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Anonymous No. 195854

Grappling causes skin infections

Anonymous No. 195856

Do bjj they said
It will be fun they said

Anonymous No. 195858

Only if your skin loses.

Anonymous No. 195864

Rash Guard are there for a reason, also wash you nasty ass.

Anonymous No. 195888

This is why you shouldn't train anywhere that actually has Brazilians
They don't wash the mats

Anonymous No. 195889

Or the Brazilians

Anonymous No. 195890

Why do they have so many shemales? Same with Thailand
I wonder if there's some merit to the gay germ theory and its caused by some kind of tropical parasite

Anonymous No. 195897

So I went wrestling yesterday and noticed they didn't wash the mats which were covered in sweat after the bjj class

Is this normal?

Anonymous No. 195898

find another gym
is it normal? kinda
is it acceptable? no it isn't and it's a red flag that the people running the show don't care about your safety

Anonymous No. 195899

It was my first time trying wrestling. This place is cheap and the only place that does it

I guess they can't bleach the mat with back to back classes?

All the other places available are very expensive bjj schools, that I assume don't do much stand up.

I don't know if getting herpes/ringworm is worth learning to grapple though

Anonymous No. 195906

It takes 5 minutes to spray down the mat
They make mat cleaner for this exact thing, put it in a misting bottle like you'd use for weeds and you just spray down and run over it with a flat mop to spread it out
It'll be mostly dry by the time the next class starts

Just laziness on the part of places that don't do it
Our mats get wiped down after every class except the kids one because they don't really even sweat anyway

Anonymous No. 195907

Guess I'll stay away from this place then

Idk it has a lot of frequent people who stay there for years.. I guess if they got infections they wouldn't keep coming back right?

Anonymous No. 195915

>I guess they can't bleach the mat with back to back classes?
We used to clean the wrestling mats before and after practice in school. Same when I switched to judo after high school. If I went to a BJJ place that said they couldn't clean the mats between classes I would either be the catalyst to change that or I would go somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 195987

>why should I have to wash the mats?

Anonymous No. 195994

because you're paying for a service, just like how you don't need to wash your own dishes at a restaurant or the toilets at school

Anonymous No. 195996

Doing that it's part of the "martial art" experience

Anonymous No. 195999

No it's part of an ego tripping hierarchical grift where a business owner brainwashed paying customers to maintain his property
Doing chores is strictly reserved for people who aren't paying so they bartered their time to be use as currency instead
Such as a club where everyone is there pretty much on a volunteer basis, or whatever modest dues collected are for purchasing shared equipment or renting the space

Not when it's a fucking for profit business

Anonymous No. 196005

Start your own competing business that holds higher standards and run the non mat washer out of business

Anonymous No. 196028

>he’s still crying about cleaning mats

Anonymous No. 196351

Fuck staph when I was in Thailand a guy took it and that shit create an hole in his leg deep at least 4cm

Anonymous No. 196409

>or the toilets at school
They make you do that in Japan.

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Anonymous No. 196575

>>195888 Literally all the gyms I've gone to wash the mats straight up with alcohol after every class and clean the whole thing up every weekend
>>195889 We shower more than you

Anonymous No. 196592

>t. Fat white belt

Anonymous No. 196601

You guys don't flush your toilet paper and just throw it in a waste basket
Don't start trying to act like you're hygienic

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Anonymous No. 196606

That's just because we live in a fucked up third world country, not because we are unhygienic

Anonymous No. 196608

It just doesn't make sense to me, how can the pipes accommodate a log but not a little bit of wet paper

Anonymous No. 196618

that doesn't make sense to me either, which is why I don't give a fuck and flush the paper
if it can handle my turbo shits, it can handle some toilet paper
t. another brazilian

Anonymous No. 196620

it doesn't make sense to anyone. brazil is a mysterious country operating in mysterious ways.

Anonymous No. 196630

I haven't seen any gym here that washes their month between sessions, idk at end of the day even?

So they'd have bjj, cardio boxing, pro kickboxing, amateur kickboxing etc all day without cleaning the mat.....

Anonymous No. 196638

I bet they let people go into the bathroom with no shoes

Anonymous No. 196639

You have to wear flipflops outside of the mat as you go through the actual gym and lobby to the locker and toilets heh

Anonymous No. 196648

You also have to clean it up the tatame from time to time . Use a broom then alcohol. I used to clean it up the tatame for free with a friend of mine before the class.

Anonymous No. 196685

weak genetic
need to be culled from the gene pool

Anonymous No. 196692

>broom and alcohol
So has your dumb ass never heard of a mop?

Anonymous No. 197123

Where the fuck did I said "broom AND alcohol", retard? We use cloths btw