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๐Ÿงต snowboarding

Anonymous No. 200777

Is snowboarding considered an extreme sport or should i move my ass to /sp/?

Anyway, recently got into snowboarding. Its so much fun, I even saved a qt asian when she fell into a tree well. Couldnt get out, so I had to pull her out. Was nice

Anonymous No. 200778

Ive recently discovered asian women with new Zealand accents are a fetish of mine

Anonymous No. 200784

Thats very specific. Are you sure you dont just have a crush on a random asian you met/saw who had a new Zealand accent?

Anonymous No. 200791

You can take your demoralisation posting to /sp/ you kook

Anonymous No. 200798

What demoralizing you retard? Pic is unrelated just something random i had

Anonymous No. 200800

That could be it, but now I've applied it to all of them so the ship has set sail
A new fetish it is

Anonymous No. 200928

About to leave NZ
One reason is the accent makes the women sound braindead

Anonymous No. 200971

that's kinda hot tho?
are there a lot of asian girls?

Anonymous No. 200975

Whatever butters your parsnip m8
In Auckland yes, it's basically the yellow sea

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Anonymous No. 200978
