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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 199628

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Ulterior motives edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: would you allow you're gf to go to bjj classes knowing what you know about how men behave?

Anonymous No. 199634

>would you allow you're gf to go to bjj classes knowing what you know about how men behave?

Women doing martial arts is cope and cringe

Anonymous No. 199636

If men are so much better at everything then why do you don't have sex with them?

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Anonymous No. 199637

Many such cases

Anonymous No. 199644

>would you allow you're gf to go to bjj classes knowing what you know about how men behave?
I use her as a grappling dummy

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Anonymous No. 199648

Sometimes I take my wife to judo classes with me but mainly I do this >>199644 . There are a very limited number of circumstances in which I'd let her go to a BJJ class by herself, e.g. female instructor for a women's class (no troons) or a small group of men with whom I have a good deal of mutual trust and respect. My sister stopped going to BJJ after two classes in her city because too many guys in the class were making crass comments while rolling and she didn't want to deal with that or give it the opportunity to escalate.

Anonymous No. 199649

I don't junction any gfs

Anonymous No. 199659

My wife and I both train. Sometimes she'll go to class without me, if I've got something else I need to do.
Frankly, we're old people in our 30s, we've been married ten years, we're deeply religious, she's been in love with me since her teens, and we're as pair bonded as two humans can be. Also the gym culture is predominantly right wing and hookup shit is explicitly not tolerated. All the gym couples either were together before, or started dating outside the gym.
All that to say, I don't worry about it, but obviously my circumstances are different from a lot of people's.

Anonymous No. 199662

How do I stop this?
I did double legs till my feet were bleed, was it bad foot work? how do I fix it?

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Anonymous No. 199663


Anonymous No. 199664

Moisturizer. Do more things barefoot. Unrelated to the scraping, cut your nails.

Anonymous No. 199665

I have my first tournament at blue belt coming up soon and I don't want to go in with the attitude im going to get my shit rocked, but I don't have high expectations for myself

how do i go into my first match with a good mindset?

Anonymous No. 199667

I will be honest I forgot to do before class today and this pic was take mid clipping.

Anonymous No. 199671

I'm going for my first session soon and I don't know what the etiquette is. Like can I just put my elbow across someone's throat to choke them? How do I know if I can do neck cranks or leg locks? What if I think "that will be painful" and just pull a limb In a direction ?

Anonymous No. 199674

I don't know, but let me know what you find out 'cause I'm in the same boat. I hate competing and I suck at it, but I've gotta do it just to battle my inner bitch. That first blue belt bracket is gonna suck.

Anonymous No. 199676

Just be cool. Don't spaz out, pay attention, keep an open mind, just try to learn, don't worry about "winning". Take care of your training partners so they can take care of you.

>can I just put my elbow across someone's throat
You can, but that's a really ineffective technique. At best you may fluster an equally inexperienced white belt. At worst you'll annoy a more experienced guy. Most likely you'll just get swept or armbarred.

>can do neck cranks or leg locks
>What if I think "that will be painful" and just pull a limb In a direction
Sure go for it. Do whatever. If you do something wrong/hazardous (e.g., reaping the knee or whatever) somebody will tell you, just be prepared to receive that feedback. Don't drop your bodyweight on knees or necks. Otherwise yeah, just try to figure stuff out. Imho the best thing to focus on at the beginning is orientation: where are you, where's your opponent, what position are you in, what position is your opponent trying to go to?

Anonymous No. 199677


just go with the flow of class and be humble. odds are you won't be able to execute any of the stuff you're talking about anyways so just focus on what the instructor is teaching

dont show up smelling like shit and be ready for a cardio experience thats different than you're used to

Anonymous No. 199679


if this thread is still up after next weekend will report back. what weight class are you?

Anonymous No. 199690

Heavy. Mmmmaybe middle heavy if I get really lean. Super heavy if I'm a fat kid, but really I have no business being over 208.

Anonymous No. 199699

isn't it connected to foot work ?

Anonymous No. 199711

>Sure go for it. Do whatever. If you do something wrong/hazardous (e.g., reaping the knee or whatever) somebody will tell you, just be prepared to receive that feedback.
Terrible advice. Find out the rules and etiquette beforehand from your instructor, who knows your abilities and knows the competition. Don't do anything dangerous. If you maim or cripple someone over a hobby that's pretty retarded, and if you do it in a way that's outside of the ruleset you might be fucked legally.

Anonymous No. 199724

>Burpees vs jump rope for cardio
Is there a difference for grappling?

Anonymous No. 199725

has anyone else found it hard to go back to training after an injury/time off? i just got back to training after a bad ankle sprain sparring and have had trouble getting myself back.

Anonymous No. 199729

these kinds of things

Anonymous No. 199756

Why is wrestling seen as for young people and bjj for old people?

Anonymous No. 199758

Probably because wrestling is more explosive and physically taxing generally.

Anonymous No. 199768

Knees and backs

Anonymous No. 199776

not a lot of places offer wrestling classes for adults

Anonymous No. 199793

Yeah but adults don't stick with it, it's clearly harder on the body

Anonymous No. 199825

Wrestling requires a relatively high degree of athleticism and conditioning to perform at a basic level--low stances, constant level changes, explosive movements, neck bridges, etc.--while BJJ is lazy judo for sleepy Brazilians who don't want to stand up.

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Anonymous No. 199858

>started doing bjj a little over a year ago, only gym in my small town is small af
>quit after like 6 months to focus on school (last year of HS)
>come back for like a month, get minor injury (hyperextended elbow from a super aggressive blue belt) that ends up putting me out of commission for a few weeks
>come back for like 2 months, feel a little distance between me and the head coach because I'm retarded and told him I basically didn't tap in time
>now thinking of going back because I have nothing else to do for the summer

I just hate the social component of going to a small gym. There's all these people who want to talk to me and I feel weird around because I've been a member on and off for some time bit I'm floundering in skill. I guess I'll put my pride on a shelf and just go back. Idgaf if everyone got belt promotions and will probably kick my ass. Anyone else? Thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous No. 199864

If you're going away to school you can probably find a different place, and maybe even a school club

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Anonymous No. 199878

i train at a small gym, we usually get less than 10 people per session
i like everyone and we all get along so it doesn't bother me, the only problem is variety in training partners.

>There's all these people who want to talk to me and I feel weird around because I've been a member on and off for some time bit I'm floundering in skill.
pretty normal stuff. nobody but yourself is going to care that you're a bit rusty. especially at your level of experience where expectations are usually zero.

Anonymous No. 199886

Can I become a blue belt in 2 years by training once a week?

Anonymous No. 199888

Are you doing zero training six days a week or are you training at home with just yourself and your aspergers? Do you have a strong athletic background in other grappling sports?

Anonymous No. 199889

I've seen guys with rough work schedules pick one day and do 2-3 group classes split between 2 gyms and sometimes privates. If you can handle that and aren't really accumulating physical stressors the rest of the week, you can advance fine. One half lazy hour long group class a week, probably not.

Anonymous No. 199898

Blue belt is largely a participation trophy you get for making your monthly payments on time for long enough

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Anonymous No. 199900

>tfw first class today

Anonymous No. 199938

Let us know what you thought

Anonymous No. 199939

You can't rhyme here with here, just remember that

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Anonymous No. 199944

You guys talked about rides so much last thread,
I ended up getting the whole power collection.
Is there a watch order for these?

Anonymous No. 199950

Is that a DJ Killer Keem frog?

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Anonymous No. 199971

it was good.

Anonymous No. 199976

by get do you mean you paid? because they're all free on bilibili

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Anonymous No. 199988

>download 235 GB worth of instructionals
>have watched maybe 4 of them in total

Anonymous No. 199992

Yeah I don't find instructionals helpful
And I feel an instructor should stay up to date with all the relevant ones and teach them to you directly
What are we paying these people for?

Hell, I'll give people access to a Google drive with them

Anonymous No. 199994

>Yeah I don't find instructionals helpful
i've yet to get through any of Danaher's or Gordon's instructionals. Danaher's five second pauses between each sentence and Gordon's nerdy ass Ben Shapiro voice are too grating for me to sit through.
>And I feel an instructor should stay up to date with all the relevant ones and teach them to you directly
our coach is pretty good at this. he watches a lot of competitive jiu jitsu and will often teach techniques he sees performed live.

Anonymous No. 199997

I found what I think is ringworm on my foot.
I've been putting cream on it for 4 days now and I'm keen to get back to training. Can I just put sports tape over it like I do when I have mat burns? Or is that the reason I have ringworm now - because some asshole came to training with ringworm when he shouldn't have?

I find Less Impressed More Involved BJJ pretty good at condensing down instructional and competition footage into very dense videos.
He's currently trying to plug his new website but I don't know if I want to invest in it yet. S
o much information is free on YT already
Has anyone tried it?

Anonymous No. 199999

I will never pay for jiujitsu information, not even seminars ESPECIALLY seminars

And wear socks with grippies on the bottom, that's becoming increasingly popular in general

I watch a 2x speed and he's still too slow of a talker for me
Waste of time, very little actual info

Anonymous No. 200011

>I will never pay for jiujitsu information, not even seminars ESPECIALLY seminars

Anonymous No. 200015

>grippy socks
Yeah that about checks out
Also, checked

Anonymous No. 200023

>i've yet to get through any of Danaher's or Gordon's instructionals
>I watch a 2x speed and he's still too slow of a talker for me
>Waste of time, very little actual info

Idk anyone (even black belts) that hasn't walked away from a Gordon/Danaher instructional without some sort of immediately effective piece of knowledge on a position.

Anonymous No. 200042

>by get do you mean you paid? because they're all free on bilibili
No I didn't I just don't have a lot of disk space so, I don't torrent any thing really.
Is there a order to these?

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Anonymous No. 200043

I have "every thing" but I still rewatch the same 5 five

Anonymous No. 200059

Hello I'm a blue belt I don't understand what the hell I'm doing but it works now. I've spared with a black belt and he told me to work on my balance more than my techniques.
How do you do that?

Anonymous No. 200061

>get swept
>reflect on what you did wrong in that position to get swept
>force that position again but apply your new strategy
>did you get swept? if not , do it again
>are you consistently getting swept less? then yes your balance is better
posture + base = balance

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Anonymous No. 200065

>I prefer BJJ but I'm open-minded and appreciate all grappling styles!
>Want to work on your standup? Try Craig Jones' Wrestling for BJJ or Gordon Ryan's No-Gi Judo or Mikey Musumeci's Submission Sambo
Why are BJJ fags like this?

Anonymous No. 200076

They don't offer value, best case scenario for your $100+ you'll pick up 80% of one move
Info dumping a bunch of different things over 2 hours isn't how anybody learns anything

Plus unless you're in some podunk middle of nowhere place that doesn't have black belts, the fag coming to do the seminar doesn't know anything you can't find somewhere else
All he did was take a bunch of steroids to win a competition with barely any participants

Waste of money every time

Anonymous No. 200078

Because wrestling is a scholastic sport that forces top young athletes through a decade of insanely intense training.

It's like asking why college football players are more hardcore than a rec league.

Anonymous No. 200080

Yeah meanwhile those wrestling/judo fags are very open to other styles kek

Anonymous No. 200081

haha the ones at my gym are 60

Anonymous No. 200082

>>It's like asking why college football players are more hardcore than a rec league.
This is the best way to describe it

Anonymous No. 200092

>Yeah meanwhile those wrestling/judo fags are very open to other styles kek
We used to fuck around trying to learn BJJ before/after wrestling practice and one of the judo blackbelts under my judo instructor is a BJJ blackbelt and runs a BJJ/newaza class at the dojo.

Anonymous No. 200093

Consider this as well though
Much like with instructionals, if you run a gym and think there's value in seminars you should be going to them yourself and bringing the information back to your students
Don't put that additional expense on them, that's what they're paying you for

Whenever an owner is hosting a seminar he'll often feed a line of "I'm doing this for you guys"
That's bullshit, he's juicing his monthly income

Anonymous No. 200094

how does a gym owner know what each person will take away?
Because they are teaching it in relation to bjj

Anonymous No. 200096

>Whenever an owner is hosting a seminar he'll often feed a line of "I'm doing this for you guys"
>That's bullshit, he's juicing his monthly income
Even if the host charges $0 for putting in extra effort the guest seminar instructor is going to charge a fee.

Anonymous No. 200102

that's all part of the negotiations, depending on who they get the agreement will be we split the sales a certain percent which is for lower level guests, and higher level guests will do something like "I charge 3k for an hour plus travel and accommodations, you keep 100% of the door price"

isn't craig like 20k for a seminar or something?
but thats why they go to these areas that have no high level jiujitsu and people drive in from 3 hours a way to see them, so the gym makes money

Anonymous No. 200119

Any opinions on traditional jap ju jitsu. The MMA gym nearby offers trad ju jitsu training and I'm thinking if I should sign up or not.

Anonymous No. 200121

there are very few legitimate jujutsu lineages that still exist because judo absorbed almost all of them
so its an orange flag and you need to do your research because most of the times when you see japanese jujitsu what you have are white guys larping and they learned aikido and karate then made up a "style" themselves and gave it a japanese name, and it doesn't actually have any ties to japan

Anonymous No. 200123

They claim to be part of Kokusai Budoin IMAF, which is apparently some official Japanese JuJitsu org. They also claim to be a branch of the Zé Radiola team on the BJJ front, is that a legit thing?

Anonymous No. 200138

The lineages themselves are beyond my scope, I couldn't tell you
I only know about the situation JJJ finds itself in which what I said earlier is all I know about it

Anonymous No. 200156

Usually you can watch trainings, go a few times and see if it's legit.

Anonymous No. 200157

How do I get my instructor to finally give me my blue belt? I’m a two stripe white belt atm (last stripe I got about a year ago at a different gym), I placed first in a local comp back in March and I’m at the point where I’m regularly smoking most of our blue belts, including bigger guys, in sparring. I asked him about it earlier and he said I was ‘probably ready’ or something to that effect. But I’m moving at the end of the month so I would prefer to get it sooner as opposed to later.

>How do I know if I can do neck cranks or leg locks?
Neck cranks are generally not kosher. Ankle locks are usually fine for white belts but other stuff (knee reaps/bars, heel hooks, etc.) are typically only allowed for higher belts.

Ofc this is all somewhat gym-dependent so you should probably ask the guy in charge.

Anonymous No. 200159

>knowing what you know about how men behave
How do men behave? Asking for a friend

Anonymous No. 200162

There's a trend of bjj instructors being "the other guy"
Make of that what you will

Anonymous No. 200163

At my gym there's like 4 kinds of promotions
>Consistently show up
>Doing great and well deserved
>Doing great, should be allowed time to cook, but you get it as a farewell present if you're moving
>Instructor identifies you need the carrot on the stick and gives you the belt in hopes you'll "grow into" the belt
Just be humble and you'll get it when you need it
If you're smoking in competition he/she might also delay you a bit so you can enter some more tournaments and get some more clout/medals

Anonymous No. 200164

As an addendum let your instructor know you're moving
I mean they need to know you're moving so they don't keep billing you anyways

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Anonymous No. 200171

>Women doing martial arts is co-ACK!

