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🧵 Defendo, legit or total BS?

Anonymous No. 199760

I see Defendo places around me, from their descriptions it seems like Krav Maga but with more focus on unarmed fighting, on their website it says their bases are taken from Muay Thai and catch wrestling.
How effective is this? Why would someone learn defendo over just going to a regular old MMA gym?

Anonymous No. 199763

It's more for security work, as far as I've understood it. It's more trying to control the situation until you have the dominant control, and then de-escalation if needed. They at least used to be about control holds, reining someone out of the bar/into the police car/down to the ground, and so on. And not just one-on-one fights, but how to take control of someone if you have a partner on your side.

If the places around you have live resistance training, then go and check them out.

Anonymous No. 199767

judging by its name, it is bullshit

Anonymous No. 199773

>"exotic" inventor/instructor name
>catch wrestling base
>English word with vaugely Asian martial art suffix

How much for his entire VHS catalog?

Anonymous No. 199792


Anonymous No. 199794

that'll be $499 plus tip

Anonymous No. 199797

What's wrong with catch wrestling?

Anonymous No. 199800

Okay, it's clearly some aikido level bullshit.

Anonymous No. 199802

No one claiming it as a base for something else has ever been telling the truth.

Anonymous No. 199807

There's nothing wrong with catch wrestling as a martial art. The problem is legit catch places are few and far between. There's a lot of weirdos and charlatans who claim catch wrestling backgrounds but have dubious credentials. If they're not from a handful of verified catch gyms, odds are they're grifters or just hipsters.

Anonymous No. 199809

I mean that's true for every style except maybe wrestling.

Anonymous No. 199811

Are the places near you actually Jyrki Saario Defendo, or Canadian Defendo, or Scandinavian defendo, or some other defendo?
For some reason, there's multiple defendo martial arts, that have little to nothing to do with each other.

Anonymous No. 199814

It's actually Jyrki Saario Defendo.

Anonymous No. 199815

>Why would someone learn defendo over just going to a regular old MMA gym?
I don't know. Just learn a combat sport, or at least something that has realistic training and some connection to combat sports (students that compete, coaches that teach students to compete). A connection to competition helps weed out the bullshit, and the types of people attracted to combat sports are more likely to be competent and knowledgeable.

Anonymous No. 199819

>the whole video is just static "demonstrations"
number 1 sign that you're being taught a glorified choreography. OP go learn something better.

Anonymous No. 199824

Anything with as retarded of a name as “defendo” is going to teach something equally retarded. I can’t believe I still have to tell people this in the age of the internet but just learn a legit combat sport and you’ll be far better off than any RBSD LARPer faggot.

Anonymous No. 199893

Combat sports are an important aspect of training but if you're not also exploring defense scenarios outside a competition setting and with weapons you're going to have some blind spots.

Anonymous No. 199894

That's a fair point. Not like there's anything wrong with learning that stuff on top of it all. I'm just skeptical that Defendo in particular is the best way to learn defense scenarios or weapons.

Anonymous No. 199896

Jyrki Saario appears to be from a combat sport background so it at least seems plausible that his system could be reasonable. I'm completely unfamiliar with it, however, and therefore share your skepticism.

Anonymous No. 199897

The difference is there's millions of practitioners of other martial arts, but the number of bonafide catch wrestlers numbers in the low thousands at most. Online though it seems like a million from every rando claiming to be a catch wrestler.

Anonymous No. 203185

So, did OP get some personal experience?

Anonymous No. 203202

No, I just signed up for boxing instead.

Anonymous No. 207411

No self-respecting man would even consider doing something with such a goofy name.

Anonymous No. 207414

OP you should try my system Attacko. It's 100% effective and mogs Defendo.

Anonymous No. 207493

Fucking kek

Anonymous No. 207575

A good Attacko is the best Defendo.

Anonymous No. 207583

who names their martial art after a harry potter spell

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Anonymous No. 207584

This Attacko, no can Defendo

Anonymous No. 207613

>Underwood had created Combato in 1910, at 15 years old
>Underwood was asked to modify the system to remove its lethal applications and instead focus on the Law Enforcement applications of self-defence, compliance and control tactics. He realized that he could not call this system Combato, so his daughter Pat Underwood proposed that he call the system "Defendo".
It makes sense after reading it's a twist on a name he came up with as a 15 year old.

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laughing whores.png

Anonymous No. 207616


Anonymous No. 207624

Combato is what happens when an unstoppable Attacko meets an unassailable Defendo.

Anonymous No. 207684

>at 15 years old I created my own lethal combat system
This is Frank Dux tier

Anonymous No. 213702

By the name alone, bullshit

Anonymous No. 213792

Anyone actually good at submission grappling is doing BJJ

Anonymous No. 219193

Wasn't the guy who made defendo also the guy who invented what they called combato for the military? some sort of Hong Kong cop or something or my memory is wildly wrong

Anonymous No. 219197

You're thinking of WE Fairbairn who made Defendu and was a cop in Shanghai.