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Anonymous No. 202932

>is the most ineffective position for the hand to hit something bio-mechanically speaking

Anonymous No. 202934

how do you mean?

Anonymous No. 202938

He means that he has Down syndrome

Anonymous No. 202988

It's the palms debate again. The knuckles of the hand are not an ideal striking surface. But pretty much any truth to this is found only within the confines of RBSD scenarios

Anonymous No. 202989

Yes, God intended humans to do wrestling

Anonymous No. 202990

Yet ive TKO'd people with one punch to the jaw


Anonymous No. 203000

>TKO'd people with one punch to the jaw
Don't think you know what TKO means. Anyways. The differences between knuckles & palms are minimal. What risks there are with knuckle punching is mitigated with very little training. But it is true that the base of the palm is a more suitable surface for striking. It's honestly not that big a deal & anyone sperging out like OP is a fag. You could easily make arguments for why palms are unsafe, i.e. hyperextension of the wrist. There are all kinds of hand formations appropriate striking under different circumstances but no one can deny that the fist is the most utilitarian and can be used in almost any situation.

Anonymous No. 203002

God intended humans to have heterosexual intercourse yet youve put your penis into your friend's ass


Anonymous No. 203006

>There are all kinds of hand formations appropriate striking under different circumstances but no one can deny that the fist is the most utilitarian and can be used in almost any situation.

You can grab with an open hand.

Anonymous No. 203025

>There are all kinds of hand formations appropriate striking under different circumstances but
Anon, no-one is disputing that it's easier to grab with an open hand but the debate is specifically about optimal striking.

Anonymous No. 203031

You made the statement "that the fist is the most utilitarian and can be used in almost any situation" however the most utilitarian strike would be from the palm and wrist bone as it has the most versatility and utility to another maneuvers. The transferability from a strike to a grasp is faster and can lead to using a range of other maneuvers not just from the hands, that seems to have a lot of utility and would seem to be more utilitarian than a basic punch.

However, this whole thing is like arguing high bar squats vs low bar squats. It doesn't really matter, I'm just in favor of palm striking.

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Anonymous No. 203033

Oh also,

A punch has the impact's force traveling from a further and much weaker point up the arm and into the body, even when hit properly (the middle knuckle) it's still incredibly disadvantages to the producer.

When you use your palm and wrist bone (scaphoid and lunate bone specifically) the force is distributed greater into the body and more directly through the ulna and radius.

Anonymous No. 203226

I prefer palm strikes myself, but I feel the need to clarify 4 things:
>I am not the original guy who made the claim
>Palm is slower and more telegraphed than a jab
>Fist is not just used for jabs to the face, but also for hammerfists (arguably safer than palm strikes and more effective, albeit slower and require more specific opportunities), body shots (particularly liver shots) and cutting which can also end the fight
>Risk management is important, but dangers become negligible with basic training and both palm and fist become less a matter of personal safety pragmatism and more of a preference

Anonymous No. 203233

Just pragmatically speaking when they're like don't punch because you'll break your hands!
It's like nigga this guy's trying to knock my head off rn, I'll worry about my hands after

Anonymous No. 203318

There is no reason a palm strike would be telegraphed more. It begins in a less aggressive position and the first strike will be more unexpected (unless you're a retard focusing on gladiator matches for Israel). You can easily grab a fag and break his skull on the concrete.

Anonymous No. 203705

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I read all this shit about grappler supremacy and then go spar at my mma gym against 5 year bjjfags and they can't take me down

Anonymous No. 203714

Well that can easily be explained. You see, BJJfags pull guard. Not actually take down people.

Anonymous No. 204687

I know what a tko is. Its when the person gets dropped and is too dazed to continue but still awake

Anonymous No. 204693

Bas Rutten swears by palm strikes and he's knocked out a lot of people with them so the conclusion to be made here is that they are good

Anonymous No. 205299

You clowns do realize you can toughen them, right?

Anonymous No. 205301

Shouldn't you be napping for your fight tonight Tommy

Anonymous No. 207726

What about the hammer fist? when you want to bang on the door you use that part of your hand and not your knuckles, because that would hurt.

Anonymous No. 207728

>he doesn't wrap on the door with a flicking back fist

Anonymous No. 207729

God intended humans to throw rocks and hit things with sticks. No caveman ever punched a mammoth to death.

Anonymous No. 208206

Seconding this