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Anonymous No. 196917

Insecure 5'9" dude here. If you could only pick one martial art as a manlet for self-defense on da streetz (like a rando walks up and wants to beat the shit out of you) what would it be? The only gym near me offers either Muay Thai or BJJ

Anonymous No. 196927

Which ever one your more likely to stick with long term. Consistency matters more than anything else.

Anonymous No. 196946

as someone that has never done muay thai and has been doing jiujitsu for years, I find myself way more impressed by the muay thai capabilities

jiujitsu is not very good, it's just a massive cope that some random asshole 30 years ago won some matches against some other random assholes (one of them by using a weapon) then for whatever reason that proves it's the ultimate martial art

Anonymous No. 196948

Listen to >>196927
Go try a class/week at each place and see what you like more. You will likely never get into a fight anyways

Anonymous No. 196950

>for self-defense on da streetz
get a knife and/or gun

Anonymous No. 196955

That's a non-answer, you're not allowed to resort to lethal force over fist fights

Anonymous No. 196963

If you're young muay thai, old bjj.

Anonymous No. 196975

You can learn kickboxing and boxing at any age really. Grappling is Hella worse for your spine etc

Anonymous No. 196983

>you're not allowed to resort to lethal force over fist fights
Depends entirely on the jurisdiction.

>Grappling is Hella worse for your spine etc
There seem to be a fair number of old men doing judo.

Anonymous No. 197144

>There seem to be a fair number of old men doing judo
Personally, I feel that getting thrown is often the least painful part of grappling when your partner isn't a retard and you know how to break a fall. In contrast, getting the life squeezed out of me in bottom half guard or nay pin always leaves me feeling like someone took a sledgehammer to my chest and back afterwards, and I'm hardly a geezer at 21

Anonymous No. 197291

buy a gun
then train a striking and a grappling art
as well as start lifting

Anonymous No. 197309

Bulk up to 180lbs of muscle and start doing Muay Thai. After 6 months of training you'll be able to beat up 90% of random guys on the street. After a couple of years you'll be able to pretty much beat up anybody who has trained less than you and isn't a 6'4 linebacker in the NFL.

Anonymous No. 198347

>Muay Thai or BJJ
Do both. If the BJJ school has a good amount of nogi classes, like 3 a week, insist on only training nogi, because then you'll be forced to learn some wresting and won't learn any of the gay bad habits of gi jiu-jitsu.
So there you go, you'll know Muay Thai, some wrestling and jiu-jitsu. You're ready to pick a fight and get stabbed or fight back a thief and get shot.

Anonymous No. 198352

>insist on only training nogi, because then you'll be forced to learn some wresting and won't learn any of the gay bad habits of gi jiu-jitsu.
It's reasonable to focus on no-gi but refusing gi practice when there's no no-gi practice available is a missed opportunity. Going from wrestling to judo it was mildly frustrating learning to deal with all the extra grips people could get on me in the gi that I didn't have to worry about in a sport where you're not allowed to grab clothing. Unless you spend your days in a nudist colony there's something to be learned through gi grappling.

Anonymous No. 198357

MMA. If you can't find classes for that then don't bother with any of it and just get a gun.

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Anonymous No. 198377

>insist on only training nogi
>you'll know some wrestling
Learning no-gi is not the same as learning wrestling. Just because you know how to shoot a shitty single leg or double leg does not make you a wrestler.

Anonymous No. 198378

I think getting tossed on your head/neck is worse personally. Even with breakfalls getting thrown more than getting squished a bit.

Anonymous No. 198379

>30 year old software engineer hobbyist can't compare to some of the best athletes in the country after 10 years of elite athletic training
Woah. So where do I get the time machine to go back in time and start wrestling in middle school you dumb fuck?

Nogi is the only place I can train it. And it's including more and more wrestling.

Anonymous No. 198406

Fersure that fat fuck is totally one of the best athletes in the country.

Anonymous No. 198434

>you're not allowed to resort to lethal force over fist fights
>fist fights aren't lethal force
In what shithole is that the standard? People die in fist fights all the time.