As someone who’s never seen JJJ before how would I know how legit it is?

Anonymous No. 200173

>They prolly don't call the kimura the kimura there
Another time I saw way too much kata and drilling and not so much live rolling

Anonymous No. 200179

If he doesn't give it to you before you leave just get one and put it on yourself when you go to the new place
The only reason I even got into this shit was to take advantage of the power dynamic
Too bad no girls ever show up

Anonymous No. 200186

Whenever you start to think bjj is cool just watch roy dean content to snap yourself right out of that illusion

Anonymous No. 200194

Huh. How common is that kind of ritualized, formalized technique demonstration? It almost looks like aikido, or judo kata, or some koryu art.

Anonymous No. 200195

Watch if they spar and how, if they do some cringe self defense tec, how much warm up and generic physical exercises they do, if the higher belts are fat/nerds or decently fit, just use common sense and look on youtube how trad jj is usually.
My judo gym didn't do trials i just watched training a bunch of times, they were slamming each other like gorillas; i did a trial lesson at gracie barra, they told me the white belt course was 1 self def tec (fucking stupid) and 2 ground techniques, did a 360 and walked away.

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bjj teacher.png

Anonymous No. 200196

uncommon, part of the appeal of doing bjj in the first place is not doing shit like that
imagine how much time he must've spent prepping his demonstration and memorizing it, using his uke so they know what's coming next
a number of hours for sure they spent doing that instead of training

bjj has its own cult bullshit though like "running the gauntlet" which is just a humiliation ritual where you take your shirt off and get whipped with a belt in front of everybody like a pledging frat boy
and the pedro sauer lineage chokes you out every time you get promoted
I hate brazilians so fucking much
I'd personally take japanese autism over brazilian barbarism any day

Anonymous No. 200207

Why is this supposed to be cringe

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Anonymous No. 200209

>the pedro sauer lineage chokes you out every time you get promoted

Anonymous No. 200211

>I'd personally take japanese autism over brazilian barbarism any day
Brazilian barbarism it's what won fights

Anonymous No. 200214

I googled Kokusai Budoin IMAF and this is what came up, seems like trad Jiu Jitsu has striking and trips/throws, does this seem legit? I think it's supposed to be two black belts in competition.

Anonymous No. 200221

Fixed fights
Those fights you hear about in Rio back in the day were all works
Either explicitly side show acts or fixed for gambling

Brazilians have always been all together unremarkable on the global stage, they need to be juiced to the gills to beat anybody
Just the facts

Anonymous No. 200222

Looks like sport karate

Anonymous No. 200230


Rekt and checked, Sumo autism more useful and more principled for street fighting even, slam the guy down as fast as possible and finish him there.

Anonymous No. 200231

I love sumo, slap and tackle a bitch, hit him with your forehead, push him over, give him an atomic wedgie!!

Anonymous No. 200248

I have been trying to work on my half guard.
I ended up with a spazzy twink who fully shoulder checked my nose twice and elbowed my temple.
Had to hit him with the "Calm down, Buddy" took his back and held him face down.
I didn't even go for a choke, this is the first time I have done something like this.
It feels good man.

Anonymous No. 200249

I've lost my temper a couple of times
I usually keep my cool but getting hit in the mouth sets me off

Anonymous No. 200252

thanks for reminding me to get a mouthguard

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Anonymous No. 200253

My shin is kinda tingly after class. We were doing ankle locks and I didn't feel anything bad in class but now hours later it's tingly and almost numb. Felt like it was asleep. Some very minor pain in dorsiflexion. Should I be concerned bros?

Anonymous No. 200254

I had someone try to cross collar choke me whilst in my guard. I had my chin tucked and they were basically just pressing their forearm into my mouth as hard as they could. They kept trying to force the submission even when it was obvious it wasn’t on. I swept, took the back and got the sub with a very rough bow and arrow. Felt Goodman.

I don’t wear a mouth guard because I like to be able to breathe. I had cuts in my mouth for a week.

Anonymous No. 200259

Is it worth doing alongside regular MMA and BJJ training just so I can get more hours in do you think? They offer them at the same dojo on the same day right after each other.

Anonymous No. 200262

So my personal opinion is more isn't always better, because if you spread it too thin you'll just have shitty workouts
I was on a consistent 5+ a week schedule for years and now I'm down to 3 days and I feel like I get more out of training by not doing as much

Anonymous No. 200266

vax status?

Anonymous No. 200267

They teach BJJ/Grappling and MMA classes 3 times a week from, MMA from 19.00 to 20.30 and Grappling/BJJ from 17.00 to 19.00, so if I sign up for both I would be doing 3 hours 30 minutes three days a week, now that I think it through I don't even have time to do trad Jiu Jitsu cause I also do archery and powerlift as hobbies + work. So yeah I guess I'll pass on that. Honestly looked kinda goofy anyways.

Anonymous No. 200272

>zero stripe white belt does zero stripe white belt things

Anonymous No. 200274

Were you trying to defend the ankle locks? If so, could it be that you overworked your tibialis muscle? It's the kind of muscle that almost never gets sore, so it feels very weird when it does
In any case, I don't think you should be concerned unless the pain persists or gets worse. If you tore something, trust me, you'd know

Anonymous No. 200284

Anons, I hope I don't come off the wrong way, but I am trying to "get" BJJ. I did Judo for one year as a kid, but all I did was use my force and try to stay up, I did not learn Judo at all, just low level standing grappling lol. After that all I did was striking related. I am unsure if I'll actually do BJJ in the near future, but I wanna do it someday, still I have practically no understanding of BJJ.

Like, if I am talking to someone less knowledgeable when it comes to striking, I can more or less structure what I know to teach them. Basic punches, kicks, blocks, slips, what to look for, what to avoid, common mistakes, etc. But I have no idea about BJJ, and I kind of wanted to know that, I mean, how is BJJ broken down, like if you were to teach the basics of everything for someone in one day. I know there is the standing hand game thing, the drags, the takedowns, the guards, a few things to look for and to avoid, but I can't really structure it. Can someone help my autismos?

>inb4 just go take some classes
I'd do it right now if I could but I don't have much time in between 2 jobs, family and some other problems I am dealing with right now, but I'll have only 1 job in the near future so I expect to have enough time to go back to Muay Thai and finally do BJJ.

Anonymous No. 200311

Martial movements play well into BJJ honestly
Rockclimbers are difficult to beat in gi
Bow users probably have insane bow and arrow chokes as well as cross collar chokes
They feed into each other
The only thing that should stop you from doing variety is your financial situation
That and you'll bring a unique mindset I'm assuming since if you don't want to compromise certain parts of your body like your palms and wrists as an archer you'll just play differently
Variety is king on the mat

Anonymous No. 200313

I'll be signing up for BJJ and MMA next year, I just won't be doing trad jap jiu jitsu.
>That and you'll bring a unique mindset I'm assuming since if you don't want to compromise certain parts of your body like your palms and wrists as an archer you'll just play differently
Variety is king on the mat
What? You mean like I'll have to use different moves if I don't want to risk hand injuries or something?

Anonymous No. 200322

As an anecdote, I get stuck in quarter guard (pretty much a mount) I have decent flexibility, and don't respect poor form taps
So I tap later, fight chokes and submissions, and usually tap at arbitrary points
On the other hand I have a pipetting job/like playing computer games so I won't grip hard or do anything that risks my fingers being stubbed or move fast and spazzy because BJJ isn't my only hobby
Other people might have running as a hobby and they'll tap super early/escalate the pace the second you touch their feet/legs
Your different skillets and mindset will change what positions you naturally learn faster or slower
Alot of why BJJ is accommodating /accessible is because it's a sport about control so you can make it accommodate your limitations

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Anonymous No. 200323

Half the people in my gym have fucked up fingers from holding onto gi grips with the strength of a thousand retards. Competition, I can understand, but why do so many people seem willing to sacrifice their fingers when you could just let go and regrip?

Anonymous No. 200326

I can think of a number of reasons
They don't realize th opponent addressing the grip is in theory a counterattack opportunity or a "go try something else" or "regrip" opportunity
In my gym BJJ people fucking suck at trad-judo shit so they do awful breakfalls, it stands to reason their BJJ grips suck badly too
In short they just don't know any better
3rd wild card
>Some people just see red
I know people who go full primal fight/flight and they have no recollection of anything, so I wouldnt expect them to make any conscious worldly decisions, much less realize how much pain they should be in with all that adrenaline pumping

Anonymous No. 200330

>I can't really structure it
That is it, unless your gym has a beginner class you will learn as you go in regular class.

The best you can do learn how to move on the ground
>Self Mastery: Solo BJJ Training Drills
here is a free thing
after that torrent position and submission escapes dvd

Anonymous No. 200332

the turnover rate for BJJ is pretty high
the current "working" format at my gym is the gym focuses on one popular position (i.e. half guard or de La riva or leg entry) a week/fortnite
obviously you wont know jackshit about how to develop that position to do it in the first place if youre new, but your partner will ideally be a higher belt and theyll go over fundamental shit like
>how to keep your opponent at bay with frames
>how to maintain frames to manage the pace of the grapple
>to to maintain frames so you can bail out
and ideally within a year or two the gym will have cycled back to the same position again and you will be more worldly and more of the classes will start to mesh together for you in a way that makes sense

Anonymous No. 200333

additionally fundamental jiu jitsu is about the theoretical checkmate
say you and a guy start standing and the other guy is just better than you
>better guy lands the throw
now you need to pull guard-get your legs between you and your opponent like an upside down cockroach, because then in theory you can kick away from the opponent or kick at them
>they then need to address your legs and control your hips
if your legs are in the way, the hips are what keeps them mobile and ideally shiould constantly be in motion to enable better angles
>so they control your hips
how they can drive with their entire body and address your arms which you need to try and hide or join so they dont get joint locked, or your neck which you need to defend so you dont get choked

The entire time it's a gradual checkmate in the sense that a good grappler is methodically taking away degrees of freedom until the only option left is to tap out
All that said, barring sudden and threatening submissions at random exposed joints and necks, the fundamental progression for pinning an opponent and cutting off their options is
and this isnt even talking about if you just want to target a limb and joint lock it
All those random positions are tools you need, and frankly youll have holes in your kit as to how achieve a given progression until you actually work through the various 5 or so techniques that all achieve the same thing, but favor different body matchups (ie stocky vs lanky) or different angles of attack or transitions
So the only way to really pick things up if youre not talented is to just show up and put a decent amount of mat time in

Anonymous No. 200334

>how is BJJ broken down
The Danaher definition:
Take your opponent down, get pass their legs, work through a hierarchy of pins, submit them.
The Souders definition:
Attack the periphery (limbs) to gain access to center mass (chest, hips, back) so that we can immobilize, isolate, and re-attack the periphery.

If you want to get autistic about BJJ these two guys have hours and hours of stuff for you to consume. If you want more specifics and are curious about specific submissions and positions, just search on youtube. There are a lot of BJJ youtubers that make videos for newbies

Anonymous No. 200341

danaher edition works if youre a roid pumping freak like gordon ryan whose physique is so massive your body is naturally going to have poor angles to attack
at least souders makes sense in all walks of life
everyone has a gameplan that works in a vacuum, you attack them effectively enough and theyll spend the rest of the match trying to just survive

Anonymous No. 200344

>danaher edition works if youre a roid pumping freak
it is just about taking the back

Anonymous No. 200346

>turnover rate
I can wait for summer to end there is to many jeets that have no idea whats going on.
I partnered up with one because he was the closest person.
Drilling armbar escape I go first and before I even started the escape he just yanks my arm.

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Anonymous No. 200348

"Keep Jiu Jitsu Gay"

Anonymous No. 200360

bj bros not like this...

Anonymous No. 200361

It doesn't need to be like this, you just need to use soap if you want that extra mile get some spats and long sleeve rash guards.
You will be fine

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Anonymous No. 200362

>start training this week
>extremely gassed rolling with another whitebelt
>after rolling guy asks "are you a smoker?"

anyone here take adderall and manage to have good cardio? how do i do it bros

Anonymous No. 200365

thats a fucking cunt move for sure
at least for a trad-armbar i reach over and brace my elbow to avoid fuckheads fucking my arm over

Anonymous No. 200366

additionally, whitebelts should always pair up with upper belts
two white belts drilling a move in general is just stupid and irresponsible

Anonymous No. 200369

Yeah the drill wasn't even about the submission it was about the escape all you need to do is just hold it.

there is a lot more summer belts then colored belts

Anonymous No. 200372

>there is a lot more summer belts then colored belts
yeah and the more i think about it the more stupid it is to let two uninformed people figure out their way around a potentially maiming situation

Anonymous No. 200388

>stupid it is to let two uninformed people figure out
Remember when one of the Gracie argued the opposite I court? haha

Anonymous No. 200403

souders definition: win small battles on your way to winning bigger ones
danaher definition: just fucking throw him on the ground and beat him up bro

Anonymous No. 200405

good one

Anonymous No. 200413

Does Adderall effect cardio that much? I take it and don't notice. Also white belt and my cardio improved insanely fast just rolling.

Anonymous No. 200416

its pretty bad when being already out of shape at least

Anonymous No. 200418

Being out of shape is going to feel bad
Being out of shape while someone is trying to strangle you is obviously going to feel worse

Anonymous No. 200430

I got ringworm on the knuckle of my big toe (I get mat burns here often). How on earth can I protect it other than washing? It’s calloused as fuck but I still get the occasional mat burn, especially when competing on those ribbed mats.

It’s been a week no training. Lamisil seems to be working better than the other creams however

Anonymous No. 200432

cover it in that liquid skin (3 layers should be good), then wrap it in tape
or get grappling socks

Anonymous No. 200434

Defense Soap and Kennedy Industries make preventative foams. Obviously no help afterwards, but going forward probably worth the investment.

Anonymous No. 200435

I’ve heard about liquid tape before, I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the tip.
I still need to work on my sports tape technique. I’m 6’4 and 100kg. It’s a lot of weight going through my feet when rolling, some days I go from No gi class into Gi comp class. It’s an hour and a half of straight rolling and positional rolling. The tape just never lasts and I hate stopping constantly to redo it.

I’ll look into it. Thanks.
My gym only has the one shower, so I usually just shower immediately when I get home. Is this an issue?

