is necessary unless you want to get a bump helmet in case you take a nasty tumble
>colour of kneepad
Black, it'll complement the rest of your stuff and break up the blue profile of your legs slightly - though you're still going to stand out in most places because black isn't known for fitting into any natural environment
>general ideas
Get some foam plates (or weighted/real plates, if you want to get some upper-body exercise, qualify for milsim body armour rules if you decide to attend one in the future, and in the latter's case actual ballistic protection for non-airsoft reasons) in order to make your plate carrier rigid, otherwise it'll flop around like a motherfucker since it's got nothing keeping its shape
Also, for the love of God, acquire or make a lens protector for that optic if you haven't already put something on it - I know it's not a cheap one and BBs will absolutely shatter the thing
AFAIK I can't fault anything else, just make sure that optic's zeroed and you're good

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Anonymous No. 200823

Thanks for the detailed reply!
I was mainly concerned with aesthetics, but yes indeed I will get a proper protection.
>Kneepad and all black kit
Yes that's pretty much what I thought.
I was mainly inspired by this "half-black" kit pic rel. But converting from this to full black won't be so hard in the future.
>Foam and protector
Both on the way, but your reminder will surely help other new players.

Anonymous No. 200842

Mechanix Breachers are the best.

I like the rigid water bottle shaped like a chest plate, but I really didn't like what they charge for it. I was DIYing my own version, but settled on using rigid cooler packs because sometimes it gets fucking hot, and I can always throw a hydration carrier on my back.

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Anonymous No. 200858

Can anyone with a specna core recommend a good bucking? I picked up the maple leaf super macaron in 60 and 70 degree along with an omega nub and they caused feeding issues. I could see that the bucking slightly extends into the feeding are so I tried trimming a little off of it but then I had air seal problems with wildly inconsistent FPS.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 200905

>thanks! i can only make it do 1.2J so that might be a spring issue
no that means you have no fucking airseal. air is escaping and doing nothing instead of pushing bb out the barrel. on stock spring 048 should have about 1,5 J

Anonymous No. 200906

do you shoot cqb
because if you don't you should consider having your gear in any other color other than black

Anonymous No. 200917

Yeah, I've never had good luck with maple leaf buckings, always have air leak issues. I actually have a ML barrel on order so I can finally try one.

Anonymous No. 200920

yes i do
>other than black
i am fully aware of its inferior camo and heat absorption.
but i already had the SAS field jacket and LBT 3day pack both of which were black and part of EDC. so i wanted to integrate them into my kit.
its definitely not practical nor realistic, but i have this weird childish obsession with black kits and adding my everyday things into what I will run.

Anonymous No. 200937

That's unfortunate. Guess I'll just stick with oem for now.

Anonymous No. 200968

if you do cqb, it doesn't matter then, might as well wear UCP or a fucking fursuit, nobody will see you through the wall

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Anonymous No. 200979


Anonymous No. 201191

Do other anons enjoy buying chink shit from aliexpress with intends for airsoft?

Anonymous No. 201193

Depends on the quality.
I have autism to collect genuine things, or at least something that I could use in real combat.
Some of the Novus optic replicas surpass their originals.
Then there are unreasonably expensive gears like ballistics face shield for Ops Core, or downright unobtanium like GIGN helmet with visor, which I have no choice but to use Chinese junks or give up completely due to low quality.

Anonymous No. 201194

I get stuff purely in context of airsoft really, so for me it's fine if say, that ranger green dump pouch is not IR compliant and made of nylon instead of cordura. I ordered cygnus mask ripoff from wosport as of late.

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Anonymous No. 201199

A million. pic related, article 1

Anonymous No. 201201

now yuo see

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Anonymous No. 201203

how yall like it?

Anonymous No. 201209

Where hose and should be a stubby stock but otherwise cool

Anonymous No. 201227

Sweet dildo. How many power settings does it have?

Anonymous No. 201370


Anonymous No. 201371


Anonymous No. 201482

Alright, I got a 6.02mm Maple Leaf barrel in, as well as a yellow Super Macaron, a blue MR, and a translucent yellow MR, as well as the matching omega nub. Spent some time today trying them out with both .25g and .32g ammo.

I'm not very impressed with any of the three Maple Leaf buckings. The yellow Super Macaron was the best performer of the three, neither of the MR buckings seemed to net me any more range, despite the name ("MaxRange") and the groupings were pretty sloppy.

I then swapped in a basic prommy purple with the matching nub and got easily the best range and accuracy of the four buckings tested, so that's what's staying in it.

My other main observation is that there really doesn't seem to be much of a downside to running .32gs. The range is the same as .25gs and the difference in travel time seems pretty small, the groupings are much tighter though, so this is what I'll be using going forward.

