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Anonymous No. 196220

What the fuck is her problem?

Anonymous No. 196223

she's a big jerk!

Anonymous No. 196224

Woah dont say that man

Anonymous No. 196227

OD on cope mostly

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Anonymous No. 196299

She was used to being the "best". Turns out, she wasn't the best, at all. Being dethroned has different effects on people.

Anonymous No. 197139

>run out of mma
>worked into a shoot by pro wrestling
Does she just become a personality from here or does she give something like boxing a try until she gets annihilated?

Anonymous No. 197146

What was her best fighting art?

Anonymous No. 197148

Surrounded herself with ass kissers instead of good coaches. Her coach tried to convince her she’s a great kick boxer despite the fact that she could barely throw a punch and had basically zero defense.

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mew182 rousey pro....png

Anonymous No. 197149

I always liked her, even outside of MMA. She was really into Pokemon as a teenager and even moderated a forum for it. I remember in one interview she confused the interviewer by talking about Pokemon Stadium and how annoying it was when Lance's Dragonair would use Wrap. She was right, Wrap is annoying as fuck.

Pic related is her profile from the forums. Kinda funny looking at it now.

Anonymous No. 197160

What the fuck am I reading

Anonymous No. 197166

A teenage girl in the mid-2000s being quirky and random. It's endearing looking back.

Anonymous No. 197171

>gender: shemale

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Anonymous No. 197202

oh no

Anonymous No. 197213

fucking kek

Anonymous No. 197215

two gross looking bodies right there

Anonymous No. 197351

Easily Judo, placed Bronze at the 2008 Olympics.

Anonymous No. 197353

damn calling herself a shemale?
I bet she had odd taste in porn.

Anonymous No. 197358

>entire identity tied to winning thanks to her mom
>probably has undiagnosed mental illness

Here's what Rhadi Ferguson said about her:
>When you hear Ronda Rousey talk about beating Cain Velasquez and all that stuff and lining up against heavyweights, understand that I'm telling you that I don't believe it can happen. But in her mind, she believes that s---. That's not any marketing. She believes it. I believe that all elite athletes or everybody who exists at the right of the bell curve in some form or capacity in terms of expertise, they're a little bit off in some form or fashion. Ronda Rousey is that good because she does not believe that anybody is ever supposed to beat her.
>I remember after the Olympics Ronda's mom called me because Ronda was coming in town in Florida and she had a tournament down there. She wanted her to stay by my home and take her to the weigh ins and take her to the tournament, etc. We had a training session where we were rolling around on the mat with just newaza. I was a black belt at the time in jiu-jitsu. Ronda began to cry. I said, 'What are you crying about? ' She said, 'I can't do anything.' I said, 'Ronda, I'm 100kg male.' She said, 'Yeah, but I don't feel like you're supposed to beat me.'
>I had known her for a while, but it got to the point where I got a little upset because I was like, 'Well, hell, what is she saying about me? Is she disrespecting me and my expertise?' And no, she's not. She does not believe that she's supposed to lose.

Anonymous No. 197361

But I am biased she was the first thing I JO too.

Anonymous No. 197410

>She does not believe that she's supposed to lose.
Unironically based mindset.

Anonymous No. 197473

God I want to kiss her ugly face

Anonymous No. 197502

>entire identity tied to winning thanks to her mom
>probably has undiagnosed mental illness
This exactly.
Absolutely based post, this is what I wanted to say but you articulated it better than I could've.

Based mindset for high achievement at the bleeding edge of hyper-competitive extreme performance, not based mindset for longterm health and happiness. Up to you to decide which you want more.

Anonymous No. 197504

she is just not very pretty at all

Anonymous No. 198671

>These days, Rousey and Browne live on their family farm in East of Los Angeles with their daughter, La'akea Makalapuaokalanipƍ, and Browne's two sons, Kaleo and Keawe.
>"We're basically off grid in the city, we source our own, we catch all of our water and we have solar and we have chickens in the back, and we raise our cows in the back and we use the manure from our cows to compost together. And we have all these planter boxes that grow all of our produce," she adds.
>She and Browne plan to stay at their farm until the boys graduate high school. Then they'll move to Hawaii to start a dojo.
>Beyond agriculture and farming, Rousey has really gotten into creative writing recently. "With this book and the last book, it got me really into creative writing. I've been writing screenplays and things to keep my mind in a positive place, and if I feel myself going somewhere negative, I'll consciously turn it towards something that I'm creatively working on," she shares, adding, "It's just been a really positive force in my life."
>Her passion for creative writing has grown into a more professional opportunity for the former fighter. "I'm actually a intern at the [Warner Brothers] story department right now, learning how to read and cover scripts and stuff like that, just to make me a better writer," Rousey shares, teasing that "after this book, I have my first comic book coming out, based on my very first script ever."
I for one am excited for Ronda's bold new venture into the comic book scene.

