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🧵 What should I do all summer while I’m wearing a cast?

Anonymous No. 203362

I injured my wrist playing rugby back in May. After spending the last month and a half trying to figure out what was wrong (nearly all of which was spent in some sort of brace or splint), I finally got word on Friday that I have a torn scapholunate ligament that’s gonna need surgery to fix. The surgery is scheduled for 22 July. After the surgery, I’ll be in a splint for 2 weeks, followed by a hard fiberglass cast for 8 more weeks. I’m pretty bummed and have no idea what I should do with my time this summer. Any suggestions? I’d also appreciate any suggestions for dealing with a cast during the summer. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 203364

do you have another hand

Anonymous No. 203367

Yes, but I’m very limited in my activities (can’t swim, can’t play rugby, can’t skateboard, can’t wakeboard, etc) with my arm in a cast all summer. I’m just trying to find some fun activities I can do/ asking for advice on life with a cast since it’ll be my first time.

Anonymous No. 203368

Lots of cardio

Anonymous No. 203369

Any advice for keeping the cast from stinking to high heaven?

Anonymous No. 203371


Anonymous No. 203378

Probably rest and work on other things. Any exercising will make you sweat under the cast. Just read or study something and work on your intellectual skills until you recover.

Anonymous No. 203380

You think? It just sucks. I’ve already been out of commission for a month and a half. It’s gonna be 3 more before I can do anything again. Are there any low effort, but exciting things you can think of?

Anonymous No. 203383

Casts smell so bad after a while. 8 weeks during the summer is going to be brutal.

Anonymous No. 203391

Get some indoor balance boards and related equipment. Almost nothing on /xs/ can't be improved by working your balance. Start with fixed bottom, low to the ground stuff so you don't slip and wind up in another cast.

Anonymous No. 203399

Power walking

Anonymous No. 203704

This is a good idea, especially the recommendation of starting with a fixed bottom. The only thing worse than wearing one cast all summer would be two.

Anonymous No. 203764

exercise the other wrist
there is some evidence that may reduce or prevent muscle atrophy that is inevitable when wearing a cast

Anonymous No. 203765

Cardio in the bike and use machines to train your legs I guess.

Anonymous No. 203768

Wait, exercising the wrist that isn’t in the cast will reduce atrophy in the one that is?

Anonymous No. 203770

Contralateral training effect. It's nowhere close to understood, but there's a pretty big amount of evidence to suggest it's probably worth trying. Especially if you ain't got shit else to do.

Anonymous No. 203787

I certainly don’t. I’ve been in a brace/splint for almost 2 months now and i have at least another 3 ahead of me. The very definition of “ain’t got shit else to do.”

Anonymous No. 203821

You can put it up your ass. It will heal faster I think

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Anonymous No. 203823

go hiking.

And the smelly cast is mainly caused by bacteria, so try to kill them, use hand sanitizer or high % alcohol.

Anonymous No. 203824

You've come to the right website. Many of us are lifelong experts at sitting inside on our computers all summer, and we can recommend a range of exciting activities such as:
>Watching every single episode of a popular and long-running anime, like One Piece or Pretty Cure
>Doing horrid things to figurines in jars
>Interfering with the American elections by trolling people on both sides
>Arguing in bad faith about topics you have no sincere interest in
>Cyberbullying and harassment
>Amassing a large collection of porn for your niche fetish

Anonymous No. 203919

I think that since I’m getting surgery, stuff like hand sanitizer is supposed to be avoided. Nothing wet is supposed to get under the cast which is especially unfortunate since I live in Florida. Does anyone have any advice for adapting to other parts of life with only one hand? Like when I get surgery my whole hand is gonna be useless for at least a month, likely longer.

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Anonymous No. 203942

you'll manage and adapt fast. Like some anon said - build your intellect. Read books, learn stuff etc.

And go hiking and quit whining.

Anonymous No. 204178

Leg day every other day, cardio and use the other arm as much as you can.
ALSO perfect excuse to stop fapping.

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Anonymous No. 209326

Anon, how has your summer in a cast been? And do you have any tips? I just got put in this cast for at least the next 8 weeks?