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🧵 BJJ vs Sambo

Anonymous No. 198502

I always was saying that despite common myths jitsres have great single and double leg takedowns and judo and sambo guys overestimate their abilities to le "strike people with earth". I felt this myself when I did BJJ and sparred with judokas.
And finally some russian jitsers went to sambo competitions without any preparation and here is results
Jitsers are absolute fucking beasts when it comes to single leg takedowns and samboists rarely can do a decent throw, more often their throws look like some shitty roll overs.

Anonymous No. 198503

how many fucking judo and bjj threads are we gonna have?

Anonymous No. 198526

>posts video in vodka language
ESL anon pls go

Anonymous No. 198532

/xs/ - grappling sports

Anonymous No. 198537

>world cup jiujitsu medalist
>competing in some bum ass local sambo tournament (you can tell because they're competing in socks which isn't allowed in major competitions)
>world cup bjj guy still doesn't win
so this is the power of jiujitsu...

Anonymous No. 198539

>>world cup jiujitsu medalist
In what belts?
>>competing in some bum ass local sambo tournament
It was CMS level which is approximately D1 level in USA. Also any samboist will tell you sambo in exUSSR countries is higher rivalry sport than BJJ
>>world cup bjj guy still doesn't win
Come on, sambo can't suck THAT much. You probably think that it will not make sambo a complete joke if some jitser without preparation could enter tournament and win it, but it will. It is completely impossible in specialized sports. Meanwhile sambo WCMS didn't win even blue belt division

Anonymous No. 198540

What does CMS and WCMS stand for?

Anonymous No. 198541

>It was CMS level which is approximately D1 level in USA

What college wrestler steps onto the mat without wrestling shoes on? Likewise with sambo guys not having sambofki.

Anonymous No. 198553

>It was CMS level which is approximately D1 level in USA
Absolutely retarded comparison. Even in Russia Sambo championships are for he guys who couldn’t become wrestling or judo champions. This doesn’t mean sambo is a bad sport or martial art but it does mean that the level of competition is going to be a lot lower.

Anonymous No. 198555

That's what I always say about bjj and mma
"Where's all the judo practitioners then?"
Winning judo tournaments
Bjj and mma are 3rd tier sports for people that couldn't cut it in Olympic sports
You'll see the Olympic wrestlers for example retire into mma

Anonymous No. 198557

There's a bunch of different forms of sambo with varying skill levels as well.

Sport sambo has the highest skill level of sambo. It's B-tier next to wrestling/judo, but there's been some elite sport sambo people to have success in high level wrestling/judo. Shori Hamada won 2014 World's in Sambo and won Olympic judo gold in 2020 for example. Combat sambo is a level below sport sambo. Then there's a bunch of weird offshoots that are a level below combat sambo like systema, ARB, H2H, Unifight, etc.

Anonymous No. 198558

that first sambist gave up his back pretty easily at the start. could've lost it there.

Anonymous No. 198573

It's hard to compare level of sportsmen in BJJ and in sambo. One have belts, others have ranks (3/2/1/CMS/MS/WCMS). But even if you have sports where you have same systems of ranks it may be hard to compare sportsmen, because of different rivalry in sports. MS in judo is harder to get than MS in sambo (what you wrote). But anyway, it is very hard to compare sportsmen level

Anonymous No. 198574

It is russian system of ranking sportsmen. From 3d (very beginners), 2d, 1st ranks (decent sportsmen), then CMS (candidate to master of sports, winners of local championships), MS (master of sorts, winners of bigger championships), WCMS (world class master of sports, winners of world championships). It is used in every russian sport, but in some sports you just have normatives, for example in olympic weightlifting to achieve MS you need to have sum 280 of snatch and clean and jerk at 81 bodyweight and it is not required to win some competitions

Anonymous No. 198575

Is your knowledge from when the Berlin Wall fell? Sambo has belts. I've also never heard anyone use "world class MoS," only things like Merited MoS or MoS International class.