Anonymous No. 201489

Buckings take at least a couple thousand shots before they are actually worn in. Just an fyi

Anonymous No. 201510

Interesting, thanks anon, I’ll keep that in mind next time.

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Anonymous No. 201732

Don't mind me, just posting some subguns. r8 and/or h8, you know the drill.

Ignoring the HPA, the sight doesn't fit at all a retro SMG like this, the sticker is cringe as fuck, and last but not least, where the fuck is your rear sight? Come on boss, MP5SDs are bitchin', don't ruin it.

Sure, and absolutely worth it, but those rail-mounted ones look god-awful. Had a helmet camera shot out once, and if you use legit optics, you really don't want to get your +500usd toy shot out in a children's game.

Not sure if you are aware, anon, but those bakelites are converted ones. No airsoft bakelite will ever come close to looking like that; even with fakelite treatment you won't have mold numbers or manufacturer stamps.

t. I own eight plum 74 mags and one bakelite for conversion

Is that the British SAS/military police smock? Jacket, black, field I think was the official name. If yes, can you check if it's a newer China-made one or an older British-made one? And if it's British-made, where did you get one?

I've been on the market for one for a while now for a project of mine, but it seems like everything that is available is newer China-made, and I won't suffer gookium in my house.

Anonymous No. 201738

NTA, but Arktis has a bunch of smocks that look similar, I think everything they make is made in the UK, but I'm not 100% sure.

Anonymous No. 201745

>where the fuck is your rear sight?
idk i bought it used it wasn't there. Got it really cheap tho 270 with a drum mag and the adapter. And so far the triggerbox haven't failed so far

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Anonymous No. 201767

I sanded the finish off of the bolt on my KTW SPAS-12 and spray painted the heatshield in metallic black. It looks so much better.

I wished it wasn't so cheaply made though, in the short month that I've owned it, I've had to fix it 3 times.

Anonymous No. 201774

Always had a soft spot for MP5's ever since Rainbow Six.

Anonymous No. 201780

>no rails or ugly aftermarket stocks
Very nice anon. Surefire handguards are one of few things that can make an MP5 look better.

Anonymous No. 201785

My cyma vfc 040 keeps firing at only 280fps on .20s anymore. Would a bad battery cause this or a bad bucking seal?

Anonymous No. 201786

it's asking you to take the HPA pill anon

Anonymous No. 201787

I might have found my answer from these two>>200858>>200917. It all started after installing a maple leafe seal from recommendation in the thread. Unless it just isn't seated properly.

Anonymous No. 201799

it is seal issue. Pull out hop up barrel assembly, put your mouth on 1 end, plug 2 others. if air is escaping - there is your issue

Anonymous No. 201800

They do, but Arktis smocks are based on the Windproof smock and only go heavier from that, while the British field jacket is basically a lightweight Windproof. Even the field jacket is too hot for me unless the weather is subzero, so if I got the Windproof or any of the variants, I'd melt to death.

In general, I'm looking for a 90s hooded jacket in black; but M65 is not an option due to the heat and the hood being issues.

My dude. I actually even was going to buy the Angel Customs MP5/10 magazines for the A5; but I found out that SRC MP5s do not take those mags, apparently.

Technically the SD has a sight rail for the Bushnell Holosight and a barrel clamp for the Surefire 660. But I get your point wholly; MP5s are peak 90s; full rail kits or M-LOKs or AR stocks are entirely out of place with them.

Anonymous No. 201813

Yeah i plan to do so tonight and try that. Im going to go back to the oem one if the maple leaf one is the issue.

Anonymous No. 201832

if new bucking doesn't seal - make it seal, use teflon tape

Anonymous No. 201860

Don't forget to tickle the balls. Hopups love that shit.

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Anonymous No. 201867

Too late for that.

Anonymous No. 201873

Maple leaf buckings have an extra rib in the middle that to my knowledge no other brand includes, this lines up with an extra cut out on their barrels, you can see it in his pic. This causes airseal issues if you use any other barrel but their own.

Anonymous No. 201885

There’s your error. They are notoriously shit. I had one as well they cause misfeeds and have a tendency to stick a lot causing a lot of issues. Only the normal ML rubbers are worth using

Anonymous No. 201892

I'll buy a spare Prometheus rubber seal as a backup for if my oem seal wears out.
I wonder if i should change barrels. Vfc cyma 040J never had a consistent label for the barrel length though. I guess it is 455 or 450.

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Anonymous No. 202015

>SAS Jacket.
You are right. It is Jacket, Black, Field.
Mine is the newer Chinese made one.
It's still made by Cooneen Defense, so I think it is "legit".
I think you might also wanna look into "GS SMOCK, COMBAT, WINDPROOF".
Not sure what the difference between the two are, but the GS SMOCK has no NATO serial code as far as I am aware.

