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Anonymous No. 205102

Has anyone started swimming competitively as an adult? I never pursued it as a kid despite enjoying it but have felt like beginning to train and taking it seriously. Obviously competing against others who've been doing it their entire lives leaves you at a disadvantage. Just wondering what other people's experiences are.

Anonymous No. 206122

I used to swim on a team middle school through high school.
I got back into swimming simply to burn calories and get in shape 4 years ago.
I lost 30lbs using a diet app and have gotten my distance up to two miles, or 3520 yards.
For a few years now I've gone to the pool 2-3 times a week and swam two miles each time.
In high school we swam 4-5 miles five times a week.
I would highly recommend taking up swimming.
When I started swimming again I would get out of breath doing just 50 yards ( 1 lap ).
Now I can swim a whole mile without stopping, I timed myself a year ago and did a mile in 24 minutes, I don't want to compete and I don't know fi that's any good.
I listen to music in the pool with a waterproof mp3 player, it helps keep me motivated.
I also use one of those centered snorkels, breathing in through the snorkel and out through my nose.
Since I'm only doing it for exercise, I don't care about breathing technique. The breathing tube take a little getting used to but it's worth it.
I treat my swimming like a workout routine, so I swim most of my stuff like isolated muscle groups.
I swim pull mostly. (Front stroke arms with a pull Bouey between my legs and no kicking).
Then I switch to kicking with a kickboard and flippers because I hate moving slow and I think flippers let me exert more force on the water so I get more resistance training.
I also have paddles I use for my pull if I feel like I'm not getting much out of my work out some times.