Anonymous No. 200436

I am 6'4 and 230lbs my trick to tape is use multi ripped strips and over lap them
I go really tight with it
That lasts around 2h for me

what type are you using I find climbing tape the best

Anonymous No. 200439

>calloused as fuck
you think so? my feet are so calloused I have to use a pocket knife to carve some away every week

Anonymous No. 200466

Yeah I think it was just overworked tibialis. Was fighting them a lot more than I usually do

Anonymous No. 200467

Ive competed recently for my first blue belt comp. Honestly, blue belt has the greatest range in talent pool, so youll get a mix of shitters and bruisers. The best way to think about it is only focusing on the individual match, dont think about your next matches. Use only things that you have thoroughly trained, and do whatever you can to annoy your opponent. Also stretch thoroughly. Mindset wise, at the end of the day you can go home and crack a beer, but it will feel better with a medal around your neck. Just give it your all

Anonymous No. 200468

Adding on to this, you need to have the mindset of "im gonna kill this guy." The desire to win is a stronger power than the desire to not lose

Anonymous No. 200484

Why do people say BJJ is a young sport? I swear it's been going on since like the 80s...

Anonymous No. 200499

it's young in relation to other established martial arts like judo and wrestling

Anonymous No. 200500

Slightly related to worldwide popularity and availability too. There's a reason you mostly see Americans and Brazilians.

Anonymous No. 200515

Wait long enough and she'll use another guy to "rescue" her from the BJJ instructor.

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the only reason i....jpg

Anonymous No. 200516

How are you even supposed to concentrate?

Anonymous No. 200522

Concentrate on the feet
I know I do

Anonymous No. 200524

leglock niggas be like

Anonymous No. 200534


Anonymous No. 200535

this is why toe holds are my signature move

Anonymous No. 200545

>Your belt
>Favorite sub

>spamming ezequiel while in mount

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Anonymous No. 200549

probably the bow & arrow

Anonymous No. 200550

Brown, thinking about self promoting to black
Outside heel hook in the gi

Anonymous No. 200552

Loose. Meatball.

Anonymous No. 200553

Darce choke

Anonymous No. 200564

Armbars are just about the only thing I can pull off semi-consistently

Anonymous No. 200571


No gi; RNC but starting to use it transition to arm triangle which is becoming my new favourite

Gi: bow and arrow

Anonymous No. 200577

I suck at ass at hip bump and other guard sweeps. Think my core is just pathetically weak so working on that. Any exercises or solo drills I can do to improve guard game?

Anonymous No. 200619

Well its a bad move
Anyone with a half way decent base isn't going over from that. It's something I'll do to white and blue belts
The bump is just to make them react and create entropy, the sweep itself isn't the intended goal

Also kettle bells

Anonymous No. 200633

>Any exercises or solo drills I can do to improve guard game?
start your sparring rounds in the closed guard, that's probably the most efficient way to improve

Anonymous No. 200639

Are deadlifts really necessary in combat sports?

I'm only on 3plates but feel myself getting a hernia already and thinking about cutting them out

Anonymous No. 200640

No particular exercise is "necessary" for anything other than competitive exercise sports. Weightlifting, powerlifting, crossfit games etc. If it's doing more harm than good, chuck it. Maybe you'll come back to them later, maybe they're gone forever. The effect they have on your performance is really all that matters.

Anonymous No. 200642

If you're giving yourself a hernia deadlifting 3pl8 then you're doing something horribly wrong.

Anonymous No. 200649

I didn't respect the weight and jumped from 120kg to 140kg very quickly. I started getting a pain in my gut, so decided to go back to 120kg and do a proper strength program

Unfortunately I think the damage is done as I've gone up to 140kg but the gut pain returns. It is what it is

Anonymous No. 200652

Go down to like 80kg and start doing sets of 12, the problem is either with your lower back or core as well as ypur form, if you really want to go heavy then use a belt and straps.

Anonymous No. 200654

No idea if its a hernia as the pain goes away after a week if i stop doing deads. As soon as i do them again (heavy) it comes back. Its probably core weakness as i didnt do any direct core work and fell for the meme that squats and deads give you a rock solid core

I wanted to get to 4plates and stop there, but idk if its worth the potential risk. Sometimes i even think wtf is the point wasting time with deads when i can do something safer and easier on the body . i do enjoy doing them though and feel it carries over into generally being "strong"

Anonymous No. 200655

Squats and deadlifts do work put your core, but if you don't do direct core work or other compounds that hit your core then the progress of you back and legs will outpace the progress of your core.
Deadlifts are safe, just let the shit go if you feel anything painful or unusual instead of trying to get the rep in for your ego.
Also, try a wider stance with more leg drive, you're probably lifting with just your back, the bar is supposed to drag along your shins.

Anonymous No. 200666

The wise powershart GOD has entered the thread to bless the dyles with back pain and jiggly tits.

Anonymous No. 200680

No athletes deadlift
Know how you can tell who's an athlete in the gym and who isn't? See if they're deadlifting

Anonymous No. 200682

All athletes do compounds

Anonymous No. 200683

Not dead lifting, it has no functional application

Ever heard the phrase firing a Canon from a canoe?
Those kinds of lifts are just Unga bunga big weight mean I strong! Gym teacher shit
You take that guy, he's gonna put 12 plates on the bar, strap it to his hands, put on his knee braces and support belt for his back, do some deep breathing while his bros go LIGHT WEIGHT LIGHT WEIGHT!!! then let out a primal scream and shrug the thing 4 inches off the ground for half a second while blowing amino diarrhea into his shorts

And then he'll have someone a quarter of the weight he just lifted blast his legs out from under him and slap him silly and be completely helpless because he has no functional strength whatsoever

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Anonymous No. 200684


Anonymous No. 200689


Anonymous No. 200694

Lol, using the guy with a genuine learning disability as an example

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Anonymous No. 200715

Beej bros!! Not like this!!!

Anonymous No. 200741

>you're probably lifting with just your back, the bar is supposed to drag along your shins
A tip I found helpful from watching Eddie Hall videos was to think of deadlifts as being similar to a leg press.

Anonymous No. 200750

what are some good way to improve my rnc?
I work it pretty hard already

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Anonymous No. 200760


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Anonymous No. 200762


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Anonymous No. 200781

works like a charm

Anonymous No. 200877

>I suck at ass at hip bump and other guard sweeps.
For hip bump sweeps, get on youtube and/or ask your coach, to ensure that you are doing everything correctly with the way you move your hips. You'll likely come across videos that show how a failed hip bump can lead to kimuras, triangles, and guillotines.
For sweeps in general, be sure that you are keeping your partner off balance and trying to either isolate arms or drag them across your body. Closed guard defense at lower belts is dogshit so if you get decent at the position you will sweep and submit a lot of people.
Make sure you know what to do if someone stands or breaks your guard

Anonymous No. 200913

It's literally the "swing up" motion after you plant feet and post up that I get stuck on. It's slow as shit and even the whitest belt has time to just shove me back down. Need to keep drilling I guess

Anonymous No. 200915

I've decided I will wait 18 months from today, and if I haven't received a black belt yet I'm going to just start wearing one anyway
I'm willing to give the bozos in this podunk town a little more time to do the right thing but I won't wait much longer

Anonymous No. 200930

How long do I have to do bjj before I can go to an open mat
also if I want to practice take downs or wrestling on an open mat is this okay

Anonymous No. 200931

Depends on the gym/instructor. Sometimes it's time, sometimes it's your first stripe if you guys do that, sometimes they'll just say you can start. All of this assuming they're actually paying attention and you're not a 5 year white belt or something. What you work on will be entirely dependent on who's there and what they're comfortable with.

Anonymous No. 200939

As a kid all I wanted to do was wrestle, or practice judo moves on People, before I even knew what either of those things were. didn't have that as a sport in school

Then like many others went on to video games as a surrogate activity to dominate others. Now I'm back to square one looking for a fun way to learn how to control a person in the most primal way as nature intended all creatures to enjoy

Anonymous No. 200954

Do you need to dedicate your life to become proficient at bjj? Or does someone training once a week have the ability to effectively use skills irl?

Anonymous No. 200955

Why not do both? Doesn't have to be at the same time. Cardio is cardio.

Anonymous No. 200958

how long did it take u all to land ur first sub in rolling?

Anonymous No. 200960

The only reason I do this is to try and meet girls because they normally aren't interested in me but if I'm good at something and then they show up as white belts the power dynamic will make me seem more attractive

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please die.png

Anonymous No. 200962

pretty long, i'd say around 6 months.
not sure what sub it mightve been, maybe an ankle lock.

took me a while to get comfortable with the idea of using pressure during drilling and sparring, i was always afraid of hurting my partner. i've always been the meek, shy nerd type.

two years later and i love to grind my forehead into people's jaws when they overhook my arm, crush people in kesa gatame, and apply liberal amounts of shoulder pressure when passing half-guard and side control.

Anonymous No. 200964

And how's that working out for you

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Anonymous No. 200965

About as good as any other method I've tried
Just need to bide my time a little longer

Anonymous No. 200969

Three or four classes in I got a armbar from mount

the guy was playing half guard and I pinned his one leg and slide over,
he failed at bridging and really just gave it to me.

Anonymous No. 200972

that the same for me grappling and instructions have taken the place video games had in my time

Anonymous No. 200984

>Why not do both? Doesn't have to be at the same time. Cardio is cardio.
Fair I am doing both now switching day to day

Anonymous No. 200986

Do you guys tone it down if you’re visiting a gym?

Currently on holiday and training at a new gym for two weeks. I had my first session yesterday and every roll I got the back within a minute. I then would feel bad and let them escape but when I played bottom and felt the heat I’d immediately turn back into gear and end up on their mount/back again and just slowly worked the sub because, again, I felt bad.

I’m a white belt who has been training for a year, but I am big and athletic. I rolled with 3 white belts, a blue, and on obese brown belt. Never once felt worried or out of depth except for when I was under the behemoth brown.

I may be paranoid but I think the instructor was kinda pissed towards the end with how easily I was handling his white belts.

Anonymous No. 200988

>Do you guys tone it down if you’re visiting a gym?
I am a 6'5 brown belt even if I want to go easy the other big guys view me as a attacker

Anonymous No. 200989

First sun against;
A month
Half a year
Almost a year

Anonymous No. 200990

get rekt by a 115lbs retired guy lmao!

Anonymous No. 200993

You know how if someone does karate there's a high probability they're really bad at fighting but occasionally you'll come across someone that does karate and is really exceptional?

BJJ is well on its way to being that
So it all depends on if your teacher is retarded or not. It doesn't take long at all to git gud as long as the person explaining it is good at explaining it
The people that don't get it are going somewhere where the instructor
>shows a complex series of movements
>refuses to elaborate further
>claps for some reason

Anonymous No. 200994

this hasn't happened yet
>49 year old former ufc fight doesn't count since he work at the gym he owns

Anonymous No. 200998

The way it's taught is dogshit. It will take someone new a year to be competent at the basics with the standard

>lazy warm up
>drill le move of the day, usually some niche sneaky move for comps for 30 mins
>20 mins of rolls

Anonymous No. 201001

As with anything you need to self teach. I go to the comp classes as a white belt as it is the most roll time. I watch videos on YouTube or instructionals of techniques I want to learn. I ask higher belts and my instructor for the finer points of the technique and where I’m getting it wrong, then I finally apply it in rolls and positional sparring.

I cringe to think of the wasted time I spent in the beginners class which was exclusively drilling and filled with physical rejects and women.

Anonymous No. 201003

>training at arguably the best gym in my state
>gf gets great job in the city my family lives in
>say fuck it, move too despite having 0 friends there
>nice people but new gym sucks ass
>get dumped 3 weeks after moving
Well I guess I can go sit through half ass instruction and take out my frustrations on shitty blue belts. There are some tournaments coming up that I can focus on too I guess.
Nothing like a sport full of males to get over the loneliness and pain. Thanks for reading my blog

Anonymous No. 201004

>there are some tournaments coming up that I can focus on too I guess.
>Nothing like a sport full of males to get over the loneliness and pain. Thanks for reading my blog
that a fine outlet, good luck on moving back
>t. same thing happened to me

Anonymous No. 201005

I honestly can't wait to open a gym myself just so I can run everyone else in the area out of business out of spite
I'm cutting away ALL the bullshit

reminder: if you go to class 3x a week over the course of 10 years you've spent nearly 6 hours going 1, 2, 3 :clap:
I did the math

Anonymous No. 201010

> spent nearly 6 hours going 1, 2, 3 :clap:
>I did the math
god I knew it, I didnt do he math but god damn

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Anonymous No. 201014

do BJJ for you
not for women

Anonymous No. 201016

What's the difference between me going to class Vs getting my 90kg girlfriend to sit on me and me attempting to escape , watching YouTube and trying kimuras on her etc?

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Anonymous No. 201017

90 oh she's tin- kg THICCC

Fucking around on your own time is more valuable than what most teachers will give you
In person instruction is for low iq individuals. High iq 4chan users should be able to figure it out and then going to the gym is just to play and test stuff out

Anonymous No. 201153

>been sick
>haven't been to class in a week and a half
>longest layoff since the forced coof closures
>don't miss it
>don't want to go back
>realize I was only going because of the routine

Anonymous No. 201177

Is it normal for three of your toes and shoulder to hurt for literally a month after your first few grappling sessions?

Anonymous No. 201178

It's weird how a lot of people seem to just want to get to blue belt and then quit ...why is this?

Anonymous No. 201179

Probably not
This happens at every belt, blue is just the most common because it's the first one

And the people who do this have already made the decision whether they realize it or not. They aren't enjoying the hobby so much anymore, either the novelty is worn off or they're just over it
But if you've been going consistently you decide you at least want something to show for it so you just force yourself to go through the motions until you get a belt and then that's a good place to leave it

The blue belt is just an award for beginners that didn't quit right away. Purple is where you git gud
Brown is where you weaponize autism
And then black is a participation belt the same way blue is because fact is your difference in ability between the day you get brown and black will be trivial

Anonymous No. 201198

Girls that can do bjj are way better in bed

Anonymous No. 201202

T. Whore

Anonymous No. 201213


Anonymous No. 201217

>white (I never went to belt graduations)
>'mericana from everywhere (have hit them from every possible position now)

I love head-and-arm chokes but I struggle with hitting them consistently.

Anonymous No. 201225

how bad of shape were you in? i can imagine its very easy to tweak joints if you are coming in overweight and havent worked out at all in awhile.
i started this month and one of my shoulders has basically been sore the whole time. i thought i actually hurt my shoulder this week since the joint ached kinda bad but it went away
im only a little overweight and have kept up a little bit with exercising so i could easily see someone hurting for awhile if worse off
imo you probably want to be really careful if you are having lasting joint pains. i do/did a lot of shoulder exercises and i still worry about hurting mine

Anonymous No. 201228

I have kept myself in decent shape I guess. Lift weights and do calisthenics. Can basically do close enough to 1/2/3/4 for reps. 50 push-ups. Weighted pull ups.