Anonymous No. 198461

Wing chun plus wrestling

Anonymous No. 198463

pretty standard stuff, theres 5 levels of force and the reasonableness will be weighed against you
1 asking/talking
2 commanding/yelling
3 unarmed fighting
4 less lethal weapons
5 lethal weapons

so someone shoving or hitting you is level 3, you can't just jump all the way to level 5
I've seen someone who got punched and knocked to the ground pull out a gun and shoot upwards at the guy as he was advancing towards him and he got convicted for shooting him

Anonymous No. 198475

Wing chun is a meme

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Anonymous No. 198478

>Nogi is the only place I can train it.
What are wrestling clubs, judo, sambo, etc. No-gi is fine for OP since you don't need much training to take down an untrained bum off the street, but acting like no-gi doesn't have its own gay habits is cope.

>And it's including more and more wrestling.
It's including more "wrestling for no-gi bjj". That's fine if you only do no-gi, but it's not the same as learning how to wrestle. There's a reason why elite BJJ guys who had great takedowns in sub-only competitions had much shittier takedown completion rate in MMA.

Anonymous No. 198533

You make good points on Judo, I'll concede that. My best training partner is a judoka himself and sends me flying to "the second floor", as they call it, on the regular. Nothing he does makes sense to me, that shit is pure jap witchery.
>Unless you spend your days in a nudist colony
It's Brazil in a place where we get like 2 weeks of winter, so...
Anyway, my point is in a self-defense situation you're not gonna pull off a de la riva or x guard, you'll want to:
1 - get out of there or
2 - clock them right in the chin to KO them or
3 - worst case scenario, grab them throw them onto concrete and put them out somehow
In that order. Again, Judo is great for that, as well as wrestling.
Maybe calling gi habits "gay" was a bit much, I'm just extremely biased towards nogi.
Emphasis on "some" in "some wrestling". You're not wrong, though.

Anonymous No. 198591

>wrestling clubs
Basically don't exist, completely inaccessible to adults in the US. I would have loved to learn it growing up but I couldn't so....
>judo, sambo
Not wrestling, and I'm not even allowed to use wrestling in judo....Sambo is built off Judo and not a pure grappling art. I might as well do MMA at that point. Also not super available either since I don't live in fucking Russia.

I like nogi because its constantly evolving and bringing in different techniques. Its not concerned with preserving Olympic sport rules or anything. Whatever you can use that works, it's valid. I'm interested in grappling as a whole, not some specific sport discipline.

Anonymous No. 198636

>Basically don't exist

>I'm not even allowed to use wrestling in judo
You know there's more to wrestling than just single legs and double legs right?

>Sambo is built off Judo and not a pure grappling art. I might as well do MMA at that point
How do people who are into grappling not know there are two different kinds of sambo? Sport sambo is pure grappling. Combat sambo is the one that involves strikes.

>Also not super available either since I don't live in fucking Russia.
Meme. Sambo isn't super widespread but there's way more of it around than people think.

>I'm interested in grappling as a whole, not some specific sport discipline.
You say that, but you've dismissed multiple grappling styles in favor of a single specific sport discipline (no-gi).

Anonymous No. 198640

Compare that the amount of BJJ gyms and the comp scene. And also a lot of these map links are those MMA style training gyms with one or two wrestling classes a week. Or generic multi purpose grappling gyms. Which wrestlers/judofags tend to shit on...

>You know there's more to wrestling than just single legs and double legs right?
Please go to a judo open mat/comp and start doing wrestling and record it.

Yes, a discipline with less rules than the ones you are wanking in which I can use most techniques from those other arts...

I feel like you think I'm shitting on these arts, I'm not. To me grappling is grappling. I'm going to pick the least limited style that is convenient for me to train.

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Anonymous No. 198655

>Or generic multi purpose grappling gyms. Which wrestlers/judofags tend to shit on
Nobody brought that up, but sure get mad about it.

>discipline with less rules than the ones you are wanking in which I can use most techniques from those other arts
Martial arts are more than just the sum of its techniques. The strategies/framework in which the techniques are developed from are driven by a specific context. You can do a high crotch or uchimata in no-gi, but all you're doing is a high crotch or uchimata in a submission grappling context with no clothing to grab.

