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๐Ÿงต MMA podcasts?

Anonymous No. 200943

Are there any good MMA podcasts not hosted by basedboys? I used to like Co-Main Event but they became intolerably limp wristed along with everything else in 2017 and have only gotten cuckier. The other ones I knew about either had really annoying britbongs or were more interested in other sports and wasted my time.

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Anonymous No. 201007

You know the answer, yet you run from it

Anonymous No. 201755

Teddy Altas will cover the bigger UFC events on his podcast. Mostly boxing though

Anonymous No. 202891

Brendan fucking Schaub

Anonymous No. 203184

Jack slacks fights gone by , heavy hands, the fight site podcasts, Anik and Florian.

Anonymous No. 204027

I can see Sean banned by every major fighting organisation and ended doing a podcast in less than four years from now

Anonymous No. 204344

There JRE mma dedicated episodes, mma hour, mighty, jaxxon, mma on point. Those are ones I can think off the top of my head. Some fighters have their own random podcasts but the smaller ones are usually shit and not worth it.

Anonymous No. 205090

Rampage Jackson has one now and it's the only good one left. Co-Main Event was good pre Trump, they were always a couple of pearl clutching basedboys, but got bad TDS and turned into complete cucks and are just finger wagging school marms now. Why they even cover a sport where men fight is beyond me.

Anonymous No. 205312

This. Co-Main are such a couple of fags.