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๐Ÿงต Pro fighter conditioning

Anonymous No. 198120

Realistic conditioning that people from MMA, Kickboxing and Muay thai do to get stronger and take shots without dying

What is one on one text book conditioning for fighting, I am weak af and can't take shots easily at all

Anonymous No. 198121

There is no such thing. Just better technique for avoiding & absorbing impact. Progressive overload does not apply to soft tissues besides muscle. Even bone conditioning, while legit, abusing wolfs law is a surefire trip to snap city and/or early arthritis and osteoporosis. Bones are meant to be pliable. Any time you see some dumb shits doing "conditioning" like what you're thinking, they're almost always doing no good at all. Capillaries & other blood vessels do not grow back stronger after being bruised or ruptured. Dipshits letting instructors work over their guts for example. Not improving shit. You would get more benefit out of just doing situps and practicing having your abs passively flexed all day so you get used to having your core engaged till it doesn't phase you and it's like just turning it off & on. At best most conditioning is a meme at worst it's a humiliation ritual.
>tl;dr: "conditioning" is dumb, develop muscle control, and don't get hit

Anonymous No. 198122

pro thai and glory fighters say that you should condition your thighs with low intensity low kicks after each training session till you get used to it

Anonymous No. 198123

same logic as by shooting myself with smaller bullets I'll eventually work my way up to being resistant to larger calibers

Anonymous No. 198124

Like that pic for example. See what he fucked up was... Letting it hit his I mean I don't know what else to tell you but seriously, you practice avoiding it entirely & failing that, you catch the blow in a way that diminishes the impact. But there is no such thing as just conditioning your anatomy to not respond to stimulus same as anyone.

Anonymous No. 198125

And all that will do is get you used to the feeling, it's not going to make you tougher, and over the years you will be destroying the blood vessels that would help you heal. Pro thai & glory fighters that buy into that conditioning crap are all hobbled cane users by their mid 40's to 50s. This is what I meant. This conditioning doesn't make you damage resistant.

Anonymous No. 198126

Do you even need to get used to the feeling? In a fight you're gonna have endorphins flooding anyway, you'll barely feel a thing

Anonymous No. 198243

Your training & sparring should be preparation enough. Toughness/hardness conditioning is a harmful meme. Time is better spent learning how to avoid shit altogether.