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Anonymous No. 201459

Why are girls that do climbing/bouldering so damn cute

Anonymous No. 201461

seriously they are
I think its because you can't be fat and they already have petite bodies that become toned and muscular

Anonymous No. 201559

Races with best physiology for climbing are also the prettiest. Second, there is an economic barrier that tends to screen out thirdies*. However, the thirdies that do manage to squirm their way in to this hobby tend not to be very good because of point 1. Point three is the sport is very physically demanding. There are no fat climbers.

Best climbing countries: Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea.
* Indonesia has a grip on speed climbing for some reason I'm not sure why. They can monkey up the speed wall crazy fast but anything involving technique and stamina is beyond them.

Anonymous No. 201566

Take a look at SEA island topography. Shouldn't take too many braincells to piece together.

Anonymous No. 201568

Yeah it follows that they CAN climb. The puzzler is why they excel at speed climbing specifically and not so much any other discipline.

Anonymous No. 201570

>the speed wall
seriously there's such an opportunity for this to be a good sport if the wall wasn't the same configuration every time
the wall should be different for every competition
hell, it should be different for every heat of a competition

Anonymous No. 201572

I agree with this to a point. Speed climbers argue keeping wall same means the sport is more a pure speed event and less about beta, sort of like 100m sprint. Also they can do keep world records as it's always same format. The problem is this is boring (for me to watch). I would rather they do a new set for each event. Changing it every heat is a bit excessive.

Anonymous No. 201576

the flaw with the purity argument is the configuration of the wall is completely arbitrary and asymmetrical
if they cared about purity then it would be a ladder type configuration with symmetrically ascending grips of different types

to equate that to another sport, sumo. Sumo is a pure sport, push the guy out of a circle
imagine if instead of a circle it was now a scalene triangle, it's the same sport but suddenly it isn't so pure anymore

Anonymous No. 201790

there's a shitton of lesbians

Anonymous No. 201801

As a speed hater so obviously an authority on the subject I think they should change it every season. It's the best of both worlds. At the start of the season you get the wild west beta competition and then for the rest of it you get the long term refinement and record chasing. As a bonus regular plebs outside of high performance sporting programs might ever think about trying the speed wall at least once a year instead of never so you'd get some new blood into the sport.

Anonymous No. 201823

I can purify them

I will make her wear a sun dress
I will make her hold hands and walk with me
I will make her take a picture and give a peace sign in front of the penguin exhibit at the zoo

Anonymous No. 201922

middle class sport. Genuinely fit people sport.

Anonymous No. 201929

It's a lot cheaper to build a speed wall with a couple of autobelays compared to building and seting a number of lead route or boulder problems to an international comp standard.

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Anonymous No. 202057

if you find out let me know

Anonymous No. 202088

Not a sport. And the average faggot gym climber is not, in any sense, fit.

Anonymous No. 202215

Who's that? She looks very young

Anonymous No. 202218


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Anonymous No. 202279


Anonymous No. 202447

I don't see them, climbing gyms near me are 80% male with half the girls there with their bf.

Anonymous No. 203878

Elementary school 6th grade

Anonymous No. 204307

Nah. World Cup Style. Each event gets its own set. Athletes get Friday to practice, Saturday is quali to eliminate the low performers that round, and Sunday is essentially a track meet. 10-16 rounds per year around a bunch of countries.

Pick 1 round to use the current standard format and have a bunch of countries also double up and hold their national championships and/or world championships at the end of the year (which is obviously separate from the cup championship).

Eventually there will be different layouts that evolve. Maybe a slightly altered hold here or there every year, but for the most part, each round has a specific layout that doesn't change much.

Anonymous No. 204390

This is so true.. even the receptionist at the indoor bouldering gym is hella cute.

Anonymous No. 204566

They tend to be fit and fit people are more attractive on average

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 206953

You First Ascent faggots know some of the staff reads the thread, right?
Wassup burly-armed, brown curly hair man, you set good shit

Anonymous No. 207083

>why are women who practice a sport where you're disproportionally hindered by excess body weight attractive
gee I wonder