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🧵 Muay Thai techniques into Judo

Anonymous No. 202394

How well can I apply Muay Thai sweeps, dumps, and throws. What are the Judo versions of these ones in particular:


It looks like some kind of hip bump or front uchi mata.

I didn't know if I should post this in either /judo/ or /thaig/ so I making this thread.

Anonymous No. 202395

Japanese terminology doesn't differentiate between kicks and sweeps. To me that means velocity is implied
Blast them niggers in there

Anonymous No. 202583

Mauy Thai sweeps are usually very simple and are almost a variant of Sasae-Tsurikomi-Ashi, De-Ashi-Harai or Kosoto-Gari. I’ve actually gotten better at these moves since I’ve started training Muay Thai since most other throws aren’t allowed

Anonymous No. 202606

Sort of? All of the Muay Thai throwing techniques are perfectly valid but the problem is in Muay Thai you’re dealing with a guy who is not only not gripping you back, but from what I’ve seen also not prepared for a grappling action when the techniques are executed. This makes it a lot easier to pull them off. If you are doing judo against a judoka your technique for throwing is going to require a lot more refinement.

That said the video you posted is 90% ashi and koshi waza. Specifically, uki-goshi for their hip throws and ashi harai, de ashi harai, and Sasae tsurikomi ashi for their foot techniques.

Anonymous No. 202719

muay thai sweeps are amazing! but there is a problem, if you're doing judo then their stance is just so diferente becasue there is no strikes involved that you won't be able to throw no one.