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🧵 This whole board is pic related

Anonymous No. 195589

Absolute pathetic.

Anonymous No. 195598

Counter point: OP is a faggot

Anonymous No. 195600

Fighting as a whole only attracts average people, unlike things like literature, anime, politics, computation, videogames, and so on (more specialized and even autistic topics) so even if channers try to meme a opinion by brute force nobody would listen to them (BJJ hate for example), not even Instagram celebs or YouTubers have so much of a impact in changing people's views.

Anonymous No. 195603

The main thing 4,000+ hours of bjj has taught me is how fucking stupid and overhyped it is
It produces laughably bad grapplers

I cringe when I see people in their pajamas repping moves against a compliant partner

Anonymous No. 195606

BJJ gyms just don't have that gritty culture like Muay thai, boxing and wrestling.

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Anonymous No. 195626

When you consider the culture of the Brazilians it all makes sense
They were known for their cowardly underhanded ways, gang fighting in the streets, sabotaging opponents, jumping their adversaries as a group, manipulating the rules to favor them
It's baked into the cake that they lack an honorable warriors heart. The trickle down effect 2 generations later is a bunch of pussies too afraid to fight and wanting the easy way out

For over 100 years guard pulling was considered a cowardly dishonorable act, and one who does it is running away from a fight
so this could be the only result if you base your entire identity around such a practice

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Anonymous No. 195634

Thinly veiled /pol/ posting.
>When you consider the culture of the Brazilians it all makes sense
It doesn't, we despise any signs of cowardice.
>They were known for their cowardly underhanded ways, gang fighting in the streets, sabotaging opponents, jumping their adversaries as a group, manipulating the rules to favor them
Maybe by foreigners who learned about other countries from /pol/
>It's baked into the cake that they lack an honorable warriors heart
>For over 100 years guard pulling was considered a cowardly dishonorable act, and one who does it is running away from a fight so this could be the only result if you base your entire identity around such a practice
That's what happens when any martial art turns into a sport, retard

Pic related is you btw

Anonymous No. 195642

you're acting like I'm not exposed to brazilians all the day
completely ripe with visa overstaying anchor baby having communist sexual deviant drug users, and worst of all in my country refusing to speak english

I'd rather be around mexicans than brazilians
I hear that language and immediately get the smell of a sulfuric fart stuck in my nose

Anonymous No. 195643

You mean the annoying richfags and the vira-lata faggots who flee the country at the first opportunity they see? Yeah, that for sure represents the whole population lmao

Anonymous No. 195645

not my fault that's what you're exporting into the world

like I said the most obnoxious ill mannered people I've ever come into contact with

Anonymous No. 195647

Fair, I don't like these people either

Anonymous No. 195694

That guy is usually more-or-less technically right, or at least not wrong, but is such a fag about it he's nearly unwatchable. Not seeing him break through to big time yt stardom.

Also you're wrong op, he is reddit incarnate, if anything /xs/ is DanTheWolfman for being a disagreeable shitbird that may-or-may-not actually have knowledge, but is so autistic, arrogant, and such a bad communicator no one will ever know or care.

Anonymous No. 195699

Honestly I just had how people act like people saying martial arts is good for self defense means that we suddenly think training marines in nothing but karate is the solution to fighting wars.

Of course guns and weapons are more effective than fists. But there's a reason every armed combative force includes hand to hand combat training. Being able to use your body, which is always on hand, is always important. And not every fight needs to end with someone dying.

Anonymous No. 195712

It isnt common but there are "bjj" that have that gritty feeling.
I went to 6 gyms before I found it the head coaches is an ex ufc fighter with the other being a former Olympic wrestler.
What we do can only loosely be called bjj
most of the class is guys who want to win.

Anonymous No. 195720

Bjjs identity is DUDE WEED and laying on your back
So lame

Bernardo made a post before that if he could start bjj over again he would learn judo or wrestling
Such a shameful state of affairs

Anonymous No. 195724

Does this faggot have any kind of competition record? Or is he just a gymfighter?

Anonymous No. 195731

He was trying to break into the icymike group and appeared at his gym with them
But he's normally with that wing Chun guy that has weird hands

Anonymous No. 195761

I just watched a few minutes of this guy's "bjj self defence sucks" and he's 100% right about everything

Anonymous No. 195762

Boxing training was like being tortured at times. when I tried BJJ it was like a meme

Unless you're a black belt or something a boxer with 1 year training will fuck you up on the street

Anonymous No. 195763

Bjjs idea of playing from your back to be well rounded is frustrating, but is finally beginning too change once all the old fuck black belts die out.

People like Craig Jones have meme'ed it into minds of every one.

I still might switch to judo, I just hate the gi. I can't find any pure wrestling gyms in city.

Anonymous No. 195767

Fuck off Abelardo. There’s a reason people who come into frequent contact with zucas generally absolutely despise them.

Anonymous No. 195817

I will lay it all out for you
Bjj is on the way out, where like karate it may have growing popularity among normals but gets taken less and less seriously by martial arts dorks

Bjj is a kimono based grappling style with very rudimentary basic takedowns, no real stand up grappling skills to speak of, and a built in aversion to leg entanglement based attacks

Now the white man has come along, ditched the gi, embraced wrestling, and developed new leg attacking systems to make use of attacks previously shunned and banned by the Brazilians for decades

They call this submission grappling, and you're seeing it pop up where there gyms are now changing their names to say that instead of Brazilian jiujiujitsu

The Brazilians are very salty about this because what's happening to them is what they did to the japanese
A lot of judofags say bjj is basically just judo, we've always had all that stuff too (cope and lie)
Now bjjfags are looking at submission grappling and saying it's basically just bjj, we have always had all that stuff too (cope and lie)

Anonymous No. 195819

Using your terms I have always been doing submission grappling.

I have seen a fair bit of cope from bjj guys getting upset no one will listen to there out dated shit.

If bjj will vanish and leave behind submission grappling I think it is for the best.

Anonymous No. 195828

The legacy of bjj will be its asinine rules that retarded the development of grappling for a generation
We can thank keenan for accelerating its death with his lapel innovations that exposed just how stupid and easily exploited the rules are

In the future I will have nogi submission grappling only, however I will still rank people up because acquiring ranks is important for lots of folks
Instead of belts though I will give them kawaii pantsu, white, tiffany, pink, duckling, and moissanite

So that way people can receive something for their hard work but it's attached to a humiliation ritual because you should be embarrassed if that's what you care about

Anonymous No. 196064

What if I have martial arts autism