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Anonymous No. 197940

>be me
>practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu twice a week for 2 years
>train with people who haven’t been there as long as me for the 2 days I was there this week
>They know the fucking technique better than me
>Rub salt in the wound by trying to lecture me how to do the techniques properly instead of getting a more experienced gym member
>Feel shame for my godawful Jiu-Jitsu

Anonymous No. 197941

Quit. Now.

Anonymous No. 197942

How the fuck do you get outdone by n00bs twice in a row??

Anonymous No. 197943

Some people are just naturally athletic & coordinated. That ain't you.
You may want to seriously consider this depending on why you're training.

Anonymous No. 197944

Do your gym a favor and stop training. It’s obvious you aren’t built for the sport and you sticking around is going to embarrass your gym.

Anonymous No. 197946

Those guys don't mind cleaning the mats.

Anonymous No. 197948

Huh wut?

Anonymous No. 197951

I'm not cleaning your fucking mats!

Anonymous No. 197965

Do not quit. Talk to your coach and ask him for advice on how to improve. I’m willing to bet you’ve hit an early plateau and need to work through it. It may require you completely change up your game and get “worse” in rolling for awhile until you get better.

Anonymous No. 198019

Some people just have a knack for it. Some people are athletically gifted. Some people are younger than you. Some people have fewer responsibilities and train way more than you do. Some people come to jiujitsu with prior experience in other forms of grappling. There's any number of reasons why one person might progress more quickly than another person. Don't get butthurt, just solve the problem. Train smarter.

This right here.

Anonymous No. 198192

You suck dude. Probably still a white belt.

Anonymous No. 198196

Get john danaher free solo training video from bjjfanatics

I really doubt you spend time on the ground out side of class(normal)
That's why moving your body on the ground feel weird

Anonymous No. 198197

>Talk to your coach and ask him for advice on how to improve
ayee jus keep showing up to class my fren

Anonymous No. 200048

>trains for only 2 years
>2 days a week
Niggah I've trained 3 years 4 time a week and I'm not that good yet. Practice more and by more I mean, more times a week.
Training 1 year 5 times a week >>> training 5 years 1 time a week.

Anonymous No. 200084

1) How are your athletic abilities? How many push ups and pull ups can you do? You might want to complement your training
2) Can you identify your strengthes and weaknesses? Like for example you good at escaping mount but totally suck at passing guard? Work on your weaknesses, drill more after classes, do more classes, take private lessons to work on specific weaknesses

Anonymous No. 200085

This but unironically

Anonymous No. 200100

Do you actually enjoy going and want to get better?
Or are you just doing BJJ because it’s the trendy thing at the moment.
Because it definitely feels like BJJ has become the new TKD.