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Anonymous No. 201235

Which is better for killing niggers, BJJ or muay thai?

Anonymous No. 201242


Anonymous No. 201246

is /pol/ filled with martial artists?

Anonymous No. 201247

Muay thai gives you the tools to directly defend against boxing, the premier combat sport of the urban negro, while adding useful and unexpected tools to the toolbox. BJJ encourages being vulnerable on the ground while dealing with a demographic known for favoring group fighting and sucker punches. Of the two, muay thai is clearly the Yakubian choice.

Anonymous No. 201248

It’s filled with stupid faggots, you’ll fit right in

Anonymous No. 201249

Why do you want to touch niggers so much? Normal racists are content with using guns or paying other niggers to do the job for them, but here you are fantasising about grappling them in a desperate struggle. Sounds pretty fruity to me, maybe you'd prefer something like Turkish oil wrestling to "kill" your niggers.

Anonymous No. 201260

What if I'm caught in a situation without my gun, and there are negroids afoot?

Anonymous No. 201262

>I didn't plan ahead
Your racial kinsmen favor boxing.

Anonymous No. 201265

muay thai and nogi (aggressive top game)
boxing and judo

I have chosen Nogi and Muay Thai
sweep them, kick them, elbow them,
front Headlock,

Anonymous No. 201306

>gun (one)