>To me grappling is grappling
It clearly is not despite what you've convinced yourself.

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Anonymous No. 198672

>Or generic multi purpose grappling gyms. Which wrestlers/judofags tend to shit on...
Having spent years in both wrestling and judo my impression has been that grapplers like to try other grappling styles when given the opportunity.
>Please go to a judo open mat/comp and start doing wrestling and record it.
Uta Abe did a sick headlock takedown to win a women's 52 kg match at the 2023 World Judo Championships, WebM related.

Anonymous No. 198768

you should spend a lot of time thinking this through. You always want to escape (not fight). See it coming and avoid it. Don't be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you must fight you fight to kill so you can win and not be killed. If you want to fight for sport join a gym and start sparring. Street fights are stupid. Watch the video of the Apple River fight/stabbing. Kids ganged up on old guy, punched him, pushed him, they were getting stabbed and did not eve know it. Stabber got convicted and is going to prison. So much for self defense. Carry small pepper spray, and knife. Learn when and how to use both. Randos attacking may be seriously mentally ill or drugged out, or both, or just hardened killers. You never know. Watch lots of vids about street fights and see how many people get sucker punched, stabbed, shot, get their head stomped, get dame brammage from banging their head on the concrete when they fall. A gun is good if you can carry one. Don't get too close, guns are distance tools. If you need to knife someone you have to get close, what if they have a knife too? Where do you stab, slash? The last thing you want to be fighting anyone anywhere in the street. The longer it goes on the worse for you. Spray, slash and run. Muay Thai will teach you elbows and spinning back elbows and fists which can be brutal. Best to just duck out and go home than fight.

Anonymous No. 198792

Disagree. I've gotten way more injured in bjj than muay thai. Our gym does takedown incorporated into bjj and ultimately there is no real mitigation. You can break your fall, but 100kg hitting the ground is 100kg hitting the ground.

I'll tske get punched in the face all day. If your training partner isn't a dick you'll be fine. Gravity is always a dick.

Bjj/Judo is more for the young IMO. Muay thai has been more kind to me.

Anonymous No. 198804

Any decent Martial Arts, the ones you mentioned are good. What you have is an strategic disadvantage, but you can overcome that with tactical and technical proficiency.

Being shorter is only a disadvantage from a surface level, I would argue there are about the same number of advantages and disadvantages of being taller, you just need to look a bit more into the stuff you are learning, since it's more likely that the people you are practicing and learning martial arts from are closer to average height than you.

Anonymous No. 202128

You should absolutely get a gun and carry it because no martial art is going to protect you on the streets when others have weapons and you don't. BJJ is the best complement to this.

Anonymous No. 202162

traditional jiujitsu is not good, and bjj hasn't been the ultimate martial art since UFC 4

Anonymous No. 202164

>After 6 months of training you'll be able to beat up 90% of random guys on the street.
bro get real. a random shot from a big guy can KO anyone and you are not going to be even remotely decent in 6 months

Anonymous No. 202165

Might even be a little worse if it's at odds with your previous tendencies.

Anonymous No. 202181

>laying down is the best complement to this
I'd argue for judo: better grip fighting to get to your gun and keep the other guy away from your gun while standing, better focus on staying on your feet, enough familiarity with groundfighting to make space to draw and shoot, protects you from getting hurt from falling which is a more likely event than a self-defense shooting.

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Anonymous No. 202325

It's not even a question. Muay Thai all the way.
BJJ is a complementary martial art that might or might not be useful one day but in reality I've never used it. Streetfighting, self defence or whatever you want to call it is mostly punches. Hell I haven't even used much kicks.

Anonymous No. 202331

What's the point in learning how to fight if a big guy can one shot you?

Anonymous No. 202334

Why gun if tank
Why tank if plane
Why plane if missile

Anonymous No. 202336

the better you get the less likely it is to happen. 6 months is not enough time for someone to learn anything but extreme basics and still suck though

Anonymous No. 202354

>There seem to be a fair number of people doing Judo
They're actually only in their early twenties; Judo and having the maddest parties of any sport fucked them up.