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images - 2024-05-....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 196684

I legit forgot this board even exist, they don't even show a single banner or anything

anyway thought on this nigga?
are his long vid worth the time?

Anonymous No. 196687

Literally who?

Anonymous No. 196693

Sarcastic member berry storytelling is ok at first, but the bit gets stale quick. Especially when there's an entire market of cunts doing it in the comedy/mma retarded crossover world.

Anonymous No. 197406

i think he's quite funny but also comes off as a bit of a fag

Anonymous No. 197449

This is a hard r board sir

Anonymous No. 198940

He's a fag, a commie, and his shit's all retarded.

Anonymous No. 198966

They're well produced but he ruins them by making the same self deprecating jokes 10 times a video (haha i wanna fuck the polish ogre). Also being a libtard faggot doesn't help.

Anonymous No. 199147

Do you know for a fact that he’s a communist?