Obviously my body isn't used to grappling though, I got turf toe just from attempting shooting singles a few times. My toe still hurts a month later

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Anonymous No. 201266

this is great one for what it is
I haven't seen any one talk about it

Anonymous No. 201269

Isn't it kind of sad, the absolute state of jiujitsu where people would be compelled to go to outside sources for that kind of thing?
That shit should be standard, like a blue belt requirement

If you can't fight then at the end of the day it's all for nothing

Anonymous No. 201296

No, not really. Do you say this to wrestlers and judoka too? Or boxers who are degenseless on the ground?

Anonymous No. 201309

Jiujitsu is a fighting art first, unlike boxing, judo, wrestling which have legitimate sports attached to them and those sports are the primary goal for most pracitioners
Nobody cares about sport bjj, the people who train don't watch it and even fewer actually participate in it. Maybe people will try a tournament once or twice as a white belt, realize the sport blows with its confusing rules and subjective enforcement of them, and then never do it again.
For that reason fighting should be treated as its main function

Anonymous No. 201310

Uhh, no? Grappling and striking are extremely different from each other and there is zero carryover of skills beyond basic athleticism.
This is like saying that boxing is a bad combat sport because they boxers can't wrestle for shit

Anonymous No. 201314

Literally 14 years old me that was writing emails to karate instructors seriously asking them do they teach to kill people aka real karate

Anonymous No. 201315

>people who train don't watch it and even fewer actually participate in it.

I train for sport
I always watch blue, purple and brown world.
I know many others who do the same.

Anonymous No. 201316

Jiujitsu isn't a sport
And I'll prove it to you with this one test
If you say "I'm going to a jiujitsu competition" the first thing the person you're talking to will say it "cool, what are the rules?"

And you're going to likely say "modified such and such rule set, I'll need to read more for the details"
If there's no commonly agreed upon way to play a sport then there is no sport

Anonymous No. 201317

Powerlifting federations would make your head explode.

Anonymous No. 201318

That's fine, I'd have no problem saying that's not a sport either
Weight lifting has a primary purpose of getting strong, people trying to make a game out of it are just participating I a secondary distraction

Anonymous No. 201319

Is there any sport that passes your definition?

Anonymous No. 201320

>That's fine, I'd have no problem saying that's not a sport either
That means your definition is trash

Anonymous No. 201322

Sure, there's lots of sports out there
I lift weights/run/swim every day
"Bro you're not a real lifter/runner/swimmer unless you're competing"
And of course saying that to someone would be absurd because none of those things are sports in their own right, they're exercises first and some people make games out of them

You could say that about wrestling/mma/judo/sumo whatever because those are sports first, if you're not competing at it you're not really doing it. Your rank is inextricably linked to your competition performance

BJJ isn't this, it's a martial art first, a hobby second, and a sport 3rd
Nobody cares about sport bjj

Anonymous No. 201324

>Nobody cares about sport bjj
LMAO, it's vice versa - nobody caress about imaginary jiu jitsu with strikes

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Anonymous No. 201326

sorry kohai but you're wrong on this one. The primary reason people get into bjj is because they hear all the hype about how it'll make you a good fighter
and it's startling to pretty much everyone when they start doing all this collar sleeve, and spider guard, and see crab rides and bolos and go "woah wtf is this shit? how is this helpful in a fight" and is the primary driving factor in beginners (and then again advanced people) wanting to do nogi only because there's less sporty bullshit fluff in it

beginners don't want it because it's not what they signed up for, then they deferred to the teachers authority and drink the koolaid as intermediates and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify it, and then when you're advanced you have the confidence to once again say yeah nah that's bullshit and carve your own path

Anonymous No. 201327

>You could say that about wrestling/mma/judo/sumo whatever because those are sports first
And your definition is total trash again for describing why they are sports. There is several kinds of wrestling with different rules - college, freestyle, greco-roman. There is lot of MMA federations with slightly different rules. It could seem follows your definition because there is only one judo federation, however there is also kosen judo and very young freestyle judo. I don't know anything about sumo.
>"Bro you're not a real lifter/runner/swimmer unless you're competing"
You can call yourself runner lifter and swimmer only because it is individual sports, you don't need a partner to REGULARLY do them. To measure your progress you don't need someone. But there is sports that require partner in order to measure progress (like combat sports) so you need to compete against each other or at least if you are not competing you need to train with someone who competes

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Anonymous No. 201328

Nothing what you said disproofs what I said, also 90% of high level greco roman wrestling is picrel and they can murder everyone in streetfight.

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the jiujitsu way.png

Anonymous No. 201331

if you tell someone you're a boxer or a mixed martial artist and you aren't an active competitor you're going to get called out for being a phony and rightfully so. The implication is you're actively participating in the sport
or to use a non-combat sport example "I play baseball", oh you have any games coming up I can come watch? oh well we don't actually play games against other people, we just practice amongst ourselves. Ok so you don't play baseball
unlike jiujitsu where if you just practice amongst yourselves your STILL doing jiujitsu. There is no requirement at all to go out and compete against other people
bjj is not tied to its sport, the sport is just a tertiary distraction, The activity is in the practice itself
wrestling doesn't sell itself as a martial art, it knows what it is and sells itself as a sport. The fact that the sport happens to be about controlling another persons body also makes it an effective skill for fighting but that isn't the main goal
the main goal of bjj is to fight with

Anonymous No. 201334

>if you tell someone you're a boxer or a mixed martial artist and you aren't an active competitor you're going to get called out for being a phony and rightfully so.
This differes wildly from person to person and to talk this seriously you need to show statistics.
>unlike jiujitsu where if you just practice amongst yourselves your STILL doing jiujitsu. There is no requirement at all to go out and compete against other people
>bjj is not tied to its sport, the sport is just a tertiary distraction, The activity is in the practice itself
You constantly use jiu jitsu and bjj like interchangeable therms. They are not. Please decide what you're talking about. Either way, no one cares about jiu jitsu and bjj is extremely popular. Again, nothing what you said disproofs what I said here >>201324
MMA is THE combat sport with grappling and strikes. Combat sambo is popular in Russia. No one cares about jiu jitsu with strikes. If such thing exists (I'm sure it exists) the rivalry is so low that shit tier wrestler could steamroll them without preparation.
If there is no competitions in jiu jitsu with srikes it's even less interesting. They can't punch and can't grapple. In order to learn anything you must to compete or at least to train with someone who competes. Period.

Anonymous No. 201335

Two reasons for this:
1) Multiple organizations
2) Scoring more complex than "ball hits net" or "punch hits face"
Besides, the oh-so-massive rule differences always boil down to "can white belts heel hook?" and "does mount score two points or four points?"
>if you tell someone you're a boxer or a mixed martial artist and you aren't an active competitor you're going to get called out for being a phony
Yeah, no, that's retarded, and so is anyone who says it

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Anonymous No. 201341

>If such thing exists
eddie bravo is showing there's a market for it
and I'm using bjj as a synonym for jiujitsu

nobody on the outside cares about bjj, you tell someone you have a black belt in bjj and they'll say oh wow my 11 year old niece has a black belt it taekwondo is that similar?
and people who participate in bjj don't freakin care about the sport side of it either. Go ask the blue belts to name the charter members of the death squad
they can't
ask them who came out of lloyd irvins team
they can't, in fact they'll probably reply with "who?"
you know about daisy fresh?
do you know what the actual name of their team is?
it's not daisy fresh??

the only people anybody knows are gordon and craig + his associates because craig is good at social media and is carrying them along for the ride
people just aren't into this shit
you meet a baseball fan and they can tell you what team won what championship, who they played against, who was on the team going back 100 years
jiujitsu has no fans of the sport, and the people pushing the sport are nobodies that never accomplished anything trying to get their "students" to achieve things on their behalf
basically football dads

Anonymous No. 201347

>there is sports with different levels of consoooooming
>there is sports with different ways of monetization
>there is sports with different levels of popularity
>this and some smart battlepictures mean some sports are not sports
Wow, really makes you think.
So what do you tell? Sports are sports if they have crowds of non participating fans? Then for example olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, freestyle wrestling (which you said even knows about itself that it is a sport) are not sports - no one cares about them except people who train.
Also your picture is extremely stupid and this is what regular beer gut would say about greco roman or freestyle wrestling - they are boring and only god knows what happens when this two guys push each other. In fact this is what every regular guy would say about any sport he's not interested about.
>I would just stand up
Literally heared how people say "I would just punch him in the face" about wrestlers. In fact, Max Dedik (russian kyokushin practioner and kickboxer) said in interview this is how all his friends view wrestling in the end of 90's - beginning of 2000's

Anonymous No. 201348

>eddie bravo is showing there's a market for it
Also, what does it mean? There is several sports that combine grappling and striking with different levels of popularity and rivalry - MMA, combat sambo, pankration, kudo and sanda are first that come to mind. Karate Combat appeared recently. Does Eddie Bravo think it should exist another one low rivalry mixed combat sport no one cares about?

Anonymous No. 201354

>"it's human chess" LMAO
>"you don't understand all the technical nuance!" KEK
Literally what Master of Sports in both Freestyle Wrestling AND Sambo Petr Kretov says in interview when defends wrestling and sambo from accusations of incomprehensibility for the mass audience. It's in russian but still

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Anonymous No. 201361

seems like you're trying to assign the position to me that I'm denying the existence of a sport
I'm saying the sport is an afterthought to most people who practice it. People get into bjj to learn how to fight
if you completely removed the entire sport from bjj and there was never a competition ever again you'd barely see a dip in participation at all

Anonymous No. 201375

do you guys prefer no-gi or gi?

Anonymous No. 201378

If I could help it I'd only wear a gi to play judo and never any other time

Anonymous No. 201379

burnout, I show up every week and haven't been promoted in 2+ years since getting mine
ask for what I need to work on
"i donno just pick something"

Anonymous No. 201380

>still hasn't picked something for focused improvement in 2+ years

Anonymous No. 201381

oh I did now I just didn't like the answer at the time

Anonymous No. 201382

Neat, what'd you pick and how's it going?

Anonymous No. 201383

Passing and I think it's gonna go better now that I did a two day seminar and all we did was pass

Anonymous No. 201384

Had a candid conversation with the owner today, opened 3 years ago with just 5 people and by the beginning of the second year it was up to 80
But the business has been contracting for a while now and it's clear to everybody
He has been denial and coping about
Summer time, "well it's always a slow time of year when it's nice out", fall "well kids are going back to school now so all then parents and students wont be here", and when half the amount of people show up to the Christmas party as the year before, "oh well you know people travel this time of year, and all through the winter well the weather isn't great and it's hard to get here plus there's a flu going around", spring: "well the weather is getting nice so people are just spending some more time with the family during break"

Finally today he said "what's wrong with this place?"
And gave it to him straight, look around at the room, there are no beginners here anymore
There's more blue belts and up than there are white belts and people are tired of seeing the same shit over and over again
The advanced guys just tune it out at this point.
This is not as important to The people that come here as it is to you, it's just a hobby to them so if they aren't being engaged and having a good time when they come here they are going to go do something else
And especially because for a lot of the working guys they only have an hour or 2 a week that they can get away to come and do this. They need to be rolling as much as possible, that's what they're here to do
not practicing some silly lasso guard sweeps nobody will ever use

Students need to be the leader of their own instruction, watch people roll and then ask them where they are struggling or give them advice based on what you see, stop teaching jiujitsu 101 classes ad nauseum

Anonymous No. 201389

I wouldn't call myself a boxer unless I was a professional and I did it for a living. Otherwise its cringe
I competed amatuer and when someone asked if I'm a boxer once I didn't even know how to reply. Its better to say you train a little bit. Same with any combat sport
Unless you're doing it for a living and it's your life then I wouldn't say it's who I am.
Better to be unnasuming and just train for fun, to keep sharp and fitness. And those last two will make you a better fighter than someone who does nothing

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Anonymous No. 201404

any tips for escaping turtle? what's your go-to sequence?

Anonymous No. 201405

how do you roll if you don't know any technique? I think your gym is dying but not because you're drilling lasso sweeps

I think the economy is shit right now and people are looking at where they can spend that $130-190 a month in a better way than something that can lead to injuries and butthurt

At least your gym owner was eventually open to feedback, most aren't and keep doing the same shit and wonder why no one shows up to the morning class anymore and just make cope

I changed gyms for a lot of reasons but a big one was the owner cared less and less about his gym and it showed

Anonymous No. 201409

>I know people who go full primal fight/flight and they have no recollection of anything

Must make it hard to learn anything, if they switch their brains off like that when they're supposed to be training. Why would someone do this? Over-competitiveness?

Anonymous No. 201415

>if you completely removed the entire sport from bjj and there was never a competition ever again you'd barely see a dip in participation at all
I already answered this, just pull your eyes from ass. And I don't understand how your cringe battle pictures relate to this conversation

Anonymous No. 201417

>any tips for escaping turtle?
Stand up.

Anonymous No. 201418

what if i'm not the real slim shady?

Anonymous No. 201420

You don't need to teach people all these techniques, you just teach them what the game is and how to play it

>human chess
But I'll use chess an example, one of the most complex games around, billions of possible moves. but it takes 5 minutes to show the game to someone for the first time and just explain how the pieces work and what your goal is and they can just immediately start playing
And it'll take some time for them to remember what they're supposed to do without asking "can i move this piece here?", they'll make mistakes "oh wait I didn't mean to do that, let me redo" but they can play the game
After they are playing the game is when you can start teaching them about openings, and gambits, and piece management, and board control
None of which you need if your only goal is to simply play

The people interested in the extraneous bullshit are already reading about it and researching it on their own and they're getting it from better sources than you, so your job as a teacher is to use your experience to help them make sense of it and formulate action plans to develop it.

So going back to bjj, it's like do you think a purple belt+ isn't acutely aware of what areas he needs improvement in?
And then you got a guy that has a problem where people keep getting off the hook when he's in double trouble and he tries to transition from the secondary leg to the primary leg
So he gets an instructional and studies the content and when he gets to class "Ok guys today we're doing scissor sweeps"

Man fuck your scissor sweeps, what am I paying you for when everything I need I'm learning from instructionals and then you won't even let me practice it here?

And you end up in a really bad spot now when the students are getting together to workshop things on the side of the mat on their own instead of with you
Then they make the decision hey let's just buy a couple mats we can put them in my garage? what do we need this place for it would be cheaper

Anonymous No. 201436

Yeah it's just stand up

If he doesn't have an arm wrapped around your far side hip he can't do anything to you

Anonymous No. 201445

And if they do have an arm wrapped around your far side?

Anonymous No. 201447

You gotta roll hard into him

Anonymous No. 201475

Won't that just expose my back?

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Anonymous No. 201478

Is anyone going to watch an Aussie chad dethrone the king on thursday?
Reminder, Josh has only been training for 4 years. He couldn't cut it in Australias national Rugby league comp and switched to BJJ during covid for fun. If he wins, it's just going to show the new meta is athleticism.

BJJ is a martial art that has always prided itself on equalising a fight for the smaller and less athletic against physically superior opponents.
Well, now with CGI and more money moving into the sport with its growing popularity, whats going to happen when proper athletes, not just the Gracies, begin training from when they can walk? High school wrestlers are already dominating ADCC.
It's over for the weak geeks who have given BJJ a bad name.

