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🧵 Lethwei

Anonymous No. 200147

Thoughts? Should it be more popular? Should this bloodsport be the next big thing internationally?

Anonymous No. 200150

its fucking stupid. a better watch than boxing tho

Anonymous No. 200287

It will never be popular, but it's good to learn some of the clinch specifics when you add the head to the game, and also how to throw proper headbutts. Good for a potential streetfight, but you most likely will never use it

Anonymous No. 200302

It'll never be the next big thing because MMA and boxing have already cornered the market. Most people will never even learn that it exists.

Anonymous No. 200548

I could see it becoming more mainstream if bare-knuckle MMA really took off

Anonymous No. 200555

The whole reason boxing is more dangerous than mma is because people are allowed to get knocked out and the. Continue fighting so long as they get back up within 10 seconds. This gives people concussions on top of concussions that seriously damage the brain. Lethwei takes this to a pants on head retarded extreme where they give fighters a full fucking SIXTY seconds, a whole minute, to get back up. I have no idea how many full retard retired lethwei fighters there are in burma but I’d guess it’s a lot. For this reason alone it will never be allowed in the west. It’s ruleset allow for to great a risk of brain injury.

Anonymous No. 200560

I have the same opinion of it as I do everything thats 2dedly4u and the only reason it didn't catch on is because you're just not hardcore enough

Anonymous No. 200563

This, not to mention that there is no round limit, they just go until one of them is out cold

🗑️ Anonymous No. 206346


Anonymous No. 206546

Some traditional rules are stupid, like the double ko, and no gloves means longer and slower fights. Muay Thai has had a long time to attract preem talent and refine its ruleset so it's a way better spectator sport and fly lamp for ambitious young guys. Lethwei doesn't stand a chance imo. Headbutts are cool but not that cool. It'll remain a regional jungle sport and community college for subpar or banned kickboxers and nak muays.

Anonymous No. 206549

lethwei is the anal cunt of the fighting world

Anonymous No. 206615

Meme version of muay thai for people you don't think muay thai is obscure and hipster enough. No talent pool, stupid rules like calling time out mid-round.
The burmese actually wanted to unify their rip-off sport with muay thai to get in on having a good sport but then changed their mind when the thais insisted it must still have 'thai' in the name.

Anonymous No. 206643

For desperate Burmese rednecks and some French can crusher without the skill to make it in Muay Thai

Anonymous No. 207333

Ladyboy hands typed this post