Anonymous No. 202271

Your jacket is legit; Cooneen Defense is nowadays outsourcing to China. It's just out of principle I'd prefer an older UK-made one, that's. The gook one is made to spec so it should work, don't worry of that.

The difference between the jacket you have, and the Windproof Smock, is that the Windproof is noticeably heavier and warmer. For me, the Field Jacket is too hot for most of the year in general, so the Windproof would be utterly overkill. I have a DPM field jacket with the rare detachable hood for it, and I recently bought a black field jacket but returned it when I noticed it was China-made. Was hoping to find a source for old school UK made ones.

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Project Capture (....jpg

Anonymous No. 202390

Psst kid, wanna come over for some Heckler and Koch?

Anonymous No. 202485

Good thing about HK is that they go well with any national SF kit.

Anonymous No. 202541

What's the best MP7 AEG out there rn?

Anonymous No. 202671

doesn't exist they are all AEP's and they suck

Anonymous No. 202678


Anonymous No. 202682

>he uses AEGs in big 2024

Anonymous No. 202810

>thread is dead af
Do you niggers play during winter or what?

Anonymous No. 202821

It is 95F+ out there and i went every weekend since memorial day. Thread is just always dead.

Anonymous No. 202829

>he uses AEGs
I use AEGs and GBBs, but never anything with a hose, because that would be very gay.
>in big 2024
Is this some kind of new nig phrase?

Anonymous No. 202835

Really tempted to get an hk33 ebb rifle but at the same time idk how reliable the lct ebb is.

Anonymous No. 202841

EBBs always sucks, especially if you have used GBBRs, plus it puts strain on the gears and LCT don't have the best internals to start with. Just get it and remove the EBB or wait for VFC to bring out their GBB HK33 (assuming the HK53 sold well enough). I have a CA HK33, bought it just before LCT announced theirs, wish I had waited, but I don't want to sell it now as it shoots so well.

Anonymous No. 202847

IDK about the HK33, but there are a few videos of people showing their LCT AKs w/ the EBB kit that have basically rattled themselves apart from the recoil, all of the rivets start falling out.

Someone usually makes a new thread when the "old" one reaches ~330. But this board in general is really slow.

Anonymous No. 202855

When it's 30 to 40 C and close to 100% humidity it's basically impossible to play outdoors. If nothing fucks up my plans (as usual) I'll play indoors this weekend.

Anonymous No. 202871

I can’t play I’m getting knee surgery this week

Anonymous No. 202968

What is the internal situation like that on those? Part of me wants the ebb but I know reliability is down. Other part of me wants gbbr but they basically do not work through winter where I am but i do have a cyma ak so I guess that would work through winter seasons.

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Anonymous No. 203169

God damn, summer sucks. It only just started and it's already hellish. Just traveling to the indoor field with all the gear might kill me.

Anonymous No. 203180

Have the magazine issues on the WE PM Makarov been fixed? They supposedly leaked horrendously years ago, maybe manufacturing got better? I'm looking to buy a gbb pistol to go with my cyma AKM, and it's either the Makarov, whenever it's back in stock locally, or the Kizuna KW-15K.

Anonymous No. 203192

I love summer. Maybe lose some weight, fatass?

Anonymous No. 203225

>buy anything that isn't from VFC or TM
>50% chance it'll arrive defective or have some internal flaw that you need to fix
How do GBBRfags cope with this?

Anonymous No. 203229

I'm not even fat, you can be a skeleton and you'd still start dripping sweat after walking for 5 minutes over here. When it's 36~40 degrees (like a billion degrees for you amerifats) and around 80% humidity any eyepro will be fogged up/dripping with sweat making it impossible to play.

Anonymous No. 203231

>he doesn't have a dye mask or exfog

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Anonymous No. 203254

I've even had my Dye mask start to fog

Anonymous No. 203306

What kind of eyepro is everyone using nowadays? I'm still using my old ESS Profile Turbofans. The fan system died years ago thanks to the fragile angel's hair wiring they use, so I removed it.

Anonymous No. 203307

Oakley M-frame 3.0 with vented lenses

Anonymous No. 203382

Dye mask for normie games, ESS crossbow or Bollé Rush plus for historical games.

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Anonymous No. 203412

been using surplus Dutch army goggles (some kind of Bolle I think) for some years now

Anonymous No. 203431

I think I'm going to try and DIY a goggle fan system again, will post results and parts list if effective in about a week.

Anonymous No. 203452

Are they any good? The ones we used in the Swedish military sucked ass and just fogged up if you used them anywhere besides the shooting range.

Anonymous No. 203460

Whatever with EXFOG fan system. Also use it for skiing.

Anonymous No. 203496


Anonymous No. 203503

pretty good in my experience
so long as you dont disturb the airflow through them too much
what I mean by that is, if the vents on the top and bottom are mostly kept uncovered by say a helmet or beanie, it takes some serious effort to get them to fog