Anonymous No. 198579

>Sambo has belts
It has not. They tried to push it to make it somewhat comparable to eatern martial arts, but no one cares about them. I live in Belarus, trained in some sambo schools and saw some competitions, no one uses belt system. I never saw this belts in either training or competitions

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854x480 - Stri....webm

Anonymous No. 198608


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854x480 - Stri....webm

Anonymous No. 198610


Anonymous No. 198624

If we had every ranked participant in IJF, IBJJF, and FIAS compete under a rule set that allows everything in Judo, BJJ, Sambo, then that's a better case study to examine.

I've encountered Jiu-Jitieros with great takedowns and that's because their coaches also did wrestling and/or judo in the past. I've also seen Jiu-Jitieros with very shitty takedowns and throws because their gyms don't pay enough attention to it.

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Anonymous No. 198634

Just because nobody uses them doesn't mean they don't exist. It's still officially FIAS sanctioned.

Anonymous No. 198635

Nta. I'm sure it's not without it's own set of problems, but coaching degrees sound like a great idea. Just at a glance having an idea of what level of competition any given school is working at.

Anonymous No. 198682

>Young people planning to take up Sambo often ask the same question: what kind of belts are there in Sambo? We answer: there are no belts in Sambo, there are ranks. To obtain the initial ranks, a wrestler, as a rule, needs to have a certain arsenal of techniques; to receive the titles of candidate master and master of sports, a sambo wrestler must win regional and all-Russian level tournaments, as well as master tournaments. To obtain higher-level titles, an athlete must defeat opponents at international competitions.

Anonymous No. 198683

You can also see photoes from official site here and literally no one uses these belts

Anonymous No. 198684

Photo section

Anonymous No. 198690

I googled more. There were some news that FIAS PLANNING to make belt system and they need to invent normatives in the future but covid prevents them from doing this. There was no any official papers on belt system. The Chairman of the Belarusian Sambo Federation said in an interview in 2020, “Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, we have not yet met and talked about the procedure for assigning belts,” since then there has been no news. There is no any mentioning of belt system in regulation paper
Bulgarian judoka and sambist Ivaylo Ivanov on reddit wrote that top 10 ranked Sambo countries refuse even to discuss belt system, and it was a year ago.

Anonymous No. 199156

It's on a federation by federation basis. They're starting to roll them out in US Sambo.

Anonymous No. 199159

ADCC is what you're describing especially during y2k and even then other than couple catch guys here and there it was all jiu jitsu guys running the show

Anonymous No. 199480

>They're starting to roll them out in US Sambo
US sambo lives in their own world

Anonymous No. 199561

US Sambo regularly competes in Pan-Ams and European comps like the Dutch Open. They had a guy at the World's last year.

Anonymous No. 199630

>They had a guy at the World's last year.
Did he wear that cringe belt or regular one?

Anonymous No. 199633

Anyway, you didn't show any fact that contradicts what I said here >>198573 >>198574
Always loved when westerners try to tell us how we really live

Anonymous No. 199701

>Bulgarian judoka and sambist Ivaylo Ivanov on reddit wrote that top 10 ranked Sambo countries refuse even to discuss belt system, and it was a year ago.

>some random sambist on reddit said it so it must be true
So this is what passes as facts around here?

Anonymous No. 199749

Yeah it's just one random sambist said there is no belt system in sambo, not like there is no any official info on or no any mention on belt system in official regulation paper.

>So this is what passes as facts around here?

Anonymous No. 199902

ADCC gets close, but it's a little unfair to styles which focus heavily on stand-up wrestling because takedowns score very few points
Personally I think they should award more points for takedowns and increase penalty points for sitting to guard

Anonymous No. 199967

>ADCC allows everything it's the mma of grappling
Dead meme. ADCC has takedown points, but it's still ultimately a submission grappling sport that's biased towards the submission over everything else.