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๐Ÿงต Windturbine climbing

Anonymous No. 199933

Hello, I'm a skydiver and I'm very interested in climbing wind turbines. Are there people who have already done so and have advice to give me

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Anonymous No. 199955

why a windturbie? why not a plane where you can fall for a decent amount of time?

Anonymous No. 200010

when you get up there, jump on blade just as its starting to descend, slide down to the bottom and hold on, ride it until it's just past it's highest point and then jump from there

Anonymous No. 200033

i want to climb a windturbine by the ladder in it and jump from the top only for fun
but im not experienced in climbing it

Anonymous No. 200110

Federal crime, don't do it.

Anonymous No. 200453

Former tower climber here - these sites have door based alarms, do NOT try to jump off one of these unless your buddy can get yoou in during a work visit

Also don't jump with a skydiving rig you fucking donut get a proper BASE rig and get a mentor

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 206359


Anonymous No. 208280

I've climbed approximately 63% of the wind turbines in my country, and my number one piece of advice is to ignore anyone who says you shouldn't do it. They're also deceptively tall, so you can use your normal skydiving equipment for all except the inexplicably short ones - those can be easily spotted from ground level, as they have four blades instead of three. Have fun!

Anonymous No. 208345

First off, learn to base jump, it's a whole additional skill set from regular parachuting. Second off, familiarize yourself with different types of wind turbine, and listen to this faggot >>200453. Third off, there is a giant fucking propellor that will fucking kill you if you do this, so make sure the wind is working in your favor; jumping off the back is generally the safest way to go about this.