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๐Ÿงต NASCAR fans, rate this video

Anonymous No. 200318

This is one of my newest listings which talks about those NASCAR crashes that had immense impact on Stock Racing.

Requesting them NASCAR fans to rate this video on a scale of 1-10 and to be a part of letting me know what can be improved here.


Anonymous No. 200319

nascar isnt an extreme sport

Anonymous No. 200661

I'm not a NASCAR fan, so I can't really speak to the contents.
One thing that you could improve is audio: Firstly, a better microphone would go a long way. Secondly, the sound mixing is off, your voice is too quiet and the music is too loud.
Speaking of music, the dramatic tracks should be used sparingly, to underpin crucial moments (for example the footage of the crash itself or the public announcement of the driver's death). You seem to be using them for most of the runtime of the video, which in my opinion diminishes their impact

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The crash that sh....png

Anonymous No. 200892

If not, you gotta. Cos this is the most goreful crash in the history of F1. Shite. I gotta see this and I said 'na man'.