Anonymous No. 201481

gordon is 6'2" and on all the steroids, athleticism isn't really a concern
and could they not get an artist? that isn't even good AI slop

no you're getting your back to the floor by doing that
you make yourself as perpendicular to him as possible and shoulder roll as hard as you can over the shoulder closest to him, and as you do that you swing your legs around to put them between you two for a guard

Anonymous No. 201492

not even true

Anonymous No. 201497

>gordon is 6'2" and on all the steroids, athleticism isn't really a concern
Unless there's someone larger than 6'2 whose on more steroids and has a greater athletic base? Taking steroids doesn't nullify someone else's athletic ability. That's elementary school level science.

You're missing the point entirely anyway. The more money involved, and the more popular the sport gets, the greater the pool of athletes. The main reason Judokas embarrass BJJ practitioners is because there's Olympic level athletes pouring into the former and not the later.
Saunders is an NRL reject. NRL is one of 3 football leagues in Australia, a nation of only 25 million. There's 500 players on lists in the NRL.
If he can even be competitive with after 4 years of training with Gordon, who got his black belt in 2015, then the its going to expose BJJ geekzoids HARD.

Anonymous No. 201516

Gordon is going to exhaust him and win via submission.
>proper athletes, not just the Gracies
It's not 1999. There have been D1 wrestlers and judo olympians competing in BJJ for a long time

Anonymous No. 201533

>The more money involved, and the more popular the sport gets, the greater the pool of athletes
there still isn't any money involved
craig doing this potentially 1 off invite only money laundering competition didn't elevate the earnings for grapplers as a whole

the sport isn't popular at all, it's existing on the backs of whales personally financing everything

Anonymous No. 201551

>judo olympians competing in BJJ for a long time
name 5

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Anonymous No. 201553


A lesson that all BJJ guys need to learn is that exposing your back isn't the same as giving up your back. You see it in MMA all time.

>fighter bases up on all fours
>fighter stands up
>Joe Rogan: and he's out

Same thing with judo turning throws. The majority opinion in BJJ circles historically is that going for a shoulder or hip throw instantly leads to you getting choked out because you exposed your back for a microsecond. The reality is that big turning throws are more popular than they've ever been in the modern no-gi scene and you rarely see anyone get punished off of it.

Anonymous No. 201555

I can think of 3 off the top of my head (Rhadi Ferguson, Satoshi Ishii, Travis Stevens) and a dozen D1 & NCAA champ wrestlers, but you will still come up with some retarded argument I'm sure. Idk why it's shocking that someone who trains a different sport doesn't do well, even if they are athletic. The judoka cock sucking on this board is so obnoxious

Anonymous No. 201557

joe rogan is operating under a 2004 understanding of jiujitsu and its effectiveness

Anonymous No. 201558

Is there a good video that goes over the basics of stand up grappling/wrestling? Like, WHY are underhooks good, basic positions, takedowns, counters etc.

Anonymous No. 201561

part of what you are paying for is a spot to train, partners who all agree to show up at the same time and follow the guidelines/rules set
you're paying for a guy who knows more than you (you hope anyway) to be there to mentor you
I get what you are saying fuck the "kata" drill move shit


I like this one.

Anonymous No. 201567


The other two sure, but Travis Stevens never competed in any big BJJ tournaments.

Anonymous No. 201580

I think every ultimate elite of every sport are 6ft+ and roieded men

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Anonymous No. 201581

>the sport isn't popular at all
The good thing about CGI is we will get an idea of how many views the sport could get.
BJJ is becoming more professional, its gaining popularity (pic related), most gyms have kids classes, it has the interest of a lot of older white collar professionals (very ripe consoooomer market).

>Gordon is going to exhaust him and win via submission.
Even if Gordon dominates, the fact that someone training for 4 years is able to compete against him is insane.
Can you imagine someone training in tennis for 4 years then being asked to have a televised match against Djokovic?
BJJ is in its infancy, it hasnt had a 100 years to grow like Judo, wrestling, etc. The new meta will be athleticism.

>Idk why it's shocking that someone who trains a different sport doesn't do well, even if they are athletic
Not what I'm saying at all. Athletes from adjacent sports transitioning late in career and being competitive (which happens more often than it should) isn't the point.
It's that with BJJs growing popularity, there will be athletically gifted individuals training in it from a younger and younger age.
After rolling with rugby players, Craig (ironically) commented he's glad theres no money in the sport because he would hate to compete against proper athletes.

Anonymous No. 201597

No gi today 97 degreed fahreheit and no ac

Anonymous No. 201607

Could BJJ have saved him?

Anonymous No. 201611

Slip n slide

Anonymous No. 201613

Yeah fat boy doesn't appear to be applying pressure well despite his weight. Standard mount escapes should work. At least get to half guard and stand up

Anonymous No. 201614

Probably but I'll mention that grappling against a gelatinous man like that is just different, when you try to frame their flesh just melts around you like a tent
You try to push and just sink into it, it's a really difficult proposition
Bloatmaxxing is an effective strategy

Anonymous No. 201629

couldve tried to get a knee in front and recover guard in the beginning, or maybe get into a half guard by snatching a leg when billy moves to mount instead of laying there like a dead fish, but i assume he already got hit or thrown prior to the start of the video which is why he seemed so concussed

even if you did successfully escape or sweep billy, youd get beaten the fuck down by the 15 different niggas standing around you there
so maybe getting choked and punched out by billy was in fact the correct move

Anonymous No. 201633

Getting punched out by 10 people you don't give a fuck because they're pussies who couldn't handle you fair and square

Either one way you're getting beaten up I'd rather be able to say they couldn't fight fair

Anonymous No. 201634

You probably won't be saying much of anything

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Anonymous No. 201635

i mean, yeah, sure, that will be comforting to think about when you're eating through a tube and shitting your bed for the next month and scheduling with your dentist to have five of your front teeth reconstructed

Anonymous No. 201642

He wasn't saying much of anything and pissed himself from having one guys weight crushing him. I'd rather get KO'd by a few guys

Anonymous No. 201643

Looks like that's what happened anyway

Anonymous No. 201644

>and pissed himself
He's dead, that was his muscles relaxing

Anonymous No. 201646


Anonymous No. 201647

Wash your gi and stop pissing on the mats.

Anonymous No. 201650

Kenshi IRL
I wonder what permanent damage he has from this. He's breathing so he's still alive at the end. I don't think he got hit very hard but he was unconscious so that probably makes it a lot worse.

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Anonymous No. 201675


Anonymous No. 201676

They've been going away now but their is one on my fucking face when all of them have been going away I CANT TAKE IT I NEED TO FUCKING CHOKE SOMEONE

Anonymous No. 201679

Well I hope you've learned your lesson about not waiting too long to shower after class

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Anonymous No. 201699

i decided i want to become a wrestler so i've been doing nothing but single and double legs
shit is hard even though nobody at my gym knows how to wrestle worth a shit, myself included

leaping at people's legs like a cheetah with asperger's also lets me practice escaping from turtle which is nice, since that's been the other thing i've been working on this month

Anonymous No. 201700

What about this guy?

Could BJJ have saved him?

Anonymous No. 201701

Literally just stick your forehead in the crook of the other guys neck like between the head and the shoulder and you've just won 100% of jiujitsu wrestling exchanges
They have no idea what to do in the face of this elementary school technique

Anonymous No. 201702

I think bro is high on heroin or something.

Anonymous No. 201703

Always cracks me in this videos niggers looting the unconscious dude

Anonymous No. 201704

>just accidentally said “same same” to my ESL Japanese instructor
It’s over.

Anonymous No. 201705

Anybody else get weird when rolling with black belts?
I can body lock pass almost any brown-belt if I 100% concentrate my effort.
If I slip up I know they will capitalise so I don’t give an inch.
However whenever I roll with black belts I feel like I can’t try 100%… I don’t know if it’s out of respect or because I know there already 3 steps ahead but I get caught by them in simple stuff I don’t allow purple/browns to do.

What’s going on?

Anonymous No. 201724


Anonymous No. 201725

Black belts are brown belts who are better at making friends, quit letting it get to your head and just be normal.

Anonymous No. 201728

It's another reason to abolish the belt system, it's a halo effect
It has been documented, put a black belt on a white belt as a prank and he'll start winning against upper belts because psychologically they're afraid to do anything and just accept positions out of respect

Bjj is a cult as much as anything

Anonymous No. 201729

Jon Jones is a purple belt. Is he more or less scary than your black belts?

Anonymous No. 201734

Wow, it really shows the power of Brazilian jiujitsu that someone with his pedigree is merely of purple belt level
How can you deny its the most powerful martial art? Just imagine what a black belt must be capable of

Anonymous No. 201739

I've recently returned to gi training after 3 years of exclusively no-gi, and I fucking hate this shit so much. It's genuinely affecting how much I train because I just really don't feel like getting yanked around or having gi burn on my face/neck

Anonymous No. 201740

skill issue
t. wrestler turned judoka

Anonymous No. 201748

It sucks, it's stupid, nobody should ever do it, it's a crutch for the unskilled and unathletic that can't control someone with their body alone and require he first wrap himself up in ropes

Anonymous No. 201752

unbelievable cope.

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Anonymous No. 201757

Stopping on the way to class
Makin poor choices lads

Anonymous No. 201760

We spent 15 minutes after morning class today telling shitting while training stories. God speed.

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Anonymous No. 201761


Anonymous No. 201766

Where can I stream this
>for free

Anonymous No. 201768

see >>201752

Anonymous No. 201770

>outwrestled the gigantic roid monkey last night in no-gi
>even took him down once with a whizzer/overhook Harai ogoshi

Anonymous No. 201776

You haven't told me where I'm wrong

Anonymous No. 201782

>having a preference is a cope
You faggots attempt to make an argument out of everything lol
>Where can I stream this
Good luck. Besides Polaris I almost never see grappling streams but maybe times are changing and this card will be stacked enough to get some streams.

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Anonymous No. 201783

I made it out boys
I certainly didn't feel good, but it wasn't a total disaster
Was slow had the sweats and heart burn but it's ok because I'm heaps better than everyone who was there tonight so just laying there and barely moving was enough

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Anonymous No. 201802

>The lapel abraded my shoulder, which can happen if you don't know what you're doing. The cotton gi sleeves disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of fresh linens and dryer sheets made me sick. The grips -- binding like shackles -- gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after rolling in the gi just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

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Anonymous No. 201804

playing with fire there lad

Anonymous No. 201805

kek i was thinking of the exact same thing

Anonymous No. 201875

Ended up just signing up to flo, I’ll cancel the subscription after ADCC.

Daniel Moosy just dominated Felipe Costa. Good start for Aussie chads and B-team.
Ethan Cren also dominated Corba after escaping some early leg engagements.
Another B-team win and another ecological loss.

Anonymous No. 201903

Gordon subbed Saunders within 10km to a heel hook. Saunders tactic of bench pressing Gordon helped him survive longer than most, but wasn’t able to get the biscuits as they say down under

Anonymous No. 201908

>Gordon subbed Saunders within 10km
Was he chasing him?

Anonymous No. 201911

I love how whenever Gordon is tired or trying to conserve energy, he can just decide to return to the DDS leglock game and win matches with it. He seems to have lost a lot of muscle but it's great to see him compete. As much as he annoys the fuck out of everyone, he really is on another level

Anonymous No. 201912

He probably spent as much time teaching it after as he did actively using it. Good way to cement it in.

Anonymous No. 201968

I feel like you can escape from someone if there's no strikes involved. If someone heavier than you falls on you and there's strikes involved you're done for

Anonymous No. 201969

If there's strikes involved they have to create space somewhere to generate the power
That's why just standing up can't he harped on enough and why jiujitsu is objectively wrong for insisting you should fight on the ground

Anonymous No. 201974

They can just elbow you or headbutt you dumbass

Anonymous No. 201975

They need to move in order to do that
Even an inch or 2 of space should be enough to make magic happen if your jiujitsu is any good
If you can't escape a novice I don't know what to tell ya

Anonymous No. 202001


Anonymous No. 202002

Interesting. This thread isn't bumping anymore.

Anonymous No. 202003

The thread hit its bump limit. It'll stay alive for some number of days or weeks because /xs/ is a slow board. Once it gets closer to page 10 someone will make a new thread.
>Why won't my thread bump?
>All threads have a set bump limit (varies board to board). When this limit is reached, a thread will no longer "bump" to the top of the board, causing the thread to descend through the pages until it is bumped off of the last page and pruned. This method of post-limiting, while sometimes inconvenient, assures that content is kept fresh on the boards.

Anonymous No. 202006

Didn't make a new thread because the last one is still alive. Once that one drops off we can migrate to a new one

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murder whitebelts.png

Anonymous No. 202027

Does your gym have any banned techniques? What is the sparring etiquette like?

My gym defaults to IBJJF rules, and when a higher belt is sparring with a lower belt, you go by the lower belt's ruleset.

You can still talk to your partner and agree to whatever rules you want to, but unless otherwise specified, it's always IBJJF rules.

In regards to the video, I think kani-basami is banned for good reason. When you have hundreds of takedowns available, why would you choose to perform the one takedown with the worst reputation for causing knee injuries?

Anonymous No. 202092

I gotten into using turtle instead of guard on a off hand comment from a wrestling bubby

any tips or resources on attacking from turtle?

Anonymous No. 202096

No jumping closed guard (flying submissions are OK).
Also my coach teaches the mat return/valley drop in a certain way to avoid the risk of blowing out your partner's knee.
Just, don't plant your ass on your partner's knee in general is a good rule of thumb. I've never heard anyone specifically prohibit kani basami, but geez at this point that's just a common sense thing. The guy in Rokas' video is a douche.
Our gym rules generally default to roughly IBJJF equivalent, but nobody's anal about it. You'll see the occasional cheeky wrist lock, etc.

Anonymous No. 202105

They don't need to move to bite your nose off though

Anonymous No. 202108

When I used to do karate the teacher actually wanted us to be able to fight so we'd do lots of non-karate stuff that seemed useful, and this is back when Cung le was fighting and he was doing the scissor takedowns in the UFC so we were copying that in karate class
I laugh thinking about how we had no idea the risk we were putting ourselves in copying something we saw on tv

It's all about the knees, any kind of takedown that compromises the knees can't be allowed during practice, that includes jumping stuff

If someone jumps a guard I will slam them and I have and faced no consequences for it because I immediately said "I told you not to jump guard on me" and the teacher looked over and gave a shrug
If you do something reckless towards me don't expect me to now care about your safety

You hear the phrase a lot "remember, I go second" meaning you hurt me you're getting hurt back

Anonymous No. 202121

Not a practitioner. Just wondering that if you got someone in full mount during a street fight, couldn't that guy just grab your dick and win?

