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๐Ÿงต japanese death match pro-wrestling as real sport?

Anonymous No. 203582

I know pro-wrestling is acting\scripted, but is it true that vintage japanese version had no clear script, such a bunch of rules and agreements to stick with (properly) pro-wrestling holds and moves? I'm pretty sure the early wrestlers had to learn judo, boxing, etc
it says p.w. somehow led the way to shooto and pancrase which is pre-mma? What about Death Match, where they get so many real injuries, scars, sometimes very serious wounds- is it a real extreme sport, with high risk and frequent hazards-?

Anonymous No. 203585

Kicking pads and do basic ground fighting put them above american karate even if the matches were acted, they probably were in better shape also

Anonymous No. 203605

A lot of classic pro wrestling moves come from catch and other legit wrestling arts. They just do them wrong on purpose to avoid injury.

Pro wrestling basically morphed out of shoot wrestling because the top guys at the time were so fucking good either no one could beat them or the matches lasted hours. They started faking it to make it more exciting for normies but old wrestlers could shoot fight and were generally huge as fuck and strong anyways. A guy could "go into business" for himself and start no selling his opponent and actually trying to hurt him etc.