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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 201012


Anonymous No. 201049

>blow job job

Anonymous No. 201058

Show me a time when BJJ lost a fight, against wrestling and judo doesn't count

Anonymous No. 201123


Anonymous No. 201126

You and your Blowjob Jutsu

Anonymous No. 201138

dave herman was a wrestler who barely trained and owned some norwegian adcc guy named like jolaf einemo or something

Anonymous No. 201145

bjj is sambo for women

🗑️ Anonymous No. 201151

The most effective and most growing martial art

Anonymous No. 201152

Judo is growing faster than bjj, the world is not the usa

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Anonymous No. 201357

Who won UFC 1?
Who beat countless martial artists of every kind?
Who begin the rational age of fighting and destroyed the dark age of asian mysticism?
Non-BJJ idiots still seething 30 years later.

Anonymous No. 201359

>who won UFC 1
The same people who organized it
>Who beat countless martial artists of every kind?
Literally every serious combat sport can claim this
>Who begin the rational age of fighting and destroyed the dark age of asian mysticism?
Jiujitsu has its origins in Asian martial arts you fucking retard, but if you want an actual answer then it’s Gene Lebell since he fought the first sanctioned MMA match.
>Non-BJJ idiots still seething 30 years later.
You’re responding to the most obvious bait thread on the board and then tell other people they’re seething? Lmao

Anonymous No. 201443

>Muay Thai can't capitalise on his knockdowns because he is afraid of BJJs guard
How is this a bad thing?

Anonymous No. 201444

BJJgods... I'm sorry

Anonymous No. 201462

>bro get in my guard
If your martial art doesn’t work on someone who refuses to play your game exactly the way you want then you have a serious problem

Anonymous No. 201468

>can't capitalise on his knockdowns
he stood there and kicked the fuck out of him until the referee stepped in to stop the beating