Anonymous No. 202123

most dudes that practice combat sports have small dicks so there isnt much to grab onto
but even if you did, that's one less hand you've got to defend / brace for incoming blows from
so while you're massaging his pecker, you're still eating knuckle sandwiches to the head and making zero progress getting out of the position

and just like bas rutten once said: never fuck with a guy in a dominant position, because now you're not only getting knocked out, you're also getting your teeth stomped in afterwards

he told a great story on some podcast about the time a ninjutsu guy came to his MMA gym:
>bas is demonstrating a RNC for the class
>ninjutsu guy scoffs and says he would just poke you in the eyes to escape the choke
>bas is intrigued and wants to test this out, ninjutsu guy agrees
>bas gets ready and locks up the RNC
>"alright, now in three seconds i'm going to start choking you, and if you poke me in the eye, i'm gonna break your neck. okay? one, two, three, go"

Anonymous No. 202129

If they don't have their hands connected, grab one of both of their wrists and stand up. If they have them connected, grab their wrists, stand up, turn slightly into them, push on their wrists while leaning your upper back towards them and your hips away from them. Their grip will break and once you turn around, you're back to a neutral position.

Anonymous No. 202145

Bas "if a guy is arguing with you in a restaurant grab a steak knife off the table and stab him in the neck" rutten gives a lot of bad advice

Anonymous No. 202150

Take Bas's advice?

Dun yu evbar due dis.

Anonymous No. 202153

Better question if you're in full guard couldn't the guy just grab your balls and squeeze

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Anonymous No. 202161

grabbing the balls isn't some end-all-be-all strategy to instantly win every fight

depending on what kind of pants you're wearing, the fabric might be too tight to allow a firm squeeze on the nuts.
you'd have to dig in pretty deep, all the while the guy on bottom is pulling his knees to his chest and off-balancing you, and with both arms digging, there's a chance you'd get swept because you have nothing to base with.

and again, you're leaving yourself open to be punched.
you're in a much better position to just start raining fists down on the guy rather than trying to jerk him off.

Anonymous No. 202167

>depending on what kind of pants you're wearing
This it has happened to me twice once in jeans and the other in rugby shorts.
I barely felt a thing in the jeans, and in the shorts it hurts but not enough to put me out of the fight.

Anonymous No. 202185

>This it has happened to me twice
What are you doing in your life that this has happened twice?

Anonymous No. 202189

nothing much I am in my 20s so that's like one dick grab every ten years

Once was a rugby game and a guy did a shit tackle, he pretty much just grab my dick and tried to pull me to the ground by it.

The other time was the one STREET fight I got in, I did something close to a muay thai clinch then he tried and failed to grab my dick.

Anonymous No. 202202

Or just punch them in the balls

Anonymous No. 202203

knees hurtin tonight lads
>no air conditioning
fuck off with that. There's no data suggesting working out in the heat is beneficial, it just makes the experience suck

Anonymous No. 202205

It's beneficial to people who don't spend their entire day in a climate controlled box. Your body acclimates to the seasons and air conditioning impedes that. If the building has bad air circulation and gets hotter than the temperatures outside in the shade then there's an argument to be made for using air conditioning, otherwise it's just an unnecessary crutch for domesticated urbanites.

Anonymous No. 202207

Why aren't slams from closed guard allowed?
>you could hurt them!
So they should open their guard to not get slammed? its their fault for staying in a compromised position.

Anonymous No. 202208

you answered your own question

Anonymous No. 202209

there were ants, spiders, flies, and even some maggots in there from the door being open
turn the air on and shut the door

Anonymous No. 202210

slams arent allowed in the gym or at competitions because causing potentially irreversible damage to some hobbyist because you can't open guard is just not worth it for a plastic medal or so that you can 'win' a sparring round
competitions at the highest level? yeah sure i guess go for it

judo has a pretty good rule that if both of your knees come off the ground in closed guard, you get reset, because the assumption is that now you could slam the other guy.
for BJJ, i think you should at least get a disadvantage for latching onto the guy like a koala.

Anonymous No. 202213
Has BJJ ruined your body?

Anonymous No. 202214

I would like to know what is a good stretching for bjj? In best case it would not only bjj but also every other part of the body

Anonymous No. 202216

>Domesticated BJJ nerds are crying about air conditioning


Anonymous No. 202217

I think I've got the early onset symptoms of tennis elbow or something similar, makes doing pull-ups a pain in the ass.
I have also let one too many guillotines go on until the back of my neck has started to pop like a bowl of rice krispies, so there's some stiffness there.
I have learned my lesson to tap early to neck cranks.

Anonymous No. 202221

BJJ is a derivative of Judo.
Judo’s founder is Jigoro Kano and in his book Mind Over Muscles he explains clearly that one of the main reasons for developing Judo was to create healthy bodies and minds. The two main principles of Judo are:

Seiryoku Zenyo (Maximum Efficiency) so we move our bodies is such a way as to reduce effort and strain thus not overloading any particular structures and avoiding injury as best as possible.

Jita Kyoei (Mutual benefit and prosperity) in which we also consider the welfare and growth of our training partners.

The application of these principles to daily life was THE most important to him including its application to work and family life. To sacrifice your health, income and family in order to train in the dojo flies in the face of these principles. Training should be adapted around work and family even if it means training on your own in many different ways.
I’m not a big fan of competitive Judo it is mainly concerned with the win just as BJJ is, and the win is the most superficial of life’s achievements.

Anonymous No. 202249

I care about good training. Unless you're one of those bozos that thinks not drinking water during training will make you a tuff gai >:( and to "push through the pain"

All of that 1960s gym teacher lore you cling to only makes you a worse athlete, you're working twice as hard for a quarter of the gains

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Anonymous No. 202251

Is it normal for a bjj coach to complete ignore my existence. Not even acknowledge my hellos or goodbyes?
I get I'm only a one stripe white belt but that's just normal stuff and I pay for his salary in the end so nigga should be atleast grateful
The rest of the coaching team are pretty nice guys that I can chill with but the head coach is just cold and aloof

Anonymous No. 202254

>Wahhh wwahhh I'm middle class posh soft boy

Anonymous No. 202256

>multiple coaches

Your gym probably has enough turn over and general membership that he just doesn't bother until you're at a certain level. Or he's a dick.

Anonymous No. 202259

Is it a problem if he's a dick? I don't want him to sandbag me once I get to blue belt level. He's fairly professional and is non aggressive so I don't mind him being aloof I just don't wanna stay a white belt forever

Anonymous No. 202261

Know how I know I'd beat you in jiujitsu easily?
Well you said posh so you're probably British and your jiujtisu is shit over there, but aside from that and more importantly because I know your training sessions just aren't nearly as productive as mine
Year over year I'll make more gains than you, just how it is

Anonymous No. 202262

Can't answer that without knowing him, but if he's professional, just keep saying hi coach and keep it at that until he tells you to fuck off or says hi back.

Anonymous No. 202263

You have 1 stripe and you're worried about one coach not giving you enough attention...
If he's answering your questions and not being a complete asshole who cares

Anonymous No. 202272

I am not going to take the side of rudeness or make excuses if he's not being very nice, but I am also understanding if he is burnt out from fielding beginner questions all the time which is something that happens as a teacher
Beginners come and go, its not worth getting to know them
He should still be polite and at least acknowledge you if you say hello to him,
But keep in mind as well He's working right now and he's getting ready to teach a class and has some things on his mind. it's distracting when you have 30 people walking up to you trying to shake your hand and have a short conversation with you
if you greet him just walk by say hello, and if he gives you a hey and a head nod that's enough
Don't go say hello to him if he's having a conversation with somebody or it looks like he's busy, And that's the same for when you're leaving at the end of class, just give a general see you later everybody as you're walking out the door.

And to circle back to questions you gotta realize a lot of white belt questions are really bad, They are either way too vague or it's about something totally unrelated to what you are supposed to be working on and when that's the case as an instructor that's really annoying, Because it comes across like you aren't listening to me and so I don't really care to answer your question if you're not going to listen to the stuff I'm telling you.

When it comes to overly vague questions, most white belt questions are like I'm having trouble doing the arm bar from guard
ok?? And??
Just like, he keeps getting away when I do it
And it's like bro do you really want me to sit here and fix your entire arm bar from guard in 30 seconds? We're going to need a whole class to figure out precisely what's going wrong with it and all the things you don't even realize you're doing wrong
Buy a private or get really specific, I mean precisely what is the problem you're having?
If you don't know then come ask when you figure it out

Anonymous No. 202280

>how much warm up and generic physical exercises they do
My local "japanese" ju-jutsu club don't do any warm-ups at all, because "if you're attacked, you won't be warmed up". This mostly amounts to none of them actually exerting themselves during practice.

Anonymous No. 202284

If my partner sucks, I just go on defense and let them experiment. Can also be a good time to try funny moves I don't usually get to use.

Anonymous No. 202292

any good tips or instructionals for half guard? white belt btw.

Anonymous No. 202294

Don't lay flat on your back
Lachlan Giles and Danaher are my usual favorites, but you could honestly get pretty far just from watching youtube videos

I would highly recommend working on some half guard passing too

Anonymous No. 202298

Just did my first class, partner was a more experienced white belt, buy like 6'4 and 240lb of muscle. Felt like i couldnt do much cause his limbs were just so much larger.

Was fun tho, will probably continue. I bet i burned like 1k calories, i was sweating like crazy

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cung le scissor t....webm

Anonymous No. 202302

Cung Le's scissor takedown is safer despite being flashier than the ones you commonly see wrecking knees in BJJ. He posts his arms out so the weight is mainly on the floor rather than concentrated directly on the uke's knees. He also has one leg sweeping higher on the torso, again not directly on the knees.

Anonymous No. 202303

He's fairly professional so when I have retarded questions he answers them. It's just that his rudeness is kind of weird. Maybe it's his personality but straight up ignoring me while shaking other people's hands in front of me makes you feel like I rubbed him the wrong way or something. I've never seen anyone seethe this much about my existence. It's like I fucked his mom or something

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imanari roll.webm

Anonymous No. 202304

I think the Imanari roll is the safest way to do it. No falling body weight, can easily transition to an open guard or leg entanglement if it fails. All of the flash and none of the catastrophic knee injuries.

Anonymous No. 202337


Anonymous No. 202347

the roll is great and be done as a Ankle Pick too

but I always think a arm drag or a duck under works better for me

Anonymous No. 202350

>BJJ beats size and strength they said

Anonymous No. 202351

You weigh 70kg and have never been in an actual fight

Sit down soft air conditioning boy

Anonymous No. 202356

>first time going to bjj
>be 1.8m, 100kg and can at least bench press 90kg (3-4 times)
> trainer, female, 1.70, thin
>roll with her
>while I literally shaking and sweating by trying to use all my force, she just chills and taps me in a few minutes

Anonymous No. 202358

this is the funniest thing I have seen
trying to act hard because of air con

Anonymous No. 202361

I don't think he's acting uncommonly tough so much as insinuating that you're uncommonly soft.

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Anonymous No. 202362

I'm 98 in your communist units

Anonymous No. 202363

You likely were wearing a gi and voluntarily started already on the ground

Start standing in regular workout clothes and enjoy your new wife

Anonymous No. 202367

>Crying and whining because of air con


Anonymous No. 202371

not having a clean, climate controlled training environment is indefensible
you're not some gladiator living a stoic life preparing to die on the battle field
you're a low level IT worker with an emerging porn addiction you haven't come to terms with yet and have been doing jiujitsu once or twice a week for the last 18 months

Anonymous No. 202372

I don't train with it I just don't see a point I talking about it
it just a dumb thing to even care about
>the mats we train on are so hard that concrete feels soft

Anonymous No. 202374

>it just a dumb thing to even care about
That's likely why he's mocking you for bitching about it.

Anonymous No. 202376

I wasn't the one to post about it to begin with

I just pointed out train without it is funny thing to have pride in

I don't train with it and it doesn't make a differences when I go somewhere that does have it

Anonymous No. 202377

>spend all your time training in no AC
>compete in a high school gym that's blasting it

Anonymous No. 202379

I once lost a match I should have easily won in a wrestling tournament because I was used to the cold (no AC, just a cold basement wrestling room in a cold region) but they kept that building really hot and I didn't realize how dehydrated I had gotten before my last match (nearly blacked out afterwards, worst dehydration I've ever experienced). Having the opposite happen seems less likely but perhaps that's my bias as a snowman with better cold than heat tolerance.

Anonymous No. 202382

I love my gym in the winter its like a ice box, you can where a sweater well rolling. In summer it is almost a steam room.

But I am pretty fine with cutting water and the feeling of dehydrated since I was doing since 5 grad so I have never got that feeling just training

Anonymous No. 202384

heat is like altitude training, the science is settled on this
unless you're doing daily training in high temperatures your body isn't going to develop the adaptations to it, and I that means every day, not a few times a week, every day
your cardio will be just as shit in a hot room as anybody else, it's just that now your jiujitsu is worse because you couldn't maximized your training productivity

Anonymous No. 202388

>unless you're doing daily training in high temperatures
If it's summer why aren't you doing this? Touch grass.

Anonymous No. 202391

humans are cold weather animals

Anonymous No. 202446

>Wahh I can't train without muh aircon
If bjj is for it worker larping pussies why are you trying to defend your air con honour so much? Lmao

Anonymous No. 202450

your insistence on clinging to objectively shitty training methods instead of embracing modern technology is exactly why things like karate are irrelevant now

Anonymous No. 202451

first competition on sunday. 33yo white belt practicing for 2 years, all i feel comfortable with is trying sweeps from half guard and i have like 1/8 success with them. i'm really annoying when i get to half guard, people usually cannot get out. my hope is that i can score a sweep from there and hold on to those two points. what do you think?

i didn't care about losing before but my teacher was like 'yeah i think anon might do well, at least get the first round' and now i kind of don't want to disappoint him. i wish he hadn't said that

Anonymous No. 202453

good luck

Anonymous No. 202454

ANOTHER shameless bump

Anonymous No. 202460

find out if they have air conditioning

Anonymous No. 202461


Anonymous No. 202464

i'm now a little bit drunk from drinking beer (i'm a little bit alcoholic). today i woke up like half a pound less than the bracket's weight. i'm probably going to be like one or two pounds over that tomorrow. am i going to make it? how do i dehydrate myself on saturday if it comes to that?


Anonymous No. 202468

my first comp I dropped a good 6lbs felt like shit and they just asked for my weight no scale needed.

Anonymous No. 202469

this guy right here is full of the false bravado only bjj can give

truly the gayest sport of them all

Anonymous No. 202494

>He thinks his air conditioned it worker le ebin heckin Reddit murder cuddling isn't even worse than karate


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Anonymous No. 202498

i would kill for air conditioning

Anonymous No. 202502

>the reason I train without AC is so that my children won't have to

Anonymous No. 202507

>AC is on
>Asian girl feet aren't sweety enough to smell
>AC is off
>everyone else stinks so much you can't smell Asian girl feet

Anonymous No. 202508

BJJ has existed for almost exactly 100 years.

