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Anonymous No. 204614

Redpill me on Sanda. Is it modern Kung Fu or are the Chinese just stealing techniques and training methods from other martial arts and pretending it was theirs?

Anonymous No. 204615

Sort of both. A lot of it has its origins in choy le fut for striking and shaui jiao for the takedowns, but you’d have to be retarded to think modern kickboxing styles like Muay Thai aren’t a factor in its development. Hell, the big haymaker style punches that are staple of choy le fut aren’t even used despite it supposedly being a foundational art for modern sanda striking.

Anonymous No. 204617

Hmm I guess that makes sense. Basically every modern martial art takes its punches from Western boxing.

Anonymous No. 204618

My nigga muay thai is many centuries old and Siam always got along with China, being to the south you know them niggas cross pollinated with Kung fu

That's why it's so weird, people talk about muay thai like it's not just karate from a different country
They all came from the same place

Anonymous No. 204623

das rite muay thai come from china

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Anonymous No. 204635

>In this interview translation and analysis, we have one of the first Sanda fighters and the first Sanda National Team head coach talk about the founding of Sanda and some of its intricacies and initial challenges. This interview is mindblowing because it sheds some light on the influences of Sanda and how much kungfu influence there actually is in Sanda. We have one of the first Sanda fighters talking so candidly. The guy's name according to the video is Qian Ren Biao.
This video is interesting.

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Anonymous No. 204636


Anonymous No. 204692

>we wuz thais n sheet

Anonymous No. 204708

TLDR: Boxings for hands, Asian martial arts for kicks, takedowns from Shuai jiao

I really wish Sanda allowed elbows so we can more Bajiquan influence.

Anonymous No. 204746

>choy li fut
you post this horseshit every time Sanda gets mentioned. It will never be true.
It's funny how he says "even muay thai" like Sanda wasn't created directly as a response to MT and uses it as a base.
Bajiquan is a fucking meme. I wish all you kungfu shitters would rope yourself already

Anonymous No. 204860

Muay Thai was created from boxing and the few useful parts of Muay Boran.

Anonymous No. 206972

Bajiquan is not a meme

Anonymous No. 207000

Kickboxing for C-listers who aren't good enough for K-1 or MT rules.

Anonymous No. 207314

Lol. Lmao even