Anonymous No. 198836

She's a cunt, and always has been.

There are plenty of stories of her on the internet about when she used to train at Pedro's Judo Centre in Boston. Long story short; she's a fucking nightmare. Arrogant, bossy, clearly mentally ill. She was the protege of Big Jim and was touted to be what Kayla Harrison is now. Except she couldn't stop having mental breakdowns every 2 weeks and disappearing to go and party and get drunk. She fucked everyone in that gym too. Travis Stevens hates her guts, and has nothing good to say about her. He and Jimmy put out a video on Youtube before she fought Miesha for the 2nd time SPECIFICALLY telling people how to defend her armbar, which Miesha's camp obviously never watched.

The final straw was when she was offered to live full time in Japan, and be sponsored by Japanese companies and live and train at Tokai University (the best judo uni in the world, where their national team train). It was a huge honour at the time and the Japanese have never extended such a welcoming before. What happened? Well Ronda spend 3 days in Japan, then said 'fuck this shit', and flew back to the USA and never paid back the thousands of dollars of stipend the Jap government gave her. It REALLY fucked over USA judo, because the American's were barred from training in Japan for a long time, which was beneficial to the US athletes as the depth of US judo is complete ASS. As far as I know, it really fucked over Travis in 2012 and blames his poor preperation on people like Ronda.

She was kicked out of USA judo so she went to train with Henry Akins in California, who again, has nothing but bad things to say about her. Rhadi Fergusson thinks she's a complete cow too.

Anonymous No. 198841

Huh, I've been to a couple Jimmy Pedro seminars and I always wondered why he talked about Travis and Kayla but never Ronda. Now I know.

Anonymous No. 198845

>Except she couldn't stop having mental breakdowns every 2 weeks and disappearing to go and party and get drunk. She fucked everyone in that gym too

>tfw no hot crazy judo athlete girl to ride the life out of me and then disappear forever

Anonymous No. 198863

Why did the Japanese extend that honor to her specifically? If she was such a well known basket case wouldn't the USA judo counterparts warn them that doing so is a bad idea?

Anonymous No. 198922

I was googling a bit after anon posted that. From what I can find, this was in 2009, so post olympic bronze. I believe she was part of a delegation of American judoka, but as the highest achieving athlete on team USA, she was the one at the forefront.

As far as I can tell, the Japan trip was pretty much the last straw for her in judo. After ditching Japan, she came back and went to MMA. This led to a rumor that Jimmy and co were adamantly against her, and judoka in general, doing MMA, but that's not the case. In fact Jimmy was Rick Hawn's manager when he transitioned to pro MMA. What USA Judo had a problem with was the way she left the program/team.

Anonymous No. 199357


USA Judo and and IJF have a super close relationship, probably because there are tonnes of Japanese immigrants that moved over to the US, and their trainers are sort of inculcated within our system. So there's that. It also isn't just beneficial for the US athletes to train over there, but also for the Japanese, who end up getting a good 'feel' for western Judoka, who have a totally different style of Judo than most other nations.

I can't possibly tell you how many people she fucked over during that period. Imagine you spend decades cultivating a relationship with the Japs and she goes and shits all over the table. I was only a middling Judo player in high school and university and even I heard stories about how she's killed opportunities for us.

One thing about Ronda is that wherever she goes, people fall out with her, and she NEVER takes any responsibility for it. Well, not everyone else in the world is a total cunt, and sooner or later people are going to start figuring out that you're the lowest common denominator...

Anonymous No. 199440

she so ugly it's hot

Anonymous No. 204715

Ugly bitch.>>199440
>>197502 sure >>197361

Anonymous No. 204718

Based quest 64 hater

Anonymous No. 204720


Anonymous No. 205088

She's a quadroon. One drop of ape blood and this is what you get.