Anonymous No. 202518

Just realised all these "omg bjj works in the street" videos are someone basically just sat on a drunken crackhead (which anyone even slightly physically able can do)

You will never see bjj used against an athletic person on the street. KOTS proves this even further

Then you have MMA which due to strict rules and soft surfaces stuff like bjj is made to look useful

Anonymous No. 202519

you make good points

bjj is like going to your last tool first
you ignored your opportunity to knock him out with strikes
you ignored your opportunity to knock him out by throwing him to the ground
you immediately resorted to rolling on ground with him to try and choke him

as chris paines has put it, bjj is like walking into a james bond movie 2 minutes late and you missed the whole first part of the fight scene

Anonymous No. 202520

Punches and headbutts negate handfighting and most of clinchwork completely

Anonymous No. 202523

>the fucking >muhKOTS fag again
KOTS is a retarded reference point.
There is nothing in there that we haven't seen in regular MMA, apart from maybe biting and the concrete floor which frankly makes little difference
>soccer kicks, stomps, 12-6 elbows
were a thing in PRIDE, to no noticeable difference
The fights in KOTS look different because the vast majority of fighters have no martial arts background beyond "le tuff guy streetfighter"

>soft surfaces
hard surfaces would only make any grappling style more dangerous because every throw is now a KO threat

This is utterly idiotic, otherwise you wouldn't see any form of ground grappling in MMA
>inb4 strict rulez
pray tell, which rules?

Anonymous No. 202526

>I'm a deadly fighter because I roll around in air conditioned rooms not these literal street fighting hooligans though, they're fake fighters with no martial arts experience!


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le tuff guy.png

Anonymous No. 202527

>I have no experience fighting a semi competent opponent
>I am an expert on street fightz™

Anonymous No. 202529

>were a thing in PRIDE, to no noticeable difference
Apart from grounded opponents getting socker kicked to sleep?

>hard surfaces would only make any grappling style more dangerous because every throw is now a KO threat

Of all the clean suplexes, arm spins, hip throws in KOTS... NONE of them resulted in a KO. The fight continued

>This is utterly idiotic, otherwise you wouldn't see any form of ground grappling in MMA

You don't see any ground fighting in true no rules fighting because eye gouging and headbutting makes it obsolete

Of course that's too brutal to be in a mainstream sports show

Anonymous No. 202530

>He thinks the guys in KOTS are untrained

They would ragdoll you. Most are clearly trained in muay Thai, boxing, wrestling or all three. Haven't seen much bjj though. Probably because it doesn't work unless the rules force it?

Anonymous No. 202531

Again, tell me how MMA rules "force" bjj to work?

Anonymous No. 202532

>eye gouging
Can be effective, sure, I don't think either really counters grappling.
Namely because I can hardly imagine a situation where doing so would be preferable to just punching your opponent instead, unless done as a pure desperation move when you're already getting choked out

Anonymous No. 202534

By removing headbutts, eye gouges, stomps, soft flooring, downward elbows

Anonymous No. 202542

It doesn't even work in MMA
bjj only works in bjj competitions
Even submission grappling is quickly becoming dominated by wrestling and judo

The only places bjj is successful are in rule sets that don't punish you for sitting directly to the ground

Anonymous No. 202547

So now we've gone from
>MMA rules allow BJJ to work
>Actually BJJ doesn't work in MMA
Nevermind that we see it in at least half the fights and every single serious fighter trains ground grappling in some capacity

>Even submission grappling is quickly becoming dominated by wrestling and judo
Feel free to post an example from a big name competition. Because last I checked, like 99% of successful submission grapplers train BJJ

Anonymous No. 202550

>every single serious fighter trains ground grappling
here we go again with a cultist saying bjj invented ground fighting

>99% of successful submission grapplers train BJJ
I see mostly home grown americans and australians winning competitions with shit they came up with themselves

Anonymous No. 202551

>winning competitions with shit they came up with themselves
this is really funny

Anonymous No. 202552

Ok so now it's not BJJ despite it being descended, not only in spirit but in terms of actual instructor lineage, and despite virtually every fighter training in submission grappling calling it BJJ, because the practitioners are not Brazilian?
BJJ and submission grappling are effectively the same thing and it's retarded to pretend otherwise

Anonymous No. 202553

>despite it being descended, not only in spirit but in terms of actual instructor lineage,
from BJJ

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Anonymous No. 202554

>BJJ and submission grappling are effectively the same thing and it's retarded to pretend otherwise

Anonymous No. 202564

>BJJ and submission grappling are effectively the same thing
submission grappling is something men have been doing competitively for thousands of years

famously an account from 564BC
"The antagonist of Arrichion, having already clinched him around the middle, thought to kill him; already he had wound his forearm about the other’s throat to shut off the breathing, while, pressing his legs on the groins and winding his feet one inside each knee of his adversary, he forestalled Arrichion’s resistance by choking him till the sleep of death thus induced began to creep over his senses. But in relaxing the tension of his legs he failed to forestall the scheme of Arrichion; for the latter kicked back with the sole of his right foot (as the result of which his right side was imperiled since now his knee was hanging unsupported), then with his groin he holds his adversary tight till he can no longer resist, and, throwing his weight down toward the left while he locks the latter’s foot tightly inside his own knee, by this violent outward thrust he wrenches the ankle from its socket"

Anonymous No. 202581

I wish I could be that based without making my wife sad.

Anonymous No. 202590

anonymous wants to have death in glorious combat but his wife wont let him

Anonymous No. 202592

In all fairness I gave up on any Olympic aspirations long before meeting her.
>Arrichion the pankratiast, having won two Olympic titles already, was competing for the crown in his third Olympiad, following these other two, and when he was just beginning to give up, his trainer Eryxias inspired him with a desire for death by shouting from the sidelines, “What a fine funeral shroud, not to give up at Olympia.”

Anonymous No. 202599

And kind of refine the old timey way of speaking the account is recorded in, this match in question it seems to describe the guy is on his back with hooks in and a rear strangle, so he turned to free one of his hips and grabbed a toe hold which broke the guys ankle and caused him to submit. It may have even been the behind the leg version craig did to boogeyman

If he was a Brazilian though those faggots would've called it the arrichipata or some shit because those narcissists love to name things after themselves

I refuse to use the common names of a move if it's named after a person, I will just describe what I am doing
You don't get to put your name on something that people have been doing for all of recorded history

Anonymous No. 202600

I really can't call it a kimura its a double wristlock thats just what it is

Anonymous No. 202601

can call it an ude garami, arm entanglement if you want to use the literal english translation

consider leglocks for example
in japanese it's ashi garami
in english it's leg entanglement
in portuguese its tap tap tap!

Anonymous No. 202628

this guy looks badass!

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Anonymous No. 202643

Back to the plateau with me. Getting dominated in every roll again.

Anonymous No. 202644

Just want to thank that asspained anon who followed me to /fit/ and gave me free bumps to keep the thread going

Ended up with over 100 replies. Get rekt pahaha


Anonymous No. 202653

kek I do like Japanese names but I am not good at speaking the Japanese names, so I stick with the English ones

Anonymous No. 202692

I had a good talk with some anon about CACC,
Should have told him about Victor Henry.
He is a good fighter to watch.

Anonymous No. 202693
interesting escape from body lock vid

Anonymous No. 202697

gotta understand it all goes back to the gracie fraudulence
the entire basis of jiujitsu as we know it is from charlatans that had really basic incomplete skills, and that became the way professionals trained
and all these "rules" started to pop up about ways to do things

when you have 2 people who are really bad at jiujitsu going together it makes them seems like they might be really good
and now that we have people critically thinking about it the whole thing is being turned on its head

a good example is you may have heard joe rogan just now when the cuck was on MVPs back trying to choke him
THIS IS REALLY DANGEROUS HIS ARM IN IS IN ITS OVER!!! and then MVP gets up like nothing happen
this is because joe rogan learned jiujitsu 25 years ago from retards and still thinks being on the back is some kind of death sentence, and having an arm wrapped around the neck means the fight is over even though it was obvious to me and anybody with a brain watching MVP was never in any danger because his arteries weren't being compressed and COULD NOT BE compressed from the position they were in

Anonymous No. 202702

I am no fan of the Gracies
but stop complaining about rules this and that each group has different ones that it doesn't even matter

totally not the view from the side of the ring, instead of a over head shot

Anonymous No. 202705

he has the ring side seat but also monitors showing the camera angles at the desk, with all that it should've been even more clear to him that choke was no danger at the moment he was flipping out
and this isn't a one off, hes routinely going THATS ITS IT'S OVER! and the guy gets out 4 seconds later

he's operating on jiujitsu knowledge decades out of date at this point
the last time he probably learned anything hooks were considered good, crossing your feet was bad, and the back attacks were done from the underhook side and the overhook side was considered the "weak side" and half guard was "half passed"
none of these things are true now, the game has changed and he has no idea about it, that much is clear

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Anonymous No. 202706


Anonymous No. 202711

>free bumps
I saged the thread with my one response. That others failed to do the same is not my problem

Anonymous No. 202723

>local bjj club cross trains with our judo club
thanks for being my uchi mata dummy nerds. keep those arms stiff and posture bent.

Anonymous No. 202733

You replied like 10 times lmao dude stop crying

>I.d.k !!!!!!


Anonymous No. 202736

>everyone replying to me is the same person
Removing the poster count was a mistake, not that it would've made much difference against retardation of this magnitude

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Anonymous No. 202759

>train bjj for 8 months
>still getting tapped all the time during sparring with almost zero subs
>everyone with less experience than me quits/trains infrequently while the higher belts/multiple stripe white belt trains consistently

Anonymous No. 202774

thanks friends. i lost 6-0 (two guard passes) and for some reason i'm crying like a dummy about fuck knows what. i just want to become good at half guard and not lose like that again. this dumb sport is both so easy and so hard

Anonymous No. 202776

all good man,
your just letting out stress.
It is a great thing you even did it in the first place, good work.

Anonymous No. 202780

I've never lost a match, I have an undefeated record because any time it seems like I might not win I do something to get myself disqualified

this will end on my terms or nobodies
try it out

Anonymous No. 202781


Anonymous No. 202789

Is that you, Ronda Rousey?

Anonymous No. 202790

How was the situation with the air conditioning?

Anonymous No. 202797

Are you me?
I really feel like I'm making zero progress at all because I consistently get absolutely shat on.
Doesn't help that I'm the smallest guy there.

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Anonymous No. 202798

I got my one stripe after 10 months. Is that long?
I feel like non competitors at my gym get promoted incredibly slowly

Anonymous No. 202800

If you're there 4-5x a week and doing doubles, yes. If you're there 1 or 2 days a week and aren't actively asking questions, not particularly.

Anonymous No. 202822

10 months there should be discussions about another belt coming soon

first stripe is like you showed up for 4 weeks consistently, hey buddy good job trying something new

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Anonymous No. 202827

my professional bjj record is 1 win (on points) and 11 losses

Anonymous No. 202861

wristlock is legal at blue belt in ibjjf

Anonymous No. 202863

I've determined the moves ibjjf bans are solely the cheeky ones noobs can hit on blackbelts and they're salty about it

Anonymous No. 202882

I had to take 4 months off because I sprained my knee doing yoga and had some huge bills to pay. I was going to a Gracie place 20 min away but theres a bjj place 5 min away it will be easier to go to. Also interested in wrestling for takedowns which is at the same place. I really enjoy the Gracie place but I could go to the bjj place more regularly and do private lessons at the Gracie place occasionally. What do

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Anonymous No. 202892

white belts be like

Anonymous No. 202895

the longer I do this the more I realize there's some real fucking weirdos attracted to this stuff so yeah someone being so autistic or elitist that they don't talk to you is a real thing

I dropped in at another local gym and the guy got really shitty once he realized I wasn't a potential new student to make money off of.

Anonymous No. 202896

ha your instructor actually gave you expectations, mine just said don't get hurt

Anonymous No. 202897

well at least you got the "i lost on points didn't get submitted" cope going for you

Anonymous No. 202898

white belt can inside ashi and straight ankle m8

Anonymous No. 202900

>all i feel comfortable with is trying sweeps from half guard and i have like 1/8 success with them
>i'm really annoying when i get to half guard, people usually cannot get out.
>i lost 6-0
Your approach is common but very wrong. Being "annoying" via escapes is one thing, but being annoying via stalling/retention is another. Your focus should be to get on top and/or submit someone.
Use this competition experience to grow and learn more effectively. I would highly recommend systematizing your half guard game
Something like
>my body should be positioned like this, with these specific frames
>here are some ways I can off balance them
>my best sweep is _____, and this is what I do to deal with the common counters
>if I can't get to my favorite sweep, I will do this
>if it seems impossible to get a half guard sweep, I can change positions by doing this

Half guard is very important but don't get tunnel vision. Explore some other positions and make sure you spend some time playing top position. You might get good at half guard, but it won't matter if you're clueless once you get a successful sweep

Anonymous No. 202904

pride did not have elbows at all u dumbass larper

Anonymous No. 202958

>yeah belts don't mean much to me since I prefer no-gi anyways
>omg my instructor gave me my 11th stripe on my white belt I finally made it broles
why are bjjfags like this?

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Anonymous No. 202962


Anonymous No. 202983

Had a weird incident at the gym this week. So my gym runs regular class most evenings at 6pm followed by open mat, but since I work late sometimes I can only make it to open mat. Often nobody turns up to the open mats and many times I’ve turned up and have had to go home because there’s nobody to train with.

Lately I started to bring my friend who is not a member and trains very casually. We just found a quiet space in the back to run through drills - typically stuff I’m interested in or holes I need to address. I find this really helps my BJJ a lot and I learn far better this way, especially considering my coach at the moment is doing a lackadaisical move of the week format for 30 mins + 30 mins sparring. I still turn up for class when I can but supplementing my training with drills makes a massive difference.

I asked whenever we arrived at open mat and the coaches seemed ok with it at first. I would show appreciation by cleaning the mats and not getting in anyone’s way too so though it was a nice arrangement. However last time at the open mat the head coach approached me and told me it’s not appropriate, and that my friend must pay a membership (or an expensive drop in fee). The manner in which he spoke was a little bit on the firm side which caught me off guard and honestly I felt very embarrassed since there were other members there within earshot. I apologised and told them I would pay the drop in fee but now I feel like leaving the gym. I do not feel like going back since now the atmosphere feels too uncomfortable.

Am I being a bit too rash? It is a very convenient gym to train at (the others are a minimum 30 minute drive) but the culture seems a bit uptight and this experience left a very sour taste. I would maybe expect to pay a small fee, but they are asking for the full class drop in fee which I find ridiculous. Also the way it was approached feels very wrong. They were very friendly up until now but now it feels very fake.

Anonymous No. 202987

You took advantage of a courtesy
The gym is a business, and it's normal to allow people to bring a guest and not charge anything because they're hoping to convert the guest into a paying member
Once it becomes clear the guest has no intention of joining then they need to leave or pay a fee

Where it rubs owners the wrong way is the guest doesn't even approach them to offer some money and they can maybe work out a deal where there's a reduced fee for regular drop ins
The gesture matters more than the money in these cases

Anonymous No. 202991

My dude nothing is free and people dont do bjj lessons to be charitable. The niceness is fake. See what happens when you break your spine how much they care etc lmao

A gym i tried out even tried to scam me and pretended they dont do a free trial lesson until i argued it. They dont wash the mats either even though say they do

Anonymous No. 203003

So you weren't able to train, found a way to train, and decided it helped you train? What a revelation. "The atmosphere". Hilarious phrasing to avoid accountability.

Anonymous No. 203010

sounds like the economy is getting to your gym owner

so your buddy can join as a member and then he could still train with you and that would make your shekelberg instructor happy

you can change your schedule and go to the more populated classes

you can look for other gyms

I don't think someone going to open mat should pay especially if the gym is having a hard time getting people to show up for it in the first place. I get that your instructor has bills to pay. Maybe if your friend joins then it is win win for everyone but if the gym sucks then switch gyms? Either way you should cross train a little bit and see if the other places are really worth the 30 minute drive, try to ask them ahead of time when you can drop in, I just showed up somewhere and the guy was a dick to me because I was someone else's student but that helped me decide not to pick his gym when I inevitably did decide to switch gyms.

Anonymous No. 203017

really weird take that you think a private club should allow random people to use the facility for free

would you feel this way if it was a regular weight lifting gym?
a skating rink?
a car wash?
let me use your shit for free

Anonymous No. 203021

Yeah you’re right. I happily offered to clean after open mat whenever my friend came round but I guess I should’ve offered them some money or something. The coaches said it was fine, but I guess it wasn’t until it became apparent she wasn’t going to become a member. I was for sure in the wrong but it was very unclear what the rules about open mat were (it says on the site they’re open to everyone). Speaking of deals, my last gym owner actually approached us last time and let her train with me for free because they wanted more female members, but I think that ship has sailed here lmao. Thanks for your input man.

I really don’t know what you’re trying to say dude.

Yeah perhaps, but I’m thinking it’s just the culture. My last gym was pretty relaxed about this stuff and would host free open mats often - I made the wrong assumption ultimately. I think it’s silly they expect us to pay the full price of a drop in for an open mat (not even a class) where we just quietly do drills in an empty corner. I think I will take your advice and start shopping around. My old coach (an ecological method autist) started a small affiliate gym about 30 mins drive from here, so I’ll check it out. Thanks dude.

Anonymous No. 203022

It’s not that cut and dry. Many BJJ clubs out there host free open mats where anyone can turn up and train

Anonymous No. 203058

It's how you get people in the door, eventually you need to give them the sales pitch and convert them into a customer. If you're going to train there every week consistently for free then you should probably pay the guy but dropping in once in a while for an OPEN mat should be free.

What service is he providing, he isn't teaching, you have to clean the mat, he isn't doing your laundry so yeah I get it he has rent so don't make it an all the time every day thing but one or two open mats a month shouldn't be an issue, it's good to bring in bodies for your guys to train with, you are getting something out of it as a gym owner, it isn't a one way street like this guy is eating my food for free dine and dash

Anonymous No. 203061

People interpret open mat as anybody can show up, I interpret open mat as there's no class but the gym is open so do what you want, And I think that's how most businesses interpret those words.

I'd say it's more likely the smaller gyms that are more desperate for students that have an open mat that the public can attend, the established ones don't need to do that
My gym doesn't even allow drop ins, it's members only
We don't need random idiots showing up and using our members as training dummies and injuring them then fucking off never to be heard from again and leaving our people to pick up the pieces
But we aren't desperate for money, we can be particular about who we allow in

Anonymous No. 203062

>I interpret open mat as there's no class but the gym is open so do what you want, And I think that's how most businesses interpret those words.
chiming it to agree

Anonymous No. 203063


Anonymous No. 203080

Yeah the only free "guests" at ours are associate gym members or training partners of our coaching staff. And both are usually for competitive prep, seeing semi unfamiliar reactions sort of thing.

Anonymous No. 203111

It’s not even a particularly successful gym but yeah it can set a dangerous precedent for that which you’ve mentioned. Even if they aren’t particularly offended by it, it also opens the door to people taking liberties. We don’t even roll with anyone though, we just drill in the corner and I am just a shitty coloured belt who works long hours attempting to improve my jits.

It would be nice if there was a gym where you could rock up at odd hours and pay a reduced rate for the month. I heard some guy on r/BJJ did this a few months ago - I wonder how that experiment went

Anonymous No. 203153

What? I have been dropping in at my friends academy like every month for a year now at open mat without them giving a fuck about it

Anonymous No. 203176

dropping in once a month is what the open matt is for - getting occasional cross training with other gyms for comp readiness and to keep things interesting.
Bringing your friend to multiple a week is totally different.

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Anonymous No. 203213

Fucked up knee during last open mat. Doctor suspects a meniscus tear.
How fucked am I bros? I'm thinking of giving up this sport. I'm near 30 and my back is killing me. I don't think I can fuck up another joint in my body afterwards. But unfortunately bjj the only community I have outside work.

Anonymous No. 203214

Depends on where the tear is
Some of them can heal on its own as long as you don't mess with it and make it worse, some will require surgery because it's sufficiently gnarled or in a weird spot
And surgery could be reattachment or more likely dissection where they just go in and remove the shitty part. But then it's gone forever, you just have less meniscus after that and are kicking the can down the road for future arthritis and may not even make your knee any better in the short term

The medical industrial complex will probably try to push you towards unnecessary surgical procedures
The going opinion right now on meniscus tears is if its not bothering you too much and impacting your quality of life then don't worry about it
It's one thing if your knee is constantly getting stuck and causing you pain
It's another thing where you're mostly fine except when you run 5 miles it starts to bother you

Anonymous No. 203215

I live in a non mutt country so no one tried to push unecessary surgeries on me. It's just some people told me meniscus tears are pretty serious and can never truly heal and that by continuing this sport I'm setting myself up for further problems

Anonymous No. 203219

>non mutt country so no one tried to push unecessary surgeries on me
oh I see, so they'll offer to euthanize you like a lame farm animal because it's cheaper than fixing your knee
don't take that option either

Anonymous No. 203222

I got a leglock from bottom Turtle today
I can now call myself a Catch wrestler

Anonymous No. 203272

Yeah bro they definitely euthanize people here for meniscus tears.
Dumbass faggot

Anonymous No. 203283

>near 30
>can't make his own decisions medically
>can't handle bantz being returned

Who wants to bet someone tore his knee because they hate training with him

Anonymous No. 203409

In my gym promotions are such a slog.
You get a stripe every 6 months if you compete. If you don't it takes around 8 to 10 month.
If you win medals that accelerates your promotion. Some chick got a blue belt in two years after winning gold but my coach is super strict about our reputation amongst other gyms in the city.
Also he won't promote you if you do nogi

Anonymous No. 203416

>my coach is super strict about our reputation amongst other gyms
Kinda sad he's letting random assholes live rent free like that

I'll give it to you straight, the gym that inherits the better athletes wins the tournament. Nothing you can do as a gym to change that, it's 100% luck if you get some chads living near by your location
The top gyms in the world all being in the center of major metro areas is not a coincidence

Anonymous No. 203441

see >>203393

Anonymous No. 203644

The guy is a Gracie bb with lineage so his standards are different I guess.
I actually don't give a shit being a single stripe white belt since whenever niggas from other gyms visit us they get destroyed and they wonder why we're sandbagged?

Anonymous No. 203743

>coach has introduced conditioning into the competition class
Ffs, I went to comp class because it had no drilling or """conditioning""" with Q&A and positional rolling instead.
If I want to be physically fit (I do) I will train conditioning in my own time more and in a more efficient manner (I ALREADY DO!). I pay these exorbitant fees so you can teach me BJJ not so I get better at push ups and wall squats.
If I roon 10km the night before, and I squat heavy in the morning, why the fuck do I need to wall squat before rolling AHHHHHH

Anonymous No. 203745

Tell him this.

Anonymous No. 203747

He won't take that well hahahah very old school Brazilian type.
But you're right, I probably should. I need to get back in his good books first.

Anonymous No. 203748

Yeah it's lame and gay these retards with no education in exercise modalities or designing training programs try to run conditioning

It's the Brazilian monkey brain porrada attitude, they think just because you're working hard you're improving
We white men realize it's about efficiency not effort

Anonymous No. 203750

>I need to get back in his good books
The wall squats are punitive. What'd you do?

Anonymous No. 204067

lol I train 3-4x a week and haven't got a stripe in 2+ years stop crying

Anonymous No. 204215

Are you a white belt?

Anonymous No. 204248

got the blue belt blues bro

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Anonymous No. 204769

does you're gym teach and drill ukemi?
i think our coach shows basic ukemi once in our fundamentals class
it makes me feel very uncertain about doing big throws on beginners

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Anonymous No. 206174

Unfit newfag here, how do I improve my cardio? From what I gathered I need to do 40 to 60 mins of zone 2 instead of 12 minutes of HIIT?

Anonymous No. 206206


So is a black belt now.

Anonymous No. 206207

Wrong. Hosting seminars are either required by the association or done as a favor to other instructors they know who are traveling. The gym never makes anything off those massive fees. They go to the celebrity doing the stupid seminar.

Anonymous No. 206209

>And then black is a participation belt the same way blue is because fact is your difference in ability between the day you get brown and black will be trivial

I say it's a political belt but yeah basically. The black belt is meaningless now. The people I see get them the last few years just makes me sick to my stomach.

Anonymous No. 206210

Can I punch you in the face? No? Then it's not a fight either.

Anonymous No. 206211

I coached for a couple years. Summer is always a major downturn So are holidays. That's just how it is.

Lasso sweeps work. It's probably my favorite guard.

People stop coming for every imaginable reason. Lots of people cannot sleep after evening BJJ classes. Some actually want more class and less live rolling. Some simply do not like the vibe of the place and the people. As an anon I hate the people in my state who are all seething blue haired commies and often there are fags and Somalis at every academy I do not want to touch. BJJ gets VERY boring and unless there is a clear path for promotions a student can take upon themselves to achieve and be acknowledged for they often quit because "just keep showing up" and "coach knows when you are ready" is some Brazilian lifestyle bullshit Americans do not have time for. We are purchasing a service and expect the ROI to be comprehensible and reliable. Which is why everything is a McDojo now awarding fat women black belts. Which in turn makes young males quit because why bother if a fat woman can be a black belt? It's meaningless.

Anonymous No. 206213

>Black belts are brown belts who are better at making friends


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Anonymous No. 206306

Guys, I made a table comparison of major martial arts.

Anonymous No. 206308

y u no do karate

Anonymous No. 206310

Too many mcdojos. So many that karate is basically a meme.

Anonymous No. 206509

What is a good brand for gi ? I started at a very small dojo, but now I am thinking of going to a different one. I bought a gi from the small dojo, later I heard he just buys them from some paki and is low quality. So I decided when I switch I will just buy one with good quality. I don't want the top model, just something that works.

Also I was suprised how stiff gi's are. I always thought they would be really comfy and resemble more like bathrobe in terms of softness.

Anonymous No. 206692

Are there any nogi guard breaks that don't suck complete ass? Do I just need to posture up until they do something?

I feel like I posture up, they try to come up/hip bump. I try to stop it. Then I probably get triangled cause I was being retarded.

Anonymous No. 206704

Inverted gear
Get low and drive the top of your head into his face and say you'll stop if he opens his legs

Anonymous No. 206737

>made in pakistan
Is everyone doing their stuff in Pakistan? If yes then what is the difference?

Anonymous No. 206745

theres 2 companies in pakistan that do almost all the gi manufacturing because they own the cotton plantations and utilizes slaves and child laborers

many of the companies are just buying generic low quality gis from them and having them sew their tags and logos onto the product and it's all the same
others actually are doing real runs on higher quality product

Anonymous No. 206750

Do you happen to know the name of the two companies?

Anonymous No. 206751

nah, if you want cheap slop gis tho you can buy them off alibaba

Anonymous No. 206766

Does /BJJ/ subscribe to the idea that different body types suit different guards?

I am 6'4 white belt with a 6'6 wingspan. I find can control distance well with my long frames but I also leave massive holes/gaps that my rolling opponents capitalise on.

I dont have a preferred guard, and never pull one (throws and wrestling are my favourite parts of BJJ).
If I am on the bottom I usually just try escape, and either wrestle up from the scramble, or get to turtle and then "just stand up" MMA grappling style.
For obvious reasons this works better in no-gi than the gi.

What guard should I work on for my body type? I'm liking half in gi and butterfly in no-gi (although its hard tucking my legs in at times and creates a lot of weight to leverage on the long leg limbs)

Anonymous No. 206793

you have to ask yourself, why do you want your frames to be long? because far away = better? whether a frame is keeping him 2 feet away from you or 2 inches away, the weight not being on your body is all the same
the difference in keeping him far away is that's also distance you will need to cover in order to do anything back to him, and no matter what it becomes a fight for control of the void

Anonymous No. 206805

>because far away = better
It gives more time to react, especially when standing. But I see your point for a lot of cases.
Anyway, we digress. Best guards for big lanks?
Preferably something that works in gi and no-gi. Spider/Lasso guard just feel "gamey" to me.

Anonymous No. 206871

But who are not doing it? I thought inverted is different, but they are buying from pakis. I wanted to get okami, or fuji/sekai. Saw okami sells 350g when inverted sells 400-600 for the same price.

Anonymous No. 206888

If you want non Pakistani buy origin, but you're gonna pay more for it being that they pay their employees

Those guards are noob traps, they don't work on anybody good. Their only function is to impress and confuddle white belts that haven't learned they're like quicksand and just stop working if you refuse to move

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Anonymous No. 206891

you want to see some real scummy misdirection?
this is a $300 "okinawan edition" gi, and it says made in pakistan but they wrote pakistan in japanese knowing most people can't read it and will assume it's made in japan

Anonymous No. 206897

>If you want non Pakistani buy origin
I mean I wouldn‘t mind it that much, but I just don‘t know what a good quality gi for beginners are

Now that is really really scummy. But I think no jap writes nippon in hiragana

Anonymous No. 206900

just buy a sanabul off amazon, that'll get you by until you want to invest in something better. They're the best budget option on the market

Anonymous No. 206981

what about fuji gi's ?

Anonymous No. 207011

You see it in judo, never saw one of their jiujitsu gis

Anonymous No. 207111

So, where can I pirate instructionals?

Anonymous No. 207117


Anonymous No. 207206


Anonymous No. 207440

new thread